Wrestlemania 32 Review & Recap – 04/03/16
By TheWrestlingClassic on April 13, 2016
Ladies and gentlemen, its the Wrestling Classic here, and I’m going to review my thoughts and opinion on this years Wrestlemania. However before we go on to talk about that, I want to briefly talk…
TWC Fantasy Booking – How I would of booked the WWE Roadblock Main Event.
By TheWrestlingClassic on March 15, 2016
Booking the finish to WWE Heavyweight Championship Triple H (C) vs. Dean Ambrose at WWE Roadblock 03/12/16 I just wanted to start off mentioning, I had this idea of Triple H defending the title against…
WWE Roadblock Review – 03/12/2016
By TheWrestlingClassic on March 15, 2016
by The Wrestling Classic Hello TWC Misfits. I promised to review Roadblock and thats exactly what I am going to do in my first ever review. I know its been about three or four days…