The 11 Best WWE Games of All Time, Ranked
The 11 Best WWE Games of All Time, Ranked
Originally Written for ONE37PM
Hey Yo! It’s The Wrestling Classic here with another list for ONE37pm. This month (February 2024), as we are on the heels of the release of WWE 2K24, I thought it would be great to list the 11 best WWE games of all time from my perspective.
Growing up, I never missed getting a game from the original Nintendo Entertainment System to the PS5 era. Although I did own two of the previous Xbox consoles and a GameCube, I was mainly a Sony PlayStation person once the first one came out. However, I am old enough to say I did grow up with the original NES, Super Nintendo, and N64. These are the 11 WWE games that stood out to me the most.
I have to mention the fact that while WWE 2K22 and 2K23 are great games, I never really played those last two series installments as much as the other titles on my list. I did play 2K22 a little and primarily used its community creations to create me as a playable character (I messed around a bit having fun with that game at a friend’s house). Here’s another fun WWE games story – I went to the 2K23 launch party in Los Angeles and briefly played the game with Soulja Boy, not realizing it was him before I got kicked off so they could film something. I was given the game for the PS5 but haven’t made that console investment yet.
Anyway, let’s take a look at my ranked listing of the best WWE game of all time!
1. ‘WWE SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain’
Available on: PS2
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