Richard Holliday On Wrestling Hammerstone, MLW, Winning Championships, Staying Marketable – Casual Conversations

In another “Casual Conversations with The Classic ” episode, Justin is joined by MLW’s “Most Marketable” Richard Holliday as they talk his earliest memories of wrestling, his favourite wrestler growing up, joinging MLW, what makes him marketable, working in IWA in Puerto Rico, Savio Vega, Big Time Wrestling, what makes one marketable, winning world titles, if he would wrestle Hammerstone for the MLW Championship, his branded coffee, future plans and much much more.

Social Handles
Richard Holliday – @mostmarketable
Justin Dhillon – @thewrestlingclassic (IG) & @twcworldwide (Twitter)

This show is available on iTunes, Spotify and Google Play when you search “TWC Show”
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