Raw Review 05/28/2018

RAW REVIEW 05/28/2018
Tonight as Money In The Bank gets closer which Raw Women’s Superstar will be the last one to qualify for Raw as we see a 7 Women’s Gauntlet Match to determine the final spot. Plus will Seth Rollins be able to successfully defend the Intercontinental Championship against The Modern Day Maharaja Jinder Mahal? Last week we saw no fear in Ronda Rousey as she stood toe to toe with Nia Jax, how will Nia respond to Rousey’s threat? After beating Finn Balor last week it’s clear Braun Strowman is on a roll but is he destined to be Mr. Money In The Bank? Finally after a foolish act by Sami Zayn last week what will Bobby Lashley have in store for him?
Raw comes to us tonight from The Coliseum in Richmond, Virginia
Raw kicks off with a tribute video in honor of Memorial Day
In Ring Segment: Braun Strowman
Braun says he gets motivated about Money In The Bank because he knows that inside is a contract that guarantees him a Universal Championship Match at any time in any arena in the world. Braun says at Money In The Bank he destroys seven other men and then he climbs to the top and takes the briefcase. He says he won’t just be known as Mr. Money In The Bank but Mr. Monster In The Bank. he then questions who in that match who can beat him. He says he will hen cash in and Brock Lesnar will get these hands. Outcomes Finn Balor.
Balor tells him he’s getting ahead of himself. He reminds that he was the first Universal Champion and he never lost it. He says never lost it and it motivates him to get back to the top. He says he is gonna climb the ladder and make it back. He says last week they went one on one and he gave everything he has. He says last week there will be 6 other men there as well. Braun says he put up a good fight for a little guy. Balor then slaps him. Braun pushes him into the corner and then throws him out of the ring. Outcomes Kurt Angle.
Angle says he sees intensity out here. He says that the Money In The Bank Ladder Match will feature 4 Raw superstars. He then tells that last week Balor and Strowman had an incredible match. He then asks the crowd if they would like to see the match again right now. He then makes the match official.
My Opinion:
This was a very good way to start the show, Braun definitely isn’t wrong he has a great shot to win the match. I liked the fire in Balor but he needs to be careful because if Braun wants to he could take him out easy. I’ve really been enjoying Angle and how he continues to give us the best action possible, this match will be a great way to get the night started!
Match 1: Braun Strowman vs Finn Balor
Braun backs Balor into the corner and then tosses him. Braun once again throws him. Braun tries a chop in the corner but Balor is able to get out of the way. Balor tries to get momentum but Braun swats him down to the mat. Braun follows with a huge headbutt and then toys with Balor. Braun picks up Balor and heaves him into the corner, Balor crashes hard to the mat. Braun tries a big splash but runs into the boots of Balor. Braun gets right back into it and again knocks Balor to the mat. Braun hits a huge kick to the gut and Balor has to go to the apron to regroup. Braun hits Balor with a huge right and then tries a pin but Balor kicks out. Braun again then throws Balor into the turnbuckles. Braun toys with Balor and then once again knocks him to the mat. Balor is a able to land a dropkick and follows with a kick. Braun catches Balor and knocks him down to the mat. Kevin Owens then gets on the mic and makes fun of Braun. Braun hits Balor with a big boot as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Balor side steps Braun and hits him with a chop. Balor tires a step up enziguri but Braun catches him and knocks him to the floor. Braun goes to the outside and tackles Balor right over the barricade into the front row. Braun picks up Balor and brings him into ringside but Balor takes advantage and throws Braun into the ring post. Back in the ring, Balor is able to hit a dropkick that sends Braun to the floor. Balor then lands another kick. Owens then picks at Balor on the mic. Balor hits another kick and then another. Braun tries to get back into the match but Balor is able to hit a sling blade. Balor hits him with a stomp to the back. Braun goes to the top and hits the Coupe, de Grace. Balor tries for a second but Owens gets involved and the match is stopped. Owens then hits Balor with a ladder. He tries to hit Braun but he grabs it and Owens runs, Braun takes the ladder and throws it at him.
Winner: Finn Balor: Via DQ
My Opinion:
I enjoyed this match a lot, I really liked how Braun was in control in the beginning. Braun was able to show a lot of his strength and proved he can take care of Balor. Balor came back and in a big way, I liked Owens getting involved though because it makes you think could he have won? Balor put on a good showing and honestly it’s a match that I’d love to see again. The best part is Braun got the last laugh on Owens and he should because right now he has to be the favorite going into Money In The Bank.
Backstage Segment:
Owens is in the back and is trying to get his keys to get out of the arena. Angle stops him and asks where he is going. Owens makes an excuse but Angle doesn’t buy it. Angle tells him he has a match tonight against Bobby Roode.
Backstage Segment:
Sasha says she can rewrite history with the Money In the Bank briefcase but she has to win the Gauntlet Match first. She proclaims that when you’re The Boss you don’t need luck.
In Ring Segment: Elias
Elias tries to sing his song but before he does he plays to the crowd and then asks for his mic to be turned up so he doesn’t have to hear the crowd. Elias jokes that he has to do everyone’s job around here. Elias says he will wait in the ring all night as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Elias says he is gonna give the crowd one more chance. He tells them don’t make him threaten to leave again cause he will. Outcomes Seth Rollins for his title match. Rollins tosses Elias’s stool out of the ring and finally, he leaves the ring.
Match 2: Seth Rollins vs Jinder Mahal w/ Sunil Singh:
Intercontinental Championship Match
Rollins starts with a huge dropkick. Rollins then hits a series of chops in the corner. Rollins is able to hit a crossbody off the ropes and then flies thru the ropes to take out Mahal on the outside. Singh distracts Rollins and Mahal sends him into the barricade as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Mahal has Rollins in a body lock. Rollins hits him with a right and and is able to fight out. Mahal is able to regroup and hits Rollins with a suplex. Mahal gets a an abdominal stretch on Rollins and keeps the pressure on. Mahal continues on the attack of the mid-section of Rollins. Rollins is able to counter Mahal and sends him face first into the turnbuckle. Rollins is able to hit a sling blade and Rollins then sends him to the floor. Rollins then hits a suicide dive. Rollins brings him in the ring and hits a big kick. Rollins follows with the blockbuster but it’s not enough to put him away. Mahal sends Rollins to the apron but Rollins gets right back into the ring. Mahal doesn’t waste any time and is able to hit a gut buster. Mahal goes for the cover but Rollins kicks out. Rollins is able to counter Mahal and hit a big kick. After a failed pin attempt Rollins is able to hit a superkicks and follow with the falcon arrow. Rollins goes for the cover but Mahal kicks out. Rollins kicks up and then hits a big kick to the gut. Singh once again gets involved and is tossed from ringside. Mahal takes advantage and hits Rollins with the steel chair. Mahal goes for the cover but Rollins kicks out at two and a half. Rollins once again counters Mahal and hits an enziguri. Singh comes back to ringside but Rollins takes care of him and then throws him into Mahal. Rollins grabs the chair from the outside and tees off on Mahal with it. Mahal wins by DQ and therefore Rollins is still champion. Rollins follows Mahal up the ramp and continues to hit him with the chair. As Rollins stands on the stage Elias comes from the back and hits Rollins with the guitar as Raw goes to break.
Winner: Jinder Mahal via DQ
Seth Rollins is still Intercontinental Champion
My Opinion:
This was a very good match. Rollins really had to fight for this one because Mahal really had it working tonight. I loved how Mahal wore down Rollins and really picked his spots. Mahal had a great shot of winning and it seemed Singh is what got in his way. Rollins is tough though and I don’t blame him for his actions. Elias coming out at the end was a good touch and honestly, I hope it’s a start of a rivalry because these two could have some great matches.
Nia Jax vs Michelle Webb
*** Before the match Ronda Rousey comes out to sit at commentary. Nia says she’s glad that Ronda is out here so she can show here what she is gonna do to her at Money In The Bank. Nia tells her opponent to get her in an armbar. Nia lifts her and slams her to the mat. Nia then tells her to come on and Nia slams her to the mat. Nia then hits the big leg drop. Nia tells Ronda you can count to ten or twenty and she isn’t sitting up. She tells Ronda that she has never faced anything like this. Nia says her leg could crush a woman’s chest. Nia then hits a running senton. Nia says this young girl needs some assistance and then invites Ronda to come down to help her out. Nia tells Ronda she isn’t intimidated by her look and says she finds it humorous.
My Opinion:
I get what they are doing with Nia but her heel turn was so quick it almost feels not believable. I will say Nia is talking a big game so it’ll be interesting to see how this match goes because you can’t have Ronda Rousey looking weak out there. I’m not if Ronda will win the title in her first singles match but I think she won’t lose clean. They definitely need to tread lightly because this match could be bad in terms of how fans look at their characters if one truly goes over as the more dominant woman.
Match 3: Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt vs The Ascension (Konnor & Viktor)
Wyatt and Viktor start the match. Wyatt plays mind games early and is able to take down Viktor with a huge headbutt to the chest. Hardy gets the tag and tries a cover but Viktor kicks out. Viktor gets Hardy in the corner and kicks him. Konnor gets the tag and they double team Hardy. Konnor tries a tag but Hardy kicks out. Konnor lands a huge elbow but Hardy is able to kick out. Hardy hits an elbow to the midsection and follows with a side slam. Konnor gets a vice grip on the ground and tries a cover but again Hardy kicks out. Konnor keeps control and keeps a headlock on the mat. Viktor gets the tag but Hardy sidesteps him and he crashes into the corner. Wyatt gets the tag and hits Vitor with Sumo strikes to the gut. Wyatt hits the senton but Konnor breaks up the tag. Hardy comes in and hits Konnor with the Twist of Fate. Viktor hits a roll up but Wyatt is able to kick out. Wyatt hits the uranage. Hardy gets the tag and they hit The Kiss of Deletion on Viktor. Hardy goes for the cover and gets the 1 2 3.
Winners: Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt
My Opinion:
Wyatt and Hardy looked really good again, they have become such a good tag team and I really loved how they invented a whole new offense for themselves. I think they are doing well as the champions but I think it will come to an end sooner than later. I really wanna see them face Mcintyre and Ziggler to see how they do. Either way, the tag champs are on the same page and right now it doesn’t seem they’re gonna stop.
Backstage Segment:
The B Team approaches Angle and tells him they want a Raw Tag Team Championship Match. Angle says they have been doing well but beating the same team twice doesn’t qualify you for a title match. Angle asks what the other teams would think. Dallas asks if they need to get the other teams blessings. Dallas says to win them over they have to give them an invitation to the B Team Memorial Day BBQ tonight. Angle says again he is not saying that at all.
Backstage Segment:
Ruby Riott says they don’t care about luck or the odds. Sarah Logan says they fight as a pack and they will tear them apart piece by piece. Liv says they have a chance tonight. Ruby says the final spot belongs to The Riott Squad.
Match 4: Bobby Roode vs Kevin Owens
Roode starts with a side headlock. Owens tries to back him to the ropes but Roode keeps the hold. Owens is able to break the hold and he then goes to the side headlock. Roode fights out but Owens hits him with a shoulder tackle. Roode hits Owens with big shots in the corner. Owens is able to counter but Roode fights back. Roode tries a DDT but Owens is able to escape. Roode is able to land a clothesline that sends Owens to the apron. Owens gets back into control and sends Roode to the floor hard. Owens sends Roode into the barricade and follows with a cannonball as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Owens hits a big back elbow. Roode is able to fight back and he sends Owens to the mat. Roode hits him with a big right hand and creates space. Roode is able to fight off Owens and then hits a blockbuster. Roode hits a big clothesline in the corner. Owens tries to fight him off but Roode is able to hit a neck breaker. Roode goes for the cover but Owens kicks out. Roode goes to the top but Owens is able to knock him down. Owens goes up the top with him but Roode fights him off. Roode flies from the top and hits a clothesline. Owens tries to leave but Roode meets him and takes him out on the stage. Owens and Roode get back into the ring but Owens can’t get the 3 on the cover. Roode tries a cover but Owens counters it and locks him up for the cover. Owens gets the 1 2 3 on the pin,
*** After the match Braun Strowman comes out and chases Owens. Roode gets in Owens way and Braun grabs him. Braun hits a big shoulder tackle and follows with a big running power slam and follows with one more. Roode cheers him on. Braun then grabs Roode and hits a running power slam on him.
Winner: Kevin Owens
My Opinion:
This was a big win for Owens and he really was smart in this match. I think Roode tries doing too much and Owens waited it out and was able to capitalize. Owens shows it’s not all about big flashy moves and instead picking your spots. I liked Braun coming in at the end cause you can’t have anyone getting one over on him. Braun is the man and he showed he can take care of the Raw participants in the Money In The Bank Match.
In Ring Segment: Sami Zayn Apology
Zayn says last week he went too far and he has been granted the opportunity to issue a formal public apology. Zayn reads his apology and says last week he conducted an interview that was in poor taste and he is sorry to the fans on social media and the people who said they were embarrassed to be a Sami Zayn fan. He tells that a fan even told him he should be ashamed of himself. He tells the crowd that last week those were not Bobby Lashley’s sisters and in fact, they were men. He says they meant to entertain and have fun. He says to the Lashley family, to the WWE management and to the WWE Universe he is sorry. He says, however, all of those stories were true. He says like good art it was all rooted in reality. He says there is no doubt in his mind he is doing the right thing by exposing Lashley. He says if anyone wants to be sorry it should the fans and they should apologize to him because he deserves more. Here comes Bobby Lashley!
Lashley says Memorial Day is a special day for families like his. He says to all those families he salutes them and thanks him. He then tells Zayn it’s good to see him again and says his sister actually think he is entertaining. He tells Zayn that this stuff does get old and asks Zayn to settle it in the ring at Money In The Bank. Zayn tells him that he is gonna Helluva kick that smile right off his face. Lashley then squeezes his hand and tells him he apologizes for everything he is gonna do to him.
My Opinion:
I’m very excited to see this match. Even though Zayn is looked at as a joke remember he is a great wrestler and so is Lashley. I think last week’s segment was bad but this definitely helped out. This rivalry is a little odd but I think they’re making the best of it. Lashley deserves more but in time I believe he will get his chance.
Backstage Segment:
Mickie says she has her eye on the prize. She says she knows what it takes to get there and she is no 6-time champion by accident. She says she will win and walk into Money In The Bank.
Match 5: Drew Mcintyre w/ Dolph Ziggler vs Chad Gable
Gable tries to get around on Mcintyre but he hits him with a big elbow. Mcintyre takes it to him in the corner and then slaps him. Gable turns it around and hits him with big rights. Mcintyre is able to come back and hit a big boot. Mcintyre stomps on him on the mat. Mcintyre then hits a big suplex. Gable does his best to fight back but Mcintyre gives him no space. Mcintyre once again knocks Gable to the mat. Mcintyre puts Gable on his shoulders but Gable fights off and hits a moonsult from the top. Gable goes for the cover but he kicks out. Gable and Mcintyre fight on the floor and Mcintyre is able to get in control after he sends him into the ring post. Back in the ring, Mcintyre hits the Claymore.
Winner: Drew Mcintyre
My Opinion:
Mcintyre showed tonight he is tough and when he wants to end a match he can. Gable tried to fight but Mcintyre was just too tough. Gable is a great wrestler but this isn’t just about mat wrestling here. Mcintyre had the power and the experience and ultimately he was able to outdo Gable. I think Mcintyre is better than ever and he and Ziggler will be champs sometime very soon.
In Ring Segment: B-Team Memorial Day BBQ
Dallas welcomes everyone. Axel and Dallas then go and show the different foods they have brought to the bbq. They have Bo-tato salad, and bo-dogs and bologna sandwiches. They then asks the teams for permission for a title shot. Titus says hold on a second and questions the food they brought out. He says they are not coming out here and cutting the line of the tag division. Slater says this is a fest and in West Virginia, this would be like Thanksgiving. Slater then says they will not be cutting any lines. Axel says well if they all agree they’re not next in line then they are taking all their food back. The teams then pour food on Dallas and Axel. the teams then break out in a food fight. The teams all go to the floor and Rhyno is left in the ring. Dallas and Axel come back in and take it to Rhyno. They then put him through a table.
My Opinion:
This was a very funny segment in my opinion. I think Axel and Dallas are bringing awesome humor on Monday night’s and honestly it’d be awesome to see them get a title shot someday. I think these guys are doing great things and hopefully, someday all they’ve done will pay off. Yes, they’re looked at as a joke but truthfully they are funny and great in the ring and right now they’re doing great.
*** Next Week Kevin Owens will face Finn Balor, Braun Strowman will face Bobby Roode, and Nia Jax will face Natalya
Backstage Segment:
Dallas and Axel tell Angle they demand a title match. Angle says next week they will settle it in the ring with a tag team battle royal and the winning team will go on to face Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy.
Match 6: Gauntlet Match:
Winner will be the final Raw superstar in the Women’s Money In The Bank Match
*** Charly asks Bayley’s thought on being first. Bayley says she has never backed down from a fight and she won’t start tonight. Bayley says she will beat the women and tells that the name on the contract doesn’t say Sasha Banks but instead Bayley.
Bayley and Liv Morgan start the match. Bayley hits the Bayley to Belly to start and goes for the cover. Bayley gets the 1 2 3. Next out is Sarah Logan. Bayley goes right after her and sends her to the floor. Bayley drops her with a dropkick and brings her into the ring. Logan is able to land a suplex but Bayley kicks out of the cover. Logan catches Bayley with a flying knee but it’s not enough to put away Bayley. Bayley is able to roll up Logan and gets the 1 2 3. Liv gets back involved and she and Logan take out Bayley. Next out is Ruby Riott as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Bayley hits a sunset flip but Riott kicks out. Bayley goes to the second rope but is pulled off by Ruby. Ruby goes for the cover and gets the 1 2 3. Next out is Dana Brooke. Dana gets in the ring and Riott stomps on her. Brooke is able to counter and takes it to her in the corner. Dana hits a clothesline and goes for the cover but Riott kicks out. Riott hits the Riott kick and gets the 1 2 3. Next is Mickie James. Mickie pulls Riott to the floor and hits her with a big kick. Mickie then hits a takedown from the apron. Mickie brings her into the ring and goes for the cover but she kicks out. Riott hits her with big forearms in the corner. Mickie fights back and hits a headscissors takedown. Mickie goes for the cover but Riott kicks out. Mickie sends Riott to the floor as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Mickie knocks down Riott. Mickie lands a big slap and then sends Riott face first into the mat. Mickie goes to the top rope and connects but it’s not enough to put away Riott. Riott misses on the Riott kick and Mickie goes for another cover but Riott kicks out. Riott rolls her up and grabs the tights and beats Mickie. Last out is Sasha Banks. Sasha triesa quick pin but Riott kicks out. Sasha tries a crossbody but it’s not enough to put away Riott. Sasha works her arm but Riott is able to fight her off. Riott sends Sasha face first into the mat but Banks kicks out. Riott kicks her in the corner and then stomps away. Sasha and Riott trade forearms. Riott is able to get Sasha to the mat and goes for the cover but she kicks out. Riott lands a big chop but Sasha is able to fight back with a big kick. Sasha lands a big knee to Riott. Sasha hits the mediora but it’s not enough for the win. Sasha misses in the corner and Riott turns the match around with a back elbow. Riott is able to hit the DDT but it’s not enough. Riott hits a kick but still can’t put away Sasha. Riott lands a big chop to Sasha and meets her on the top rope. Sasha hits her with elbows. Sasha lands a big power bomb but Riott kicks out. Sasha locks in the Banks Statement but the Riott Squad gets involved. Sasha stays with it and is able to re-lock in the Banks Statement. Riott taps out.
Winner: Sasha Banks
My Opinion:
A very good match for the woman. I’ happy with Sasha winning because I feel she can make the most impact in the match. Sasha got lucky by coming out last but still she was able to stay with it through the distraction and proved she wanted this and was focused. Now it’ll be time to she what she does with the opportunity.
Final Thoughts:
Tonight was a really good Raw, I loved the opening match between Balor and Braun. Once again they had a back and forth contest and even though it was ruined by Owens it still kicked the show off right. I also really loved that Braun was able to show that he can take out all the Raw participants in the Money In The Bank Match. I was also impressed with Seth Rollins tonight, yes he retained in a cheap way but he fought his heart out and I don’t blame him for his frustrations. Tonight I was also impressed by Drew Mcintyre, he is so good now and I really hope he and Ziggler get their shot to become champs. Finally, a huge win for Sasha Banks tonight. She really wanted this match and you could tell cause she stopped at nothing to beat Ruby Riott. Sasha stayed focused and now she has a chance to turn her career around and win Money In The Bank!
Overall Rating: 7/10