Raw Review 12/04/2017

RAW REVIEW 12/04/2017
Tonight a huge match is in store as Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins look to recapture the Raw Tag-Team Championships as they take on Cesaro and Sheamus in a Tag-Team Championship match. Also, we will see the second Cruiserweight Fatal Four Way with the winner moving on to next week to face Rich Swann with the winner becoming the new #1 Contender. Since Paige’s return her and her new group Absolution have taken over the Raw Women’s Division, but what will happen as she has her first match back against “The Boss” Sasha Banks. Samoa Joe attacked Roman Reigns last week but will Reigns be able to settle the score with Joe? Braun Strowman and Kane have been at it for quite some time now but who will be the official “Monster of Raw” when this is all said done?
Raw is live tonight from the Staples Center in Los Angeles.
Raw kicks off with us being welcomed to the show by Michael Cole, Corey Graves & Booker T.
In Ring Segment: Kurt Angle
Kurt tells that we have a great show tonight featuring a Raw Tag-Team Championship match. He goes on to tell that based on what occurred last week we will have an Intercontinental Championship match as well. Kurt goes to announce the challenger but out comes Jason Jordan.
Jordan tells Angle that he wants Roman Reigns. Angle asks if he’s serious and points out his knee injury. Jordan says he’s fine and tells that he’s held his own against everyone he’s faced. He says he is ready to step up because he knows he can beat Roman Reigns. He pleads to Kurt that he just needs a chance. Out comes Roman Reigns.
Reigns says he’s a fighting champion and tells that he wants Samoa Joe. Reigns tells Jordan that if he wants an opportunity don’t run to your dad step up and take it. Jordan laughs at him and says he’s the poster boy for what WWE wants. Reigns says he ’s been on a lot of posters and chairs cause he main evented a lot of shows because he earned it. He tells Jordan again if he wants something to step up and take it. Out comes Samoa Joe.
Joe says his patience has worn thin. Joe says he accepts Reigns challenge and tells Reigns he has five seconds to take back his challenge because he can’t beat him. Jordan tells Joe that he doesn’t have to try to talk tough and unlike him, he is tough and issues challenges to people’s face. He then issues a challenge to Joe. Reigns tells Joe the five seconds are done but Jordan suplexes Reigns from behind. Reigns tells Joe he can wait for later and tells Jordan he can get it right now.
My Opinion:
Not a bad way to kick off Raw. I liked how they hyped it up throughout the day. I think Jordan looked silly out there but unfortunately, this is the road they lead him down. It feels they are really forcing Jordan to be apart of the show but the crowd just isn’t into it. I will say one good thing that came out of this was once again Reigns got extremely over this week so maybe guys like Jordan are taking the edge off of Roman and making him the fan favourite that they were looking for.
Match 1: Roman Reigns (c) vs Jason Jordan:
Intercontinental Championship Match
Jordan gets around on Reigns but is met with a back elbow. Reigns backs Jordan into the corner and beats him down. Jordan fights back but Reigns hits him in the gut. Jordan is driven into the turnbuckles and falls violently. Reigns grabs Jordan and throws him to the outside. Reigns goes after Jordan and sends him into the barricade. Reigns then drives Jordan into the steel steps. Reigns and Jordan make it back in the ring and Jordan meets him with a big right hand. Reigns fights back and again sends Jordan over the top rope. Jordan lands hard and comes up limp. Reigns then goes to the outside and meets him with a drive by. Reigns brings him back into the ring and goes for the cover but Jordan kicks out at two. Reigns gets Jordan in a chin lock on the mat. Jordan works to his feet and drives Reigns into the turnbuckles. He wears down Reigns and drives him again and again and again into the turnbuckles. Jordan is able to sidesteps Reigns and Reigns goes shoulder first into the ring post as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Jordan works the left arm of Reigns. Reigns tries to fight out but Jordan keeps it locked in. Reigns finally gets to his feet and breaks the hold with a big headbutt. Reigns is able to take down Jordan. He follows up with a huge clothesline and gets Jordan in the corner hammering away with more clotheslines. Reigns goes for another cover but Jordan kicks out at two again. Reigns looks for a Superman Punch but Jordan catches him with a big dropkick. Jordan lifts Reigns but Reigns fights out of it. Reigns again hits Jordan sending him out of the ring. Reigns meets him out there and flies off the steel steps but he’s caught by Jordan and driven into the ring post. Jordan slams him into the ring post one more time and brings him in the ring for the cover but Reigns kicks out at two. Reigns fights off Jordan but misses on another Superman Punch. Jordan lands another big suplex but Reigns kicks out at two as raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Reigns goes for the cover but Jordan kicks out. Reigns gets a half crab locked in on Jordan and applies the pressure. Jordan is able to roll out and gets Reigns into a pin but Reigns kicks out. Reigns lands the Superman Punch but Jordan kicks out of the cover. Reigns goes for the spear but is meet with a kick. Jordan then hits the Northern Lights suplex followed by one more. Jordan goes for the cover but Reigns kicks out. Jordan lifts Reigns but Reigns rolls out. Reigns hits him with a Superman Punch and follows with a spear. Reigns goes for the cover and gets the win.
*** Joe tells Reigns that he made some bad decisions tonight so he’s coming down to put him to sleep. Joe charges the ring and takes it to Reigns. He gets the Coquina Clutch locked in but is pulled off by Jordan and taken down by a suplex. Reigns comes from behind and hits Jordan with a Superman Punch.
Winner: Roman Reigns:
Still Intercontinental Champion
My Opinion:
A really good match between these two. Jordan showed a lot of fight and proved that he can hang out there. I give a lot of credit to Roman for helping out guys like Jordan and last week Elias get their stuff in and make a good showing. I love these Open Challenges because they really produce high-quality matches. Jordan learned a lesson tonight and may have made a new enemy but nonetheless, he’s in the thick of things that’s exactly where he needs to be.
Backstage Segment:
Jordan tells Angle that he has to give him another chance and says tonight he needs a match with Samoa Joe. Angle says he doesn’t want people to think he takes favorites. Jordan says again that he wants Joe. Angle says he will take it under advisement. Joe then comes in and crushes Jordan against the wall. Joe says Jordan’s got the match and tells Kurt it’s like father like son.
Match 2: Paige vs Sasha Banks
The two lock up and Sasha backs her to the ropes. Sasha lands a big right and Paige comes back with one of her own. Paige lands a big headbutt and wears down Sasha. Sasha fights back and slams Paige to the mat. Sasha gets Paige into the corner and stomps away. Sasha then switches to forearms and has to be pulled off. Paige takes advantage and lands huge kicks to Sasha. Paige works Sasha on the mat with a chin lock. Sasha battles back with big forearms but Paige throws her in the corner and this time she stomps away. Paige is able to work Sasha to the mat and locks in another chin lock. Sasha works to her feet but is thrown to the mat. Paige hammers away on Sasha and keeps her grounded on the mat. Sasha gets Paige in an inside cradle but Paige is able to kick out. Paige continues to stomp on Sasha in the corner but Sasha fights back. Sasha sends Paige flying. Sasha lands a big right hand and a crossbody from the top. Paige kicks out of the cover. Sasha pulls on the arms of Paige and keeps her grounded on the mat. Paige works to the ropes and lands a double leg takedown on Sasha. The two then trade right hands on the mat. Sasha sends Paige face first into the mat and mocks her. Paige fights back but Sasha sends both them to the floor as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Paige in control of Sasha. Paige brings Sasha to the ropes and uses them to choke her. Paige lands a huge headbutt and continues to use the ropes for an advantage. Sasha rolls her up but Paige kicks out. Sasha is wiped into the corner but meets Paige with a big boot. Sasha lands a big dropkick and double knees to Paige. Paige is able to sidestep Sasha in the corner and lands a running knee of her own. Sasha and Paige meet on the top rope and Paige lands a sunset flip powerbomb. Paige goes for the cover but Sasha is able to kick out. Paige and Sasha trade forearms and Paige bounces Sasha off the top rope. Sasha is able to fight out of the RamPaige and lock in the Banks Statement. Paige is able to fight to the ropes and rolls out of the ring. Bayley and Mickie fight off Mandy and Sonya on the outside. Mandy and Sonya are able to fight them off. Paige kicks Sasha as she looks to the outside. Paige hits the RamPaige and gets the win.
*** Rose and Deville attack Sasha after the match.
Winner: Paige
My Opinion:
This was a good match back for Paige. Paige doesn’t look like she really has lost a step. I love the aggression that she brings and she and Absolution are a great complement to the division. Sasha held her own but right now Paige, Rose, and Deville is taking over. It’ll be interesting to see if Paige’s next step will be getting the Raw Women’s Championship.
Backstage Segment:
Elias tells Kurt to hold his applause until after he’s finished. Angle asks what he wants. Elias tells him that he wants another title shot. Elias says since there are no worthy opponents left all the fans will get is a song. He tells Angle that he’s favoritism toward his son will be the end of him Angle tells him he’s right and says he will find a worthy opponent for him.
Backstage Segment:
Enzo tells Nese and Gulak that have the opportunity of a lifetime tonight and they better seize it. He then questions Dar and Davair for letting Swann win last week. He tells them they are a direct reflection of him. He says two things they don’t do is lose and lose again. He tells Nese and Gulak to go Enzo. Nia Jax shows up and asks how he’s doing.
Match 3: Drew Gulak vs Tony Nese vs Cedric Alexander vs Mustafa Ali:
Fatal Four Way Match with the winner facing Rich Swann for the #1 Contendership
Gulak and Nese go after Alexander and Ali as the match starts. Gulak goes after Alexander and Nese takes it to Ali in the corner. Alexander is able to land a huge dropkick on Gulak. Alexander and Ali are able to throw Nese and Gulak out of the ring. Ali and Alexander battle. Alexander is able to fight off off Ali. Alexander flies to take out Nese, Gulak, and Ali.Alexander tries for a pin on Gulak but Gulaj kicks out. Nese comes in to help out Gulak in the corner. Nese puts Alexander in the corner and pounds away with kicks. Ali goes to the top and takes out Gulak and Nese with a cross body. Gulak and Nese fight to their feet and double team Ali. Alexander comes back in the ring and is able to fight off Nese and Gulak. He lands a huge shot to Gulak. Alexander plants Gulak and goes for the over but Nese breaks it up. Ali comes in and fights off Nese and Ali. Alexander flies and all four men are laid out as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Gulak as Alexander held on the ground. Alexander catches Gulak with a huge forearm. Alexander catches Gulak with a huge kick but Ali breaks up the pin. Nese fights off Alexander and Ali. Nese is met with a superkick from Ali and Alexander. Ali and Alexander take it to each other. Alexander and Ali flip each other and both men are down. Nese breaks up the cover. Ali goes to the top but Nese takes him down. Alexander hits Nese with a right and goes to the top. Nese meets him with a big right. Ali lands a springboard Spanish fly on Alexander. Ali goes for the cover but Gulak breaks up the pin. Gulak tries to suplex Ali but can’t. Gulak unloads on Ali. Ali goes for a cover but gets a two count. Ali goes to the top but Nese pulls Gulak out of the ring. Ali grabs Nese but is caught with a knee. Nese lands a huge running knee. Alexander lands the lumbar check but Nese rolls out of the ring. Alexander lands one on Ali and Gulak throws him out of the ring. Gulak goes for the cover on Ali and gets the win.
Winner: Tony Nese:
Will face Rich Swann next week for the #1 Contendership
My Opinion:
A very good match. I really have enjoyed these Fatal Four Way matches between the Cruiserweights. Alexander and Ali were very impressive with their high flying abilities tonight. Nese really showed his toughness tonight as well. Ultimately though it was the smarts of Gulak that one the match. I like Gulak winning because it’s about time he gets the spotlight he’s deserved for a while now. Next week should be interesting to see how Gulak handles the match.
In Ring Segment: Elias
During Elias’s performance out comes Braun Strowman. Elias attacks Braun from behind. Elias tries to run out of the ring but Braun grabs him and throws him into the corner. Braun throws him across the ring and crushes him in the corner. Braun and Elias make it to the outside. Elias is able to send him into the post and breaks his guitar over Braun’s back but Braun doesn’t move. Elias runs but Braun runs him over. Braun slams Elias to the mat. Braun then goes to the outside and grabs the steps. Kane appears on the titantron and tells Braun that he’s forgotten what it’s like to be a monster among monsters. He says he delights in pain and horror and next week he will delight as they step into the ring together again but only one monster will emerge.
Backstage Segment:
Reigns tells Ambrose and Rollins that he did his part and they need to do theirs. Rollins says they got it and every time it’s them and The Bar they get the job done. Ambrose says he’s visualizing the look on their face when they hold the titles in the air and the entire Shield are champions again.
Match 4: Asuka vs Alicia Fox
Alicia goes right after Asuka. Alicia sends Asuka across the ring and gets a side headlock in. Asuka fights out and tells her to bring it. Asuka takes down Alicia with a running hip attack. Asuka throws her across the ring but Alicia comes back with a big kick. Alicia goes for the cover but Asuka kicks out. Asuka fights off Alicia and lands rapid strikes. Asuka lands a huge dropkick. Alicia tries for the scissors kick but misses. Asuka gets Alicia in the Asuka Lock and Alicia taps.
*** Out Comes Absolution. Asuka leaves the ring smiling at them. Paige tells Alicia to relax. Paige tells her that she’s not here to hurt her. Paige says Alicia is her best friend and she loves her. Paige says that she doesn’t think Sonya and Mandy feel the same way. Mandy and Sonya attack Alicia.
Winner: Asuka
My Opinion:
Alicia put up a good showing but Asuka is just to dominate. I did like though that Asuka wasn’t so untouchable during this match. Asuka will eventually have to have some longer matches and it won’t always be easy. I did like though Absolution staying away from her. Nonetheless, Absolution made another statement, this time out of Alicia Fox.
Match 5: Finn Balor vs Bo Dallas
Dallas gets a side headlock in and knocks Balor to the mat. The two lock up and Balor runs Dallas into the corner. Dallas fights him off but Balor comes back with a big dropkick. Dallas drives Balor into the corner and lands a big spear. Balor is able to land a kick after a right hand from Dallas. Dallas gets Balor hung up on the ropes and lands a big knee. Dallas kicks Balor and drops him on his knee. Dallas works the arm of Balor and keeps him grounded on the mat. Balor fights back and knocks Dallas to the mat. Balor is able to land a double stomp. Dallas is able to roll up Balor but Balor kicks out. Balor fights off Dallas and is able to hit the Coupe, de Grace.
Winner: Finn Balor
My Opinion:
A good showing from Bo Dallas. Balor was the better man and showed he can outlast but don’t sleep on Dallas. I feel like Dallas could have a good run if given the chance. I hope Balor himself will get a good run because I really wanna see him in a good rivalry soon.
Backstage Segment:
Bray Wyatt asks who is Matt Hardy. He says he doesn’t think Matt knows. Matt cuts in and says his soul has wandered through space and time. Wyatt says he is an illusion and knows nothing of what is real. Matt says he has studied and is well versed. Wyatt says the ramblings of a madman can be dangerous. Matt says he’s been woken. Wyatt says he feels alive again and there’s a fire in him that’s growing stronger and it will make sure all of you burn. Matt says he sentences Wyatt to DELETION.
Match 6: Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose vs Cesaro & Sheamus (c):
Raw Tag-Team Championship Match
Ambrose and Cesaro start off the match. Ambrose gets over on Cesaro and works his arm. Cesaro fights out and is able to tag Sheamus. Ambrose takes it to Sheamus and backs him in the corner. Cesaro pulls off Rollins form the apron and prevents the tag. Ambrose is brought into the corner and Cesaro gets the tag. Cesaro lands a big uppercut and Sheamus gets the tag. Sheamus wears down Ambrose and works his arm on the mat. Sheamus drives Ambrose into the corner. Rollins gets the tag and comes in hot. He knocks Cesaro off the apron and lands the blockbuster on Sheamus. Rollins is sent over the ropes but is able to send Sheamus to the floor. Rollins takes it to Cesaro but Sheamus sends Rollins into the post as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Sheamus is in control of Rollins. Cesair gets the tag and stays on Rollins preventing the tag. Cesaro drops Rollins and goes for the cover but only gets a two. Sheamus gets the tag again and goes to the arm of Rollins. Rollins fights off Cesaro form the apron and plants Sheamus. Cesaro holds off Rollins, Cesaro takes advantage and knocks Ambrose off the apron. Sheamus comes back in and lays out Rollins. Sheamus goes for a cover but Rollins kicks out. Sheamus lifts Rollins but Rollins fights off and lands a superkick sending Sheamus out of the ring. Cesaro gets the tag but misses Rollins and Ambrose gets the tag. Cesaro lands a big kick but Ambrose sends him out of the ring. Ambrose flies but Cesaro lands a big uppercut. Ambrose tries for a dropkick but Cesaro tries to go swinging. Ambrose sends Sheamus out of the ring and goes for a cover but Cesaro kicks out. Sheamus lands a cheap shot on Ambrose but Ambrose kicks out at two on the cover. Ambrose fights off the double team and sends Cesaro into the turnbuckle. Rollins hits a suplex on Sheamus and follows with the falcon arrow. Cesaro breaks up the pin. Cesaro makes the tag and goes for the Neutralizer but Rollins fights out with a forearm. Rollins gets hit with an uppercut. Rollins reverses the Neutralizer and hits Cesaro with the knee but Sheamus breaks up the pin. Ambrose tries to help but is sent to the floor. The ref calls for the bell as Sheamus doesn’t leave the ring. Out comes Kurt Angle.
Angle tells Cesaro and Sheamus they aren’t getting off that easy and the match will be restarted as a no DQ match. Rollins and Ambrose fly to take out Cesaro and Sheamus. They throw Cesaro into the barricade and Sheamus into the steps. Ambrose hits a clothesline and Rollins hits a frog splash but Cesaro kicks out of the pin. Samoa Joe comes in the ring and takes out Ambrose and Rollins. Reigns comes out and hits Cesaro with a Superman Punch. Sheamus hits Ambrose with the Brogue kick and Cesaro gets the pin.
Winners: Sheamus & Cesaro:
Still Raw Tag-Team Champions
My Opinion:
What a main event. Those teams know how to test each other and put on another amazing match. I hope they will face again because I still feel like this rivalry is unfinished. I really wanted Rollins and Ambrose to win but like I said I hope they will get one more chance.
Final Thoughts:
A pretty solid show tonight. First I really enjoyed Reigns and Jordan to kick off the show. Jordan showed that he can hang and I’m really liking the opportunities guys are getting with the Open Challenge matches. Absolution really looked good tonight. Paige didn’t miss a step in her match and Rose and Deville really made a big statement tonight. I like though how they are staying away from Asuka to keep her character strong. The Cruiserweights really tore it up tonight. It’s been awesome seeing them get a chance the past couple of weeks. It’ll be interesting to see how Gulak does in his match against Swann next week. I also thought Bo Dallas had a great showing with Finn Balor, it’d be cool to see Dallas get a good run and Balor for that matter. The main event was awesome, those two teams always take each other to the limit. Hopefully, they will face again.
Overall Rating: 7/10