CZW “Awakening” Review 1/14/17
By Terrence Sutton on March 26, 2017
Let me begin by saying that although I attend 95% of CZW events, being in attendance and watching the show on television are two completely different perspectives. They have been firing on all cylinders this year, though….
Card Subject To Change
By Terrence Sutton on March 22, 2017
With the introduction out of the way, I should probably give you an idea of what exactly you can expect from me. That makes things easier for both of us. A majority of what I decide to write…
Breaking kayfabe?
By Terrence Sutton on April 12, 2016
Let’s call this an introduction of sorts, shall we? By now, there’s a considerable amount of you who know who I am, not by my actual name, but the alias that has become my identity…