Raw Review 08/27/2018

RAW REVIEW 08/27/2018
Tonight in a huge one on one matchup what will happen when Roman Reigns takes on Braun Strowman, will Strowman get Reigns alone or will The Shield be lying in wait? Plus, after taking out Stephanie McMahon will there be repercussions for Ronda Rousey to face? Also, will The Revival get another shot at the Raw Tag Team Championships after beating The B-Team consecutively in one on one action last week? Finally, what will Raw be like now that Baron Corbin is in charge for the time being?
Raw comes to us tonight from the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Raw kicks off with us being welcomed by Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and The Coach
In Ring Segment: Roman Reigns
Reigns says he told Braun Strowman he’d meet him out here at 8 pm. He tells he didn’t win the title just to hold it, he won it to defend it. He tells if Braun doesn’t wanna come out here then he’s gonna turn it into a Shield workhorse open challenge and anyone can step up and get it. Out comes Braun Strowman.
Strowman laughs at him for calling himself a workhorse and says he could’ve fooled him when he had to have his brothers come out last week. Reigns says they made the choice on their own and they are a brotherhood. He says they understand what it’s like to be at the top of the mountain and he has no clue. He tells Braun all he does is walk around and say get these hands. He tells Braun his hands life cars, stages, and ambulances. Reigns tells his hands have held every WWE championship. He tells Braun if he wants to be a man then step up cash in and have their championship match right here in Toronto. Braun says he’s not cashing in tonight because if he did Reigns little boys would come down to save him again. Strowman tells Reigns he won’t cash in until September 17th where his brothers can’t interfere. He tells he’s gonna cash in and he’ll see him at Hell In A Cell. Reigns tells him he’s finally starting to sound like a monster. Out comes Dolph Ziggler and Drew Mcintyre.
Ziggler says now that they all know what’s happening in 3 weeks let’s get down to what happened at SummerSlam. He tells Rollins and Ambrose stole the title. Reigns questions this. Ziggler says Rollins has been playing catch up since day one but when he has his rematch he will win his 7th Intercontinental Championship but it will be on his terms. He tells he and Mcintyre have proven themselves to the entire world. Mcintyre says Reigns and Strowman are a different story. Ziggler says they need a new challenge and it’s them. Mcintyre tells them they sit at top of the Raw mountain but when you do that the only way to go is tumbling down. Ziggler says they’d be more than happy to do that tonight. Reigns tells him they’re standing right here if they wanna do that now. Out comes Baron Corbin.
Corbin tells them to slow down and says that’s the reason Angle was sent on his vacation and he was picked to be acting GM of Raw. Corbin tells Braun his cash in has been approved for Hell In A Cell. Corbin says he’s gonna make a main event tonight that Angle couldn’t even have dreamed of. He says it will be Ziggler and Mcintyre versus Reigns and Strowman. Strowman tells Reigns at Hell In A Cell he’s getting that Universal Championship but tonight Dolph and Drew are gonna get these hands. Corbin says he’s an improvement from Kurt Angle and then makes a match of him versus Finn Balor the man tonight and that match starts right now.
My Opinion:
Definitely a big announcement of Reigns and Strowman at Hell In A Cell. Strowman is the monster so it wouldn’t have made sense to have him cash in in the traditional way. This will help Braun a lot and his character sense he’s doing it face to face. Reigns and Strowman teaming tonight wasn’t a bad idea either, I think it creates an interesting dynamic to see if they can keep it together. Corbin as the new GM I personally like but I know many won’t, I think Corbin is good for the role and it’s nice to have someone with an edge running the show for now.
Match 1: “Constable” Baron Corbin vs Finn Balor
Balor and Corbin lock up and Corbin quickly is able to throw him off the ropes and catch him with an elbow. Corbin gets Balor in the corner but Balor is able to get out of the ring. Corbin runs in form the outside and hits him with an elbow. Corbin tries a cover but Balor kicks out. Corbin then keeps Balor on the mat and works his shoulder. Balor gets to his feet and hits Corbin in the gut. Corbin strikes Balor but Balor comes back with a basement dropkick after a reversal. Corbin lifts Balor and runs him into the corner. Corbin hits Balor in the back of the neck and knocks him from the apron to the floor. Corbin goes to the outside and drives Balor into the barricade. Corbin tries a cover but Balor quickly kicks out. Balor hits Corbin with a right but Corbin knocks him right back down to the mat. Corbin works the neck of Balor and strikes him. Balor fights back with big rights but Corbin hits him with a knee and a shot to the neck. Corbin hits Balor with a right hand and it drops Balor. Corbin meets Balor on the outside and runs towards him but Balor hits him with a sling blade as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Corbin is back in control and is back on the attack of the neck of Balor. Corbin throws him in the corner and hits him with a series of clotheslines. Corbin again runs back in the ring looking for a clothesline but Balor takes him down. Balor hits him with big strikes and is able to hit a double stomp after taking Corbin to the mat. Balor works him in the corner but Corbin is able to hit him with a boot and catches his enziguri attempt. Balor works out and hits the sling blade. Corbin gets to his feet and counters with Deep 6 but it’s not enough to put Balor away. Balor tries an inside cradle but Corbin kicks out. Corbin is sent to the outside and Balor flies over the top rope to take him out. Corbin grabs a chair but Balor is able to work him away from it. Balor hits him with a step-up enziguri but misses on the Coupe de, Grace. Corbin grabs the chair and hits Balor. Balor wins via DQ.
*** Corbin tells that he has so many jobs as acting GM he forgot this was a no disqualification match and tells the ref to restart it. Corbin hits Balor with the chair and then hits End of Days. he pins Balor for the 1 2 3.
Winner: Baron Corbin: Won after the match was restarted.
My Opinion:
This was a very good match between these two again. I think SummerSlam didn’t live up to what they could but that was also because Balor had to look better than ever as The Demon. This match was really good and I really think these two have great chemistry. Corbin is a true heel and as Raw GM he can take it to another level like he did tonight after restarting the match. Balor has Corbin’s number as of late but with the power, Corbin has he can make sure he always gets one over on Balor for the time being. To me, Corbin is really good in the ring and Balor is excellent, together both are proving their worth and this rivalry has only heightened the fact both deserve even bigger opportunities.
Backstage Segment:
Apollo tells Dana to focus on the fundamentals so she can show why she should be apart of the first Women’s PPV. Titus tells Dana she has a match next. Apollo says alright against one of Toronto’s finest and then asks her name. Titus tells her its Sasha Banks. Apollo asks him what he’s thinking because Dana has had on 1 match in 9 months and Sasha is no warm-up match. Titus says he believes in Titus Worldwide and tells Apollo she’s got this.
Match 2: Sasha Banks w/ Bayley vs Dana Brooke w/ Titus Worldwide (Apollo Crews & Titus O’Neil)
Brooke gets around on Banks and quickly tires a cover but Banks kicks out. Dana tries two more covers but again Banks keeps kicking out. Banks looks for The Banks Statement but Brooke gets out of the ring. Banks works Brooke but Brooke is able to overpower Banks. Brooke hits an enziguri but Banks again kicks out of the cover. Brooke hammers on Banks and throws her in the corner. Brooks then hits a springboard back elbow. Banks is able to catch Brooke with a knee. Banks then hits the Meteora but it’s not enough to put Brooke away. Brooke lifts Banks but she works off. Banks hits the backstabber and then locks in The Bank’s Statement. Brooke taps out.
Winner: Sasha Banks
My Opinion:
I have to admit Dana put up a great fight tonight and really shined in some moments during the match. Obviously Sasha has been competing regularly and all it took was one mess up and he caught Dana but still, it was a good effort. I think Dana really could be something special if they allowed her time in the ring. She has the fundamentals to be a great superstar she just needs a chance. Hopefully, she will get in the future.
Backstage Segment:
Jinder says he senses a great anger form Dean since he returned but he can help him and guide him. He tells Ambrose to close his eyes and tell him what he sees. Ambrose tells him I see you and me. I see me kicking you in the face breaking your teeth and ribs. He says you are crying and in great pain and tells Mahal to get out of his face.
In Ring Segment: Seth Rollins
Rollins tells that last week it was about taking care of some family business, he says they pride themselves as being workhorses. He says this week it’s about Intercontinental Championship business. He says he thought he would have to deal with Ziggler and Mcintyre but since they’re busy his dance card is open. He then asks who’s feeling an open challenge. He then says this is a formal open challenge to anyone who has the guts to do this right now. Out comes Kevin Owens.
Owens tells Rollins he’s so glad he’s happy and feeling good. Owens says since he came back to Raw his life has been a living hell. He says when he was on SmackDown he wished he was on Raw so things shouldn’t be like this. Owens says at SummerSlam he didn’t have his best friend by his side but if he did he would’ve beat Braun Strowman and he would’ve cashed in and been standing here as champion. He says it’s been a terrible summer but it ends tonight. He tells that he is not leaviing this arena without a title. He tells Rollins he’s taking his title right now.
My Opinion:
I love the open challenges, even though Rollins got caught by Ziggler I think it’s good to bring them back. Rollins is a fighting champion and these challenges not only give high-quality matches but also put so much more importance on the Intercontinental Championship. I really like that Owens was the one to step up. Owens really hasn’t been treated well for a while now and I think this match will be a good way to remind people what he can do.
Match 3: Seth Rollins (c) vs Kevin Owens:
Intercontinental Championship Match
Owens lands a big kick to start the match. He hammers on Rollins in the corner but Rollins reverses. Owens is able to land a kick and knocks Rollins to a knee. Owens lands a big right hand and stays on Rollins. Owens tries a clothesline but Rollins ducks and takes him to the mat. Rollins hits him with a big chop and then explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Rollins brings Owens in the ring but Owens catches him. Rollins is able to land a leg drop that bounces Owens off the apron. Rollins then flies off the steps to take out Owens as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Owens has Rollins in a chin lock. Rollins fights out and lands a big chop in the corner. Owens is able to take down Rollins and hits him with an elbow. Rollins tries a cover but Rollins kicks out. On the outside, Rollins is able to land a big slap. Owens comes back with throwing Rollins into the barricade. Back in the ring, Owens works the arm of Rollins and then lands a big kick. Owens goes back to the arm of Rollins and hits a big backdrop on it. Owens tries a cover but Rollins kicks out. Owens then applies an armlock. Owens is sent to the outside again. Owens tries a cannonball in the corner but Rollins is able to move out of the way as Owens crashes into the barricade. Back in the ring Rollins land a big forearm. He hits Owens with rights but Owens is able to fight back. Owens hits a kick to the arm but Rollins comes back with the sling blade. Owens back on the outside is hit with a suicide dive from Rollins and another to follow. Rollins tries a third but Owens hits him with a forearm. Rollins fights back and hits a third as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Rollins hits the frog splash. Rollins tries a cover but Owens kicks out. Rollins tries the stomp but Owens moves out of the way. Owens goes back to the arm and sends Rollins into the ring post. Owens trie the cross-face and gets it locked in. Rollins tries to get to the bottom rope but Owens blocks. Rollins finally is able to get his foot on the rope. Owens continues to hit him with big shots and toys with Rollins. Rollins and Owens then trade slaps. Rollins is able to catch Owens with a superkick. Owens comes back and hits a stunner out of nowhere. Owens tries the cover but Rollins kicks out. Owens brings Rollins to the top rope and looks for a suplex. Rollins is able to reverse and lifts Owens and hits a buckle bomb. Owens counters with a superkick. Owens goes for the cover but again Rollins just kicks out. Rollins hits Owens with a right and stops him on the top rope. Rollins and Owens then trade rights on the top rope. Owens is able to counter Rollins and knocks him off the ropes. Owens tries a moonsault but Rollins moves. Rollins hits the stomp and gets the 1 2 3.
Winner: Seth Rollins: Still Intercontinental Champion
My Opinion:
Wow, what a match these two just had! Owens gave Rollins everything he had and Rollins came close so many times to losing. Rollins as champion though picks his spots and hits it when the times right. As champion it takes everything and more to put them away and Owens just couldn’t do that with Rollins. Owens proved though he is one of the best and should be in more high profile matches. Rollins showed tonight he truly is a fighting champion and once again the open challenge brings us a blockbuster of a match!
Backstage Segment:
Braun gives Corbin the contract and tells him to bring it to Hell In A Cell.
In Ring Segment: Kevin Owens
Owens sits and simply says I Quit and leaves the ring.
My Opinion:
Not sure what this about. I guess soon enough we’ll find out what the plans are for Kevin Owens going forward.
Backstage Segment:
Renee asks Drew and Dolph why they did what they did earlier. Dolph says to change the game you have to make your moves at the exact right time. Dolph says tonight you will see them make their move to the top of the food chain. Drew says Reigns and Braun just aren’t ready. Dolph adds their championship match will hang over their heads and there is no way that team is right. Drew says they are ripe and ready for the slaughter.
Match 4: The B-Team (Curtis Axel & Bo Dallas) vs The Revival (Dash Wilder & Scott Dawson)
Wilder gets around on Dallas but he is able to bring him to the mat and hits him with a knee. Axel gets the tag and takes it to Wilder. Axel tries a pin but can’t get the win. Wilder gets in control and tags in Dawson. Dawson hits Axel and stays on him. He works him in the corner but Axel is able to battle back. Dallas gets the tag and they double team, Dawson. Axel sends Dawson to the outside and then they both send Wilder to the outside as Raw goes to break,
As Raw returns, Wilder works Dallas on the mat. Dallas fights back with a big right. Dawson gets the tag and he hits a huge kick on Dallas. Dawson tries a cover but Dallas kicks out. Dawson works a waist lock and keeps Dallas grounded on the mat. Wilder gets the tag and hits a big clothesline on Dallas. Wilder tries a DDT but Dallas counters with a neckbreaker. Dawson gets the tag but Dallas is able to evade him. Axel gets the tag and takes it to Dawson. Axel hits the snapmare and stays on Dawson. Axel tries a cover but Dawson kicks out. The two trade covers but neither can get the three. Axel tries a backslide but Dawson kicks out. Wilder gets the tag and they hit The Shatter Machine on Axel. wilder gets the 1 2 3 on the cover.
*** After the match The Revival takes out Dallas. Dawson says over the past couple months the Raw tag division has been a joke because of these morons. Wilder says they are sick and tired of them making a mockery of tag team wrestling. Dawson tells them to hold on the titles because they just proved they can take them away anytime they want to.
Winners: The Revival (Dash Wilder & Scott Dawson)
My Opinion:
With that win, it appears that they are moving away from The B-Team. It seems the B-Team’s luck has run out and now The Revival have their number. The Revival really took it to them and I believe them when they say they can take the titles anytime they want. The Revival have put in the work and it’s time they get their runs with the title for the first time.
In Ring Segment:
Elias does his normal punchlines and then starts poking at Toronto for being the bottom. Elias continues to trash Toronto but out comes Trish Stratus!
Elias tells Trish it’s nice to see her and see that she has taken time from changing diapers to do something important. Trish says she a real fan of his music but when he starts running his mouth about her hometown she’s gonna have to ask him to shut his mouth. Elias says it’s not gonna happen he just speaks the truth. He tells that it’s just like the Stanley cup they’ll never see it in their lifetime. Trish then comes at him and says kinda like you winning a WWE Championship. Trish talks about her career and says at those times she would’ve never imagined they’d be only a few short months from the first ever Women’s PPV. Trish says she will be lacing up the boots and taking on Alexa Bliss. Elias says oh that’ll be a swimsuit pillow fight. Trish tells Elias to just walk himself out. Elias tells Trish she really came out here cause she wants to walk with Elias. Elias then says but I don’t date women in their sixties. Trish then slaps him. Out comes Ronda Rousey and Natalya.
My Opinion:
Elias is a great heal and knows how to draw heat. It was awesome to see Trish and she said something that really stuck and that was about Elias not winning a WWE title. This gimmick works for him and I don’t think he should change it but then again what’s he getting with it? I don’t know if he can continue to do this and make it to the top. It’ll be interesting to see if it ever changes.
Match 5: Natalya w/ Ronda Rousey & Trish Stratus vs Alicia Fox w/ Alexa Bliss & Mickie James
Natalya gets Fox in the corner but Fox escapes. Natalya gets to her and tries a sharpshooter but can’t lock it in. Natalya catches Fox with a kick and brings her back in the ring. Alicia takes it to Natalya and tries a cover but she kicks out. Fox lands a big boot to Natalya. Alicia brings Natalya to the ropes but Natalya is able to pull Fox back in. Natalya finally locks in the sharpshooter and Fox taps out.
Winner: Natalya
My Opinion:
A quick but good win for Natalya. I liked how she added shades of her dad in there. It’s very heartfelt from her and I hope Nattie will get her time to shine at Evolution. This PPV is shaping up to be huge and it will be a big time in the Women’s Division in the coming months.
Backstage Segment:
The Bella twins greet Ronda, Trish, and Nattie in the back. They tell Ronda they couldn’t be more proud of her. Brie then tells them that next week on Raw the Bella’s are back in action!
Backstage Segment:
Corbin is on the phone and says he will talk to Kevin Owens and gets this figured out. Lashley comes in and jokes with Corbin. Corbin tells Lashley he didn’t forget about him so he’s got him a match tonight. Lashley asks against who. Corbin says he has so much going on he can’t think of it right now but his match is next. Lashley gets excited about this and heads out.
Match 6: Bobby Lashley vs The Ascension (Viktor & Konnor)
*** Before the match Corbin tells Lashley he’s had a lot of things tonight going on and couldn’t remember his opponent’s names but that’s because his match tonight is a handicap match. Out comes The Ascension.
Lashley pulls Viktor into the ring and takes it to him. Viktor lands a big kick but Lashley fights back. Konnor tags in and stomps on Lashley. Konnor gets a headlock in on Lashley and wears him down. Viktor tags in and lands big uppercuts to Lashley. Viktor then goes to a headlock. Lashley lands a big throw and then bounces Viktor off the turnbuckle. Lashley plants Viktor and takes out Konnor. Lashley plants Viktor face first and gets the 1 2 3.
Winner: Bobby Lashley
My Opinion:
Lashley made quick work of The Ascension and proved he is a powerhouse. This isn’t exactly what I’d like to see Lashley doing but it continues to put him over and allows him to show his dominance. Lashley is a guy who could be the Universal Champion and I hope he is next in line for the chance. So far his return hasn’t been the best and it’s a shame because he has so much to offer.
Match 7: Dean Ambrose vs Jinder Mahal w/ Sunil Singh
The two lock up and Ambrose is able to get a waist lock on him and wrestle him to the ground. After a failed pin Ambrose comes back and sends Mahal over the top rope. Ambrose takes it to Mahal on the outside with huge chops. Ambrose then takes out Singh. Mahal takes advantage and makes it to Ambrose. He hits a huge knee and tries a cover but Ambrose kicks out. Mahal wraps Ambrose on the second rope and chokes him. Mahal then drives his knee into Ambrose repeatedly. Mahal works a chin lock but Ambrose battles out. Mahal comes right back but Ambrose levels him with a series of clotheslines. He then hits an elbow and bounces Mahal off the ropes. Mahal lands a knee and then another big one to the face. Mahal tries the cover but Ambrose kicks out. Ambrose is able to counter Mahal and hits Dirty Deeds. Ambrose goes for the cover and gets the 1 2 3.
Winner: Dean Ambrose
My Opinion:
Ambrose is back and better than ever. Mahal got some great shots on him but Ambrose can weather any storm. I love how Ambrose has reinvented himself and even though he’s fresh back I really wanna see him worked back into the mix on Raw. With the way Ambrose has looked, I’d even say I’d love to see him on SmackDown and see him get another run with the title. Maybe that’s a little bit of stretch compared to what is gonna happen but truly I think this is the best Ambrose we’ve seen and now would be the time to capitalize on him in some major capacity.
Backstage Segment:
Braun tells Reigns he doesn’t like him and knows he doesn’t like him but the only thing getting slaughtered tonight is Dolph and Drew. he tells Reigns after this he’ll have 20 days to think about what he’s gonna do to him at Hell In A Cell. Reigns tells him on day 21 he’s gonna look in the mirror and realize he couldn’t get the job done.
Match 8: Roman Reigns & Braun Strowman vs Dolph Ziggler & Drew Mcintyre
Reigns and Ziggler start the match. Ziggler lands a big kick and toys with Reigns. Reigns comes back with a huge right hand. Reigns hits a big clothesline and then knocks Ziggler to the outside. Reigns goes to the outside and hits the drive by. Reigns brings him back in the ring but Reigns gets hit by a boot from Mcintyre. In the ring, Ziggler hits a huge DDT but Strowman breaks up the cover. Mcintyre gets the tag and tees off on Reigns. Mcintyre stomps on his hand and then tags Ziggler. The two double team Reigns and Ziggler then gets a chin lock in on Reigns. Reigns gets to his feet but Ziggler hits him with a dropkick. Ziggler goes for the cover but Reigns kicks out. Mcintyre gets the tag and takes it to Reigns. Mcintyre hits a suplex and goes for the cover but Reigns kicks out. Mcintyre works the arm of Reigns and tags Ziggler. Ziggler lands a standing elbow and goes for the cover but Reigns kicks out. Ziggler works a sleeper hold again but Reigns lifts him but Ziggler wears him back down. Reigns once again gets his feet and backs Ziggler into the corner. Ziggler is then launched over the top rope and to the floor. Reigns hits Ziggler with a boot and both men are down. Mcintyre gets the tag and stops the tag. Reigns hits a kick but Mcintyre holds on. Reigns hits him with back elbows but Mcintyre hits him with a belly to belly throw. Ziggler gets the tag and toys with Reigns. Ziggler scrapes Reigns nose across the top rope. Reigns out of nowhere hits the Superman Punch. Finally, Strowman gets the tag and so does Mcintyre. Reigns is pulled back into the ring and Ziggler and Mcintyre stomp on Reigns. The ref rings the bell because Strowman doesn’t enter the ring. Strowman now enters after the match and hits a headbutt on Reigns. Strowman then throws Reigns into the corner. Mcintyre then tees off on Reigns and Ziggler hits the superkick. Out comes Ambrose. Mcintyre beats down Ambrose and Ziggler and Strowman assist. Out comes Rollins. Rollins goes after Strowman but the numbers game catches up. Strowman hits the running powerslam on Rollins and then on Ambrose and Reigns.
Winners: Dolph Ziggler & Drew Mcintyre
My Opinion:
Mcintyre and Ziggler really dominated during this match. For as good as Reigns is, Ziggler and Mcintyre worked so well as a team and really were smart with their strategy. I’m not surprised at what we saw at the end. Reigns is the good guy and that’s how he’s gotta stay but of course, that means Strowman has to be the heel. I’d say tonight accomplished that and Strowman now has a couple more weeks to really hone in on being the best heel he can be before Hell In A Cell. Hopefully, next week we get The Shield versus Mcintyre, Ziggler, and Strowman.
Final Thoughts:
Tonight was a decent Raw, I thought some matches were short but the ones that lasted really were awesome. It’s still up in the air about if Kevin Owens is done or not but at least this will remind people what Kevin Owens really means to Raw. He and Rollins tore it down tonight and gave us a classic for the IC Championship. Owens almost had that match won but of course, Rollins picked his spot and capitalized. I loved seeing Trish Stratus tonight, she really helped hype Evolution and I can’t wait for the event. I loved how they had the packages throughout the night of the legends talking about Triple H versus Undertaker. They’re truly making that match feel as special as it should be. I was also glad that The Revival was granted a title match next week, they showed us tonight what tag team wrestling is and next week I say they can win the titles. Finally, the main event tonight was very one-sided but Ziggler and Mcintyre were so smart and really used the ring to their advantage. Strowman going heel wasn’t a shock like I said. You knew one of them had to turn and with the size of Strowman, he is a natural heel anyway. Again I do hope we see Ziggler, Mcintyre, and Strowman versus The Shield, I think that match would be insane. So overall this was a good night and I definitely can’t wait for Raw next week with The Bella’s and Shawn Michaels!!!
Overall Rating: 7/10