Raw Review 12/11/2017

RAW REVIEW 12/11/2017
Tonight we have huge matches set. First up Roman Reigns will go one on one with Cesaro. Dean Ambrose will take on Roman Reigns rival, Samoa Joe. Also, we will see Seth Rollins face off against Sheamus. Plus Kane will go head to head with “The Monster Among Men” Braun Strowman in a #1 Contender’s Match for the Universal Championship. On top of all of that what will be the next move for Absolution, will they move in on Asuka? And will Bray Wyatt face Deletion at the hands of “Woken” Matt Hardy?
Raw is live tonight from the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio.
Raw kicks off with us being welcomed to the show by Michael Cole, Corey Graves & Booker T.
In Ring Segment: Roman Reigns
Joe talks about the Shield and the dominance they’ve had. He says he’s seen them up close and he is not impressed. He said he’s not impressed by the man whose leg he snapped Seth Rollins. He says he’s not impressed by the man who has done everything to avoid him, Dean Ambrose. He adds he’s not impressed with the man he’s put asleep time and time again Roman Reigns. He says he is out here to finish what he started with Roman. He says he wants just Roman. In the back, Seth tells Ambrose to go get Roman. Joe says he’s intimidating and reminds Reigns of when he attacked him last week and tells Reigns he should consider himself lucky for Jason Jordan making the save. He tells that Ambrose and Rollins aren’t champions because of him and there’s nothing Reigns can do about it. He says he stands on his own two feet and doesn’t need anyone but Roman is nothing without The Shield. He tells Reigns if he has a problem to come prove him wrong. In the back, Reigns tells Ambrose and Rollins he’s got this. Out comes Roman Reigns.
Reigns and Joe go right at it. Reigns gets him in the corner and stomps on him. Sheamus and Cesaro get involved and Joe takes advantage with the Coquina Clutch. Sheamus and Cesaro get involved and out comes Rollins and Ambrose. Rollins tries to help Reigns who went to the floor but the numbers are too much. Ambrose tries to fight but is beaten down by the three. Joe then delivers a Uranage to him.
My Opinion:
A big statement made by Joe and The Bar. The shield is very powerful but it seems like these three have had their number as of late. I hope out of this will come a big push for Samoa Joe. Joe can have an amazing match against anyone so a run with him as the top guy would be huge.
Match 1: Bayley & Mickie James vs Paige & Mandy Rose
Bayley goes right after Mandy Rose. Mandy quickly tags out and Paige comes in. Paige stays on Bayley but is backed into the corner and Mickie gets the tag. Mickie goes after Paige. The team’s end up on the outside and Bayley and Mickie gets the upper hand as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Mandy is in control of Bayley. Bayley fights out and lands a series of big elbows but Mandy kicks out of the pin at two. Mandy lands a huge shot to Bayley but it’s not enough for the three. Paige gets the tag and takes it to Bayley with huge knees. In the ring, she lands one more knee but Bayley kicks out of the pin at two. Paige lands a big headbutt and takes a cheap shot on Mickie. Paige and Mandy double team Bayley and Paige follows with a huge knee. Paige goes back to the knees on the apron but Bayley catches her and sends her crashing to the apron. Mickie and Mandy get the tags and Mickie comes in hot. Mickie lands big clotheslines on Mandy. She lands a big right and brings her to the turnbuckle but Mandy counters. Mickie sends her face first to the mat. Mickie flies but Paige breaks up the pin. Bayley gets involved but the distraction allows Paige to land a big kick to Mickie. Mandy goes for the pin and gets the win for Absolution.
Winners: Paige & Mandy Rose
My Opinion:
Not a bad match, I was glad they got a lot of time in but it could’ve been better. Paige and Rose looked great out there though. Paige was aggressive and it looks like Mandy Rose is adjusting well to the main roster. I loved their teamwork and if they work like that they will take over the division. Every week will be interesting to see where this team will go and who will be next for them.
Backstage Segment:
Bray Wyatt says he is here. Matt Hardy cuts in and says I am WOKEN! Wyatt says it’s nothing new it’s always been darkness versus the light. He says it’s his favorite game. Hardy tells that the Great War continues on the battlefield known as WWE. Wyatt says Hardy is Woken and he’s been waiting. Hardy tells that his woken wisdom and broken brilliance will illuminate the masses. Wyatt says Hardy is a liar. Wyatt tells that his words mean nothing. Hardy says the soul of Sister Abigail have existed for eternity and her soul is in Bray Wyatt. Wyatt asks why you’d follow a jester when you can follow in the footsteps of a king. He adds that only one can survive. Hardy says they shall DELETE. The two then go back and forth with laughs.
Backstage Segment:
Gulak tells Enzo that WWE has revoked Rich Swann’s opportunity. He says that there will be another Fatal Four Way tonight and the winner will face him next week. He tells him he needs to be ready no matter the opponent. Enzio mentions Nia Jax has a potential opponent and Gulak questions it. Gulak says he gets it he wants him to be ready for anyone. Enzo agrees but with sarcasm.
Match 2: Finn Balor vs Curtis Axel
***Before the match starts Axel and Dallas attack Balor. Axel starts the match with a huge neckbreaker. Axel brings Balor to the mat and works the neck. Axel brings him back to the mat and drives his knee into his spine. Balor is hangs him up and side steps him in the corner. Axel tries a clothesline but Balor counters with a sling blade. Balor is able to hit Coupe de Grace for the win.
Winner: Finn Balor
My Opinion:
Balor looked good tonight, I just wish he was in a better spot. I am very disappointed he’s not getting a Universal title shot. I think he’s very over and they should capitalize on him. I love Balor and his work so if things keep going this way and they don’t believe in him I think maybe it’s time he goes somewhere else because he deserves to be the top of a company.
Backstage Segment:
Kane tells Braun that they’re not exactly normal. He says that tonight he will delight as he enters the abyss with a fellow monster but he will be the one coming out with a smile on his face and he will know that for the first time ever he will compete with Brock Lesnar. He proclaims that at the Royal Rumble he will become Universal Champion.
Match 3: Seth Rollins vs Sheamus
Rollins goes after Sheamus with huge right hands. Sheamus battles back but is sent over the ropes by Rollins. Rollins hits a suicide dive and follows with throwing Sheamus into the barricade. Rollins brings him back into the ring but Sheamus lays him out with the ax handle. Sheamus lands a huge clothesline on Rollins. Sheamus lands a huge right and taunts the crowd. Sheamus stomps on Rollins and drives his boot into his face. Sheamus lands a backbreaker and bounces Rollins off the turnbuckle. Seamus continues to pound on Rollins in the corner. Rollins is able to sidestep and catches Sheamus with a kick. Rollins battles back with a huge right hand. Rollins lands a boot and the blockbuster form the second rope. Rollins then sends Sheamus to the outside but Sheamus moves out of the way of the suicide dive. Sheamus catches Rollins with a huge knee sending him to the floor as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Sheamus has Rollins in a chin lock. Rollins battles to his feet and is able to hang up Sheamus. Rollins goes to the second rope but is pulled off and thrown to the mat by Sheamus. Sheamus goes after the knee of Rollins. Sheamus lifts Rollins but Rollins fights out. Sheamus stays on him and locks in the cloverleaf. Rollins fights off Sheamus and rolls him up but only gets a two. Rollins counters Sheamus and plants him with a DDT but gets another near fall. Rollins lands a huge kick but gets another near fall. Sheamus lands a back elbow and hangs up Rollins. Sheamus goes to the top but is knocked down by Rollins. Rollins meets him up there but is thrown down. Rollins bounces back and lands a huge suplex. He then follows up with the Falcon Arrow. Rollins goes for the cover but Sheamus kicks out. Sheamus is able to catch Rollins, Rollins fights out but Sheamus regains control and lands a rolling senton. Sheamus goes for the Brogue but Rollins ducks and catches him with a kick. Rollins lands a huge knee and gets the 1 2 3.
Winner: Seth Rollins
My Opinion:
What a match between these two. Rollins fought his heart out and it’s a performance he should be proud of. He never lost sight even when Sheamus was in control. Rollins proved tonight that he can stand on his own and will fight no matter what. Sheamus fought hard but Rollins has that never say die attitude.
Backstage Segment:
Renee asks Ambrose if the vents tonight will affect his strategy tonight. Ambrose says he needs to avoid a few things but Joe has him heated. He says he’s ready to get his hands on Joe.
Match 4: Cedric Alexander vs Mustafa Ali vs Ariya Daivari vs Tony Nese:
Winner will advance to the #1 Contender’s match for the Cruiserweight Championship vs Drew Gulak
Daivari goes after Ali. Nese goes after Alexander. Alexander and Ali are able to fight the tow off and send them to the outside. Alexander goes for the cover on Ali but Ali kicks out. Alii gets him in a side headlock and catches him with a series of chops. Alexander comes back with a big uppercut. Alexander is sent to the outside and Nese picks him up. Ali flies from the top and takes out both men. Daivari in the ring. Daivari keeps on Alexander but Alexander catches himself on the apron is able to plant Daivari. Ali lands a huge chop on Nese. Alexander takes out Daivari, but Ali catches Alexander with a DDT as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Daivari has Ali in a side headlock. Daivari lands a huge spinebuster and goes to a chin lock. Alii fights out but Daivari sends him into the corner. Ali is able to catch him with a kick and plants him. Nese goes after Ali but Ali lands a huge back elbow. Nese gets him back with a big right. Nese goes to the second rope with Ali but is knocked off. Ali then hits a reverse 450. Alexander breaks up the pin. Ali and Alexander hammer each other with rights. Ali catches him with an elbow and an open hand strike. Alexander comes back with the lumbar check. Daivari goes for the cover but is pulled out by Alexander who was thrown to the outside. Nese comes in and goes after Ali and Alexander. Nese and Daivari take out Alexander and look to do the same to Ali. Ali fights them off and sends Nese over the top rope. Alexander comes in and takes out Daivari. He hits the lumbar check on Daivari and gets the victory.
Winner: Cedric Alexander:
Will face Drew Gulak next week for the #1 Contendership next week.
My Opinion:
Finally, Cedric gets the win! I really hope he will win next week and go on to beat Enzo. I really feel like Alexander deserves this, his matches are always amazing and he’s never had a real shot to be in the spotlight. It’s about time he gets a chance, it’s the perfect story he got a second chance and capitalized. Overall though it was a great match and I think they should do more fatal four ways because this gives more Cruiserweights a shot to get tv time.
Backstage Segment:
Gulak tells Enzo that they know now it will be Cedric Alexander. He says when he disposes of Alexander he will take the Cruiserweight Champion. Enzo questions this and says they work together and they’re not equals just because he won one match. Enzo tells Gulak to get out of here as Nia approaches. Enzo asks how she’s doing and Nia says she’s doing just fine. Nia tells Enzo that they should talk when he’s not busy.
Match 5: Roman Reigns vs Cesaro:
Intercontinental Championship Match
Reigns lands a huge right. He gets Cesaro in the corner and stomps on him. Cesaro gets to reigns as he gets back in the ring. Cesaro lands a series of uppercuts but is sent to the mat by a clothesline. Reigns lands huge clotheslines but Cesaro is able to hang him up on the top rope. Reigns comes back and sends Cesaro over the top rope with a clothesline as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Cesaro works the arm of Reigns. Cesaro tries for a cover but gets a near fall. Cesaro then goes right back to the arm of Reigns and twist his wrist. Reigns is able to power out and land a huge headbutt. Cesaro stops the backslide of Reigns but Reigns finally goes for the pin but gets a two count. Cesaro works the arm of Reigns again and drags him to the middle of the ring to prevent the rope break. Reigns is able to work to his feet and throw Cesaro into the corner. Reigns fights him off and lands a back body drop. Reigns lands a couple headbutts and lands a huge right hand. Reigns hits the drive by but gets a two on the cover. Reigns and Cesaro trade blows but Cesaro is able to go back to the arm. Cesaro then switches to the crossface. Reigns is able to break the hold with a Samoan drop. Cesaro is able to send Reigns shoulder first into the ring post. Cesaro goes after him on the outside but is caught by a boot. Reigns flies from the apron and lands a huge right hand. A cover form Reigns but Cesaro again kicks out. Reigns looks for the spear but is caught with a boot. Cesaro lands a huge uppercut and goes for the pin but only gets a two. Cesaro then goes back to the crossface. Reigns is able to lift him up but Cesaro fights out. Reigns is able to lift Cesaro and land a sit-down powerbomb. The two trade rights but Cesaro gets an inside cradle on Reigns but Reigns kicks out. Cesaro lands more uppercuts in the corner and looks for the neutralizer but Reigns counters with a back body drop. Reigns lands the spear and gets the three count to retain the championship.
Winner: Roman Reigns:
Still Intercontinental Champion
My Opinion:
Wow, what a match. First I loved that Reigns had to adapt and should his wrestling skills. It was awesome seeing him move away from the power moves and actually wrestle with Cesaro. Cesaro showed that he needs another singles run. The way he took it to Reigns was unbelievable and he could go toe to toe with anyone. I like I’ve been saying these Intercontinental Championship matches are amazing and I can’t wait to see who he faces next. That right there though was wrestling at it’s finest.
Backstage Segment:
Braun tells Kane that at the Royal Rumble he wants another shot at Lesnar. He says Kane is the only thing standing in his way but not for long.
Asuka vs Alicia Fox
*** Fox’s music plays but she doesn’t come. Instead out comes Absolution. Paige asks where Alicia is and shows on the titantron Alicia being helped by an official in the back. Paige says she respects Asuka but she’s getting in the way. Paige tells her that she can’t stop Absolution. She tells Asuka to move out of the way or they’ll make her. Asuka doesn’t move so Paige tells her once again. Paige says it’s time Asuka meet Absolution. Asuka fights off Deville and Rose. Paige goes after Asuka and Asuka goes for the armbar. Deville and Rose come in the ring and take it to Asuka. Out comes the Raw women’s locker room. The women take it to Absolution. Rose is bulldozed by Nia. Paige and Deville pull out Rose and head up the ramp.
Backstage Segment:
Angle tells a backstage hand that he needs the ring reinforced tonight. Jordan comes in and apologizes to Angle for last week. Jordan tells him he’s gonna keep his cool tonight but asks why he’s not facing Samoa Joe. he tells angle it’s no wonder Stephanie got on his case. Angle tells Jordan he’s not just his father he’s the GM and he’s not the only one with a problem with Joe. Jordan says he’s the only one who can beat Joe. Angle says as the GM he needs to tell him that almost winning isn’t winning and tells him he will face Joe when he thinks the time is right. Jordan says okay Kurt.
Match 6: Samoa Joe vs Dean Ambrose
Ambrose goes right after Joe after he gets distracted by Jason Jordan coming to the entrance way. Joe gets back in control with big rights. Ambrose is able to take Joe out at the knee and pound on him in the corner. Ambrose goes after the knee of Joe and Joe goes to the outside. Ambrose fights Joe and is in control as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Joe has Ambrose in a headlock. Ambrose fights back but is taken down by a back elbow. Ambrose is able to move out of the way of a senton. Ambrose and Joe trade rights. Joe gets the upper hand but Ambrose continues to duck and move. Ambrose hits a series of clotheslines and lands a big one in the corner. Ambrose tries for a bulldog but Joe fights out. Both men go to the mat. Joe drops Ambrose and taunts Jordan. Ambrose tries to steal one but Joe kicks out. Ambrose gets picked up by Joe but Ambrose is able to send himself and Joe to the outside. Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch on Jordan and Ambrose breaks it up. Ambrose goes to the top and hits an elbow. Joe kicks out of the pin as Jordan had the ref distracted. Ambrose comes to the outside and Joe flies to take out both men. Joe gets the Coquina Clutch locked in on Ambrose in the ring. Ambrose fades and the ref calls for the bell.
Winner: Samoa Joe
My Opinion:
Not a bad match, it was very hard-hitting and Ambrose really stayed in it with Joe. I’m curious as to what is gonna happen with Jason Jordan as he seems to be making everyone mad now. Nonetheless, it was a great match but I would like to see it again, I think they need to have another one because there’s definitely unfinished business.
Backstage Segment:
Dana thanks, Titus and Apollo for being apart of Titus Worldwide. Titus welcome her to the group. The Club comes up and calls the three of them nerds. Braun then comes storming through.
Match 7: Kane vs Braun Strowman:
#1 Contender’s Match for the Universal Championship
Strowman backs Kane in the corner and lands a huge headbutt. Strowman lands a huge shot and lands a big splash in the corner. Strowman lands a huge dropkick but gets a 1 count on the cover. Strowman brings him to the outside and drives Kane into the steps. Kane is able to sidestep Strowman in the ring and lands a huge chokeslam. Strowman is able to kick out of the pin. Strowman gets chokeslammed again but still won’t stay down. Strowman lands a chokeslam of his own but Kane kicks out and goes to the outside. Kane lands a big right hand and a boot to follow. Braun battles back and drives Kane through the barricade. The ref calls for the bell at the 10 count.
***After the match Strowman goes after Kane. Strowman grabs the steps and so does Kane. the two collide with each other. Strowman grabs something from under the ring but Kane fights it off. Strowman throws Kane in the ring and grabs a table. Kane goes to the outside and grabs a chair hitting Strowman with a huge knee. Strowman lands a right but Kane hits him with the chair over and over. Strowman and Kane lay each other out with clotheslines. Both men sit up. Strowman gets caught by Kane as he fights it off and slams him through the table.
Winner: No Winner: Double Count Out
My Opinion:
I really wish this match would have had a clean finish but being that the Rumble is still far away I get it. I think these two need to have an epic battle. Give them more time to go after each other not just this ten minutes at the last part of the show. I think tonight though Strowman showed he is the new monster.
Final Thoughts:
This was pretty good Raw. We some great matches throughout. Rollins and Sheamus really had a great battle. Both took each other to the limit and Rollins showed you can never count him out. Cesaro and Reigns also had an amazing match. Cesaro took Reigns to his limit but that’s why Reigns is “the guy” because he never stays down. I also liked that Reigns came out of his element and had to actually wrestle with Cesaro. Joe and Ambrose also had a good match. I wish it would’ve ended differently though, I wonder what will happen with Jason Jordan as he seems to be making nothing but enemies. Absolution was awesome as well, The Women’s locker room got one up on them but I still think Paige, Rose, and Deville are here to take over. The Cruiserweights once again tore it up. I’m very pleased that Cedric walked away the winner because I truly think he deserves this opportunity. The main event wasn’t bad but these guys still have unfinished business. Although tonight Braun brought out fear in Kane and showed he is the new monster.
Overall Rating: 7/10