Raw Review 06/12/2017
RAW REVIEW 06/12/2017
Tonight The Beast is back! What will happen as the WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar returns to address Samoa Joe after Joe attack Paul Heyman last week? Also in store the highly anticipated rematch for the WWE Raw Tag Team Championships as The Hardy Boyz take on Cesaro and Sheamus. Can the Hardy’s reclaim their titles, or will Cesaro and Sheamus prove they are the dominate team on Raw? Last week a lunatic was on the loose, will Dean Ambrose strike again as he chases The Miz to reclaim the Intercontinental Championship? Alexa Bliss was able to slip by Nia Jax last week, but will The Goddess of WWE continue to evade Jax’s furry? Bray Wyatt interrupted last week’s main event between Samoa Joe and Seth Rollins with his mind games. The distraction cost Rollins the match, but does this mean Wyatt is out to get The Kingslayer? Last week the saga continued as we saw Big Cass attacked backstage, it was Enzo for two weeks and now Cass. The question remains who is out to get the team? Plus will answers develop as to who is out to get Kurt Angle?
Raw is live tonight from the Cajundome in Lafayette, Louisiana
Raw kicks off with us being welcomed to the show by Michael Cole, Corey Graves & Booker T.
In Ring Segment: Brock Lesnar
Heyman says he is here tonight to unleash The Beast. He claims it is Samoa Joe’s day of reckoning administered by Brock Lesnar. Heyman says he showed Joe respect last week, but Joe louered him in and took him out. Heyman states that Joe kicked down the front door of the layer of The Beast. Heyman says now Joe has a problem and it will be solved by the greatest problem solver in WWE history, Brock Lesnar. Heyman tells everyone to think about all the Samoans that have been in the business. He says Joe is the one Samoan all the other Samoans want nothing to do with. He says Joe is a dog and his greatest highlight is putting the Coquina Clutch on Paul Heyman. Heyman states he couldn’t breath and the next thing he knew they were waking him up. He says the first thought was what if Joe does this to Lesnar. Heyman says he realized that Joe will never get it on Lesnar because he is not man enough. Out comes Joe.
Joe pushes Lesnar and goes after him. Lesnar backs Joe in the corner and hammers away. Out comes security, but the men take them out. Joe and Lesnar lock up and back each other in the corner. Out comes the Raw lockeroom. Joe gets away and kicks Lesnar in the jaw. Lesnar gets out of the ring and gets in the middle of everyone trying to get to Joe. They finally separate the men.
My Opinion:
I loved that opening. That is how a Championship match should be built up. Lesnar and Joe are ass kickers and I’m glad they are letting them show that. Heyman with his talking adds the icing on the cake. This feels like Brock Lesnar from back in the day when he and Heyman first started together. I think Joe brings that perfect rival for him and finally Lesnar can have the build up and match that he deserves. Lesnar was getting dragged through the water with all the Goldberg stuff, but now he can be himself and he and Joe are magic because they can do all the talking through their actions. This is one build up that really doesn’t need talking, they need to keep letting them go at it a little and get people excited and have the actual full encounter at the pay per view just like the build ups use to be and use the commentary team as the key tool to put over the match and drive the importance.
Match 1: Elias Sampson vs Dean Ambrose
The two lockup and back each other in the corner. Ambrose and Sampson lockup again and Ambrose is able to lock the arm of Sampson. Sampson backs him to the ropes to get the break. Ambrose hits Sampson with an elbow and Sampson heads to the floor for a breather as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Ambrose hammers away on Sampson. Sampson hits a devastating clothesline. He gets Ambrose in the corner and hits him with rights and lefts. Sampson pulls Ambrose’s hair and taunts him. He locks in a chinlock, but Ambrose battles back. Sampson regains the control of the chinlock and drives his weight on the back of Ambrose. Ambrose creates separation and hits a back body drop. Ambrose and Sampson exchange chops and Ambrose comes back with a forearm. He follows up with a clothesline and hits a fisherman’s suplex. Ambrose hits Sampson with a running forearm and tries for a bulldog, but is hit with a boot. Sampson is sent to the outside. Ambrose meets him and is sends into the barricade. Ambrose goes to the top rope, but Sampson meets him. Sampson tries for a suplex, but Ambrose reverse and lands a series of headbutts sending Sampson to the mat. Out comes The Miz. Sampson rolls up Ambrose on the distraction, but Ambrose kicks out. Ambrose explodes off the ropes and hits a huge clothesline. Ambrose goes to Miz on the outside and chases him. Ambrose throws Miz into the barricade. Ambrose makes it back in the ring, but Sampson drops double knees on him. Sampson closes the door on Ambrose and picks up the win.
Winner: Elias Sampson
My Opinion:
I would love for Ambrose to get away from The Miz for awhile and have a rivalry with Sampson. I think these two guys together click and could put on war between each other. Ambrose and Sampson are a lot alike. They both scratch and claw and are willing to do whatever it takes to get that win. I think Ambrose has been used very wrong as of late and they need to get the excitement back to his character. Maybe a street fight against Sampson could do them both some good. This way Sampson gets a major boost to his character and people are reminded of why we love Ambrose.
Backstage Segment:
Goldust quotes The Godfather part 2 saying “keep your friends close and your enemies closer”. He says Truth was jealous and scared, so he got to him first. Goldust says no one ever understood him. He asks if it’s because he is too bizarre or if he makes people uncomfortable. Goldust says nothing last forever unless you’re made of gold. He states again that the Golden Age is back.
Backstage Segment:
Angle stops Miz and asks what he is doing out there. Miz says Ambrose is lucky, especially after last week. Angle says that’s not his problem. Miz says Ambrose did it because Angle was preoccupied with his personal problems and didn’t do his job. Angle questions this. Miz tells him not to get on his case and instead do something about Ambrose. Angle tells him not to speak to him that way and that he is doing nothing with Ambrose. Miz questions him and Angle tells him if he has a problem to do something about it himself.
Backstage Segment:
Cedric Alexander comes up to Noam Dar and tells him that he is done fighting him and done with Alicia. Alicia Fox is on the phone and says if Cedric has something to say then say it to her face. Cedric says he is done with the nonsense and it ends tonight.
Match 2: Cedric Alexander vs Noam Dar
The ref rings the bell and Cedric hits him with the Lumbar check and picks up the win.
Winner: Cedric Alexander
My Opinion:
I hope this means Cedric is done with this storyline. The whole Alicia Fox and Noam Dar thing is getting very old to me. No one cares about their “relationship.” It’s not a good storyline and it has completely ruined Dar in my eyes. Dar was very talented and still is, but is being held back by this. Cedric is a phenomenal wrestler and I have always said Cedric should be one of the top guys in that division. I think a lot of the storylines in the Cruiserweight Division are forced and it takes away from what we were suppose to see from the division and that was great wrestling.
In Ring Segment: Bray Wyatt
Wyatt says those who deny him will be judge, those who sit in pathetic apathy will pay for their guilt, and he who dares blaspheme his name will be punished. He says this is just like Seth Rollins. He says it only took one dose of his truth and Seth’s glass house came crumbling down. He says Seth will be picking out shards of glass form his soul for eternity because of his judgements. He says that if you take his name in vain you will fall. He tries to repeat the statement, but he is interrupted by Seth Rollins music. Out comes Seth.
Seth says he has to clarify one thing, and asks Wyatt if he cost him his match because he called him a couple of names. Seth says when he called him those names it was the truth. Seth says people like Wyatt don’t like the truth because it forces them to look at themselves and step in the light. He says Wyatt likes to hide in the shadows. Seth says the truth is Wyatt is a coward. He says if Wyatt doesn’t agree then he dares him to prove him wrong. Wyatt says that’s it, Seth’s pride will betray him. Wyatt says he knows when Seth looks in the mirror he sees the man, but when he looks at him he sees a man that is beneath him. Wyatt says his power is more then Seth can fathom. He says seth found the will to slay a king. The light go out and come back on and Wyatt is gone. They go out again and Wyatt is backstage. Wyatt on the titantron now says a god lives forever and laughs. Wyatt tells Seth to face his fear and run.
My Opinion:
That segment killed it. Rollins and Wyatt may be my new favorite rivalry in awhile. Their words spoke so loud tonight and the way they had Wyatt leave the ring and appear on the titantron was perfect. It gave that eerie feeling and showed that yes we all know who Wyatt is suppose to fill the shoes of, but he is cable of it at least from a talking and mind games standpoint. I love this so much because it is one for those rivalries that is about pride, it’s one of those that you put two top guys in there and let them create the magic. This is just the beginning and it’s been more entertaining to me then a lot of things that have been going on.
Backstage Segment:
Charly welcomes The Hardy’s, she asks them about their match tonight for the titles. Matt says they have a daunting task ahead. He states that Sheamus and Cesaro are the toughest team them have faced. Matt says they may believe they are the bar, Jeff says they will break the bar. Matt proclaims they will reclaim the Raw Tag Team Titles.
Match 3: Apollo Crews vs Kalisto
Crews gets behind Kalisto, but Kalisto gets a headlock. Kalisto comes off the ropes and hits a dropkick. Crews counter Kalisto and takes him to the mat. Crews hits a suplex, but Kalisto kicks out of the pin attempt. Crews gets a face lock in, Kalisto battles to his feet, but is thrown to the ground. Kalisto comes off the ropes and hits a hurricanrana. He takes down Crews and goes for the cover, but it is not enough. Kalisto gets distracted by Titus. Kalisto tries to come off the ropes and hit a stunner, but he is caught by Crews. Crews hits the sit down powerbomb and picks up the win.
Winner: Apollo Crews
My Opinion:
Crews and Kalisto are both so talented and they do the best of what they are given. As much as people want to hate on them and say the matches and the whole storyline as a whole is stupid, remember that it’s not their fault and their doing what they can. Maybe if they gave them more time to have a match they could showcase their talent more and it would outshine the story.
Backstage Segment:
Miz comes up to Slater and Rhyno. He tells Slater that Angle has done a horrendous job of showcasing his talent since he’s come to Raw. He asks Slater to join his entourage. Miz tells him to just ask. Slater says all he wanted was to be Intercontinental Champion. Miz tells him to join him and he will make sure he gets a chance someday. Rhyno tells Miz he has a partner and tells Miz to go find a partner because they are gonna have a tag team match here tonight.
In Ring Segment: Alexa Bliss
Alexa says at Extreme Rules she defeated Bayley, but instead of getting to celebrate she had to defend her title. She says tonight she has no obligation to do that tonight. She says tonight The Goddess graces us with her presences. Out comes Nia Jax.
Nia questions Alexa and says she told her that she deserved the opportunity. Alexa says she should have said thrilled. She tells Nia that she was thrilled to have the match and wanted to have a classic with her. She says they didn’t get to have the moment because it was ruined by Mickie and Dana and says they are the real problems. Out comes Mickie and Dana.
Mickie says she is a 6 time Women’s Champion. She says alexa has a long way to go before she reaches her territory. Mickie says that Alexa stated that it was unfair Nia was getting the opportunity. Dana says Alexa said to them that they have a Nia Jax problem. Alexa tells Nia to consider the sources. She calls Dana the eponymy of a disgruntled worker and Mickie who feel the spotlight is dimming by the second. She says those two will say anything to get attention. Out comes Emma.
Emma calls for attention. She says that Emma is back. She tells Alexa that she is ready to take her place at the top. Alexa laughs and tells Nia they are proving her points and says they try to take their spotlight. Out comes Sasha Banks.
Sasha tells Alxa she has it all twisted. Sasha says being a champion is proving to be the best day in and day out. Sasha says all Alexa wants to do is come out here and run her mouth. Sasha tells Alexa she wnated to show her how a boss throws a party and hits Alexa. The women all go at it as Raw goes to break.
My Opinion:
I think this is what the Women needed. For awhile we saw it be about a select few and the rest of them weren’t showcased at all. SmackDown uses all of their Women and Raw needs to do the same. For awhile they were going back to how it use to be on here where the women didn’t mean much. I think having them all out there gives a fresh start and more opportunities. It’s good to that Bayley didn’t come out because I think the fans needed a break from her. This shows how much talent Raw does have and I think they need to step up their game because as far as the women stand SmackDown is beating them.
Match 4: Alexa Bliss & Nia Jax & Emma vs Dana Brooke & Mickie James & Sasha Banks
Alexa has Dana in a chinlock. Dana battles back, but is taken down by a clothesline. Alexa locks back in the chinlock and Dana fights out again. Alexa uses the ropes to choke dana . Dana gets in the wrong corner and Alexa tags in Emma. Emma slams down Dana and hits a dropkick. Emma tries a quick cover, but it is not enough. Emma hammers away and gets a chinlock of her own. Emma pounds on Dana and throws her in the corner. Dana is able to catch her with a boot, but Emma comes right back. Emma hits a cheap shot, but Dana gets separation and tags Sasha. Sasha takes it to Emma and pushes her into Nia. Emma hits her with a back elbow and tries to tag Alexa, but Alexa leaves. Mickie comes in and kicks Nia in the face and send s her to the floor. Mickie flies from the top to take down Nia. in the ring Sasha locks in The Banks Statement and Emma taps.
Winners: Dana Brooke & Mickie James & Sasha Banks
My Opinion:
I loved the match. I think the Women who needed to get over and remind the crowd they’re still there did just that. I think this was a perfect way to bring Emma back and honestly I wouldn’t mind seeing them all go at it to see who faces Alexa. I think Raw is going to have to do something big with their women in order to compete with the women’s Money In The Bank match on SmackDown. For a while the top women’s action was on Raw and maybe this will be the start of a reintroduction of what we want to see.
Corey Graves Sit Down Interview with Bayley
Corey asks Bayley what happened at Extreme Rules. She says she has never been in a match like that. She says she is here to put smiles on people’s faces. Bayley says she knows she won’t defeat anyone with hugs, but she is here to be her. She says she is not going to change who she is and is going to do what’s best for her. Corey asks what the future holds for her. Bayley says every since she started she wrote down that she wanted to be the best and that hasn’t changed. She says one match doesn’t change that and she wants to recapture the championship. She says she wants to walk back into WrestleMania as champion. Corey wishes her good luck. Bayley asks if they can end on a hug.
Match 5: Heath Slater & Rhyno vs The Miz & The Teddy Bear
Slater tries to steal one, but Miz kicks out. Slater tees off on Miz and takes him down with a sling blade. Rhyno gets the tag and they double team Miz. Rhyno punches Miz and backs him in the corner. He grabs Miz and clotheslines him. Slater gets the tag and comes off the top rope onto Miz. Miz fights back for a second, but Miz is driven down. The bear gets the tag and paws Slater. He does it again and gets him in a bearhug. Rhyno comes into make the save. Miz gets the tag and attacks the bear. Miz throws the bear into the barricade and drives him in the apron. He rips off the head and it’s not Ambrose. Rhyno sends Miz in the ring and is caught by Slater. The bear comes back in and this time it is Ambrose. Miz accidently hits Maryse off the apron. Ambrose then hits Miz with Dirty Deeds. He throws Slater on Miz and he and Rhyno pick up the win.
*** After the match Ambrose puts the bear head on Miz.
Winners: Heath Slater & Rhyno
My Opinion:
Sometimes it’s good to have some fun. I like that match because it got Rhyno and Slater out there and it continues the Ambrose and Miz rivalry in a fun fashion instead of a serious thing. I think sometimes you have to take your foot off the gas like that and let the wrestlers and fans have fun with things. Though the match didn’t mean anything it is something that is memorable and people will definitely remember that and it will help continue the Miz and Ambrose rivalry. it’s the things like that that made people love Ambrose. He’s tough and has fun.
Match 6: Neville vs Rich Swann
*** Before the bell Neville attacks Swann from behind. They go to the outside and Neville hammers on Swann. He brings him back in the ring and locks in The Rings of Saturn. Neville then grabs a mic and states Austin aries, TJP, and Richard Swann. He kicks Swann out of the ring and says it feels good to be the king. Neville asks how many more pretenders does he have to obliterate before he gets the respect he deserves. He says he has heard what is said about Akira Tozawa and says it takes more than a cute tweet to get a shot. He tells him to treat carefully unless he wants to be forced to kneel before him.
My Opinion:
I love what they’re doing with Neville. I think it’s about time they have a real tough guy out there. They haven’t made Neville do anything dumb and have just allowed him to be him and shine. What I love about Neville is you can tell he takes this very seriously and a fan I appreciate it. I appreciate that even out in public Neville keeps up the attitude and he is bringing back the old days of wrestling.
Backstage Segment:
Charly welcomes Sheamus and Cesaro and ask their strategy for tonight. Sheamus and Cesaro says the key is knowing your opponents. Cesaro says he has been reading The Hardy’s book Exist 2 Inspire. Cesaro says they are the ones who inspire now. Sheamus says they will force them to write a sequel called exist to retire.
Match 7: The Club (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) vs Enzo & Big Cass
*** Enzo and Cass music hits and we see that Cass has been attacked backstage. Cass says it was one shot and he was out. Cass says he will go, but Enzo says he doesn’t think it is a good idea.
Gallows and Anderson get on the mic and ask what’s the matter did you fall again. Anderson tells cass if he didn’t want to fight he should have said something not beat himself up over it. Enzo and Cass music hits again and out they come.
Cass and Anderson start off the match. Cass struggles to keep his balance, but fights. He throws Anderson into the corner and then hits a big side slam. Cass hits the Empire Elbow, but falls to the ropes. Cass tags Enzo and Enzo tees off on Anderson. Enzo hits a big knee and then takes out Gallows. Anderson comes back with a running kick. Anderson sends enzo into the corner, but Enzo catches him with a kick. Enzo has no one to tag and here comes Gallows. He catches Gallows with an elbow, but Gallows comes back with a kick. The Club hits The Magic Killer for the win.
*** After the match they try the move again and out comes Big Show. Anderson and Gallows retreat. Show picks up Enzo and raises his hand. Cass looks on with an angry look.
Winners: The Club (Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson)
My Opinion:
We are going on a month of this Cass and Enzo saga, I think it’s about time for answers here. Obviously something is going to happen and what I don’t get is why is Big Show involved. The way I feel about Show is he has very little time left and deserves a better way to go out. Also as I said before The Club should not be used like this. This is The Club and they deserve to be treated like the royal tag team that they are. Lastly I don’t think Cass did a very good selling job, it just seemed forced and goofy overall.
Backstage Segment:
R-Truth quotes Cool Hand Luke saying “What we got here is a failure to communicate”. He says what Goldust did was not cool and he didn’t forget it. He says he is mad as hell and is not going to take it anymore. He tells Goldust that he is going to get got.
Backstage Segment:
Enzo thanks Show. Enzo says Cass got taken down by one shot and questions Show if he did it. Show says he has one word to describe Cass SAWFT.
Backstage Segment:
Joe is asked if his strategy has changed. Joe says no they’re playing into my strategy. Joe says it’s not about the words, it’s about the action. Joe says tonight he walked down to the ring and let Lesnar know what he is gonna get. He says in four weeks he will walk down to the ring and put him in Coquina Clutch and become the new Universal Champion.
Match 8: The Hardy Boyz vs Sheamus and Cesaro (c) :
Raw Tag Team Championships 2 out of 3 Falls
Matt ducks a Brogue and takes it to Sheamus. Jeff gets the tag and the two double team Sheamus with Poetry in Motion. Matt hits a side effect and Jeff hits a splash. Cesaro break up the fall. Cesaro pulls Matt off the apron. Jeff looks for the Twist of Fate, but is thrown off. Sheamus kicks Jeff in the mid section and is able to pick up the first fall.
As Raw returns Sheamus has Jeff in a chinlock. Sheamus then slams Jeff to the mat, but can’t get the second fall. Sheamus stomps on Jeff’s midsection. Jeff battles off Sheamus and kicks him out of the ring. Sheamus comes back in and tries to prevent the tag. Jeff fights out and Matt and cesaro get the tags. Matt hammers away and bangs Cesaro’s head off the turnbuckle. Matt hits a big clothesline in the corner. Matt catches him with an elbow and hits a tornado ddt. Matt comes to the apron and drops Sheamus on it. Matt hits the twist of fate on Cesaro and gets the fall. Tied 1-1.
Matt goes for another fall, but Cesaro kicks out. Matt goes for another, but it is countered. Cesaro hits Matt with a huge uppercut. Sheamus gets the tag and he kicks Matt on the way in and takes Jeff off the apron. Sheamus lands a huge knee, but somehow Matt kicks out. Cesaro gets the tag and he and Sheamus double team Matt. Jeff breaks up the fall, but is thrown out of the ring. Cesaro locks in the sharpshooter. Matt is able to find the bottom rope to force a break. Matt hits a big clothesline and tags Jeff. Sheamus also gets the tag and is met with a series of takedowns by Jeff. Jeff hits the Twist of Fate, but Cesaro breaks up the fall. Matt throws Cesaro out of the ring. Sheamus know Jeff to the ropes and Cesaro comes out of nowhere with an uppercut, but Jeff kicks out of the pin. Jeff stuns Sheamus. Sheamus goes shoulder first into the post. Jeff hits the Swanton and goes for the pin, but Cesaro pulls Sheamus out of the ring. Jeff goes to the outside and Matt and him take it to Cesaro. Matt is thrown into the barricade by Cesaro. Jeff and Sheamus battle on the outside and both men are counted out.
***After the match Matt sends Sheamus into the post. Jeff goes to the top and takes out Sheamus and Cesaro.
Winners: Draw: Cesaro & Sheamus still Champions
My Opinion:
An amazing match between these teams. I think these two teams are bringing back excitement to tag team wrestling. I loved the match and wish they would’ve had more time to go at it. This being that last match felt like a classic Raw main event. I think these guys keep upping their game and I have no problem seeing them go at it again.
Final Thoughts:
Obviously writing these reviews I get a good feel for the real depth of each segments. Tonight no matter how people feel they got a lot out of tonight. There were good matches, but most importantly there was amazing storytelling. Starting off the night Joe and Lesnar kicked it off with a bang. Those guys don’t need to talk, they show it through actions and they did it. They fought and gave a special feeling of a real big fight feel. I love the teasing of these two going at it because I think it’s been the same guys for so long that there is no more excitement because we’ve seen already. Joe and Lesnar is new and fresh and it will give the I can’t wait to see what happens feelings. Next all the women got to get involved which was awesome. They got to speak some and got a match in and I loved it. The Raw Women’s Division had dropped the ball for awhile and I think it’s going to take everyone to get it back on board. Bray Wyatt and Seth Rollins killed it in my eyes. Those guys told a story and when Bray left the ring and then showed up on the titantron it reminded me why I love this. That to me was a special moment and Bray is proving that he can be the eire guy in WWE for many years to come. I think he and Rollins can create something special. Also I want to touch on the fact that I see a lot of people saying Raw sucks. When watching Raw I can tell you exactly what segments and matches people will hate, but I beg people to keep in mind that these guys and girls are doing the best with what they are given. Like tonight we had Miz teaming with a teddy bear and I’m sure people with find that dumb, but this is the beauty of pro wrestling because we can do things like this and have fun sometimes. Tonight ended with a bang. I see Sheamus and Cesaro bringing out the best in Matt and Jeff. I think these guys can continue to feud for a long time and stay fresh. They keep finding ways to make each match special and that’s what it is all about. Tonight on Raw we saw a lot of the special parts of pro wrestling and if you truly love this then don’t hate on it, appreciate that we have it to begin with.
Overall Rating: 8/10