Raw Review 10/02/2017

RAW REVIEW 10/02/2017
Tonight we will see Roman Reigns face The Miz for The Intercontinental Championship. Even with the Miztourage by his side is that enough for Miz to beat “The Big Dog” and retain his championship? Also Seth Rollins will challenge Braun Strowman. Last week Dean Ambrose lost to Strowman, but will Rollins be able to fare better against “The Monster among Men”? Enzo Amore has run his mouth and has the whole Cruiserweight Division coming after him, will he survive this week or be at the hands of another brutal attack? Mickie James put Alexa Bliss in her place last week, but how will Alexa respond to this?
Raw is live tonight from the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado.
Raw kicks off with us being welcomed to the show by Tom Phillips, Corey Graves & Booker T.
Match 1: Seth Rollins vs Braun Strowman
Rollins kicks Strowman, but strowman uses his power to his advantage. Rollins continues to fights, but Strowman takes him down with a shoulder tackle. Strowman tries for a power-slam, but Rollins is able to slip away. Rollins use his quickness to get away for a moment. Strowman gets ahold of him and lifts him and sends him crashing to the mat. Strowman steps on Rollins and uses the five count to his advantage. Rollins gets to the ropes, but Strowman stays on him. Rollins is able to hang up Strowman on the ropes. Rollins goes to the top and is thrown off. Strowman plays with Rollins and steps on his head. Strowman chokes Rollins, but Rollins fights back. Rollins is able to send Strowman to the outside. Strowman lands on his feet, but is sent back to the outside by a dropkick. Rollins looks for a suicide dive, but Strowman lands a huge right hand sending Rollins to the floor as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Rollins hits Strowman with a big boot. Rollins flies from the second rope, but is caught and Strowman sends him out of the ring with a fall away slam. Strowman meets him on the outside and throws him into the ring post. Strowman lifts Rollins, but Rollins slips off and sends him into the ring post this time. Rollins is now able to hit a suicide dive. He gets back in the ring and Rollins hits a second dive. Rollins comes off the top rope and hits him with a clothesline. Rollins delivers a second clothesline, but Strowman is still on his feet. Rollins hits a blockbuster and goes for the pin, but gets a one count. Rollins lands a big kick to the jaw and a second to follow. Rollins tries to spin Strowman around and is hit with a clothesline. Strowman hits the running power-slam and picks up the win.
*** After the match Strowman delivers a second running power-slam to Rollins. Strowman leaves the ring, but goes back and as he does out comes Dean Ambrose. Ambrose tries to take him down, but Strowman fights him off. Ambrose makes it in the ring and is able to take Strowman down with a drop kick. Ambrose tries to fly, but is hit with a choke-slam and a second to follow. Strowman finishes him off with a power-slam. Cesaro and Sheamus come out and Cesaro hits Ambrose with a Neutralizer. Sheamus then hits Rollins with a Brogue kick.
Winner: Braun Strowman
My Opinion:
This wasn’t a bad match, I think Strowman showed the dominance that he needed to. I like that Rollins was in it for awhile, but it showed that he couldn’t overcome the monster. Strowman looked very good and as he should he left a path of destruction. Cesaro and Sheamus coming out was good too. I think this was a good time for them to get one up on the tag champs. The questions left after this is who is next for Strowman?
Backstage Segment:
Alicia laughs at Mickie and Mickie asks what’s so funny. Alicia says maybe what you said to Alexa. Mickie is then a approached by Emma and is told she had something left for her in the locker room. Mickie goes in and finds adult diapers in there. Alicia and Emma laugh and Mickie asks them where Alexa is. Mickie goes to her locker room and out comes Nia and Alexa. Mickie says she wants Alexa. Alexa tells Mickie that Nia doesn’t have an issue getting into the ring with her. Mickie tells her she’s on.
Backstage Segment:
Bray says she told me to drop the bow and arrow and fight with your hands. To fight the man. Saying she’d never lie to him.
Match 2: Elias vs Titus O’Neil
Titus and Elias lock up and Titus overpowers him. Elias is able to land a cheap shot and lands big chops in the corner. Elias takes Titus to a knee and gets a side headlock. Titus tries to create separation, but Elias continues to wrench with the side headlock. Titus lifts him and hits a back body drop. Titus uses his strength to launch Elias into the corner. Titus tees off and lands a big chops. He hits a slam on Elias and capitalizes with a big splash in the corner. Titus sends him to the outside. Elias pushes Apollo on the outside. Titus tries to take advantage, but Titus is hung up on the rope. Elias comes back in and hits Drift Away to pick up the win.
Winner: Elias
My Opinion:
I think we needed to see more Elias in this match. This match felt very quick and the majority of it was Titus being over. I really like Elias, but if he is ever gonna get over he needs more lengthy matches. We need to see what he is made of over and over and let him make his mark. I also sat here and thought why couldn’t Titus ever get a good run. Titus really impresses me every time I watch him in there because he is a really gifted athlete. I think Elias and Apollo having a rivalry could be good for both them and give them a chance to showcase their talent and shine.
Match 3: Mickie James vs Nia Jax
Nia runs over Mickie as the match starts. Nia then tosses her. Mickie kicks her, but Nia quickly stops her momentum. Nia throws her again and uses the ropes to choke her. Nia lifts Mickie and gets her in a bear hug. Mickie fights back with elbows, but Nia slams her to the mat. Nia wrenches on Mickie’s back, but Mickie continues to fight. Nia continues to stop her and tosses her to the outside as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Nia is in control, but Mickie battles back. Nia stomps the momentum quickly and keeps her grounded on the mat. Mickie lands big right hands and a big kick to follow. Mickie goes off on Nia, but Nia won’t go down. Nia uses her strength to slam Mickie. Nia gets a half nelson on Mickie and puts the pressure on. Mickie tries to fights out with back elbows, but Nia goes back to the bear hug. Mickie continues to strike with elbows and escapes, but Nia just drives her to the mat. Nia lifts Mickie onto her shoulders, but Mickie is able to slip off and land on her feet. Mickie strikes Nia and chops down her legs to send her to her knee. Nia stops this and drives Mickie into the corner. Mickie comes off the top rope and plants Nia with the tornado ddt. Mickie goes for the pin, but Alexa interferes and throws Mickie out of the ring.
*** after the match Alexa goes to Mickie on the outside. Mickie slaps her and throws her into the barricade. Mickie finishes her off with a big kick.
Winner: Mickie James: Via DQ
My Opinion:
This was a very good match. Nia showed her dominance, but Mickie continued to stay in it. I like how the match ended because you almost think Mickie was gonna win, but now you don’t know. This sets up a big thing for Mickie. Now she can move forward and continue on with Alexa. I think Mickie still has it and I believe Alexa will benefit greatly from facing her. I also wonder how they’ll have Nia react to this as she doesn’t like getting help.
Backstage Segment:
Renee asks Enzo what his reaction is to being shut out by the whole Cruiserweight Division. Enzo doesn’t speak and Renee just tells him thank you.
Backstage Segment:
Charly congratulates Mickie. Mickie says she should those girls what this old women could do. She says she would love nothing more than to represent the WWE Universe as the Women’s Champion. Kurt Angle approaches and tells her she will get a title shot at TLC. Mickie thanks him and says oh it’s true, it’s damn true.
Match 4: Matt Hardy & Jason Jordan vs The Club (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)
Anderson and Hardy start off the match. Anderson tries to get the advantage, but Hardy hits him and gets a side headlock. Hardy takes him down with a shoulder tackle. Anderson comes back and works Hardy to the corner. Gallows gets the tag, but Hardy quickly gets on the offensive. He takes it to Gallows in the corner and Jordan gets the tag. Jordan drives his shoulder into Gallows in the corner. Gallows comes back and takes it to Jordan, teeing off in the corner. Anderson tries to get involved, but Jordan and Hardy work together to take out Gallows and Anderson and send them to the outside as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Hardy tries to tag Jordan, but Anderson takes him down. Anderson stomps on Hardy and tags in Gallows. Gallows lands a huge headbutt and follows with a big kick. Anderson tags in and kicks Hardy. Anderson lands a right and works hardy to the corner. Anderson toys with Hardy in the corner and throws him into a another. Anderson is side stepped and Hardy tags in Jordan. Jordan comes in hot and hits a huge suplex. Jordan lands a big spear in the corner. Gallows tags in and Gallows takes him down with a kick. Jordan tries to fight him off, but is hit with a big boot from Gallows. Gallows throws Jordan in the corner after an unsuccessful pin and tags Anderson. Anderson stomps on him and works his arm. Anderson holds the arm of Jordan and hits him with a knee to stop the tag. Jordan fights him off and lands a huge suplex. Gallows and Hardy get the tags. Hardy tees off on hi. Hardy gets him in the corner and lands big clotheslines. Hardy grabs Gallows and Anderson and lands a double bull dog. Hardy uses very turnbuckle to bounce Gallows off of. Hardy hits a big tornado ddt from the second rope. Hardy goes to the top and hits an elbow drop. Anderson breaks up the pin, but is sent to the outside by a dropkick from Jordan. Anderson sends Jordan into the barricade on the outside. Gallows takes advantage and he and Anderson hit the magic killer to beat Hardy and Jordan.
Winners: The Club (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)
My Opinion:
Big with for The Club. I was very pleased with this because with the Hardy’s out you need The Club to step up and be players in the division. Also you don’t want hardy and Jordan to look like this big time tag team when they’re not. I think Jordan and Hardy work well together, but they can’t become this big time dominate tag team. It will b interesting to see if The Club can start getting on a hot streak.
Backstage Segment:
Chalry asks for Roman’s comments on Rollins and Ambrose earlier. Roman says he isn’t surprise and says Cesaro and Sheamus were trying to make a statement. Roman says he has to focus on his own plans. Chalry asks what those are and Roman says keep it simple and destroy whatever is in his path. He says hopefully he’ll get the chance to break Miz’s jaw and leave Denver as the Intercontinental Champion.
Match 5: Roman Reigns vs The Miz (C):
Intercontinental Championship Match
*** Before the match Reigns hits Axel and Dallas with Superman Punches. He takes Axel out with a drive by and throws Axel into the steps. Reigns grabs a chair and tees off on Axel with it. Dallas comes to help out, but he is hit with another Superman punch. Reigns then unloads on Dallas with the chair and finishes off with one to Axel and heads to the ring as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns the match gets under way. Miz tries for a cheap shot, but Reigns meets him with a right. Miz goes to the outside and is met by reigns Reigns drives him into the barricade a number of times and stomps away. Reigns brings him back in the ring, but Miz slips back out. Miz trips Reigns and is able to throw him into the steps. Miz then sends Reigns over the barricade and gets back in the ring. Reigns gets back in the ring just in time and Miz hits a big ddt, but it’s not enough to get the win. Miz tees off and hits him with a big boot, but Reigns kicks out again. Miz gets a chin lock on Reigns, but Reigns battle out with big right hands. Miz hits him with a big boot and tries for another pin, but it’s still not enough. Miz chokes Reigns on the ropes and hits him with a big knee. Another cover and another kick out by Reigns as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Miz goes for the IT kicks. Reigns catches him and lifts him for a big power bomb. Miz is able to kick out of the pin. Reigns looks for the Superman punch, but is caught and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale. Miz goes for the cover and Reigns kicks out. Reigns explodes out of the corner and hits the Superman Punch. Miz is able to kick out of the cover. Reigns is pulled out of the ring by Cesaro and Sheamus. They take it to Reigns on the outside and throw him in the ring. Miz joins in and they take down Reigns. Cesaro hits him with Neutralizer. Sheamus then hits him with a Brogue kick. Miz finishes with the Skull Crushing Finale. The three mock The Shield and hit Reigns with a triple power bomb.
Winner: Roman Reigns: Via DQ:
Miz is still Intercontinental Champion
My Opinion:
First I really think Miz proved himself in this match. He and Reigns really did battle and it’s a match I’d love to see again. I wasn’t a fan of how it ended, but if it leads to a Shield reunion that will be awesome. I think WWE really could use it right about now and it will be a huge deal if it happens. I could see something like this happening at TLC as that is the ppv that The Shield had their first match. I think going into this everyone knew this was gonna lead to something bigger so we will see what happens next week.
In Ring Segment: Finn Balor
Balor says he likes to come out here and fight. He tells how Wyatt likes to come out and play mind games. He tells of the events last week and says he doesn’t buy for a second. He says if Wyatt had the whole world he wouldn’t know what to do with it. He says he sees Bray for what he really is and that’s a coward. He tells how Bray lost to the Demon and then lost to the man. He says Bray can make all the excuses but he is afraid, afraid that he can’t beat Finn Balor. He tells Bray to come out and face him. Don’t sing it, just bring it.
Wyatt shows on the titan-tron and says Balor lied to him. He says Balor was more than a man. He says the demon fuels the man. He asks Balor to show his true face. He challenges Balor to bring the demon and he says that Abigail is alive and she is dying to meet him.
My Opinion:
I loved Wyatt in this segment. To me he kills the promos and the effects they use for him brings it all together. I know some may be tired of this rivalry, but I think they’re doing a good job of keeping it going. I wish Balor had a little more character to him because I fell Wyatt is the one who really has to keep it going with the promos. These two have unfinished business though and I can’t wait to see how it will play out.
Match 6: Sasha Banks & Bayley vs Emma & Alicia Fox
Sasha and Emma start off the match. Emma backs her in the corner and gains no ground. Emma gets a side headlock and throws her to the ground. Sasha is able to get on the offensive and send Emma to the mat. Sasha works the arm of Emma and tags Bayley. Bayley comes in and continues to work on Emma’s arm. Bayley rolls around on Emma, but Emma comes back with quick strikes. Emma throws Bayley into the corner. Bayley turns it around and bounces Emma repeatedly off the turnbuckle. Emma is able to turn it around and tag in Alicia. Alicia and Emma double team Bayley and send her to the outside as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Emma tags in Alicia. Alicia pushes Sasha and gets in a scramble with Sasha. Sasha comes back with a big knee strike and follows with a dropkick. Alicia fights back, but is met with a big boot. Alicia doesn’t quit and sends Sasha to the mat off the distraction. Emma gets the tag and works Sasha to the mat. Emma gets a chin lock and keeps the pressure on. Emma keeps on Sasha and backs her in the corner. Alicia gets the tag and hits a huge back breaker on Sasha. Sasha tries to fight, but Alicia gives her no ground. Alicia keeps the chin lock on. Sasha gets to a vertical base, but is thrown right to the mat. Emma gets the tag again. Alicia takes a cheap shot and Emma capitalizes. Alicia gets the tag and works Sasha, but Sasha is able to fight out for a moment. Bayley finally bets the tag and hits a series of clotheslines. Bayley was able to hit a neck breaker from the ropes. Alicia is able to come back and hit a big jaw breaker. Alicia goes for the tag, but Emma refuses. Bayley comes from behind and hits the Bayley to belly.
Winners: Bayley & Sasha Banks
My Opinion:
I was not a fan of this match. I feel Sasha was isolated way too long and it just dragged on. I also don’t get why Emma and Alicia are the ones who were over for the majority of the match and I just don’t get it especially since Alicia hasn’t been a big part of the division as of late. I think the match was just done wrong and a bad last match to end on. This just didn’t really entertain me that much.
*** Next week Sheamus and Cesaro will be the guest on Miz TV.
In Ring Segment: Enzo Amore
Enzo says as far as the Cruiserweight Division is concerned they can go to hell. He says anyone who agrees with them can go to hell too. Enzo again claims that he put 205 Live on the map. He tells how he made the division relevant and made it the main event two weeks in a row. Enzo says that it took all those guys to take him out and how the crowd chanted you deserve it. Enzo tells that if having success is wrong then he doesn’t wanna be right. He says he is money and making cheddar more than any of the Cruiserweights put together. He tells that he earned that money and says if talk is cheap then they’ve never booked one of his appearances. Enzo says how he is hurt and his back probably hurts from carrying the division. He tells the everyone in the division that they don’t have a shot at this championship. He reiterated how he got the clause that says no one who touched him gets a title shot. He says he got another clause tonight that says if anyone lays a hand on him tonight they’re getting fired. He says if anyone wants to step out of line he will show that they are SAWFT. Out comes the Cruiserweight Division.
They rush the ring and Enzo steps out. He asks them if they like their jobs or not. Enzo makes fun of Mufasa Ali and shows him the contract that he has. He continues to make fun of them and mock what they do. Out comes Kurt Angle.
Angle says based on last week none of the Cruiserweights that are ringside can get a shot at the title, and none of them can touch you tonight, but none of that applies to the new Cruiserweight that he just signed. Out comes Kalisto.
Kalisp rushes the ring and takes it to Enzo. he takes him out with a Salida del sol.
My Opinion:
I feel like they dragged this one from last week. Enzo said nothing new and just continued to bash everyone in the division. I didn’t mind Kalisto coming out and saving the day, but I feel they missed a huge opportunity to bring someone big form NXT. This segment just didn’t hit the way it should’ve and I can only hope they end with something different next week.
Backstage Segment:
Ambrose and Rollins approach Reigns and the three give each other head nods.
Final Thoughts:
This wasn’t the best Raw I’ve ever seen. To me nothing really clicked, it felt like this was one of those Raw’s that is setting up for things. The night started off good with Rollins and Strowman. I really liked the match and I liked Sheamus and Cesaro coming out at the end especially since they came out and helped to attack Reigns. Miz and Reigns were a big highlight for me. That match was very good and I hope the ending is a build up to The Shield reuniting. Mickie James did well tonight against Nia. I think her facing Alexa will be awesome. Alexa will learn a lot from wrestling her and it will only help her career. I liked The Club going over tonight. They really need to get back in the tag team picture and pick up some wins here especially with Jeff Hardy out. Other than that this was pretty plain. The ending of Raw with Enzo just didn’t hit like last week. I think the missed a big chance to bring someone up from NXT and instead use Kalisto. The ending just didn’t set well because I miss the days where raw had a huge main event at the end. I like the Reigns, Rollins, and Ambrose segment, but I think they should’ve fist bumped and gave the fans something to get excited about, but I guess the hint they gave is just as good.
Overall Rating: 6/10