Raw Review 04/16/2018

RAW REVIEW 04/16/2018
Tonight is one of the more anticipated Raw’s of the year as it is night 1 of The Superstar Shake-Up! Who will be leaving Raw to go to SmackDown and which SmackDown Superstars will be coming to make an impact on Monday Nights? Also set for tonight the final match in the Tag Team Eliminator to determine who will face Cesaro and Sheamus at The Greatest Royal Rumble for the vacant Raw Tag Team Championships. Will it be the team of Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy or The Revival? Plus after putting Stephanie McMahon in an armbar again last Monday, what repercussions will she face? Samoa Joe returned last week and vowed to get his hands on Roman Reigns, will it be Jor or Reigns to make the first move? Finally, Bobby Lashley says he has unfinished business in the WWE but what exactly will that come to mean?
Raw is live tonight from the XL Center in Hartford, Connecticut
Raw kicks off with us being welcomed to the show by Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and The Coach.
In Ring Segment: Kurt Angle
Kurt welcomes everyone to Raw and to The Superstar Shake-Up. E says we are going to see a lot of surprises tonight. Angle is then interrupted by Sunil Singh and we are told Jinder Mahal has been picked by Raw!
Mahal tells Angle that he’s made the greatest decision as the Raw General Manager. He tells Angle he has secured Raw’s position as the A Show. Angle formally welcomes Mahal to Monday Night Raw. Mahal says Angle knew his expectations for coming to Raw. He tells Kurt this is his kingdom and he expects the same treatment as Brock Lesnar. Mahal says he demands it. Angle tells him to email him his list. Angle tells them that here on Raw we settle it in the ring. Mahal says he knows he’s better than everyone on Raw. Angle asks who wants to prove Mahal wrong and says he’ll defend the United States Championship right now. Outcomes Jeff Hardy!
My Opinion:
Awesome way to kick off the night, I’m super excited to have Jinder on Raw and I can’t wait to see what they do with him. I think it’s a great way to start him off on Raw by letting him prove himself right away. Mahal is a game changer for Raw if they use him right and he brings the United States Championship which is an added bonus. Of course, this probably means we lose Rollins but at the same time, Mahal has the ability to make his own impact.
Match 1: Jinder Mahal (c) vs Jeff Hardy:
United States Championship Match
Mahal starts with a big kick to Hardy. Mahal stomps on Hardy and has to be backed from the corner. Hardy is able to bounce Mahal off the turnbuckle and sends him into the other corner. Hardy hits Mahal and is able to work him to the mat. Mahal comes back with an elbow to the neck and hits Hardy with a straight right. Hardy is able to land a dropkick and it drives Mahal out of the ring. Hardy then knocks him down on the outside. Hardy flies from the apron to take out Mahal as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Mahal works the shoulder of Hardy. Hardy works to his feet but Mahal brings him back to the mat. Hardy gets back to his feet and breaks the hold by dropping Mahal. Mahal stops his momentum and drives his knee into Hardy. Mahal connects with a huge right hand dropping Hardy on the apron. Hardy hits Mahal with a shoulder to the gut and goes to the top. Mahal knocks him down and meets him up there. Mahal looks for a suplex but Hardy drops him to the mat and then flies to take down Mahal with a whisper in the wind. Hardy is able to take down Sunil and follows with a clothesline to Mahal. Hardy hits the inverted atomic drop and hits a dropkick but it’s not enough to keep Mahal down. Hardy looks for the Twist of Fate but Mahal counters. Hardy kicks him but Mahal is able to come back with a huge knee. Hardy is able to kick out of the cover. Mahal is countered by Hardy and is rolled up but is able to kick out. Mahal hits a huge kick but again Hardy kicks out. Mahal hits huge knees to the gut on Hardy but Hardy comes back with the Twist of Fate. Hardy goes to the top and hits the Swanton Bomb. Hardy goes for the cover 1 2 3! Hardy is United States Champion!
Winner: Jeff Hardy: New United States Champion
My Opinion:
Wow, what a match to start the night! This is how you start the night and shake things up! Mahal is a great champion and proved himself tonight with a great match against Hardy. I think they could have a great rivalry and I would love to see them face again. Finally Hardy has a title again and I hope the success continues for him. We will see how long it lasts but for now Jeff Hardy is finally United States Champion for the first time ever!
Backstage Segment:
Renee tells Jinder this wasn’t the start he was looking for. He says he wasn’t ready tonight and it was unfair. He tells that he is cashing in his rematch at The Greatest Royal Rumble and will bring prestige to The United States Championship. No Way Jose tells him to put a smile on his face. He then brings Renee to the fiesta.
Match 2: Bayley vs Sasha Banks
Sasha throws Bayley into the corner. Bayley tries to fight back but Sasha hits her with a big knee. Sasha lands a hard slap but Bayley comes back by countering and throwing Sasha to the mat. Bayley knocks Sasha out of the ring and flies throw the ropes to hit a hurricanrana on the floor as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Sasha is in control of Bayley. Sasha stretches Bayley’s arms and drives her knee into the back of Bayley. Bayley backs her into the corner and flips Sasha. Bayley throws her to the ropes but Sasha hangs on and catches her with a back elbow. Bayley is able to hang Sasha up on the ropes. She hits an elbow to the jaw of Sasha and is able to hit a neck breaker. Bayley goes for the cover but Sasha is able to kick out. Sasha lands a big kick and throws Bayley out of the ring. Sasha lands a big high knee and then drops Bayley to the floor. Sasha brings her back into the ring and hits the flies from the top rope. Sasha goes for the cover but Bayley kicks out. Sasha slaps Bayley and then the two exchange slaps. They then exchange punches. Sasha backs her into the corner and hits double knees. Sasha tries for a cover but Bayley counters but Sasha kicks out. Sasha is able to lock in the Bank’s Statement but the match is stopped after The Riott Squad comes out and attacks them!
***After the match The Riott Squad takes out both Bayley and Sasha.
Winner: Sasha Banks
My Opinion:
This was an awesome match between these two. They know each other so well and it showed tonight. I loved the way they were so hard-hitting and continued to counter each other throughout the match. They definitely took some hard bumps and either one could have won that. I love the addition of The Riott Squad, I think this a great way for them to make an impact and hopefully they continue their momentum here on Raw! I think The Riott Squad has a lot to offer ad they’re a great addition to the roster on Monday Nights!
Match 3: Heath Slater & Rhyno vs Authors of Pain (Akam & Rezar)
***Slater and Rhyno attack AOP before the match begins.
As the bell rings Slater starts with Akam. Slater hammers on him and asks him in the corner. Rhyno gets the tag and hits a big shot on Akam in the corner. Skater gets the tag and brings Akam to one knee. Akam is able to hang up Slater on the ropes and Rezar gets the tag. Rezar hammers on Slater and tags in Akam. They double team Slater and Akam goes for the cover but Slater kicks out. Rezar gets the tag and stomps on the leg of Slater. Rhyno gets the tag and hammers on Rezar. He hits a big shoulder tackle and buries his shoulder into his gut. Rhyno hits a belly to belly but the pin is broken up by Akam. AOP takes out Slater and then Rezar hits a huge clothesline on Rhyno. Akam gets the tag and the hit The Last Chapter and get the 1 2 3.
Winners: Authors of Pain (Akam & Rezar)
My Opinion:
Another impressive match for AOP. Slater and Rhyno took it to them but AOP was incredible and never lost focus. They were able to make quick work of that match and to me, they’re making a huge impact. I can see them as title contenders very soon and I think they’re ready to lead the division. Now that it’s just them they definitely have to step up their game but even without a manager, I think they’ll be just fine. I can’t wait to see them face a team like Cesaro & Sheamus because that will be some hard-hitting action.
In Ring Segment: Miz TV
Miz welcomes everyone and says his guest tonight represents a seismic shift for Monday Night Raw. he then introduces Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens!
Miz says standing before you is the finest collection of talent, he says this is bigger than the NWO. He says you have WWE’s version of the Avengers right now. He tells that they don’t have to answer to Paige and together they are changing the landscape and the image of the WWE. he says they call the shots and they are putting the entire locker room on notice. Outcomes Angle.
Angle says Miz doesn’t have any control around here, he does. He says Kevin and Sami had their opportunity last week and they both lost. Owens tells him plans have changed, and Zayn reads Angle an email that tells Kurt that Sami and Kevin both proved they belonged on Raw and they can’t let them walk away so they are officially awarded contracts by Stephanie McMahon. Owens says so what you’re saying is Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are officially back on Raw and there is nothing Kurt Angle can do about it. Miz asks Kurt if his whole career as Raw GM flashing before his eyes. Kurt says what’s done is done and welcomes them to Raw. Angle then tells Miz that Daniel Bryan was admitted about getting Miz over there. Miz says he can’t do that. Angle says he can and he did. Miz says The Miztourage and him will make SmackDown Live the most must-see show. Angle tells him that The Miztourage isn’t going. He then says tonight they will be in a 10 man tag, where he and The Miztourage and Owens and Zayn will face Finn Balor, Seth Rollins, Bobby Lashley, Braun Strowman, and a superstar making their Raw debut.
My Opinion:
This was a fun segment, I like seeing Zayn and Owens back on Raw. Both have so much to offer and I really think it’ll be good to have them back. Miz going to SmackDown is a big loss but I know he’ll continue to kill it over there and now he might finally get his feud with Daniel Bryan which would be awesome. Also props to Angle for this huge match tonight, it’s going to be epic and I can’t wait to see who comes over to Raw!
Backstage Segment:
Hardy says I knew you’d come and Watt says it is wonderful. Hardy says we’re here!
Match 4: The Revival (Dash Wilder & Scott Dawson) vs Bray Wyatt & Matt Hardy:
Winner’s will face Sheamus and Cesaro for the vacant Raw Tag Team Championships at The Greatest Royal Rumble
Dawson starts with Hardy and Hardy is able to get around on Dawson. Dawson backs him to the corner and tags in Wilder. Hardy gets in control and bounces Wilder off the turnbuckles. Hardy then lands a hip toss and tags Wyatt. Wyatt lands a big boot but Wilder comes back. Wyatt is able to stop Wilder and tags Hardy, They double team Wilder and then take it to Dawson. Wilder backs Hardy into the corner and tags Dawson. They double team Hardy and Dawson takes it to him with huge right hands. Dawson works a chin lock on the mat but Hardy fights to his feet but Dawson brings him down. Dawson tries a pin but Hardy kicks out. Wilder gets the tag and they double team Hardy again. Dawson gets the tag and he throws Hardy into the corner. Hardy lands a boot to counter and lands the side effect. Wyatt and Wilder get the tags and Wyatt comes in hot with a huge clothesline. Wyatt lands a series of sumo strikes and then takes out Dawson. Wyatt hits a uranage on Wilder. Wyatt hits Sister Abigail. Hardy gets the tag and hits the Twist of Fate with the assist from Wyatt. Hardy goes for the cover and gets the 1 2 3.
Winners: Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt
They will now face Sheamus and Cesaro for the vacant Raw Tag Team Championships at The Greatest Royal Rumble
My Opinion:
I’m really happy that Hardy and Wyatt were able to win this. I think they create a unique challenge for The Bar and it’s gonna bring a very awesome match. I got to give it up for The Revival, they were doing so well as a team but Wyatt was the x-factor in this one. Hardy and Wyatt as a team have great chemistry and the way they work in the ring bring a challenge for any opponent. The Revival would have brought a tough match for The Bar in terms of hard-hitting action but Wyatt and Hardy bring the mind games that will be tough to handle.
Backstage Segment:
Sheamus and Cesaro say they have never seen a weirder tag team. They are then stopped by Breezango. Fandango says they’ve been transferred and tell them they’re writing them a few tickets right now. Sheamus and Cesaro say how dare you disrespect us.
Backstage Segment:
Rousey says everything she has been through has been so worth it. Angle tells her that Stephanie won’t go away quietly and you never know what she had planned. In comes Natalya. Ronda and Nataly exchange a hug and Angle says she wanted to be here and wanted to a match tonight. They welcome her to Raw and she thanks them.
Match 5: Ember Moon vs Mickie James
Mickie gets a side headlock but Ember gets control of her arm. Ember is able to bring her to the mat but Mickie reverses. Mickie lands a huge kick on Ember. Ember reverses a hip toss and lands a huge dropkick. Ember goes to the second rope but is pulled off by Mickie. Mickie goes for a cover but Ember kicks out. Mickie works a choke hold on Ember on the mat. Ember continues to try to fight out but Mickie won’t release the hold. Finally, Mickie lands a kick and drops Ember. Mickie again tries for the cover but Ember is able to kick out. Mickie drives her knee into the back and goes to a chin lock. Mickie again tries for a cover but Ember is out at two. Ember comes back with big knee strikes and lands a huge right hand. Ember lands a big boot and follows with a suplex. Ember then hits an elbow and goes to the top. Ember hits the Eclipse and gets the 1 2 3.
Winner: Ember Moon
My Opinion:
A huge victory for Ember Moon, last week was big as well but this week she got a singles victory over one of the best in Mickie James. Ember has one of the best finishers I’ve seen and I’m so proud of her from transitioning to the main roster so well. I definitely feel like she should be champion in the future and she has so much potential. I hope Ember continues to get her opportunities and I would love to see her in some longer matches where she can really show what she can do.
Backstage Segment:
Sami tells Kevin it’s always a rocky start but they have to focus on tonight. Sami says they need to get to Braun first but Kevin asks what about the mystery man. Miz asks them what Shane is like these days. Miz asks them how they think he’ll treat them. Sami says they need to focus on the match. Miz tells them they need to remember that this is his Raw finale and they need to make it must see.
In Ring Segment: Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler says he is back on Monday Night Raw. he says he steals the show, everyone, he goes and he is still the best superstar to ever walk that aisle. He says one thing has changed but is interrupted by Titus WorldWide. Titus welcomes him back and says a lot of things have changed like him creating Titus WorldWide. He says if he is looking to maximize his return then look no further than his team. He tells him they can take it to the next level and calls Ziggler a multi-platform superstar. He tells Ziggler they could go out and conquer the world. Ziggler says before he was interrupted he was going to say he didn’t come to Raw alone. In comes, Drew Mcintyre and he lays out Titus and Apollo. They unload on Titus WorldWide and they double team Apollo taking him out.
My Opinion:
Wow, this is awesome! So first we get Ziggler which regardless of what people say he is one of the best and is so good in the ring. On top of that, we get Drew Mcintyre and we have them as a team. They laid out Titus WorldWide and I feel like this only a start to such a huge road to success these two can have. They are both excellent in the ring and as a team, I think they could be unstoppable. Things are really shaking up for Raw and I couldn’t be more excited.
In Ring Segment: Roman Reigns
Reigns says once again he is here and Brock Lesnar isn’t and once again he is gonna face Brock Lesnar. He tells he is gonna leave Lesnar trapped in the cage and he is heading back to Monday Night Raw as the full-time Universal Champion. He is then interrupted by Samoa Joe.
Joe tells Reigns he is so quick to brag how he showed up for work but says he never brags about getting the job done because he hasn’t gotten done and never will. He tells Reigns that he fails to understand that he’s getting in there with a Beast who’s beaten him every time he’s stepped into the ring with him. He tells Reigns he’s too stupid to realize his place and he won’t learn until someone puts him down for good. He tells him that he’ll be waiting at BackLash to put him to sleep. Reigns tells Joe to come down here and see what his lazy fat ass can do. Joe heads to the ring but then turns around. Finally, Joe makes his way back down and tells him he’ll see him at BackLash on his time.
My Opinion:
I can’t wait to see Joe take on Reigns again. I think Joe made some good points tonight about Reigns. I do believe in Reigns and I think he has a good shot of beating Lesnar this time. Truthfully I would love to see Joe vs Reigns for the title at Backlash. I think Joe is one of the best today and I hope he stays in the main event picture. To me, Joe defines what a superstar is and he easily could lead Raw. It’ll be interesting to see how this continues to play out.
Match 6: Mandy Rose w/ Sonya Deville vs Natalya
Rose and Natalya lock up to start, they break and Rose slaps her. Natalya lands a big takedown and works Rose on the mat. Nataly lands a big kick and knocks Rose out of the ring. Rose takes advantage and tries to get the win on the pin but Natalya kicks out. Rose lands a huge suplex and goes for the cover again but she kicks out. Rose then gets an abdominal stretch locked in and wrenches on Natalya. Natalya is able to counter the knee and Natalya is able to lock in the sharpshooter. Rose taps out.
*** After the match Deville attacks Natalya and her and Rose double team her. Outcomes Ronda Rousey!!! Rousey gets in the ring and Rose and Deville retreat. Deville renters the ring and Rousey hits her with quick strikes. She takes down Deville and lays her out.
Winner: Natalya
My Opinion:
Rose was very impressive taking it to Natalya like that but Natalya is a veteran and it showed tonight. She was so quick to get the sharpshooter locked in and that’s all it took. Natalya is an awesome addition to Monday nights! Ronda looked awesome out there, she seems like she’s getting more comfortable every time she’s out there and tonight Deville was no match for her. Ronda is dominate and I don’t know who will stop her!
*** Baron Corbin is coming to Raw!!!
Match 7: The Bar (Sheamus & Cesaro) vs Breezango (Fandango & Tyler Breeze)
Cesaro lands a big kick to Fandango and takes him down with a huge clothesline. Fandango is able to land a huge knee and tags in Breeze. Cesaro is able to land a huge uppercut and tags Sheamus. Sheamus drills Breeze in the corner. Breeze hits Sheamus with right hands but he is then backed into the corner and doubled teamed as Cesaro gets the tag. Cesaro works a chin lock on the mat. Sheamus gets the tag and they double team Breeze again. Sheamus now works a chin lock of his own. Breeze creates separation but is taken down by a huge clothesline. Cesaro gets the tag and the double team Breeze. Cesaro goes for the cover but Breeze kicks out. Breeze rolls up Cesaro and gets the 1 2 3.
Winners: Breezango (Fandango & Tyler Breeze)
My Opinion:
I’m a little confused by the decision to have Breezango go over but hey they definitely made an impact in their debut. I feel like the fans like them and it doesn’t hurt Sheamus and Cesaro so it’s not big deal. I don’t see them taking the tag world by storm but hey they have a fresh start on Raw and maybe they will get into the mix of things…maybe.
Backstage Segment:
Renee asks Elias why he decided not to play. He tells her he doesn’t do small times anymore he only does the ones that matter. He then says a lot of things have changed since Lashley was last here and he doesn’t deserve to be in the same arena or ring as him. He says if he interrupts him again he’ll find out that WWE stands for Walk With Elias. He then offers a private concert for Renee. Renee stops him and brings it back to Cole.
Match 8: The Miz & The Miztourage (Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel) & Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens vs. Bobby Lashley & Finn Balor & Seth Rollins & Braun Strowman & Bobby Roode
Owens and Rollins start the match and Owens beats down Rollins. Rollins is able to counter him in the corner and send him face first into the turnbuckle. Rollins throws Owens out of the ring and slingshots himself to the outside to take out Owens as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Axel has Rollins on the mat. Rollins works to his feet and is able to land a dropkick. Rode gets the tag and lands a big suplex but it‘s not enough to put away Axel. Balor gets the tag and lands a big ax handle form the top. Balor lands a dropkick and goes for the cover but Axel kicks out. Owens gets the tag and tees off on Balor. Dallas now gets the tag and he stomps away on Balor. Miz gets the tag and he lands a big kick to Balor. Miz lands another big kick off the ropes but Balor kicks out of the cover. Balor is able to fight off Miz but Miz grabs him and drops him to the mat. Zayn tags in and lands a series of big right hands to Balor. Lashley gets the tag and throws Zayn. Lashley crushes him in the corner. Zayn fights back with a right hand but Lashley comes back with a huge clothesline. Lashley lifts Zayn for the vertical suplex and drops him to the mat. He then presses the Miz and throws him out the ring as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Owens has a chin lock on Rollins on the mat. Rollins gets to his feet but Owens takes him back down to the mat. Miz gets the tag and wrenches on the face of Rollins. Miz then stomps on Rollins in the corner. Miz hits a DDT and goes for the cover but Rollins kicks out. Miz then hits the IT Kicks. Rollins tries for a cover but he kicks out. Rollins plants him but has no one to tag. Rollins is able to hit the enziguri. Roode gets the tag and so does Axel. Roode hits a big clothesline and crushes Axel in the corner. Roode hits a neck breaker and goes to the top. Roode hits a jumping clothesline. Axel drives him into the corner but Roode fights back and hits another neck breaker. Miz gets the tag and goes for the figure four but Roode rolls him up. Roode hits a clothesline and tags in Braun. Braun chases him around the ring and throws him into the barricade. Braun drops Miz and hits a chokeslam. The Miztourage is able to move out the way and send Braun into the ring post. Balor comes in to help and so does Rollins. Roode then takes out Zayn with the Glorious DDT. Owens hits s superkick but Lashley then hits him with a spine buster. Miz hits dropkicks in the corner but Braun comes at him with a dropkick of his own. The Miztourage refuse to tag in and Braun takes advantage by driving Miz into the corner. Braun then hits the running power slam. Braun goes for the cover and gets the 1 2 3.
Winners: Bobby Lashley & Finn Balor & Seth Rollins & Braun Strowman & Bobby Roode
My Opinion:
A great match to end the night. I was super excited to see Bobby Roode on Raw now. Lashley did great tonight and so did Strowman. They both so powerful and it showed. Rollins and Balor added their excitement and made the match that much better. I can’t wait to see what’s next for all the men involved in this epic main event!
Final Thoughts:
I love the way Raw started tonight, I’m so excited to have Jinder Mahal here on Raw and I really think he can make a huge impact if they use him right. It was a shock with Jeff Hardy winning the United States Championship but I think it was a good decision and great way to shake things up! Bayley and Sasha had an awesome match as the two always do since they know each other so well. I didn’t mind the ending because it’s super cool to have The Riott Squad on Raw. I think those three will change the landscape and are gonna make an immediate impact. The Authors of Pain proved themselves again tonight, they showed their dominance and never let Rhyno or Slater get in their heads. They showed they have composure and that’s what it takes to win. Miz going to SmackDown was a big loss to Raw but then again I hope he goes and has a feud with Daniel Bryan because I think most people want to see that. A big congrats to Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt, they’ve looked very impressive as a team and I think they present a big challenge to Cesaro and Sheamus since they are so unconventional. Ember Moon impressed me again, I love her finisher so much and I think she has so much potential. Like I said I hope she continues to get her opportunities and I hope she will be champion in the near future! Ziggler and Mcintyre coming in as a team was a great decision, those two are both excellent and bring amazing in-ring styles that will work well together. Tonight they started their journey on Raw and I can’t wait to see how they book them, to me this is a top tag team if they choose to use them that way. I was very happy with the addition of Natalya, wrestling royalty deserves the spotlight on Monday Nights! She showed tonight she can get the job done in the blink of an eye and she owes credit to Rousey for saving her after the match. Rousey came out and took care of business and I love how much fun she having. Ronda is dominate and I can’t wait to see what she does next! I’ll give it to Breezango for getting a huge victory in their Raw debut. Also, I’m super excited for Baron Corbin to come to Raw and a shout out to Zack Ryder who’s coming to Raw as well. Finally, I feel like Raw ended on a high note and I’m so happy to see Bobby Roode on Raw. The Shake-Up was awesome tonight and ow we have to wait until tomorrow to see how the Raw landscape really changes. I can’t wait for next and week and I can’t wait to see how everyone gets acclimated to Monday nights!
Overall Rating: 7/10