PROGRESS Chapter 46: I Like To Chill Out Here And Shoot Some Dinosaurs 3/26/2017 Review

PROGRESS Chapter 46: I Like To Chill Out Here And Shoot Some Dinosaurs 3/26/2017 Review
This was the latest Chapter show produced by PROGRESS. If you haven’t seen the last show or read my previous review, the stories carry over. This show was the last before WrestleMania weekend where we saw PROGRESS head over sees to Orlando. A fun little fact is that this show is named after a line Mark Haskins son Jack said in the “This is PROGRESS” short doc where he said the follow “I like to chill out here and shoot some dinosaurs.” Lets get into it, shall we?
Origin vs Origin Banter Squad Edition:
Kicking off the action for the show we had the Origin finally butt-heads in competition. The teams was once an united stable consisting of Zack Gibson, Dave Mastiff, Nathan Cruz and El Ligero. However in the absence of Gibson & Cruz, Ligero & Mastiff turned face and become the “Banter Squad Edition” of Origin. Last show Cruz distracted Ligero during his match with Gibson and it finally came full circle. Cruz came out again with Ligero’s mask in hand and the crowd went CRAZY for the Banter Squad. Cruz gave Ligero back his mask and Ligero teased a heel turn as he gave Mastiff the thumbs down and got behind Cruz & Gibson only to low blow them. The match started, both members of Origin being put into a Tree of Woe. However the ref was used by the Banter Squad as a lawn dawn into Gibson & Cruz. Even as they fought the bell never rang until a fan yelled to ring the bell. The Banter Squad looked for a move with Ligero down as a steeping stool, maybe a Poetry in Motion? However Ligero was too far and Mastiff was directing him only for Cruz to step off Ligero and get caught with a slam. They attempted this again however Mastiff stepped on Ligero and Ligero fell, looking up in shock and disbelief. Gibson came in and got Mastiff in a headlock. Ligero took a lot of punishment before Mastiff cleared house and hit a suicide dive at one point. After some back and forth the Origin got the win after a tag team maneuver. Cruz reclaimed Ligero’s mask on the way out. Is the problem solved between the two? Well it really was left over. Who knows? However this match wasn’t the best of matches to open the show, it felt more like a comedy match then anything which gave me a sour taste of sorts.
Rating ** 1/2
Natural Progression Series IV Semi Final Match- Toni Storm vs Dahlia Black:
Coming out with Dahlia was TK Cooper. Lately the crowd has been giving them a well reception after TK & Travis turned face in a way and gained the crowds respect. However some boos can be heard during their entrance. During Toni Storms entrance the crowd felt dead so soon however I couldn’t help but notice TK and Dahlia in the corner slow dancing and kissing while Toni made her way to the ring. Dahlia went out the gate on Toni however they went back and forth. Dahlia hit a nice sequence of a spin kick in the corner followed by double knees and a senton to Toni. The crowd was fully behind Toni as she completely killed Dahlia in this match. Toni was looking for a pile driver however TK got in and got hit by Toni. Dahlia looked for maybe an Overdrive (Also known as MVP’s Playmaker finisher). However Toni was able to reverse it and hit a vicious pile driver to get the win and advance to the triple threat finals against Jinny and either Laura Di Matteo or Alex Windsor. After the match however the crowd gave Dahlia and ovation as TK Cooper helped her to the back. Solid match, didn’t do much for me but it was just solid. Nothing good but nothing bad, showed both women’s ability and that was all.
Rating: **
Travis Banks vs Jack Sexsmith:
The other half of the South Pacific Power Trip came out following Dahlias loss for his match. TK made his way out with Travis, not letting his tag partner go in alone. As Sexsmith came out a the fans sang along to his theme. Before the bell rang, Travis sent TK off to the back so he can do this on his own. It was mostly Banks the in the start before Sexsmith was able to get some offense in on Banks. A hand was offered by Jack but Travis slapped it away before just beating down on Sexsmith, hammer fisting the back of his head before getting him in the corner and chopping Jack. Banks was just brutal with his chops, the sound echoing through the venue. After going outside Banks hit a suicide dive that killed Sexsmith, sending him launching. The crowd rallied behind Sexsmith and was able to reverse Banks tornado DDT by landing on his feet and hitting a big boot. He didn’t back down as Banks forearmed at him, yelling for more before popping up and hitting a clothesline followed by an atomic drop, elbow and a clean neck breaker. Jack took a German Suplex before landing on his feet and started to light up Banks with chops. Banks went for another suicide dive but Sexsmith was able to catch Travis in a T-Bone suplex. After some abuse, Sexsmith kicked out of the fishermens buster which had Banks angry and shocked. Sexsmith was able to get the Cocko-Cockface locked in but Banks reversed it into a Blue Thunder Bomb to which he kicked out at one. This entire match has been marvelous with Sexsmith just not willing to go down. However Banks finally got him down due to a jumping kick off the middle ropes. After the match, the South Pacific Power Trip shook hands and helped up Jack Sexsmith, showing respect after the great match they had.
Rating: *** 1/2
Mark Haskins vs Axel Dieter Jr:
When Haskins turn to come out, the Jurassic Park music begin playing as a crew member came out in a dinosaur costume alongside Haskins and his son who had a nerf disk gun. They shot the dinosaur a few times and Marks music played as he made his way down with his son. The two had a little bit of fun together in the ring as Mark did his usual entrance with his son before the fans started chanting his sons name. After introductions, Haskins’ wife came to take Jack followed by Mark and his wife kissing. The crowd began singing “He shot a dinosaur” which I found really amusing before the bell rang. Axel had the advantage in the start, getting Mark into the corner before locking up again now with the roles reversed. This match was more of technical bout than anything which I didn’t mind. It showcased the abilities of both men perfectly. Both dudes had solid chemistry together, with the crowd behind Haskins the entire match. The two men exchanged chops at one point, neither man exactly going soft on the other. They had a neat little spot where Haskins looked for a dive but Dieter moved away resulting in Haskins doing a 619 of sorts before suicide diving out the other site of the ring. At one point Haskins caught Dieter mid arm in an arm bar before transitioning into a crossface before transitioning into another submission move. Dieter reversed a sharpshooter into a painful submission, hooking Haskins arms back with his legs and proceeded to kick his head. I expected Haskins to kick out but he was able to make it to the ropes before Dieter attempted to lock it in again only to reversed into a bridging armbar which was countered into a roll-up. After some move back and forth, Haskins locked in the Sharpshooter from a roll-up to get the win. Afterwards as Haskins made his way to the back, Dieter came back out and the two shook hands before Dieter raised Haskins hand on the stage.
Rating: *** 1/4
Loser Leaves Fans Bring Weapons Match- Jimmy Havoc vs Will Ospreay:
Before I started this, brace yourselves, I got a lot to write here. Booked after last show when Ospreay said it had to end between the two after he cost Havoc the PROGRESS title, a Fans Bring Weapons match was booked. AFI’s Prelude 12/21 started, something we haven’t heard in a longtime which was a signal that Havoc would be murdering someone. Men in suits with towels over their heads came out during the song’s short duration only for a different song to kick in with Ospreay coming out in a white suit and pistol, kicking each man down before shooting a blank into them, living up the “Assassin” portion of the “Aerial Assassin” nickname. Finally Jimmy Havoc had his music hit and he rushed to the ring. Ospreay walked off into the crowd which were singing Havoc’s theme song after the music turned off. Havoc went for a rainmaker in the beginning but Ospreay ducked, going for a springboard diamond cutter only for Ospreay to be thrown out and have Havoc dive into him. Havoc hit Ospreay with a potted plant before throwing a vinyl at him, pulling out a pinata and getting a cowbell. Ospreay got in control and took out a metal cooking tray before smashing Havoc over the head. Havoc somehow got a donut and smashed it in Ospreays face before getting Al Snows “head” and a fake leg to which he used on Ospreay for a low blow. The barbed wire bat was taken out as well as a six-pack of beer by Jimmy. The old PROGRESS title staff made a cameo as Havoc used it to hit Ospreay with and DDT him on. Another beer was opened and drank by Havoc before Ospreay hit the stunner Havoc. Ospreay no sold being hit with the barbed wire bat only to hit Havoc and take off his top to be wearing a bullet proof vest. The cowbell returned as Will drove Havoc head first into the pole with the cowbell. A PlayStation was put in the ring randomly while Ospreay got another tray that he cracked Havoc over the head with twice. A Grandfather clock was pulled out to which the crowd popped for as well as a box of Legos. Havoc got a guitar to which he smashed over Ospreays head. It appears it wasn’t gimmicked like a Jeff Jarrett guitar as it didn’t explode and had Ospreay bleeding. A cheese grater was introduced to which Havoc used before biting Ospreays open cut. The PROGRESS pinata was introduced again as well as a bag of thumbtacks and legos. Paul Robinson ran in and low blowed Havoc followed by a curb stomp. Havoc started bleeding before taking another curb stomp by Robinson. The pinata was opened to reveal thumbtacks only for Robinson to spill the Legos out, making the ring a mess. Will Ospreay took a thumbtack and pushed it into a streamer on Havoc’s bicep. They picked up Havoc as Ospreay went for an Os-Cutter only to be reversed into a double Rain-Maker followed by a Death Valley Driver and Canadian Destoryer. The vinyl record returned as Havoc used it to cut between Ospreays fingers much like at Chapter 45 to Dunne with the 8×10 followed by in Ospreays mouth and a credit card placed between Ospreays lips to be curbstomped in the corner. A lime was squeezed on Ospreay by Havoc to which he started rolling around due to the burning sensation. Will hit the Cheeky Nados as he positioned the table and climbed up to the top turnbuckle with Jimmy. Havoc hit an Essex Destroyer off the top rope through the table and only got a two count. Ospreay got the mic as he coughed, saying it has to end much like last show. He cut a promo on the crowd before saying either man has to leave and challenged Havoc to it being a “Loser Leaves Match” to which Havoc accepted and the two started slugging it out. Boldly, Ospreay pulled out a barbed wire board and sandwiched Havoc with it as he climbed up. Havoc countered and threw the board at Ospreay before hitting a code breaker to young William. Will did it in return as Havoc climbed up, setting up the barbed wire board on two chairs. The vest was ripped off by Havoc as he pushed Will into the board, hitting a double foot stomp after. Robinson broke up the pin but he took a rainmaker. Ospreay hit his Essex Destroyer and climbed up to hit the 630 senton, the move that ended Havoc’s title reign. HOWEVER, he somehow kicked out as the fans chanted “You cant beat him.” Ospreay got the barbed wire and started choking Havoc before Havoc pushed it into his face and hit a barbed wire rainmaker. Havoc hit a curbstomp to Ospreay who was biting the bottom ropes with barbed wire before hitting another barbed wire rainmaker, then a second, and a third while Havoc screamed “Fuck You!” to get the win, ending Ospreays career in PROGRESS. What a match, my match of the night! As Robinson helped Ospreay to the back and Havoc celebrated, the fans sang Jimmy Havoc’s theme while it sunk in to Ospreay that he’s gone.
Rating: **** 1/2
PROGRESS Tag Team Championship- Moustache Mountain (c) vs The Hunter Brothers:
When Bate & Seven came out they threw down the shields as usually before Tyler went and got his WWE UK Championship followed by Trent bringing out the new PROGRESS Tag Titles. Solid looking belts, prefer the shields but I will get used to them over time. Before the bell rang, Trent & Tyler attacked one Hunter brother before doing the same to the other. Trent and Tyler looked for stereo Pedigrees only to take a back body drop outside followed by stereo suicide dives. Tyler took a nice neck breaker/knees combo by the brothers as they kept doing quick tags before Jim Hunter hit a nice rolling senton. Lee hit a springboard splash on Tyler before Trent found a way back in with a tag, changing the dynamic of the match. The two isolated Lee Hunter, working on him for a while. Trent & Tyler did a “tag” by touching boots which I found humor in. Tyler right hooked Jim before doing DX chops, Trent forearm clubbing Jim in the corner. Lee attempted to tag in Jim but was caught by Trent before pulling him back to tag in Tyler. Lee slapped Tyler and rolled him up only to get caught again on his tag attempt. Lee finally managed to tag out and get Jim in who started clearing out Trent and Tyler. Jim hit a super-kick followed by a straight jack back cracker. Bate had a Hunter on his shoulders before swinging the other and throwing the one on his shoulders up and hitting an uppercut. Jim and Tyler traded shots as Trent and Lee laid outside. Lee got back in and accidentally super kicked Jim. Trent accidentally back handed Tyler, Jim accidentally drop kicked Jim and Tyler accidentally right hooked Trent, only for all men to go for super-kicks followed by right hands. Moustache Mountain got back in control, going for the duel stereo pedigrees only for the Hunters to reverse and hit their own! The ref didn’t let the Hunters do the DX suck it only to join in. Trent hit a backhand to one of the Hunters followed by a dragon suplex, a springboard DDT to Trent for a hunter, Tyler to hit a dead lift suplex and then a best moonsault ever by the other Hunter to Tyler. The Hunters looked for their finisher but Lee was shoved down and Trent backhanded Jim only to hit a piledriver followed by a Tyler Drive to retain.
Rating: ** 1/2
PROGRESS ATLAS Championship- Matt Riddle (c) vs WALTER:
For those unfamiliar with the ATLAS championship, its a belt where only men over 205 pounds can compete for it. The current holder, Matt Riddle is a former UFC Ultimate Fighter winner who for some reason is over everywhere he goes (shrugs). The crowd was obviously behind Riddle before the match even began. This is Riddles first title defense on a PROGRESS chapter show due to him defending it around the globe at promotions like Glory, Tier One, CZW and more. WALTER and Riddle exchanged chops before Riddle took a brutal big boot. Riddle used a series of kicks and forearms on WALTER in the corner before a leaping clothesline and a T-Bone suplex followed by a senton. WALTER and Riddle exchanged kicks and chops before WALTER started targeting Riddles leg considering he wrestles barefoot. Riddle took yet another vicious chop before Riddle rolled away and hit a kick. He clutched his leg and WALTER started working on that leg yet again. Riddle kicked with his bad leg which he clutched before starting to exchange chops with WALTER who ducked under and locked in a sleeperhold before going for two Germans to which Riddle landed on his feet and hit a Fishermens Buster to which WALTER kicked out. Riddle started forearming and kicking Riddle, pretty much no selling his leg that was being worked on earlier. Riddle climbed up to the top but WALTER hit a top rope butterfly suplex that sent Riddle across the ring and he kicked out! The two exchanged chops again before WALTER kicked out Riddles leg making him fall. Riddle started clutching his leg before going on a chop spree followed by forearms and an uppercut only for WALTER to catch him with a boot. Riddle hit the “Bro to Sleep” followed by a German suplex however WALTER kicked out. WALTER locked in a heel hook to float it over into an Ankle Lock. WALTER stomped on Riddles back before hitting a dead lift German followed by a lariat. Riddle kicked out, getting a reaction from the crowd. WALTER looked for a power bomb but Riddle locked in a guillotine choke before WALTER got him in the corner and getting the sleeper hold in. Riddle pushed through and was able to break it up and got WALTER in a triangle choke. Big WALTER was able to powerbomb Riddle to break the hold. Another chop off happened between Riddle and WALTER with neither man going soft. WALTER hit a power bomb AGAIN but Riddle kicked out. The crowd rallied before Bro as he locked in the Bro-Mission to make WALTER tap and retain the belt. Afterwards they shook hands and hugged, getting a standing ovation from the crowd.
Rating: *** 1/4
PROGRESS World Championship- Pete Dunne (c) vs Mark Andrews:
Before the match, a promo package was played highlighting the matches through the years across the globe between Mark and Pete. Introductions happened and Pete tossed the belt to the floor. The belt was raised by the ref. After a hand shake, Mark bit Petes hand a hit a hurricarana followed by a dive and hurricarana outside. Pete took a grab at Mark’s nose before Pete took a bump on the apron followed by a double footstomp to the back in the ring. Mark looked over what I guessed was a gringo-killer but Pete reversed it into a suplex/powerbomb combo. Pete began working over Marks fingers and arm before Mark got in some comeback before getting dropped with a forearm. Mark was getting hit around before going back and forth, sending Pete into a corner. Pete got rolled up off a springboard, however he was foot-stomped by Mark. Mark hit a suplex followed by a standing reverse 450. Mark jumped over the ropes and looked for a backflip only to be grabbed and hit a DDT. Mark and Pete got back in and Mark did a crucifix roll up on Pete Dunne. Mark started hitting forearms while Pete no sold them only to hit a forearm and send Mark into the corner. Pete flipped over Mark in the corner, hit a German to which he got back to his feet, Mark hit a frankinsteiner to which Pete landed on his feet only to hit his own frankinsteiner on Mark. The two attempted suplexing each other before Mark was able to. He climbed up to the top but Pete stopped him with an ezugiri. Pete climbed up to the top and hit another frankinsteiner on Pete off the middle rope. Both men traded forearms as they got their feet, Pete taking over with a series of forearms. Mark stopped him in his tracks with a superkick but Pete recovered, looking for a suplex but Mark reversed it into a DDT. The ref got bumped down and Mark got the upperhand. Trent Seven ran out and hit a Dragon Suplex followed by a spin out piledriver. A new ref ran down and Mark kicked out. Pete looked for a piledriver but Mark reversed it. He climbed up and hit the shooting star and as the ref counted, Bate caught the refs hand and stopped the count. Mark jumped on Bate and dove out onto both Tyler and Trent. Mark hit two gringo-killers/Vertebreaker to get the win! However the first ref and the second ref started to argue during Mark’s celebration. Jim had to cut the music, restarting the match due the the ref arguing. Pete attacked Mark and laid out a ref before the other ref ejected Trent and Tyler, hitting them both with a DX “Suck It.” Mark almost won off a roll up however he was caught with a forearm off a middle rope springboard followed by a Bitter End to which he kicked out of. Mark hit a Stun-Dog off a X-Plex followed by a shooting star which he kicked out of. Mark looked to hit a Bitter End of his own but was reversed! Mark got the upper-hand again and looked for his Shooting Star but was caught mid-rotation with a forearm! Pete hit the Bitter End to retain his belt. After it all was said and done, Mark walked to the back to a standing ovation.
Rating: ****
Final Thoughts:
Another good PROGRESS show produced. The show was good from start to bottom, but it felt like it dragged during the second half of the show a tad bit (The three title matches). However the main event delivered as usual since the two have had good matches across the globe. It was a nice send off for Mark Andrews who is WWE bound (as well as Pete Dunne) and did a good job with the “Who can beat British Strong Style?” story they have been doing for a while now. Can’t wait for the next show and to see what PROGRESS does next.