The 30 Greatest WWE Villains of All Time
The 30 Greatest WWE Villains of All Time
The Wrestling Classic shares his list of the best antagonists to grace the ring.
Originally Written for ONE37PM in September 2021
Hey everyone! It’s “The Wrestling Classic” Justin here with another article for ONE37PM. This time around, I will be listing 30 of the greatest villains in WWE history. This isn’t ranking them in order, but just listing 30 of the most evil and malicious bad guys in professional wrestling. There are a handful of people on this list that have been good guys too, but I preferred them as bad guys or they excelled in their villainous exploits. There are people on this list who—when they were good guys—you almost felt like they weren’t being true to themselves. A great villain is someone who is more entertaining when they are devious and dastardly, rather than when they are trying to play by the rules. A true villain is someone you want to see break the rules, stir up some trouble and maybe actually get one up on the fan favorite.
There are also people who were such good bad guys that they became beloved by the fans such as Stone Cold, The Rock and Becky Lynch, who won’t make this list because they ended up being better good guys than bad guys. I also won’t be ranking tag teams or factions on this list either. Lastly, my expertise on wrestling really starts from 1984 forward, so if you’re wondering where “Superstar” Billy Graham or Iron Sheik is on this list, they’re not on it because I can’t really describe their bad guy runs as well. These are the greatest heels in my opinion in the WWE, so take it for what it’s worth.
Without further ado, the 30 greatest WWE villains, in no particular order:
Andre the Giant
Shawn Michaels
Chris Jericho
Ric Flair
Sasha Banks
CM Punk
Sgt. Slaughter
Bret “The Hitman” Hart
Randy Orton
Seth Rollins
Charlotte Flair
“Ravishing” Rick Rude
“Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase
Owen Hart
“Macho Man” Randy Savage
Eric Bischoff
Triple H
Paul Heyman
Stephanie McMahon
“Rowdy” Roddy Piper
The Miz
Bobby “The Brain” Heenan
Mr. Vince McMahon
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