Raw Review 10/30/2017

RAW REVIEW 10/30/2017
Last week we saw SmackDown Live take over Monday Night Raw and cause as much chaos as they could. This week how will Raw respond to the blue brand? As Survivor Series inches closer we hope to find out some of the men and women that will represent Raw in the traditional Survivor Series matches. Since returning Kane has been on a path of destruction, but who will be next? Also, Kurt Angle announced that at Survivor Series Raw’s Champions will face the Champions on SmackDown, but will the current title holders be able to hang on until November 19th?
Raw is live tonight from the Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore, Maryland.
Raw kicks off with us being welcomed to the show by Michael Cole, Corey Graves & Booker T.
In Ring Segment: Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle tells us that tonight is different than other weeks. He talks about last week and how Shane McMahon took friendly competition too far. He apologizes to the roster and says he let his friendship blind him. He tells the Raw roster who he has standing on the stage that he put them in harm’s way and won’t do it again. Out comes the returning Stephanie McMahon!
Stephanie tells Kurt that she couldn’t let him start the show like that and welcomes everyone to Raw. Steph tells that on January 22 Raw will be celebrating its 25th anniversary. Steph says this is just the beginning. Stephanie says that Kurt has been doing a hell of a job and says even with some of the things that have come up he’s handled it in stride except for last week. Steph says that Shane is shallow and manipulative. Steph says Shane couldn’t get the job done at Hell in a Cell so he came and picked on her. Steph goes on about Shane and blames Kurt for letting 25 years turn into a mockery. Steph tells Kurt that he will be the team captain of Monday Night Raw at Survivor Series. Steph says she expects total dominance and if she doesn’t get it she will find a new General Manager.
My Opinion:
That was an awesome way to start of Raw. I love Stephanie being back, I feel like when she’s there you can expect things to be really good. I love Kurt being added to the match at Survivor Series. It’s interesting and sets forth the tone of how important the brand rivalry is. The one hope I have is that Shane will be in the match as well, so w can get some Angle and Shane-O nostalgia.
Backstage Segment:
Kurt apologizes to Stephanie and she says she meant everything she said and if he doesn’t believe her he can ask Mick Foley.
Miz shows up and Kurt says he’s late. Kurt tells him that he is the captain of Team Raw. Miz says the rules don’t apply for Kurt Angle. Angle tells Miz he was nowhere to be found last week and says Miz will put his title on the line tonight. Miz asks who and Kurt tells him he will find out when he gets out there.
Match 1: Bayley vs Nia Jax
This was supposed to be Alicia Fox vs Bayley but Fox introduces the returning Nia Jax as a member of Team Raw and Bayley’s opponent tonight. Nia lifts Bayley up, but Bayley fights her off. Bayley unloads with forearms but is sent out of the ring. Nia throws her back in the ring, but Bayley knocks her down with a dropkick. Bayley stands tall as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Nia has Baylye grounded. Bayley fights to her feet but is tossed across the ring. Nia lands a huge splash in the corner and a second to follow. Nia goes to the second rope but is knocked off by Bayley. Bayley sends Nia to the floor and flies from the apron to take down Nia. Bayley hammers away, but Nia reverses and sends her back in the ring. Bayley catches Nia with a big kick and hangs her up on the second rope. Bayley goes for a pin, but Nia kicks out at two. Bayley locks in a guillotine, but Nia overpowers her. Nia sends Bayley face first into the mat and runs her over. Nia lands a huge leg drop and gets the 1 2 3.
*** Alicia Fox announces that Nia is her first pick for Team Raw.
Winner: Nia Jax
My Opinion:
It was great seeing Nia back and she looks like she hasn’t lost a step. I love her being on Team Raw, it definitely gives them the best chance to win. I wonder if we will see if Bayley gets on the team? I don’t know who else they’d have. Hopefully, Alicia will field a good team because SmackDown’s team will be very good.
*** As Raw goes to break out comes Samoa Joe!
In Ring Segment: Samoa Joe
Joe says it seems like some of you have missed me. He says he finds it amusing because he hasn’t missed any of them. Joe tells that no one reached out him to show they actually cared. He tells that he will use their disrespect as fuel against any man that steps into the ring with him because he will pretend it is each and every one of them.
Match 2: Samoa Joe vs Apollo Crews
Joe backs him into the corner and unloads on him. Apollo tried to amount offense with a side headlock. Joe is able to fight out and levels Apollo with a shoulder tackle. Joe loses momentum and Apollo lands a huge dropkick. Apollo lands a big kick and tries for a suplex, but it’s blocked. Apollo lands another kick but is hit with a side slam. Apollo fights back, but is thrown in the corner and hit with a big kick. Joe hammers Apollo with an elbow, a chop, and a knee. Apollo comes back with an enziguri. Joe comes right back and spikes Apollo on the mat. Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch and Apollo taps.
*** After the match Titus gets in the ring and sizes up Joe. Joe comes from behind and locks in the Coquina Clutch.
Winner: Samoa Joe
My Opinion:
It was awesome to see Joe back. It’s another element that Raw needs around and will be perfect on the Raw team for Survivor Series. I loved how quick Joe was and he picked up where he left off. I like Titus and Apollo. However nowadays they always lose, but nonetheless, Apollo looked great.
Match 3: The Miz (c) vs Matt Hardy:
Intercontinental Championship Match
Hardy quickly goes for a pin, but Miz kicks out. Hardy looks for the twist of fate, but Miz slips away. Miz hits Hardy with a right and tries for a hip toss, but Hardy reverses. Miz is taken down by a back elbow and Hardy follows with an elbow drop. Hardy is sent out of the ring and Hardy quickly gets back in the ring as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Hardy is in control. Hardy tees off on Miz in the corner. Miz sidesteps Hardy and places him on the top turnbuckle. Hardy fights back and sends Miz to the mat. Miz comes back and lands a neck breaker from the top. Miz hammers on Hardy and goes to a chin lock. Hardy fights out, but Miz comes right back and hits him off his knee and finishes with a neckbreaker. The Miztourage gets involved and take cheap shots on Hardy. Miz takes advantage and hangs up Hardy on the second rope. Miz uses the apron as a weapon and hammers down on him/ Miz hits him with a huge knee and goes for the cover, but Hardy forces the break. Miz continues to stomp away on Hardy. Miz hits him with a dropkick and follows with a big clothesline. Miz goes to the top and flies but is caught by Hardy. Hardy misses a side effect but sidesteps Miz in the corner. Hardy fights back and bounces Miz off the top turnbuckle. Hardy hits a clothesline and follows with a running bulldog. Hardy goes to the second rope and hits Miz with an elbow to the neck. Hardy hits another elbow but gets another near fall. Matt goes for the twist of fate, but it’s countered. Hardy fights back and hits the side effect, but gets a near fall. Hardy misses on the twist of fate but catches Miz with an elbow. Hardy goes to the top and hits a moonsault from the top rope. Hardy goes for the cover, but Miz kicks out. Miz backs Hardy into the corner and connects with the It kicks. Hardy comes back and hits him with the twist of fate, but Miz rolls to the apron. Miz hangs up Hardy on the top rope and hits him with the Skull Crushing Finale. Miz goes for the cover and picks up the victory.
Winner: The Miz:
Still Intercontinental Champion
My Opinion:
That was an awesome match. I loved Hardy tonight. He showed that he’s still got it and the crowd was so into it. I think it’s great when they put titles on the line like that because it seems that brings out the best matches. I will say that Miz looked sloppy out there tonight, but they were able to hold it together. My one thought after the match is I hope Matt’s neck is okay because he landed hard a couple times in the corner.
Backstage Segment:
Alexa congratulates Kurt about being captain for Raw. Alexa tells Kurt that she can help him. She tells him to improve the quality of the Women’s Division. Kurt says he likes bringing in new talent, but not at the expense of Mickie James. Kurt tells Alexa she will put her title on the line against Mickie James tonight.
Match 4: Asuka vs Stacie Cullen
Asuka hits hit with a big kick. Asuka stays on her with huge knees. Asuka gets her in the corner and bounces her off the second turnbuckle. Asuka continues with huge kicks and follows with a big slap. Asuka unloads on Cullen and locks in the Asuka lock, Cullen taps.
Winner: Asuka
My Opinion:
Asuka looked very dominate out there. I liked that she showed the different sides of what she can do. It’ll be interesting to see her in a real rivalry because at some point she will have to lose. It’ll be interesting to see how quickly they get her in the mix.
Backstage Segment:
Kurt tells someone random people through a walkie talkie that the Smackdown folks are here. In comes Daniel Bryan. Bryan says he had nothing to do with last week. Bryan says he is here alone and Shane doesn’t know about this. Kurt says he doesn’t believe him. Bryan says he was just as surprised. Kurt tells Bryan to tell Shane that he is bringing his gold medal and the Raw roster and they are taking Shane and SmackDown out.
Backstage Segment:
Bryan is on the phone and tells that Kurt didn’t respond well. The lights go out on Bryan. He says he wasn’t expecting this and thought he could reason with Kurt. He tells the person on the phone that the door is locked and how frustrating this is. In comes Kane who chokeslams him.
Match 5: Finn Balor vs Cesaro
The two lock up and Cesaro backs him into the corner. Balor is able to counter and lands big chops on Cesaro. Balor stays on him with a side headlock. Cesaro backs him into the ropes and lands a cheap shot to the midsection. Cesaro misses on a clothesline and Balor is able to land a hip toss back into the side headlock. Cesaro lands a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and gets in control. Cesaro continues to build momentum and takes Balor down to the mat. Balor comes back with two big kicks and sends Cesaro out of the ring. Balor lands a huge dropkick and sends Cesaro into the barricade. Balor gets distracted by Sheamus and is knocked to the floor as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Balor hits Cesaro with an overhead kick. Balor hits him with two big boots and follows with a right hand. Balor gets him in the corner and lands another big shot. Balor hits him with a big kick, but again Balor gets distracted. Cesaro hits him with a uppercut and goes for the cover, but Balor kicks out. Cesaro goes for the sharpshooter, but Balor forces the break. Cesaro goes to the second rope and connects with a huge suplex. Cesaro stomps on Balor and finally gets the sharpshooter locked in. Balor fights, but Cesaro switches into the crossface. Balor comes back and hits a big stomp on Cesaro. Balor hits the sling blade and connects with a dropkick. Balor takes out Sheamus on the apron and sends Cesaro on to the floor. Balor flies to the outside and brings Cesaro back in the ring. Balor hits a stomp on Cesaro and gets the win.
*** After the match Kane comes out and Balor goes after him. Kane hits him with big kick and tombstones him on the stage.
Winner: Finn Balor
My Opinion:
This was a very good match. I loved the power that Cesaro displayed and the quickness Balor showed. I thought they’d have a little bit better of a match, but they still delivered. It was good seeing a match like this that was different but at the same time a dream match. Hopefully, they keep doing matches like these because it was definitely a refresher to see Cesaro facing someone other than Rollins or Ambrose. I think the end with Kane was also awesome, I say keep him on his path of destruction.
Match 6: Seth Rollins vs Kane
Rollins hits Kane with a right hand. Rollins keeps on him but is knocked down by a clothesline. Rollins is sent to the outside and Kane follows. Rollins is able to quickly get in the ring and hit Kane with a kick. He flies, but Kane comes right back and stays on Rollins. Kane hits him with a huge slap and a clothesline to follow. Rollins hangs him up on the top rope and comes back teeing off on Kane in the corner. Kane knocks Rollins to the mat and stands on his skull. Kane lands a huge splash in the corner. Kane follows up with a side slam and gets a chinlock in. Rollins fights out and is able to hit him with a boot. Rollins catches him with an enziguri and goes to the top. Rollins hits him with a blockbuster, but Kane kicks out of the pin. Rollins hits him with a suicide dive on the outside and a second one to follow. Kane gets in the ring and Rollins is swatted away as he tries for the springboard clothesline. He does a second and a third time, but is caught and hits the chokeslam. Kane gets the 1 2 3.
***After the match Ambrose saves Rollins form Kane. he hits him with Dirty Deeds. Kane gets up and is attacked by Cesaro and Sheamus and Kane. Kane hits him with the tombstone. Kane then delivers one to Rollins.
Winner: Kane
My Opinion:
I love the destruction Kane is causing. This was a great effort by Rollins, but I like Kane going over and staying on top. With Kane going around and beating everyone in his path it’ll be interesting to see who he really gets a rivalry with. Right now it seems Kane is there for destruction, but what I really wanna know is where they will go with him.
Backstage Segment:
Daniel Bryan is carted off on a stretcher.
Backstage Segment:
Miz encourages The Miztourage to celebrate his victory earlier in the night. The Miz goes into his locker room to find a bag of garbage. Miz tells them that Strowman is here. Dallas tells Miz they got his back. As Raw returns Miz tells Kane he loves how he took out Rollins, Ambrose, and Balor. Miz reminds Kane of throwing Strowman in the garbage truck. Kane reminds him he had a hand in it. Miz tells Kane of the garbage bag in his locker room. Kane says he doesn’t know if he’s back, but if he is he knows where to find him. Miz says I knew we were on the same team but Kane tells him he’s on his own.
Match 7: Rhyno & Heath Slater vs The Club (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows):
All Hallows’ Eve Trick or Street Fight
Rhine and Heath Slater are dressed as Mr and Mrs. Clause. Gallows and Anderson are dressed as their Southpaw Regional Wrestling characters Tex Furgenson and Chad 2 Badd. Gallows and Anderson take over early. They send Slater and Rhyno to the outside and beat on Slater. They dump Slater into the bin of apples, but Rhyno uses a jack o’lantern on Gallows. Slater and Rhyno sends Gallows and Anderson into each other with jack o’lanterns. Slater and Rhyno grab a table and continue to work on Gallows and Anderson. Gallows slams Rhyno into the steps and turn their attention to Slater. They hit Slater with a kendo stick and pour pumpkin guts on him. Slater is able to sidestep Anderson and send him into the corner. Rhyno comes hard at Gallows and hits with a pie. Gallows and Anderson set up the table, but Slater comes hard with the kendo sticks. Gallows hits him with a huge boot and uses the kendo stick himself. Anderson flies, but Rhyno puts him through the table and gets the win for his team.
Winners: Rhyno & Heath Slater
My Opinion:
This was a fun and festive match. I didn’t mind this, but obviously, it’s crazy to think this is where The Club has fallen. Overall though it was fun and I enjoyed it. They made the most of it and did what they could.
Backstage Segment:
Miz tells Cesaro and Sheamus his story of the garbage bag and tells about how Kane said they are on his own. Sheamus says there is no way Braun could recover already. Cesaro tells him to take a deep breath. Miz says it’s nice to be apart of a strong team. Sheamus tells him he’s on his own. Miz gets on the phone and tells Axel they are leaving now.
In Ring Segment:
Jason Jordan goes after Elias. He lands a huge belly to belly suplex and Elias retreats. Jordan then breaks the guitar of Elias.
Backstage Segment:
Miz says strange things are happening and they are leaving right now. Kurt stops him and asks if he is seriously leaving. Miz tells him that he doesn’t understand. Kurt says they are staying until the end of the show or else.
Match 8: Drew Gulak vs Kalisto
Kalisto catches Gulak with a big kick. Gulak sends him into the corner and lands a huge clothesline. Kalisto is able to land a big kick and flies off the second rope to take down Gulak. Kalisto catches him with a big kick and hits the Salida del Sol and gets the win.
***After the match Enzo lays out Kalisto
Winner: Kalisto
My Opinion:
Kalisto was very impressive. Against someone like Gulak, I wish the match would’ve gone longer. I think Gulak is helping Enzo tremendously. To me, Enzo is getting old but Gulak is saving it for me.
Backstage Segment:
Miz says this is unbelievable. He tells The Miztourage to call the driver to get the limo started because they are out of her when the show is over.
Match 9: Alexa Bliss vs Mickie James:
Raw Women’s Championship Match
Mickie and Alexa lock up and neither gain an edge. Alexa takes a cheap shot and throws Mickie into the corner. Mickie comes back and lands a huge kick. Alexa hits her with a big elbow and takes it to Mickie in the corner. Mickie comes back and sends Alexa flying. Alexa goes to the outside as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Alexa is in control. Alexa wrenches on the neck of Mickie. Mickie fights out for a moment, but Alexa stops her in her tracks with a clothesline. Alexa goes back to the neck of Mickie and locks in a chin lock. Mickie fights back with a forearm, but Alexa sends her back to the mat. Alexa steps on Mickie’s hair and pulls on her arms. Mickie hits a clothesline and a series of kicks. Mickie hits a neck-breaker and goes for the cover, but gets a near fall. Mickie hits with a couple of forearms, but Alexa again keeps Mickie grounded. Mickie reverses and sends her back to the mat. Mickie goes to the top, but Alexa throws her off. Alexa goes up top and is caught by Mickie. Alexa falls hard to the floor. Mickie now goes to the top and flies to take out Alexa. Alexa goes to the outside, but Mickie throws her right back in the ring. Mickie rolls her up, but gets another near fall and an another to follow that. Mickie tries a bridge cover, but Alexa slips out. Alexa hits her with a huge right hand and gets the win.
Winner: Alexa Bliss:
Still Raw Women’s Champion
My Opinion:
A good match between these two. They do very well against one another, but I wasn’t the biggest fan of the finish. I think they could’ve ended it better and at times I felt this match was rushed. I feel like if they slowed down some and really made things tighter this could’ve been great.
Backstage Segment:
The Miztourage gets in their limo, but the limo is stopped by a garbage truck. Out of the garbage truck comes Braun Strowman. Strowman chases after them as they exit the limo. Strowman chases them to the stage. Dallas and Axel go after them, but Strowman fends them off. He throws Miz into the screens and clears the announcer’s table. Strowman fights off The Miztourage and throws them down the stage. Miz is sent into the ring and Strowman hits him with a big splash. Strowman takes out Axel and Dallas. Strowman finishes with four running powerslams to Axel and finally puts him through the announcer’s table.
Final Thoughts:
This was a pretty good raw. I liked how it had a lot of twist and turns and kept you guessing all the way through., We saw some good matchups tonight like Cesaro and Balor, Kane and Rollins. It was an interesting week for sure, I wish we would’ve seen more development with SmackDown though. I think another thing I wanted was someone insight on who is gonna be on team Raw. We know Kurt is gonna be on the team, but who else will join him. I think after tonight Strowman and Samoa Joe look ready to go. It was good seeing them back and on the same note it was good to see Nia back. Tonight was a lot of fun and it will be interesting to see how this all plays out. The one thing I am hoping is Shane will be involved and face in the match at Survivor Series again this year so we can see him and Kurt go at it one more time.
Overall Rating: 7/10