WWE Great Balls of Fire 2017 Predictions

Hello Misfits! This is The Wrestling Classic here with my predictions for this Sunday’s Great Balls of Fire. I actually like the entire gimmick and theme behind the PPV since I like vintage and classical stuff. A lot of people may complain that they should have brought back Great American Bash, Bash at the Beach, Road Wild or some other Summer PPV. For those pissed off about the name of the event now must be conflicted because the card is stacked. Most of the matches have great stipulations and the show has the potential to be really great. I think a lot of us are intrigued by how the Samoa Joe and Brock Lesnar match up will play out. I’ll talk more about that when I talk about my prediction for that match. This is Raw’s last exclusive PPV before Summerslam and the first ever Great Balls of Fire PPV. I know I used Finn Balor for the poster for this predictions blog but it blows my mind that he’s not even on the card. I did expect him to maybe face Elias Samson on the card but it was never officially booked. Anyway, lets move forward with my predictions.
WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Neville (C) vs. Akira Tozawa
Image via WWE.com
Its simple…Neville retains. If Aries and everyone else couldnt dethrone the King of the Cruiserweights, what makes you think Tozawa will? If youre thinking its because he’s apart of the Titus Brand, you have to be kidding me. Neville has been on a roll and they’re just trying to build Tozawa as a number one contender to mix things up but I do not see him as the one to end Neville’s reign. Neville is the first Cruiserweight Champion on this lineage to hold the championship this long. I feel like when he does lose it, that it should be built as a bigger deal. I do think he’ll find the sneaky and underhanded way to win but Neville definitely retains.
Prediction – Neville
WWE Tag Team Champions
30 Minute Iron Man Match
Cesaro & Sheamus (C) vs The Hardy Boyz
Image via WWE.com
Boy, are we going to have these two teams face off again? What is this the fourth time, not including all the times they may have interacted in some sort on match on Raw? I’m a fan of both teams and they’ve done incredible work together as opponents. I’m mind blown that Sheamus and Cesaro are still together as a team since I always felt like they were randomly tossed together because there was nothing better for them to do. Not only am I shocked that they’re still together but they’re two time WWE Tag Team Champions. The Hardy’s return at Wrestlemania where the won the tag team titles was one of the highlight moment of Wrestlemania if not the entire year. I’m glad they got their tag team title run but I think its time to move away from the past and focus on the future. There is an entire Raw roster full of talented tag teams from the The Club, The Revival, Rhyno/Slater, Axel/Dallas and they deserve more of a chance of succeeding on the red brand. The Hardy’s had their nostalgic moment in the spotlight as champions and its time to move on. Personally, maybe they could split or a loss in this match could be the cause of Matt and Jeff finally revisiting that Broken Universe or they help elevate another tag team on the roster by feuding with them. I think as a blow off match the idea of it being a 30-minute Ironman match is cool. However, I also think this may be a part of the reason why Balor isn’t on the card. Anyway, I think Sheamus and Cesaro retain moving forward and hopefully this is the last time we see these two teams face each other for a while.
Prediction – Sheamus & Cesaro
WWE Women’s Championship
Alexa Bliss (C) vs. Sasha Banks
Image via WWE.com
This is a match I have been waiting for. Sasha aka Salsa Banks has been one of my favourites women wrestlers since 2013 and still is today. Alexa Bliss has become one of my favourite people to watch each and every week. Alexa really knows her character and plays it well. I hope she stays heel as long as she can. Sasha Banks as a babyface has been pretty brutal at some points. At times it seems like she put her friendship with Bayley over actually becoming champion. Most of Sasha’s title reigns were short and barley existent. This one is tough for me to predict because I’m a big fan of both women. I want both of them to win and I hope they steal the show. This could be Alexa’s best match on the main roster yet due to her opponent if these women are given time. Salsa Banks is capable of making her opponents look good and one of my favourite workers when she gets to work. As much as I want Sasha to take the W here, since this is the first title defence for Alexa that isn’t against Bayley, I want Alexa to retain to legitimize her reign. Sasha Banks will be champion by the end of 2017 without a doubt but just not yet.
Prediction – Alexa Bliss
Intercontinental Championship
The Miz w/ Maryse (C) vs. Dean Ambrose
Image via WWE.com
Once again we are getting Dean Ambrose vs The Miz. This rivalry seems to have been going on since these two were still on Smackdown Live. I’m not saying it has been bad but similar to Sheamus/Cescaro and The Hardys it just seems like we’ve seen too much of this feud between these two. The Miz now has henchmen with Dallas and Axel and I think the number game will defeat Ambrose. I also don’t want to see the championship being passed back and fourth at all. The Miz makes the championship feel more important every time he holds it compared to when Ambrose does. I think The Miz retains. If they want this feud to continue than they need to up the writing creatively heading into Summerslam. However, I’d rather Ambrose do something more important moving forward.
Prediction – The Miz
Enzo Amore vs. Big Cass
Image via WWE.com
This is a rivalry I wasn’t expecting. If you asked me a couple of months ago, I wouldn’t have expected them to go down this route yet. I expected it to happen at some point in their career but just not yet. The two were both still over as fuck as a team and I don’t think they reached the level they could have as a team. Cass is a giant and has a bright future as a big man in the business if all things of right. Enzo is a hell of a promo and definitely can sell any feud with his mouth but is so-so in the ring. Personally, I don’t see this ending cleanly but rather a no contest or a DQ because of a beat down, thus continuing the feud. However, if it does end cleanly than its Big Cass going over with a possible sentimental emotional moment after the match leading to a further beatdown by Cass on Enzo. Although, I strongly believe this will be more of a storyline progression angle than an actual match.
Prediction – Big Cass
Ambulance Match
Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman
Image via WWE.com
I’M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU YET! Braun Strowman returns to continue his rivalry with Roman Reigns. He vows to destroy Reigns. I believe this match is what they had planned for Extreme Rules between the two but had to push it to Great Balls of Fire because of Strowman’s injury. Strowman’s injury threw off a lot of the plans. For example, I think he would have been facing Lesnar on this card, Joe would have been facing Rollins and Balor would have been feuding with Wyatt. It was unclear what Roman Reigns would have been doing but nonetheless the Strowman injury threw things off course. This is the WWE’s way of trying to steer things back on course. I feel like if Roman is going to face Lesnar next month at Summerslam he needs to come out victorious in this rivalry in this blow off match. I think there will be some sort of shenanigans that aids Roman to win against the Monster Among Men so it doesn’t hurt Braun by losing clean but Roman is going over. If Roman was to lose this match, it really hurts his momentum going into Summerslam as the number one contender.
Prediction – Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins vs. Bray Wyatt
Image via WWE.com
Once again I’m a fan of both men but this rivalry has lost me at points. The promos have been great and spectacularly written but at the same time, it doesn’t really give me any reason to why these two really want to fight each other. Wyatt claims he’s god and a celestial being. Rollins is the King Slayer who now wants to humanize and slay this common man who believes he’s god? Wyatt lost the match at Extreme Rules and vows revenge on everyone involved starting with Rollins and Rollins well just thinks Wyatt is some sort of mad man. These two have really never had a singles feud and the match definitely has potential. I do feel like this was pitched last minute due to Strowman’s injury and originally it was penciled in that Wyatt would feud Balor and Rollins continue with Joe which would have made more sense but they didn’t do a great job at making this not seem like it was booked last minute. These guys have zero heat between each other and it feels more like a match either man could win without really succeeding at anything. If Rollins wins, Bray will continue to be Bray. If Bray wins, maybe it’ll light a fire in Rollins but what does Rollins really have to lose? He doesn’t even really care about Bray. In the end, yes Bray could win and this rivalry could continue, but just because Bray usually gets the short end of the stick most of the time, I’m going to go with Seth Rollins walking out victorious. Poor Balor isn’t even on the card. Hopefully he can get involved somehow and the Demon King can face the Eater of Worlds. A feud I actually can get invested in. I’m not knocking on either one of these guys but it seems so random for Rollins right now to be feuding with Wyatt.
Prediction – Seth Rollins
WWE Universal Championship
Brock Lesnar (C) w/ Paul Heyman vs. Samoa Joe
Image via WWE.com
Brock Lesnar will 100% win this match. I fully stand behind that prediction. It’s going to be Lesnar vs Roman at Summerslam. Although I beg the WWE to not have Joe get decimated by Lesnar similar to the ways Cena, Orton and Ambrose have in the past. Joe needs this. Joe needs to look like a serious threat to the Beast Incarnate to solidify his role on the roster in the future. Don’t take Joe to suplex city the entire match. Do not have Joe look weak and helpless against Lesnar. Let him come off as a challenge and as nobody Lesnar has had to face before. We’ve seen Lesnar have to work for his wins against the likes of Triple H, Cena, Undertaker, Roman Reigns and even Goldberg in recent years. Hell, to beat Orton he had to forget all the rules and turn it into a beating. Let that happen here. Let Lesnar feel threatened because he underestimated Joe. Let both guys walk out looking stronger than they did coming into the match. Put both guys over. Whether Joe passes out or ends cleanly, let it be known he didn’t go down without a fight and giving Lesnar a run for his money.
Prediction – Brock Lesnar
What do you think about my predictions for the Great Balls of Fire? What are your predictions? Do you agree or disagree with my thoughts and ideas of what might happen on the show? Leave your comments and opinions below.

I think your predictions are great! I agree on all of them. I really appreciate the time you take to make this predictions. Reading them is really fun. I’m a big fan of Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Sasha Banks so I’m really excited about Great Balls of Fire! I’m also a Finn Balor fan and him not being in the card is unbelievable for me. Oh well. In my opinion, Great Balls of Fire is going to be awesome! The classic theme for the PPV is great too! Again, thank you so much for the predictions and THANK YOU for this Amazing page!