EJ Nduka On MLW, NXT, Transitioning To Wrestling After Football, Triple H, Social Media – Casual Conversations

In the newest “Casual Conversations with The Classic ” episode, Justin is joined by MLW’s EJ Nduka as they discuss his earliest memories of wrestling, his time playing football, his decision to pursue wrestling, signing to WWE, working with Triple H, his time at the PC, being released, not giving up on his dream, signing with MLW, becoming one half of the MLW Tag Champions, his goals for the future and much much more. Enjoy!

Social Handles
EJ Nduka – @ej_ (IG) & @ejthejudge (Twitter)
Justin Dhillon – @thewrestlingclassic (IG) & @twcworldwide (Twitter)

This show is available on iTunes, Spotify and Google Play when you search “TWC Show”
iTunes – https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/twc-show/id1474551466
Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/show/5DXU6kqwuKJPYwhnQPvQQE
