WWE 205 Live Review 01/03/2017
WWE 205 LIVE REVIEW 12/27/2016
It’s the first show of the year! Neville is picking up momentum like he’s never done before, Neville vs. TJ Perkins is announced for tonight and the Cedric Alexander vs. Noam Dar and Jack Gallagher vs. Ariya Daivari feuds are getting better and better! We’ll we see any debuts tonight? Will TJP shock us all and defeat Neville? Let’s find out!
WWE brings 205 Live to you from the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena at Jacksonville, Florida.
The show opens up with a video recap of Neville defeating Rich Swann last week.
1) Taijiri vs. Sean Maluta.
In a match that was too short to enjoy yet enjoyable, Taijiri defeated Sean Maluta by pinfall after a High Kick in 3 minutes.
Opinion: It’s awesome to see Taijiri! He is still great and he fits this division like a glove. The crowd seemed dead for the entire match which seems negative for the rest of the show.
After the match, Brian Kendrick came out and welcomed Taijiri to 205 Live. He talked about their time they were both apart of the Cruiserweight Division in the early 2000’s on Smackdown. He kicked Maluta out of the ring and called him trash, Kendrick offered a handshake and Taijiri accepted before spitting his green mist to Kendrick’s face.
Neville is being interviewed backstage by Dasha Fuentes. Neville said TJ Perkins would have never been champion if he was here from the beginning. After talking trash about TJP for a bit, Neville said TJP’s 15 minutes of fame are over.
A Tony Nese video package is aired.
2) Jack Gallagher vs. Tony Nese.
In yet another overly short match, Gallagher defeated Nese by DQ in 2 minutes after Daivari attacked Gallagher.
Opinion: I would have loved to see this match, their styles would have mixed awesomely but the Daivari vs. Gallagher feud is getting hotter and hotter.
Backstage, Cedric Alexander is telling Alicia Fox that what happened on Raw was not her fault before they kissed.
3) Noam Dar vs. Mustafa Ali.
Okay, in another ‘holy shit, what a great match’, Mustafa Ali defeated Noam Dar by pinfall with an inverted 450 Splash in about 7 minutes.
After the match, Dasha Fuentes entered the ring and asked Dar how he planned to get back on track, he said he needs lady luck by his side and told Fox she is always welcome in her corner.
Opinion: The match was awesome! Everyone in the internet loved it and I personally loved it as well, I wish it could have gone on for longer but it still was a great match and a great showing from both Ali and Dar.
An Akira Tosawa video package plays.
Neville makes his way to the ring. Backstage, Tom Phillips interviews TJ Perkins, TJP says he praises Neville for being dominant in the ring but calls him a bully and says he’ll kick a bully in the face.
4) Neville vs. TJ Perkins.
In yet another great match, Neville defeated TJP by pinfall after a Superplex.
Opinion: Great match, TJP got a lot of offense which was surprising but Neville picked up yet another win to his streak and seems like the most dominant guy I’ve ever seen. If he doesn’t get the title from Swan at the Rumble, he better win it at ‘Mania.
Final Thoughts:
A good show in general terms. Nothing was announced for next week and the first two matches were arguably too short but the Taijiri re-debut, the Ali vs. Dar matches and the Neville vs. TJP matches completely saved this episode and made not only for a solid episode of 205 but for an hour of enjoyable wrestling.
Final Rating: 8.7 out of 10.
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