Raw Review 08/28/2017

RAW REVIEW 08/28/2017
Tonight is the night for the anticipated rematch between Sasha Banks and Alexa Bliss. Will Sasha be able to put an end to “The Goddess”, or will Alexa show that she is the better women? Now that John Cena has come to Raw, will he and Roman Reigns be able to coexist or will we see a new rivalry be born? Last week on 205 Live we see the arrival of Enzo Amore, can Enzo make an impact in the Cruiserweight Division? Plus Braun Strowman has been granted a match for the Universal Championship at No Mercy, but can “The Monster Among Men” conquer Brock Lesnar? Lastly Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose have looked very good as tag team, but now that they are champions can they stay on the same page?
Raw is live tonight from the FedEx Forum in Memphis, TN
Raw kicks off with us being welcomed to the show by Michael Cole, Corey Graves & Jerry Lawler
In Ring Segment: The Miztourage
Before Miz can get a word out out comes Kurt Angle.
Angle says he understands that there was no title defense for Miz at SummerSlam, but there will be at No Mercy. Kurt tries to announce the challenger, but Miz cuts him off. Miz tells Angle that he does not understand what respect means. Miz tells him that it is a disrespect to interrupt him and to not give the Intercontinental Championship the showcase it deserves. Angle tells Miz that the winner of this upcoming battle royal will face Miz for the title next week.
My Opinion:
I like kicking Raw off like this. The intercontinental Championship has been made as of late, so this is a great way to give importance back to the title. Now we get an exciting battle royal full of deserving competitors. Having more frequent title matches and giving opportunities like this is what gets people talking and makes them want to watch.
Match 1: Battle Royal:
#1 Contender’s Spot for the Intercontinental Championship
As the match begins Curt Hawkins gets eliminated right away. The attention turns to Big Show and everyone goes after him. Show is able to throw them all to the ground. Axel and Dallas eliminate Kalisto. Big Show sits in the corner and takes it to Elias. Anderson and Gallows work together to try to eliminate the Big Show and with the help of Balor they do so. Dallas and Axel stay united and eliminate R-Truth. Goldust tries to eliminate Anderson, but he hangs on. Gallows catches Goldust with a boot and Anderson pulls down the ropes to send Goldust to the floor.
As Raw returns we see Apollo Crews had been eliminated by Elias. Matt Hardy is able to outsmart The Club, first he eliminated Gallows and then was able to send Anderson packing as well. Gallows stays at ringside and eliminates Matt by pulling him off the apron. On the other side of the ring Miz gets involved to save Bo Dallas. Balor starts to gain momentum and Bray Wyatt appears in the ring and eliminates Balor. Jason Jordan eliminates Dallas and Axel. Jordan then is able to eliminate Elias. Jordan has no time to rest as Jeff Hardy eliminates Jordan.
Winner: Jeff Hardy:
New #1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship.
My Opinion:
I really enjoyed this match. This was a very unique way to start the show and it’s a match that we don’t get to see very often. I thought it was a great way to give some of these superstars a chance. The Intercontinental title definitely needed this because it was getting lost in the shuffle. It’s very interesting to have Jeff Hardy win, but if you want surprise and you want people to be intrigued this is how you do it. I’m glad they thought outside of the box for this and this match should be very exciting next week.
Backstage Segment:
Charly asks Alexa how she intends to regain the title tonight. Alexa says her strategy is to win. Alexa tells how Sasha has never successfully defend the Raw Women’s Championship. Alexa says she will win the title and humiliate Sasha. She claims she will expose Sasha as a legit loser and says the Universe is ready to worship their Goddess again. She tells that tonight she will reclaim her throne.
Match 2: Enzo Amore vs Noam Dar
Dar quickly takes Enzo down and works him on the mat. Dar works his arm and Enzo goes to the ropes to break the hold. Enzo tries to lock up Dar, but Dar fights out. Enzo works his arm for a second, but is caught with a right. Dar mocks Enzo as he catches him with a kick. Dar goes back to the arm of Enzo and pulls his hair. Dar hits Enzo with big lefts in the corner, but Enzo turns it around and hammers away. Dar is able to take advantage and send Enzo into the turnbuckle. Enzo is able to turn things around and knocks off Dar.
Winner: Enzo Amore
My Opinion:
I think the one problem of Enzo being in this division now is it really shows how much he needs to improve in the ring. The match wasn’t to bad, but I felt Dar had to carry him through it. I don’t see Enzo becoming this top guy in the division and I see him just being more of an attraction. I think there is more deserving guys who haven’t got a shot at the title yet and I think Enzo should only get a shot if and when he proves to be deserving.
Backstage Segment:
Charly asks Neville for his reaction to Enzo. Neville tells that if Enzo s suppose to be competition then he is going to be Cruiserweight Champion forever.
In Ring Segment: Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman
Heyman says they are not here to sing the blues about Braun Strowman, but instead sing the praises for him. Heyman calls Braun the most deserving contender for the Universal Championship. Heyman recaps SummerSlam and tells of Braun’s dominance in the match. Heyman then goes back to last week and tells how Braun came out and got right in Lesnar’s face. Heyman says you raise the title when you are monster enough to take the title. Heyman goes over how Braun will get his shot at No Mercy and says Lesnar ducks no one. Heyman tells Braun that Lesnar wants him. Lesnar grabs the mic and says Suplex City Bitch!
My Opinion:
I loved this segment. I thought it was awesome how Heyman talked up Braun and really put him over. I thought it was also perfect at the end with Brock grabbing the mic and saying that, it just adds to the tension. This is starting to get good between Lesnar and Braun and it’s gonna be a collision when they face. One thing is for sure this is the best thing for Braun as he finally gets a chance to shine and there is no one better to get you over then Brock Lesnar because the respect comes when he can stand toe to toe with The Beast.
Match 3: Seth Rollins vs Cesaro
Rollins and Cesaro lock up and Cesaro gets the early advantage. Rollins is able to catch Cesaro and launch him to the outside with his legs. Cesaro is able to hang up Rollins, but Rollins stays in it. Rollins hits a snapmare and follows with a running knee. Rollins hits a standing moonsault, but only gets a two count. Cesaro gets back into it and is able to dump Rollins in the corner. Cesaro then sends Rollins to the outside. Cesaro tries to fly from the apron, but Rollins catches him with a punch. Rollins and Cesaro gets back in the ring and Rollins hammers away in the corner. Cesaro catches Rollins with a back breaker as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Rollins tries to create separation from Cesaro. Cesaro hits a big leg drop and tries to put Rollins away. Rollins won’t stay down so Cesaro goes for a suplex. Cesaro stays on him and tries for another pin, but it is not enough to put him away. Cesaro hits Rollins with a series of clotheslines and tries for another cover. Cesaro can;t keep Rollins down. Rollins catches Cesaro with an elbow and tries to hit him wit rights, but he is slammed. Cesaro goes to the top and hits a crossbody but Rollins rolls through. Rollins battles and hits Cesaro with rights. Rollins hits him with a sling-blade and follows with forearms in the corner. Rollins tries to go to the top, but is caught with an uppercut. Cesaro meets Rollins on top, but Rollins slips through and power-bombs him in the corner. On the outside Ambrose takes out Sheamus. Cesaro takes advantage of the distraction and hits him with an uppercut. Cesaro stacks him up and picks up the win.
*** After the match Sheamus tells Ambrose that he’s facing him next.
Winner: Cesaro
My Opinion:
A very good match between these two. I think the rivalry that is building between the teams is awesome. Cesaro and Rollins really entertained out there. I was impressed by the different moves Rollins was showing like the standing moonsault. I think these two bring out the best in each other and tonight proved that. I like Sheamus calling out Ambrose as well, I think Cesaro and Sheamus have to keep that swagger and edge about them to stay in the hunt. As I’ve said if Rollins and Ambrose don’t hold the titles for long I hope their run is memorable Well matches like this keep is memorable.
Match 4: Sheamus vs. Dean Ambrose
Sheamus hammers on Ambrose . Ambrose is able to catch him with a boot and tee off in the corner. Sheamus tries to get back on the offensive, but is taken to the outside by Ambrose. Ambrose and Sheamus battle on the outside as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Sheamus is able to hit and Irish curse back-breaker. Sheamus works the knee of Ambrose. Ambrose tries to fight out, but Sheamus turns it into a powerbomb and slams Ambrose. Sheamus is able to lock in the cloverleaf. This time Ambrose is able to get to the ropes. Sheamus looks for ten beats of the bodhran, he stops mid way and looks for white noise, but Ambrose is able to reverse and hit a ddt. Ambrose hits with with rights and ties to hammer away., Sheamus it’s a punch to the gut and both take each other to the mat. Sheamus is able to catch Ambrose with a boot. Ambrose comes back quickly with a neck-breaker. Ambrose catches Sheamus with a knee to the mid-section. Ambrose battles off Sheamus and hangs him up on the ropes. Sheamus heads to the top and brings Ambrose with him. Sheamus hits a rolling senton from the top, but it is not enough to keep Ambrose down. Sheamus looks for the brogue, but Ambrose ducks. Ambrose tries for dirty deeds, but it is reversed. Ambrose explodes off the ropes to take Sheamus down. Rollins on the outside keeps Cesaro out of it. Sheamus looks for white noise, but is taken down by Rollins. Ambrose is able to hit dirty deeds and picks up the win.
Winner: Dean Ambrose
My Opinion:
A very entertaining match. I like Rollins helping out Ambrose. I think it was very interesting that the two teams got so much air team right in a row, but they made the most of it. The takeaway I get from the match is that these are two evenly matched teams that will do anything to win. I know the rematch is still to happen and when it does I see a classic going down.
Backstage Segment:
Emma asks Mickie what will trend after their match. Mickie tells her she doesn’t follow her and tells Emma she got destroyed last week. Mickie pokes fun of Emma. Emma tells Mike that the new hashtag should be thank Emma for the revolution. Mickie tells Emma that if she wins she will tweet whatever she wants, but if she loses then she can’t says she started the revolution.
Match 5: Emma vs. Mickie James
Mickie and Emma lock up to start. Emma gets the advantage and works an arm-bar on Mickie. Emma works her to the mat, but is tripped up. Mickie takes her down and lands a big kick. Mickie lands a huge neck-breaker, but Emma kicks out of the pin. Mickie his a big right and follows with a kick. Emma is able to take Mickie to the mat and hold her down for the 3.
*** After the match Emma grabs the mic and says she started the women’s revolution.
Winner: Emma
My Opinion:
I wish the match wasn’t taken more seriously and the two could’ve really worked. I feel the rivalry between these two should be built up better because if they’re gonna have matches then at least help make them more special. Mickie and Emma both are great and definitely have a place on the roster, but again they’d probably be used better on SmackDown. Unfortunately they’re on raw and have to do the best with what they got. Emma could’ve done better on the mic though. I guess if it gets people talking on Twitter then they did their job.
In Ring Segment: Roman Reigns & John Cena:
Contract Signing for No Mercy
Angle tells how it was announced today that Roman Reigns will face John Cena at No Mercy. Angle welcomes John Cena.
Cena says him versus Reigns is WrestleMania worthy. He says he likes Angle’s swag and says they’re gonna do it at No Mercy. Cena says he came to Raw to stand face to face with Reigns. Cena talks about Reigns and tells that Reigns has been protected against anyone and everyone that has stepped in his path. Cena talks about himself and says he is the one dude that there is no protection from. Cena says he wants to fight Reigns because he knows Reigns doesn’t want to fight him. Out comes Reigns.
Reigns questions Cena’s statement and tells him that he is not as big of a deal as he thinks he is. Reigns says he doesn’t care what Cena does or what he is gonna do. Reigns reminds him that he retired Undertaker. Cena says Reigns is right that he doesn’t need to fight him. Cena tells Reigns that the crowd goes back in forth with him because Reigns is a John Cena bootleg. Cena tells Reigns that he is just a guy that is trying to fill shoes that he never will. Cena says he is not Undertaker and now he is the fastest and hungriest he has ever been. Reigns says it blows his mind that Cena runs his mouth and tells Cena that he sucks. Cena tells Reigns that if he wants to be the big dog he is gonna have to do promos. Reigns tells Cena that he is ayes man and a fake bitch. Reigns says he is not busting his so Cena can hang out on the Today Show. Reigns tells that Cena buries talents to stay on top. Reigns tells Cena that he doesn’t like him because he can’t bury him. Reigns asked when he would lessen himself to be the next Cena when he can be the one and only Roman Reigns. Cena calls Reigns a fool and calls him out for blaming him. Cena calls out Reigns and tells him that it took him 5 years to cut a decent promo. Cena says the crowd holds the keys. Cena questions Reigns allegations and says he hasn’t main evented WrestleMania in 5 years and opened SummerSlam. He says he used the U.S. title to get people over and tells how Reigns took the title as a demotion. Cena tells Reigns that he is here cause he can’t do his job. Cena tells Reigns that he can do this part time better than he could ever do it full time. Reigns signs the contract and steps to Cena. Out comes The Club.
Anderson questions their egos. Gallows and Anderson says that these two need to be taught a lesson. They says they are gone a march in the ring and beat up a couple of nerds. Angle says they’re gonna take on Cena and Reigns right now.
My Opinion:
One heck of a segment. I loved that so much and I’m so glad that they said anything and everything that they wanted. I think it is such a special moment every time things go like that and we hear things that we know we aren’t suppose to. Cena and Reigns killed it and if they continue to build this up, then this will be one of the greater rivals Cena has had in sometime. It’s things like that that makes me love wrestling so much. I hope they continue to say and do as they please because that’s entertainment.
Match 6: Roman Reigns & John Cena vs
The Club ( Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)
Cena is able to take Gallows down with a shoulder tackle. Cena slams Gallows and hits the five knuckle shuffle. Cena slams Anderson, but is caught with a boot by Gallows. Gallows strikes Cena and stomps on him. Gallows hits a big suplex and follows with a leg drop. Gallows works a chin-lock, but cena is able to fight to his feet. Cena fights out and takes down Anderson. Gallows comes over and takes Cena to the mat. Anderson gets the tag the he now works a chin-lock. Cena fights out and tries to get him in position for the AA, but Anderson fights out of it. Anderson keeps Cena grounded and tags Gallows. Gallows kicks Cena land hits a big elbow. Gallows tries for another elbow, but misses. Cena is able to tag Reigns. Reigns comes in hot and lands big clotheslines. Reigns hammers on Anderson in the corner with clotheslines. Reigns goes to the outside and hits the drive by. Reigns the hits Anderson with a big boot. Reigns gets distracted and Anderson tries to roll him up. Reigns hits a superman punch. Cena and Reigns work together. Reigns hits a spear and pins Anderson for the victory.
Winners: John Cena & Roman Reigns
My Opinion:
This wasn’t a bad match, but I really can’t wait to see these two go at it. Tonight was fun to see them one up each other, but the one question I have is what are they gonna do next, The next couple weeks have to be special now between the two. People are intrigued now and they just have it keep it up. I love the idea of allowing them to say whatever they want and allow for both to show up the other leading up to No Mercy. I think Reigns and cena changed a lot of minds tonight and showed that they can be excellent together and really create a rivalry like no one has seen. On the same note what these guys have proved tonight is that they are the best and can make magic.
In Ring Segment: Elias
As Elias sings his song he is interrupted by King. King says his voice isn’t bad, but says Elias has trouble connecting with his audience. King brings out Pelvis Wesley form Southpaw Regional wrestling. Elias attacks him as he dances in the ring. Elias stomps on him and hits him with drift away.
My Opinion:
I think Elias has some much potential, but I wish he would get better opportunities. I think the gimmick just isn’t getting him to where he needs to be. I wanted to see Elias back facing guys like Ambrose. Elias probably would benefit a lot from being moved to SmackDown.
Backstage Segment:
Renee asks Miz for his comments on facing Jeff Hardy next week. Miz questions how one match can get you a title. Rene reminds that Jeff beat 14 men. Maryse says he didn’t pin anyone. Renee tries to continues the interview, but The Miztourage walks away.
Backstage Segment:
Charly asks Sasha how she will prevent Alexa form taking the title tonight. Sasha says tonight she will defend the title successfully and give Alexa the fight of her life. She says she will put Alexa in her place and get the whole place saying you tapped out.
Match 7: Alexa Bliss vs Sasha Banks :
Raw Women’s Championship Match
Alexa quickly tries for a pin, but Sasha kicks out. Alexa again goes for a cover, but still it is not enough. Sasha goes right after her and hammers away on Alexa in the corner. Sasha works the arm of Alexa and continues to hammer away. Alexa fights to her feet and is able to catch Sasha with a kick. Sasha catches her with a dropkick and Alexa goes to the outside. Alexa tries to battle back and goes to the outside again to catch her breath. Sasha comes off the apron with double knees sending Alexa to the floor as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Alexa has Sasha in the middle of the ring and works her arm. Sasha tries to fire away and is able to fight out of it. Alexa doesn’t let it happen for long as she slams her to the mat. Alexa stomps on Sasha and goes for the pin, but only gets a two count. Alexa kicks away at Sasha in the corner. Alexa locks in a bow and arrow submission. Sasha is able is able to catch her with a kick, but Alexa comes right back with kicks of her own. Sasha fires back and is able to land double knees in the corner. Sasha tries to hit again in the corner, but Alexa side steps her. Alexa misses a cross-body from the top. Sasha tries to pin Alexa, but it’s not enough. Alexa comes back and catches her with a forearm. Alexa hits double knees followed by the moonsault. Sasha is able to connect with the shining wizard. Sasha drives Alexa into the corner and fires away with forearms. Sasha is able to hit double knees in the corner. Sasha lands a huge suplex, but Alexa keeps coming back. After fighting out of the banks statement Alexa is able to hit a ddt and picks up the win. Alexa is the new Raw Women’s Champion.
*** After the match Nia Jax comes to congratulates Alexa. Nia hits Sasha with a big splash in the corner. Nia picks Alexa up and outs her on her shoulder. Nia then drops Alexa and makes it clear she is coming for the title.
Winner: Alexa Bliss:
New Raw Women’s Champion
My Opinion:
A very good main event. I think Sasha lost the title to early though. I think her and Alexa could’ve really done something special if they were able to wait until No Mercy to have their match. With Sasha losing it this quick and Nia jumping into the picture it makes you wonder where Sasha is heading next I think Nia should get a shot at the title, but I don’t see the need for her to turn on Alexa. Sasha could’ve kept the title and just faced Nia.
Final Thoughts:
I thought tonight was awesome for the most part. I loved that the show tonight started with the battle royal. I thought that was very unique and very good way to get the Intercontinental Championship back in the spotlight. I loved Jeff Hardy winning because that’s really thinking outside the box and gives the Universe something interesting and makes you want to tune in. John Cena and Roman Reigns killed it in their contract signing. There is nothing better then when these guys shoot on each other and they did just that. I think this is when wrestling is most entertaining and makes me love it so much. Reigns and Cena took this and made it into something special. They were able to show that this is why they are the top guys. I also liked the rivalry of the teams of Rollins & Ambrose and Cesaro & Sheamus. They got a lot of time tonight, but they made the most of it. They are creating a memorable rivalry and are working towards what will be a classic when they have their rematch. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Enzo in the Cruiserweights tonight. I think he really needs to step up his game and improve if he is gonna hang there. Finally the main event was really good. Those women left it all out there. I wish Sasha would’ve kept the title for longer and these two could’ve built this up more. I think Nia definitely could get a run with the title and maybe her and Alexa can create magic as well.
Overall Rating: 7/10