WWE 205 Live Review 01/17/2017
WWE 205 LIVE REVIEW 01/10/2017
Tonight the great Jack Gallagher vs. Ariya Daivari feud comes to an end with the “I Forfeit” match, Tony Nese apparently joined Neville and absolutely nobody knows what the hell is going on between Cedric Alexander, Noam Dar and Alicia so…Let’s find out!
WWE brings 205 Live to you from the FedEx Forum at Memphis, Tennessee.
The show opens up with a video recapping the Gallagher and Daivari feud.
Drew Gulak makes his entrance followed by Cedric Alexander. Alicia Fox walked behind Cedric yelling stuff until Cedric and Drew got in the ring and Alicia kept telling Cedric he was a rookie. Noam Dar came out to try and get Alicia to leave but suddenly he ran into the ring to attack Alexander along with Gulak. Alexander came back and took both out before Dar and Fox left and the match actually took place.
1) Drew Gulak vs. Cedric Alexander.
In as good of a match as you would expect from mainly Cedric, Drew Gulak defeated Cedric Alexander in 6 minutes by pinfall with a belly-to-back suplex into a bridge.
Opinion: Not much happened here as Alexander sold his knee injury during pretty much the whole match but both these guys are awesome and you need to know that. Also, the Alicia Fox storyline is getting old quick so hopefully they tweak it somehow.
Backstage, Noam Dar is talking to Alicia Fox. Dar continues to convince Alicia he was there for her but Alicia slapped him, Dar smiled and Alicia stormed off.
A video plays hyping the Royal Rumble match between Neville and Rich Swann.
Opinion: I have to mention it, this video package was awesome, with both guys being young and stuff and what’s brought them to this point, this kind of video really gets you hyped for a match.
Mustafa Ali makes his way to the ring as Tony Nese is interviewed where he says he is the premiere athlete because he is faster, stronger and simply better.
2) Mustafa Ali vs. Tony Nese.
In a really good match, better than I expected to be honest, Tony Nese defeated Mustafa Ali by pinfall after a running high knee.
Opinion: I just get more and more impressed with Mustafa Ali each week. Tony Nese is great and awesome and works really well but Mustafa Ali is so talented in the ring is actually crazy. He is quickly becoming my favorite cruiserweight along with Gran Metalik…Where is Gran Metalik?!
The announce team discuss the fact that Taijiri got injured and apparently he’ll be away for a while, they show a tweet from Brian Kendrick calling Taijiri a liar.
Another Akira Tozawa hype video is played.
3) Jack Gallagher vs. Ariya Daivari. I Forfeit Match.
Wow, talk about everything going the right way for a main event. Jack Gallagher defeated Daivari in 14 minutes when Gallagher applied a hammerlock using his umbrella and Daivari was forced to forfeit.
Opinion: This match had everything, it had a great story to back up the match, both are really talented and really charismatic to pull off this type of match. Even the crowd was into the match which is quite rare, and even if Gallagher winning was obvious, still it was a great match with some great spots.
Final Thoughts:
That’s 205 Live! Good show, not spectacular or anything but it was a good damn show. The main event was simply awesome, I’m quickly becoming a fanboy for Mustafa Ali and the Noam Dar-Cedric Alexander interaction was entertaining to some extent.
Final Rating: 8.4 out of 10.
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