WWE 205 Live Review 12/20/2016
WWE 205 LIVE REVIEW 12/20/2016
Neville is back and he is a heel now! Is there anything else I need to say to get you hyped for this show? It will be an amazing show! Let’s get started!
1) Ariya Daivari vs. Lince Dorado.
In a really solid opener considering we’ve seen this match before, Ariya Daivari defeated Lince Dorado by pinfall after a Frogsplash.
After the match, Daivari cut a promo insulting ad calling out Jack Gallagher.
Opinion: I love seeing this minor feuds slowly progressing and seeing such talent like Daivari getting a chance on both the ring and the mic is awesome.
Backstage, Brian Kendrick is talking about how happy he is about being Neville’s partner. Neville interrupted him and said he is only his partner and not his friend and that he respects him but there is only room for one King of the Cruiserweights.
Another video played hyping the re-debut of Tajiri. Get hyped.
2) Cedric Alexander w/ Alicia Fox vs. Drew Gulak.
In another solid bout, Alexander defeated Gulak by pinfall after a Lumbar Check. During the match, Gulak shoved Alexander into Alicia Fox, Noam Dar came out to help her.
After the match, Drew Gulak was interviewed and complained about Alicia Fox being at ringside saying this is a man’s world.
Backstage, a trainer is checking Alicia Fox’s ankle with Cedric Alexander and Noam Dar looking by. Alexander thanked Dar for the helped but he had it from there, Dar replied he would be there if Fox ever needed anything.
Opinion: Sucks to see Gulak lose match after match but again, awesome to see this minor feuds progressing and talent like Dar and Alexander get such a chance to develop their characters.
3) Neville & Brian Kendrick vs. TJ Perkins & Rich Swann.
In a really really strong main event, Neville and Kendrick defeated TJP and Swann when Neville pinned TJP with a Red Arrow.
Opinion: As I said before, this was a really strong main event, a good match for all 4 competitors but I don’t see how this storyline will progress other than Neville challenging Swann or maybe a fatal four in two or three weeks for the title.
Final Thoughts:
Really solid episode, great minor feuds still going, Neville is on fire with his brand new heel character and it looks like he’ll be the face of the division and really good in ring work in all 3 matches. Also, the crowd seemed a bit more active than usual.
Final Rating: 9.1 out of 10.
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