Raw Review 11/20/2017

RAW REVIEW 11/20/2017
Tonight we see the fallout from last night’s Survivor Series. Team Raw was victorious over SmackDown last night, but how will Miz, Alexa Bliss, and Cesaro & Sheamus feel as they all lost to their SmackDown opponents. Plus even though Team Raw won their traditional Survivor Series match how will Kurt Angle handle the way it ended? The Shield was victorious over The New Day, but what’s next for the powerhouse group of the WWE? What will be next for Asuka as she was the sole survivor of Raw’s women’s team last night? The Beast Brock Lesnar overcame AJ Styles last night, but who step up and be the next challenger for the Universal Championship?
Raw is live tonight from the Toyota Center in Houston.
Raw kicks off with us being welcomed to the show by Michael Cole, Corey Graves & Booker T.
In Ring Segment: Stephanie McMahon
Stephanie welcomes everyone to Raw. Stephanie says how this is now officially the A show. Stephanie says that Shane knew that SmackDown didn’t stand a chance and with all his tactics he tried to gain an advantage. Stephanie says unlike Shane who learned how to strike first she learned to win. She then tells Kurt Angle that his job is one hundred percent secure. Stephanie than introduces the true victor for Raw, Triple H.
Triple H makes his way to the ring and out comes Kurt Angle. Angle tells Triple H this is the Olympic Gold medalist, Hell of Famer talking to you and tells Triple H that if he ever attacks him from behind again he can take this job and shove it because he is coming for him. Stephanie tells him he is talking to the COO as the General Manager and tells him not to jeopardize his career again. Out comes Jason Jordan.
Angle tells Jordan to calm down. Jordan tells him to him in a match with Triple H tonight. Stephanie tells Kurt he doesn’t have the authority to make that match. Jordan then asks Triple H if he’s a coward. Stephanie tells Jordan with the mood her husband is in he would tear him apart and says Triple H isn’t afraid of him or anyone in the locker room. Out comes Braun Strowman.
Strowman sizes up Triple H and Triple H backs away out of the ring. Stephanie tells Jason Jordan that he will be facing Braun Strowman tonight.
My Opinion:
That wasn’t the best start for me. The crowd was very into it and so the night should have started with a bang, that just felt unorganized. They wanted something big and got Jordan versus Strowman which isn’t exactly a big match. It’ll be interesting to see what factor Triple H plays in the upcoming months. I would like to see Angle and Triple H at some point. Also, it’ll be interesting to see where Braun Strowman goes as he’s getting out over quite well by Triple H.
Match 1: Finn Balor vs Samoa Joe
Joe starts with a huge right hand. Joe continues with the right hands and lands a huge knee. Balor catches Joe with a big dropkick. Balor unloads with kicks but Joe comes right back and knocks Balor down to the mat with a back elbow. Joe works the neck of Balor with a death grip. Balor launches Joe into the corner but Joe turns it around and goes to the top turnbuckle. Balor catches him with a huge kick and knocks him down. Balor flies over the top rope and takes out Joe as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Joe is in control of Balor. Joe drives his knee in the back of Balor and keeps him grounded on the mat. Joe sends Balor in the corner and hits him with a high elbow followed by a huge kick to the face. Joe goes for the cover but Balor kicks out at two. Joe pounds on Balor and goes back to the death grip on Balor. Balor is able to break the hold. Joe sends him off the ropes and hits him with a right but then is hit by a kick from Balor. Balor backs off Joe and hits a big kick from the apron. Balor continues with a big dropkick and sends Joe out of the ring. Balor hits another dropkick and tries for a kick on the apron but Joe pulls his legs out. Joe flies through the ropes and sends Balor crashing into the barricade. Joe brings Balor into the ring and lands the STO but Balor kicks out of the cover. Balor fights off Joe and lands the sling blade. Joe comes back and side steps Balor. Joe then hits a big senton but only gets a two count on the cover. Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch but Balor rolls through and hits a double stomp. Balor sends Joe into the corner with a big dropkick. Balor goes to the top but Joe pulls him off and locks in the Coquina Clutch once more. Balor fades and Joe gets the win.
Winner: Samoa Joe
My Opinion:
A great match between these two. Balor put up a great fight and really took it to Joe but Joe showed his true strength tonight. Joe didn’t give Balor too much room to catch an error. Joe looks very ready to continue towards more success and get back into the swing of things. It’ll be interesting to see where Joe will go next and the same for Balor. They both seem to be heading in no clear direction.
Backstage Segment:
Jordan asks Kurt if he’s actually gonna let this match happen. Kurt questions him and says he thought he was one hundred percent. Jordan says he only said that because it was Triple H. Angle tells him that he can’t cancel the match. Jordan says he can handle it and he’s not afraid. He says after he’s down with him he’ll be telling horror stories about him.
Match 2: Asuka vs Dana Brooke
Asuka lands a huge kick and catches Dana. Dana lands a big kick but Asuka gets back in control. Asuka gets Dana backed to the ropes and pulls on her back. Asuka drives Dana to the floor. Asuka grabs Dana and continues with big kicks. Dana comes back with a big kick of her own. Dana and Asuka trade big slaps but Asuka gets the advantage and takes her down with a huge kick and gets the 1 2 3.
Winner: Asuka
My Opinion:
Not a bad showing for Dana but Asuka proved to be to dominate. I’m really impressed with Asuka’s style and the way she works in the ring. She continues to be unbeaten and it’s only a matter of time before she’s challenging for the title.
In Ring Segment: Miz TV w/ Roman Reigns
Miz congratulates Baron Corbin but says he has better things to do than to deal with him. He then introduces his guest Roman Reigns. Reigns doesn’t come so Miz introduces him again. Miz says this is so unprofessional and states how this is his show. Out comes The Shield.
Miz says he made it pretty clear that his guess was Reigns and not The Shield. Ambrose says they’re feeling really good because they proved they haven’t missed a step. Rollins says they proved that they are the most dominate three-man team in the history of the WWE and they are pretty much unstoppable. Miz mocks them and says he hasn’t heard a thank you. Reigns asks to whom and Miz says to him. Reigns says they will never thank him. Miz says everyone knows that the only reason this reunion started is because of him. Miz says if it wasn’t for him they would’ve never set aside their differences and tells that the least he deserves is a thank you Miz. Miz says he refuses to thank anyone. Miz tells them they are ungrateful. Reigns tells that they won last night and brings up how Miz lost. Rollins says it’s only a matter of time before they get their titles back. Reigns says he doesn’t wanna be the only guy without a title. Rollins says Miz has a title. Dallas tells Reigns he has to go through him and Axel. Reigns knocks own Dallas and Miz runs out of the ring. Rollins hits Axel with a huge knee and Ambrose hits him with a DDT. The Shield beat down Dallas and hit him with a triple powerbomb.
My Opinion:
Awesome segment, that was vintage Shield and I loved it. I hope they continue to do dominate and do win the titles they seek. I think The Shield is one faction that won’t get old and they continue to be together and get stronger and stronger every week. I can’t wait to see what they do next and I hope they don’t break up or anything like that anytime soon.
Backstage Segment:
Charly asks Braun how he feels about Jordan saying he’s not afraid of him. Braun says good because he’s not like everyone else including Triple H.
Match 3: Dean Ambrose vs Sheamus
Sheamus backs Ambrose into the corner. Ambrose fights him and works him to the mat. Sheamus fights to his feet and locks in a side headlock. Ambrose lands an arm drag and works the elbow of Sheamus. Sheamus comes back with big knees and lands vicious strikes to the back of Ambrose. Ambrose is able to hang up Sheamus on the ropes. Ambrose gets back in the ring and Sheamus lands a huge boot sending Ambrose out of the ring as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Sheamus stretches the leg of Ambrose. Ambrose tries to fight back but Sheamus plants him with a powerbomb. Sheamus works the elbow of Ambrose and keeps him grounded on the mat. Sheamus lands a big suplex. He keeps on Ambrose and goes for another suplex. Sheamus grabs Ambrose but he fights out and hits Sheamus. Ambrose is able to send Sheamus into the post. Sheamus comes right back but Ambrose fires away with strikes. Ambrose hits a series of clotheslines but Sheamus is able to get back into it. Ambrose knocks Sheamus to the floor and Ambrose tries to fly but Sheamus lands a big elbow. Ambrose fights back and this time he flies and takes out Sheamus. The two get back in the ring and Sheamus tries to steal a victory but Ambrose kicks out. Ambrose is able to send Sheamus into the ropes. Ambrose gets distracted by Cesaro and Sheamus lands a rolling senton from the second rope. Rollins takes out Cesaro on the outside. Sheamus gets distracted and gets hit with the Dirty Deeds. Ambrose picks up the victory.
Winner: Dean Ambrose
My Opinion:
Even though they’ve been at it awhile these matches still entertain me a lot. I love the competition between the two teams and whether it be a singles match or a tag team they always bring out the best in each other. Hopefully, with this win, Rollins and Ambrose will get a title shot soon but I’m sure Rollins will have to beat Cesaro first.
Backstage Segment:
Jordan tells Matt Hardy that he’s confident to beat him and asks for pointers. Matt says he’s faced , any big men but Braun is the monster among men. Matt says his strength is inhuman and being in the ring is truly humbling. Matt says he’s learned many important lessons including that some nights it’s just not your night.
In Ring Segment: Alexa Bliss
Alexa says she been reading all the tweets and messages people have been sending. She tells to save the pity for someone because she knows how well she performed last night. She states that Charlotte got lucky last night. Alexa says 2017 has been her year and there’s no one who can hold a candle to her. Out comes Mickie James.
Mickie asks the crowd who else is tired of hearing the same old jibber jabber for little miss biscuit butt. Mickie tells her that Survivor Series is over and the only business she is concerned with is the Women’s Championship. Out comes Bayley.
Bayley tells Alexa that this has been her year but the year ain’t over. Bayley tells her that she is not the same woman that Alexa beat. She tells Mickie that the championship is hers. Out comes Sasha Banks.
Sasha says Raw needs a Boss champion and not some little B like Alexa. Out comes Alicia Fox.
Alicia says if Raw needs a boss as champion the captain of the Raw Women’s team should get the opportunity. Alexa thanks them all and says this has been a waste of her time. She says that not one of them deserves a championship opportunity. Outcomes Kurt Angle.
Angle says that Alexa will get a chance to prove she is the champion when she faces the winner of the fatal four way that starts now.
My Opinion:
I like this segment with Alexa, she was very to the point and didn’t backtrack on her words. It was perfect for her not to defend every reason why the four women don’t deserve a shot and just walk out of the ring instead. The only thing bad is everyone is waiting for Paige to return so that segment may have a let down to some people.
Match 4: Bayley vs Sasha Banks vs Mickie James vs Alicia Fox:
#1 Contender’s Match for the Raw Women’s Championship
As Raw returns, Sasha hits Bayley with a huge forearm. Bayley fights back and lands a big backdrop. Mickie breaks up the pin and goes to work but Alicia stops her momentum. Sasha is able to works Alicia to the mat and lock in the Banks Statement. Bayley breaks it up but Sasha is able to take it to Bayley. Mickie comes in and lands a neckbreaker on Sasha. Mickie and Sasha collide sending both of them to the mat. Out comes Paige!
Paige asks the crowd if they missed her. Paige says she’s back. She says she didn’t come here alone. Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville. Rose and Deville go after Sasha. Bayley comes in to help but Paige takes out Bayley. Rose then lays out Mickie. Paige finishes by hitting the Rampaige on Bayley.
Winner: No Winner
My Opinion:
Great to see Paige back finally! I liked Rose and Deville debuting as well. That was definitely unexpected and as I stated early about people being disappointed, well they won’t be now. I can’t wait to see what she does next and I hope Paige will be in line for the title next.
Backstage Segment:
Renee welcomes Paige back and asks her to explain what happened. Paige gets cute with Renee. Paige says it was a whole year’s worth…Alexa interrupts and says bravo to them and says they all got what they deserve. Paige introduces Alexa to Sonya and Mandy. Alexa says nice to meet you. The three of them then attack Alexa.
Match 5: Braun Strowman vs Jason Jordan
Jordan slaps Strowman and Jordan drops to the outside. Strowman throws Jordan but Jordan is able to escape Strowman. Jordan picks him up but Strowman stays right on him. Jordan tries to lift him again but can’t. Kane comes from behind and attacks Strowman. Kane hits him with a chair and sends him to the outside. Kane goes to the outside and continues with chair shots. He sends Strowman into the steps and leaves him in pain.
Winner: Braun Strowman: Via DQ
My Opinion:
Jordan did impress me with his strength. He hung in there for a minute but then with the match ending we didn’t get to see how he would’ve faired continuing on. I don’t mind Kane coming out and attacking Braun, it keeps Jordan safe and Kane and Braun have unfinished business. I hope Braun will work away from Kane soon and have his focus more on the Universal Championship.
In Ring Segment:
Enzo tells everyone that he is still the Cruiserweight Champion. Enzo says he is still the face of 205 Live. He tells that it wasn’t easy but they couldn’t take his title. Enzo says the members of the ZO train are thankful for him. He says for Noam Dar girls can’t keep their hands off of him since joining, he says Nese has more abs, Daivari has more money and Gulak has 23 % growth of viewers of his powerpoints. Out comes Rich Swann, Cedric Alexander, Mustafa Ali, and Akira Tozawa.
Enzo asks them if they want to join the ZO train since Kalisto’s luggage didn’t make the flight. Alexander says they aren’t here for that, they are here for a shot at the title. Alexander says they are willing to earn the opportunity. Enzo asks if Kalisto has been poisoning their brain. He says the ZO train is the only way to the top. Enzo says it’s either get on board or get out of his way. Swann tells Enzo to make them get out of his way and without his boys, he is nothing but a catchphrase and t-shirt. A brawl breaks out between the Cruiserweights. Enzo goes to the outside while the rest of them fight it.
Match 6: Cedric Alexander & Rich Swann & Mustafa Ali & Akira Tozawa vs
Drew Gulak & Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese & Noam Dar
As Raw returns, Gulak has Swann grounded on the mat with a side headlock. Swann fights back and uses his quickness and land a big kick on Gulak. Swann goes to the outside after Gulak as he was pulled out by Enzo. Swann chases Enzo but Gulak hits him with a jumping knee. Daivari gets the tag and he and Gulak double team Swann. Daivari in a chinlock but Swann fights to his feet but Daivari sends him back to the mat with a clothesline. Swann goes to the outside and side steps Nese sending him into Gulak. Swann gets in the ring and is able to make the tag to Alexander. Alexander takes down Dar. Tozawa comes in and hits a big suicide dive. Dar hits Alexander with a big elbow. Alexander comes back with a huge kick and Ali comes in off the tag. Alexander hits the lumbar check on Nese and Ali hits a reverse 450 on Dar to get the win for his team.
Winners: Cedric Alexander & Rich Swann & Mustafa Ali & Akira Tozawa
My Opinion:
Not a bad match between the teams. I like when they throw them all out there because it’s very unpredictable. This wasn’t the greatest of all time but it did deliver. Out of everyone, Cedric Alexander looked the best to me. Alexander is someone who I’ve thought deserves the title for a long time and I hope it happens soon. Also, it’d be great to get some fresh new cruiserweights to revamp the division some.
Backstage Segment:
Angle tells Renee that Braun refused medical attention and left the building. She asks about Kane and Kurt says he will deal with that in time but needs to check on Jordan now. Miz comes in and questions Angle on his title match. Angle says he’s not canceling the match. Miz pleads but Angle doesn’t budge. Jordan tells Kurt that Matt Hardy was right he is a monster among men.
In Ring Segment: Elias
Elias mocks Hardy with his new song. Hardy comes out and attacks Elias. Elias is able to escape.
Match 8: The Miz (c) vs Roman Reigns:
Intercontinental Championship Match
Miz goes to the outside as soon as the bell rings. Reigns goes to the outside and Miz goes back in. Reigns gets in the ring and catches him with a big right hand. Miz hangs up Reigns on the top rope. Miz lands a neckbreaker but Reigns is able to fight back. Reigns hits a big sit down powerbomb but Miz kicks out of the pin as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns both men are down as Reigns hit a big suplex. Reigns hits a series of clotheslines and goes after Miz in the corner with vicious strikes. Reigns lands a huge boot sending Miz to the mat. Reigns looks for the Superman Punch but Miz rolls to the outside. Reigns goes after him but Miz hits a big boot to the midsection and follows with a DDT on the floor. Miz gets back in the ring as Reigns is down on the ground. Reigns makes it back in the ring at 9. Miz hits another DDT but gets a two on the pinfall. Miz hits Reigns with big elbows to the side of the face. Miz locks in a chinlock and gives Reigns no ground. Reigns fights out and lands a huge right. Miz hits a neckbreaker again but gets another near fall. Miz uses the ropes to choke Reigns and hits a big knee to the back of the neck of Reigns. Reigns fights back with a big right hand. Miz sidesteps Reigns and hits a big dropkick. Miz rolls up Reigns but Reigns kicks out. Reigns hits a boot and sends Miz to the outside. Miz comes right back in but is hit with a right hand. Reigns again side steps Miz and Miz crashes into the second turnbuckle. Reigns hits Miz with more right hands but Miz again sends him to the mat with a knee to the midsection. Miz hits the It kicks but misses with the last one. Reigns hits the Samoan drop but Miz kicks out of the pin. Reigns goes for the Superman Punch but Miz catches him. Reigns fights out but Miz comes right back and takes out the knee of Reigns. Miz goes for the cover but Reigns kicks out again. Miz stomps on Reigns and drives his boot into his face. Miz lands a big clothesline in the corner. Miz goes to the top and flies but is hit with the Superman Punch, Reigns goes for the cover but Miz just kicks out at 2. Reigns gets distracted by Sheamus and Cesaro and allows Miz to hit the Skull Crushing Finale. Reigns kicks out of the pin. Ambrose and Rollins take out Cesaro and Sheamus on the outside. Reigns connects with the spear and gets the 1 2 3. Reigns is the new Intercontinental Champion!
Winner: Roman Reigns:
New Intercontinental Champion
My Opinion:
Wow, what a main event. Miz was so impressive tonight. I hope everyone who doesn’t like Miz sees that match and realizes he is one of the best today. I’m very happy Reigns walked away with the title. Reigns is such a hard worker and his grand slam is complete. Hopefully, Ambrose and Rollins can go on to win the tag titles now. No doubt Reigns fought for that victory and it’s great to see him on top and The Shield standing tall.
Final Thoughts:
Not a bad show, the opening wasn’t the best but the matches made up for it tonight. I loved Joe versus Balor, they really took it to each other and it’s a match I wouldn’t mind seeing again. The return of Paige was awesome, I’m glad to see her back and it’s good to see Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville up on the main roster now. The landscape has definitely changed for the Raw Women’s division. Ambrose and Sheamus battled it out tonight and i loved the hard-hitting match they had. As I said I hope that Rollins and Ambrose will pull it together and get the tag titles back. Asuka looked very good tonight, I think it’s only a matter of time before she is on top. To finish the night Miz and Reigns put on an amazing match. Miz showed tonight that he belongs. He was so impressive and really took it to Reigns. Congratulations to Reigns though for completing his grand slam. Overall this was a good Raw and I’m excited to see what’s next as there are so many different pieces on the show now.
Overall Rating: 7/10