WWE 205 Live Review 12/27/2016
WWE 205 LIVE REVIEW 12/27/2016
It’s not ever week that we have most of the matches announced for 205 Live but this time we have Jack Gallagher vs. Ariya Daivari in a “Gentleman’s Duel” and Neville vs. the Cruiserweight Champion Rich Swann, so that’s definitely worth getting excited for. Plus we also have the Cedric Alexander vs. Noam Dar thingy with Alicia Fox going on. Will something relevant actually happen? Let’s find out!
WWE brings 205 Live to you from the Allstate Arena at Chicago, Illinois.
The show starts with a normal video showing the recent actions of Neville as a hell and his win over TJ Perkins last night on Raw.
1) Cedric Alexander vs. Tony Nese
In actually a solid match for being 6 minutes long, Tony Nese defeated Alexander by pinfall after hitting a Palm Strike. Drew Gulak and Alicia Fox were at ringside for Nese and Alexander respectively and in the closing moments, they started arguing at ringside, Gulak pretended Alicia hit him and the referee ejected her causing the distraction of Alexander.
Opinion: I don’t normally give credit this way but Cedric Alexander and Tony Nese are just incredibly talented. They did an awesome job in the ring and looks like they have great chemistry.
Backstage Noam Dar approaches Alicia Fox and says he got her a Christmas present and holds a mistletoe between them. Fox slaps Dar, Dar smiles and raises the mistletoe again and Fox slaps him again. Fox walks off and Dar says “Merry Christmas to me”.
Neville is being interviewed by Renee Young in a sit-down interview in which Neville just rants on fans and calls himself the King of Cruiserweights again.
2) Mustafa Ali vs. John Yurnet
In pretty much a squash, Ali defeated Yurnet by pinfall with a 450° Splash after 2 minutes.
After the match, Dasha Fuentes interviewed Ali where Ali cut a babyface promo about Chicago and how he’s letting his work speak for him.
Opinion: Mustafa Ali is great and I’m glad he’s a babyface now, his style didn’t seem to fit with his heel persona.
3) Jack Gallagher vs. Ariya Daivari in a Gentleman’s Duel.
Daivari came out in his wrestling attire and Gallagher came out in a formal English attire. There was a table with some objects. Gallagher asked Daivari to take one and Daivari took the pipe and Gallagher picked the umbrella. Gallagher said they needed to be back-to-back, take 10 steps and then engage in combat. Daivari agrees, Gallagher talks two steps and Daivari swings at Gallagher but Gallagher ducks and comically beats Daivari with the umbrella until Daivari slammed the table onto Gallagher and assaulted him with some “Asshole” chants until Gallagher hit a headbutt and then his signature corner running dropkick and apparently he was named the winner due to forfeit.
Opinion: Not really a conventional way to continue a feud but it was still enjoyable and funny at times. Gallagher is incredibly entertaining and Daivari is a great heel.
Neville and Rich Swann make their entrances.
4) Neville vs. Cruiserweight Champion Rich Swann
In a really, really strong main event, Neville defeated Rich Swann by pinfall with a superplex.
After the match, Neville continued the attack on Swann, by repeatedly kicking Swann until three referees tried to stop him.
Final Thoughts:
Now this may be a personal vote but I really enjoyed the show. The main event was strong yet predictable as expected, the duel wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and the opening match surprised the hell out of me. There wasn’t really anything memorable or amazing but it was a good episode of 205 after all.
Final Rating: 8.4 out of 10.
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