WWE Summerslam 2017 Predictions

Hello Misfits! This is The Wrestling Classic here with my predictions for this Sunday’s Summerslam. I didn’t realize how stacked the card was until I started forming the outline for the predictions. There are notable stars missing from this show but considering that its both brands for both shows and theres an early start time already, theres not much more they could really do. I think this card is solid enough for the wild Brooklyn crowd and the show is already going to be a marathon of a show putting us on a roller coaster ride of emotions. Its very rarely that WWE lets us down on their big shows and I don’t expect them to this Sunday. They’ll make sure we’ll leave the show with a strong opinion of the company moving forward.
Enzo Amore Suspended Above the Ring
Big Show vs. Big Cass
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This feud between Enzo and Big Cass ended up having the Big Show get involved because you know…how many PPVs could they have with Big Cass whooping Enzo’s ass. Also, its highly unbelievable that Enzo would overcome Big Cass after getting destroyed by him so easily in their previous encounters. Big Show came in to defend his little buddy. The only problem for some odd reason Enzo is locked in the shark cage above the ring like he was some sort of threat. Cass had been knocked out two weeks in a row by Show but last week with the help of The Club broke Big Show’s hand which gives Cass the upperhand in this match. Personally. Cass has not grown on me yet as a singles heel but I have to admit he’s getting better and more comfortable in the role. I feel like Cass needs to win here as Big Shows role now is to put over this new younger talent. I feel like The Club may get involved yet again to aid Cass in taking down Big Show while Enzo has to watch hanging above the ring.
Prediction – Big Cass
Smackdown Tag Team Championship
The New Day (C) vs. The Usos
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The New Day and Uso rivalry continues for the Smackdown Tag Team Championship. I’ll be the first to admit that their matches against each other have been great so far and I don’t expect any less from this one. I’m not a huge fan of titles being treated like a hot potato so I see The New Day going over here. I don’t expect The New Day to have as long of a reign as they had on Raw but I do see them holding the belts for the next couple of months. It might be The Usos who take the belts off them, which I would love but it won’t be at the biggest show of the Summer in my opinion.
Prediction – The New Day
Cruiserweight Champion
Akira Tozawa (C) vs. Neville
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This match was given to us for free on Raw this week with Tozawa overcoming Neville to become the new cruiserweight champion. However, the match will still take place at Summerslam as Neville being the previous champion will invoke his rematch clause. The Titus Brand is on top of the world with this incredible victory that brings accolades to their family but I feel like the King of the Cruiserweights takes it back this Sunday. I am not a fan of titles being handed back and fourth but I think it’s a great story to be told for Neville. He’s finally been dethroned but only temporarily. If its not at Summerslam its at the next available time but I do see Neville regaining his title. The King of the Cruiserweight’s doesn’t often make mistakes,
Prediction – Neville
Smackdown Women’s Championship
Naomi (C) vs. Natalya
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When Natalya became the number one contender very few of us expected it. I think everyone was leaning towards Becky Lynch or Charlotte, two women who arent even on this card but Natalya was the black horse in the race. In all honestly she shouldn’t have been. Naomi has been champion since Wrestlemania been doing a great job as champion but its time to shake things up on the Smackdown Women’s roster and Natalya deserves to have her name on the list for the linage of that championship title. I mean she’s been holding the Smackdown Women’s roster together like the glue of the bunch since the brand split. I do Natalya winning the championship but then enter the wildcard…F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S. I definitely think Ms Money in the Bank Carmella will be cashing in this Sunday and walking out the Smackdown Women’s Champion. I could be wrong and they could hold it off for longer but I definitely see it happening. I could be wrong about one part. Maybe Natalya doesnt win but does a beat down on Naomi after losing and then Carmella cashes in but there is only one way to find out…tuning in this Sunday on the WWE Network.
Prediction – Natalya/Carmella
Raw Women’s Championship
Alexa Bliss (C) vs. Sasha Banks
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This is the match we all wanted for Summerslam instead on Bayley vs Alexa Bliss again. This two seem to have real tension between them which usually leads to the best matches and rivalries. The way their last match ended with the two brawling to the announce table and Sasha leaping off of it onto Alexa to me showcased that this rivalry wasnt over. Yet it was about to just get scrapped to return to the Bayley and Alexa feud. Regardless how a lot of the fans are turning on Sasha for always being in the championship picture, I was getting sick and tired of Sasha taking the backseat to her best friend Bayley to allow her to chase the title for the sake of their friendship. I think Alexa is money but its Sasha’s time to become champion and have a lengthy reign of a couple months while feuding with Alexa and then possibly Bayley herself. Thats just my opinion though and me going with what I want to happen. I fear whats going to happen is Alexa somehow retains, which I’m totally okay with but then we have to wait for Bayley to recover to get another dull Alexa vs Bayley rivalry. I’d rather have Salsa go over to set a new bar in the Raw Women’s Division.
Prediction – Sasha Banks
Randy Orton vs. Rusev
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It feels like Orton is at the point of his career where he’s just helping get other guys over. I mean it was during his run with Bray Wyatt, that Wyatt obtained his most accolades becoming a tag team and WWE Champion. It was Orton who put Jinder Mahal over to build a new mega heel for the Smackdown roster. Will Orton do the same for Rusev? I mean wins and losses don’t matter much if theres a series of matches that go beyond Summerslam. Orton could go over here with Rusev eventually going over in later months. The reason I kind of lean towards having Orton go over is because he has been losing a lot in big matches in these past few months to put Jinder over and I expect the rivalry to continue. However, Rusev hasn’t had a big win since returning and this could be it. I mean they did just give Orton a clean win over the WWE Champion two weeks ago on Smackdown to redeem all his losses. Maybe it’s time for someone to really put over Rusev and maybe thats Randy Orton.
Prediction – Rusev
Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt
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This was a feud I was really looking forward too. When it got scratched originally because of the Braun injury, which lead to Balor doing nothing relevant besides feuding with Elias Samson and Bray funding Rollins, I felt like we got ripped off. I may have been right with the way this rivalry felt rushed. Hell instead of building the suspense and anticipation of Finn building up with anger to come out at Summerslam in his alter ego of the Demon King, Bray just poured blood over him and it was announced this week on Raw that the Demon King was coming to the Barclay Centre. I mean I think even if it was predictable, if they didn’t do it on Raw weeks earlier, than they should have saved the return of the Demon for Summerslam as “will he?” or “will he not?” situation. I could see Bray finding a way to defeat Finn here whether its by introducing an ally or some voodoo stuff, but we’ve never seen the Demon lose yet and I don’t think we’re going to this Sunday. Maybe he will eventually in this rivalry but as of now…The Demon King rises and wins.
Prediction – Demon Balor
United States Championship
Special Referee – Shane McMahon
AJ Styles (C) vs. Kevin Owens
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AJ Styles and Kevin Owens have been going at it for months over the United States Championship and the belt has gone back and forth between the two. The difference this time around is that Shane O’ Mac himself in the special referee. There has been a lot of drama about the officiating in all the Styles/Owens matches up to this point so this was supposed to solve the problem. However, this is professional wrestling and we know that isn’t the case, silly. If anything its going to be all good for the first little bit and then Shane O’ Mac is really going to play a part in the finish. I’m tired of seeing the United States Championship bouncing around. Also, I’ve been saying that Shane McMahon and Kevin Owens have this great chemistry with each other ever since Shane returned last year and they’ve interacted, Therefore, I think all of this leads to Shane-O vs. KO, which means Styles walks out victorious.
Prediction – AJ Styles
John Cena vs. Baron Corbin
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Cena screwed Corbin out of his Money in the Bank contract this week on Smackdown Live and as much as that pissed off some people, I thought it was brilliant. One, I didn’t think Baron was ready for the WWE Championship and if he did hold on to the briefcase they would have had to build him up for the next year before he cashed in. At least this way they can use it as fuel for Corbin to be angry and make us look more forward to this match while Corbin can still earn himself another championship title shot one day in the future. The rumour is Cena heads to Raw after Summerslam since you know he’s a “free agent”. In that case you’d suppose Corbin to defeat him and send him packing but for some reason I think Super Cena overcomes the Lone Wolf. I actually hope I’m wrong because it’ll do Corbin wonders after losing the briefcase this Sunday to beat Cena this Sunday, but we’ll see.
Prediction – John Cena
Raw Tag Team Championship
Cesaro & Sheamus (C) vs. Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose
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Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins have reunited for the first time in three years after Seth Rollins bought in and destroyed The Shield. Since then Ambrose and Rollins had been bitter enemies and had great chemistry against each other as opponents. Recently they have reunited for a common cause…first it was the Miztourage but now its Sheamus and Cesaro. Basically the angle was that Rollins wanted to be “brothers” with Ambrose again while Ambrose was on the fence about it because he didn’t believe he could trust Rollins. Next thing you know Cesaro and Sheamus were mocking them which led to Shesaro having to defend their tag team championship against the reunited two-thirds of The Shield. I think just for the happy moment Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins win the tag team titles in their first match as a reunited team together. This way all the Shield fanboys and fangirls can cry in joy. However, I would have them drop the straps not too long after causing Ambrose to turn on Rollins this time. Thus, giving us our first ever Ambrose heel run since 2013. It’ll also switch the roles for this times Rollins/Ambrose rivalry. A rivalry which I know I’ll love. It’ll also build Sheamus and Cesaros legacy more as well.
Prediction – Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins
WWE Champion
Jinder Mahal (C) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
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When we all thought we were going to get the “Great American” John Cena to face off against the foreign villain champion in Jinder Mahal at Summerslam, the Smackdown writing team threw us a curveball. Instead, we’re getting the “King of Strong Style” meets the “Modern Day Maharaja” in his first ever WWE Championship opportunity. It’s also taking place in NXT’s backyard of Brooklyn where the Takeover events took a whole new life. NXT Takeover events where Shinsuke Nakamura was a fan favourite. The crowd will be hot for Nakamura in Brooklyn and the ideal scenerio would be having the Japanese sensation walk out of Summerslam as the new WWE Champion. Considering the cash-in possibility gone now with Baron Corbin failing at it this past Tuesday, if Nakamura wins, he’s guaranteed to be walking out champion. The same goes for Jinder Mahal. Of course, everyone is counting Mahal out and automatically predicting that Nakamura walks out as champion. Personally, I think Jinder Mahal takes this one. Whether its by hook or crook, he is the first guy to defeat Shinsuke Nakamura in Brooklyn to retain the WWE Championship to get the heel heat of a lifetime. Eventually, Shinsuke Nakamura will defeat Jinder Mahal but I say make it worth it. Let Jinder Mahal go over him once first to really get the fans against him and behind Nakamura before it happens. This feud is too fresh and it would be horrible to just take the belt of Jinder after only defending the championship against Orton for the three months he had them.
Prediction – Jinder Mahal
Fatal-Four Way
Universal Championship
Brock Lesnar (C) vs. Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman vs. Samoa Joe
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It’s the match I’m the most anticipated for. Its going to be a complete massacre involving four big guys who will destroy one another before just laying down for the three. Roman and Lesnar have had great matches in the past. In the last year Strowman and Reigns have been killing it in the matches against each other. Lesnar and Joe put on a great bout last month which was different from the usual suplex destruction we get from Lesnar matches as of late. This match can go in so many directions and is the perfect scenario for Lesnar to lose the title without being the one who gets defeated with the pin fall or submission. This would be the perfect way for Samoa Joe or Braun Strowman to win their first big championship. This would also be a solid way to get the title on Roman Reigns without having him defeat Lesnar which would be the perfect scenario for them to meet down the road after Lesnar goes away for while, possibly at Wrestlemania. However, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say Lesnar isn’t going anywhere for a while and this might lead to an awesome Lesnar vs. Strowman feud starting following this event. It may even lead to a Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns feud to move Reigns away from Strowman since they have been feuding almost all year. I say Lesnar finds a way to overcome the odds this Sunday to the dismay of everyone.
Prediction – Brock Lesnar
What do you think about my predictions for the Summerslam? What are your predictions? Do you agree or disagree with my thoughts and ideas of what might happen on the show? Leave your comments and opinions below.

Most ur predictions r like mine
I doubt lesnar is going to win, since he does have a call out from some fighter at UFC. So he is going to leave Wwe anyways.