Smackdown Review 07/14/16
By Wammys Universe on July 15, 2016
Finally! It’s finally here! The final episode of Smackdown being previously taped! Its a new era of Smackdown, where the results won’t be ruined by online spoilers! We are just 5 days away from the…
RAW Review – 06/20/2016
By TheWrestlingClassic on June 22, 2016
Hey everybody, its The Wrestling Classic here. Due to personal circumstances Kareem (@homeofwwe) won’t be able to commit to the weekly Raw Review for the Summer. Therefore, while I’m looking for a new Raw Review…
Money in the Bank Review 06/19/16
By TheWrestlingClassic on June 19, 2016
Hello Misfits! It’s only been hours since Money in the Bank went off the air and damn was it ever an unforgettable event. I enjoyed the show top to bottom and the ending didnt have…
TWC Report #4 – 05/16/2016
By TheWrestlingClassic on May 16, 2016
Hello there, it’s The Wrestling Classic here, coming at you with a brand new TWC Report. If this is the first time reading a TWC report, let me tell you a little about what it…
Wrestlemania 32 Review & Recap – 04/03/16
By TheWrestlingClassic on April 13, 2016
Ladies and gentlemen, its the Wrestling Classic here, and I’m going to review my thoughts and opinion on this years Wrestlemania. However before we go on to talk about that, I want to briefly talk…