CZW Tournament Of Death 17 REVIEW 06/09/2018

CZW Tournament Of Death 17 REVIEW 06/09/2018
The location has changed but the goal remains the same for this year’s competitors in TOD 17! Coming from Berlin, New Jersey Combat Zone fans once again will see the fame Tournament where the goal is to survive, advance, and ultimately be the last one standing in the end and become the winner of TOD. Last year we saw a huge victory by Jimmy Havoc, but who will be the one to take the trophy this year? This year’s tournament features the likes of Rickey Shane Page, Drew Parker, Shlak, Stockade, Jimmy Lloyd, Casanova Valentine, Conor Claxton, Kit Osbourne, Brandon Kirk, Dan O’Hare, Mance Warner, Dale Patricks, and Josh Crane. Plus we will see a dream Death Match as Matt Tremont takes on Toby Klein! As the bell rings at 2 pm 13 men have one goal but will be TOD 17 Champion?!?
Tournament Of Death 17 comes from Berlin, New Jersey at Tansboro Dek Hockey.
In Ring Segment: DJ Hyde
Dj first thanks the crowd and says himself and everyone in the back and CZw as a whole would not be here without the fans. He then thanks his crew in the back for helping put together TOD 17 and for making what it is. He also thanks his family and friends for supporting him through this. DJ is then interrupted and out comes The Shook Crew.
DJ tells them he sees they accepted his invitation and asks if they want a death match. He then plays to the crowd and says he bets they would love to see him kick their ass. The Shook Crew plays to the crowd and asks very arrogant telling them to follow them on social media and that they should all be aware of who they are. Outcomes Mitch Vallen.
Vallen assists DJ in taking one of the members out as he hits a big powerbomb and DJ finishes with a shot with a light tube. DJ then hits Vallen with a light tube and welcomes him to TOD. He then allows Vallen to hit him with a light tube and the crowd breaks out in a CZW chant. He then welcomes everyone to TOD but outcomes G-Raver.
G-Raver tells that tonight is about Death Match Wrestling and it’s about the guys who bust their ass for the genre. He then tells DJ that he wants in. DJ says that in the back there is a lot of politics but out here the fans make the decisions. The crowd then gives a loud chant for G-Raver and DJ allows him to be in the opening contest.
My Opinion:
This was a good way to start the show. There’s been a lot of things going on with CZW as of late so it was good to see DJ bring it back to what it’s all about. I liked that they gave the fans a little something to get them ready for the day. I also liked the ambition G-Raver had and he really made a good impact on the opening because it’s true this day is about the guys who give everything they have to the Death Match style.
First Round Match // Five Way Elimination:
Shlak vs Stockade vs Jimmy Lloyd vs Casanova Valentine vs G-Raver:
Blocks, Bats, Bundles
G-Raver breaks out the light tubes early in the match. G-Raver then is able to hit a suicide dive breaking light tubes over Lloyd on the outside. He then tries to fly on the other side of the ring but Stockade catches him and slams him. Valentine and Shlak stand in the ring and trade forearms and headbutts. The two then throw bundles of light tubes at each other. Shlak gets the best of him and turns to Lloyd hitting him with a broom. Shlak then uses a chair on G-Raver and follows by throwing it at Valentine. Lloyd gets back in the action and hits Stockade but Lloyd is then quickly slammed. Stockade the hits a big elbow drop with a chair onto light tubes but it’s not enough to keep Lloyd down on the pin. Stockade then throws more light tubes at Lloyd. Shlak uses a cabinet and throws it at Stockade. Shlak then tries to go after G-Raver but he comes back with a big dropkick using the chair for good measure. Lloyd gets back in the action and throws a chair at Valentine. After much back and forth Stockade slams Valentine on his knee which has gusset plates on it. Stockade goes for the cover and Valentine is eliminated. Stockade then powerbombs G-Raver on cinder blocks but G-Raver kicks out of the pin attempt. Shlak comes back in and slams Stockade trough three wooden blocks and a pane of glass. Shlak goes for the cover and gets the 3 eliminating Stockade. Lloyd is then slammed on a chair and hit with a door but he’s able to just barely kick out of the pin attempt. Lloyd fights back and hits a senton on Shlak through a door but it’s not enough to keep him down. G-Raver comes back in and hits Shlak and Lloyd with kicks assisted by light tubes. Lloyd gets back and hits a splash through light tubes on Shlak and he gets the 3 on the pin eliminating Shlak. G-Raver and Lloyd go back and forth but eventually find themselves atop a ladder with light tubes taped on top. Lloyd hits slams G-Raver into the tubes and both men fall to the mat off the ladder. Lloyd goes for the cover and gets the 1 2 3 and picks up the First Round Victory.
Winner: Jimmy Lloyd: Advances to Second Round
My Opinion:
All five men went at it and really gave everything they had. This was a perfect match to start the day as it gave a little taste of everything. I think G-Raver proved a lot being able to survive to the end and he didn’t waste the opportunity that he was given. Lloyd winning was huge for him, he hasn’t been in this for very long but he looked like a veteran out there. Lloyd proved he can survive and he put a big spotlight on himself going forward in the tournament.
First Round Match // Three Way Elimination:
Mance Warner vs Dale Patricks vs Josh Crane:
Four Corners of Pain
As the match begins the three trade blows before Crane is sent into a pane of glass. Patricks tries a cover but fails. He tries once more but again can’t get a 3 count. Patricks is then sent to the outside through glass and barbed wire. Crane then takes things to the next level and use a staple gun on Warner and then hits him with light tubes. Patricks gets back into the match and takes out Crane sending him to the outside. As Crane and Warner stand on the outside Patricks hits a moonsault from the apron taking both men out. Three men fight on the outside before Warner and Patricks make it back into the ring. Patricks tries a cover on Warner but he is able to kick out.Warner gets back into it and hits a DDT on Patricks but can’t get the three on the cover. Crane then gets back into the match and slams Warner but Warner again is able to kick out. The three men then trade blows and then each get a kenzan plate to the head. The three men then hits each other with bundles on light tubes. Patricks is able to hit a pile drive on Warner through a pane of glass but gets a two count on the cover. Crane gets back into the match and place a pane over Patricks. Crane then hits a splash on Patricks through the pane but he’s able to kick out. Patricks then return the favor and lands a splash on Crane through a bundle of light tubes but he is able to kick out. Crane fights back and wears down Patricks. Eventually Crane is able to slam Patricks through a barbed wire board and gets the three on the cover. Patricks is eliminated. Warner gets back into the match and hits Crane with a DDT through a pane of glass but Crane is able to kick out of the cover. After a failed pin attempt but Crane Warner is able to land a huge slam. Warner then gets the cover and is able to get the three.
Winner: Mance Warner: Advances to Second Round
My Opinion:
This was a pretty good back and forth contest. These three really took it to each other and you could tell by the amount of time they spent out of the match. I think each brought their own unique style and they definitely weren’t afraid to take risks. Patricks seemed like the favorite going into this match but Warner was smart and was able to pick his spots. I think Crane did awesome but again Warner picked his spots and just was able to get the little advantage he needed to connect and get the three count.
First Round Match: Rickey Shane Page vs Drew Parker:
Lotsa Lotsa Light Tubes DeathMatch
In the early going Page overpowers Parker. Parker eventually is able to create some space and lands a hurricanrana sending Page to the outside. Parker tries for a suicide dive but Page is ready and hits him with light tubes. Page then continues to hit Parker with more light tubes. Page then tosses Parker and follows with breaking more tubes over his back. Page then takes the broken tubes and uses it to cut Parker open more. Parker then tries to land a bulldog but he’s caught by Page and page holds him forcing Parker to walk on his hands through the glass shards. Page then lands a big backbreaker over his knee. Page then drives more light tubes over the back of Parker and then follows by dragging him through the shards. Parker fights back and is able to land a big kick to the head of Page with the assist of a bundle of light tubes. Page comes back with a bundle of his own but Parker again is able to land a huge kick. Parker then hits an insane 360 splash through a bundle of tubes but Page is able to kick out. Parker then drives Page into the mat and hits him with another bundle of tubes. Parker then breaks a tube across the mouth of Page. after more and more light tubes used on Page Parker tries a cover but Page again kicks out. Parker then flies to the outside taking out Page and then sends him into a bundle of light tubes attached to the ring post. Back in the ring Page fights back and is able to slam Parker through a huge bundle of light tubes. Page then places light tubes on his knee and hits a backbreaker. Page goes for the cover and gets the 1 2 3.
Winner: Rickey Shane Page: Advances to Second Round
My Opinion:
I was very impressed by Drew Parker in this match, I mean at only 20 years of age Parker really looked like a seasoned pro and didn’t miss a step against the Death Match veteran RSP. RSP proved why he is one of the best to do this and that’s because even when someone throws their best shot at him he just won’t stay down. To beat RSP you really have to be able to do anything and everything to him. Page waited and all it took was him to get his one best shot in. I think RSP has to be a favorite going forward in the day as he was in the finals last year and won TOD 15.
First Round Match // Four Way Elimination:
Conor Claxton vs Kit Osbourne vs Brandon Kirk vs “The Big Scare” Dan O’Hare:
Four Corners Of Pain Barbed Wire Madness
As the match begins O’Hare hits Osbourne with light tubes. Claxton is then taken out. Osbourne is then hit with light tubes by both Kirk and O’Hare. O’Hare then puts Osbourne threw a chair. Kirk gets back into the match and throws a chair at O’Hare. Claxton and Osbourne battle on the other side of the ring and Claxton hits Osbourne with a beverage from the crowd. Claxton and Osbourne then fight through the crowd toward the trampoline of barbed wire. Meanwhile Kirk and O’Hare still fight at ringside. Kirk hits O’Hare with a board wrapped in barbed wire. O’Hare fights back and hits him with a light tube. O’Hare then sends Kirk to the outside. In the back Claxton and Osbourne make their way up the scaffold. As the two battle Claxton gets the advantage and hits a sit down piledriver onto the trampoline of barbed wire. Osbourne is eliminated on the pin. MLJ then informs that Claxton is also eliminated as he is unable to continue after the big bump. Back in the ring Kirk hits O’Hare with a big knee shot. Brought out to ringside is a wooden box wrapped in barbed wire. Kirk is able to spear O’Hare through the crazy contraption and is able to get the 1 2 3.
Winner: Brandon Kirk: Advances to Second Round
My Opinion:
This was a shorter match but definitely had two of the craziest spots of the day so far. I do wish Claxton and Osbourne could’ve have fought more in the match but the bump they took on the barbed wire trampoline is just insane. I saw that contraption and I can’t image what it was like to land on that especially from that high up. Those two may not have won the match but they definitely won a spot in the fans minds. Brandon Kirk really impressed me, he was able to take some of O’Hare’s best shots and ultimately was able to out duel him. Kirk is a guy to watch for to do big things in CZW going forward.
Second Round Match:
Jimmy Lloyd vs Mance Warner:
Razors, Light Tubes, Sawblades Death Match
To start the match Lloyd and Warner both sit in chairs in the ring and share a beer. Afterwards the two trade punches and give each other their best shots. Lloyd gets the early advantage striking Warner with light tubes. Lloyd then lands a huge slam on a chair but gets a 2 count on the pin attempt. Lloyd the sends Warner into the razor blades but again Lloyd gets a 2 count on the pin. Warner fights back and uses the light tubes for good leverage as he delivers a big headbutt to Lloyd. Warner is then able to send Lloyd through light tubes in the corner but the ring. Warner goes for the cover but Lloyd kicks out at 2. Warner then slams Lloyd on the razor blades but still it’s not enough to keep Lloyd down. Warner once again uses headbutts to try to wear down Lloyd. Lloyd fights back and lands a series of slams on Warner but Lloyd can’t keep him down for 3 on his pin attempts. Lloyd goes to the second rope but Warner is able to meet him up there. Warner hits him with light tubes but Lloyd continues to fight. Lloyd then hits a piledriver form the second rope into a bundle of light tubes. Lloyd goes for the cover and gets the 1 2 3.
Winner: Jimmy Lloyd: Advances to TOD 17 Final
My Opinion:
I’m starting to become very impressed by Jimmy Lloyd. This kid truly has no quit and if he keeps this up he’s gonna do big things in the Death Match genre. Warner is no joke and he brought the fight to Lloyd but even some of his toughest shots just didn’t phase Lloyd. I loved the ending because you could see Lloyd had his vision and there’s was nothing that was going to keep him from hitting that piledriver from the second rope. If Lloyd keeps this kind of focus there’s no telling what he can do.
Second Round Match:
Rickey Shane Page vs Brandon Kirk:
Ladders & Light Tubes Death Match
Page starts with a big kick and then tosses Kirk. After setting up a ladder in the corner Page lands a big backbreaker. Page goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Page then breaks a light tube over the head of Kirk. on the outside Page again drives a light tube into Kirk. Back in the ring Page then uses the ropes to again break a light on Kirk’s head. Page then gets Kirk on a ladder but Kirk fights off with a big knee. Page comes back with a knee of his own and throws Kirk into the ladder. Page then sets up a door and places chairs and light tubes on it. Kirk then hits a headbutt and is able to follow with a huge jawbreaker. Kirk then hits a jumping cutter on Page sending him through the door, light tubes, and chairs. Kirk then breaks a light tube over Page’s head with a big headbutt. Page doesn’t stay down for long and gets back up and turns Kirk inside out. Page then breaks another tube over Kirk’s head and then sets up a door with barbed wire on it. Page meets Kirk on the second rope and hits suplex onto the barbed wire door. Somehow Kirk is able to get back up and he hits Page with 2 light tubes. Page isn’t to fazed and hits Kirk with a big forearm. Page then is able to once again hit the backbreaker on his knee with the assist of the light tube and gets the 1 2 3.
Winner: Rickey Shane Page: Advances to TOD 17 Final
My Opinion:
Once again Page shows his veteran presence, even when Kirk hit him with his best shots it didn’t faze Page and he just continues on. For the early part of the match Page really made it look easy but it shows why he has had so much success of the past two years. Page knows how to get to the finals and you could see it in this match. He never tried to do too much but instead he did just enough in the times he had to and eventually hit the big move in the end. In the final, he will face Jimmy Lloyd and it will be interesting to see how the rising newcomer fairs against the seasoned veteran.
Non-Tournament Dream Death Match:
Matt Tremont vs Toby Klein vs Cannonball:
Fans Bring The Weapons
***Before the match Matt Tremont aks Klein if it’d be okay if a man he has a lot of history with came out and joined the match to make this a triple threat. Klein approves and outcomes Cannonball!
Starting the match Tremont and Cannonball trade slaps and headbutts. Klein then comes into the match using a pizza cutter to bust open Tremont and Cannonball. Klein then continues to bust open Cannonball but Tremont comes in and delivers damage of his own using a cheese grater to cut open Klein. Cannonball then tries to hit Tremont with a hammer but he prevents it. Tremont knocks him down to the mat and then places a watermelon on the mid-section of Cannonball. Tremont then uses a hammer to bust the watermelon open. Klein gets back into the match and uses a keyboard and a small guitar as weapons. Klein then uses a whiffle ball bat with tacs on Tremont Cannonball then uses a whiffle bat of his own but this time it’s got light bulbs connected to it. Klein gets back on the offensive as he throws an Xbox at Cannonball. Klein then hits Tremont with a water jug and then uses it on Cannonball. Cannonball fights back and hits Klein with a shovel. Cannonball the uses a pinata on Tremont and then a whiffle ball bat. Cannon Ball then hits Klein with a chair. Cannonball continues the attack with the chair and then tries a cover on Klein but he’s able to kick out. He then tries to cover Tremont but he also kicks out. Klein then uses a dual saw blade on Cannonball and then Tremont. Klein and Cannonball the both pick up a cinder block and collide. Klein has the block explode in his hand but Cannonball’s doesn’t break giving him the advantage. As Klein is down Tremont turns to Cannonball and places light tubes on top of him after taking him down to the mat. Tremont is able to land a huge splash and gets the 1 2 3 on the cover.
*** After the match Klein talks about his start in CZW and the different rivalries he’s had along the way. He says CZW continues to give and that he hopes in some way he gave to it. Klein then brings his wife and son into the ring. Klein opens up some and says for 13 years he was slowly killing himself but he is 5 years sober and he is now a drug and alcohol counselor. Klein then announces that this match is the final match he’ll wrestle. DJ Hyde then tells him that legends need to be honored for all the memories they bring traveling the roads and giving all they have for the fans. He says that Klein is a legend and on behalf of the CZW Roster and the fans he would like to induct Klein into the CZW Hall of Fame. He finished by saying ladies and gentlemen CZW Hall of Famer Toby Klein.
Winner: Matt Tremont
My Opinion:
This match was so entertaining and it featured three of the best to do this in CZW. it was very sad to see Kelin retire but we will always have a lifetime of memories. It’s awesome that Klein got to cement his place in the CZW Hall of Fame. Tremont pulled out the big victory in this one and Tremont is another guy who will be a CZW Hall of Famer someday. It was also very cool to have Cannonball there, he’s always a fan favorite and he has become a staple of TOD.
Final Round:
Jimmy Lloyd vs Rickey Shane Page
As the match starts Lloyd and Page trade blows with light tubes. Both men then land a stiff kick and take each other down to the mat. Page gets back up and once again strikes Lloyd with a light tube. Page then sets a pane of glass in the corner and throws Lloyd threw it. Page tries a cover by Lloyd is able to kick out. Page then slams Lloyd on a board with gusset plates attached. Lloyd fights back into the match and throws Page into the barbed wire and light tubes that have now replaced the ring ropes. Page crashes into them and falls to the outside. Lloyd brings Page back not the ring and breaks a light tube over him. Lloyd then tries for a cover but Page kicks out. Lloyd then sends PAge threw a pane of glass and Page goes to the floor. Lloyd tries another cover but again Page kicks out at 2. Page tries to get back into the match with a series of kicks but he misses and is once again struck with light tubes. Lloyd tries another cover but still Page won’t give up. Lloyd goes to the back and grabs a weed whacker and brings into the ring and strikes Page with it. Lloyd again tries a cover but another kick out from Page. Lloyd then puts a series of chairs together and places a wooden board over the top of them. He then puts light tubes on there as well. Page finally fights back into the match and hits a backbreaker on his knee with the light tube but Lloyd kicks out of the cover. Lloyd fights back and is able to plant Page on the mat. Lloyd then places two more chairs on his contraption and then puts a glass of pane across the chairs. Lloyd then goes to the top of the scaffold and Page meets him up there. The two trade light tubes shots before Lloyd lifts him and drives him through the crazy glass, light tube, chair, and wooden board contraption made by Lloyd. Lloyd goes for the cover and gets the 1 2 3. Jimmy Lloyd has won TOD 17!
*** After the match RSP gets on the mic and tells Lloyd when it comes to bleeding black and yellow he earned it. He tells Lloyd again that he earned it and tells him to stay above the bs and that they love him. Lloyd says he aspires to be like RSP a guy who can come out here and wrestle any style. He says though that they are Death Match Wrestlers and they love to bleed for the crazy fans. Lloyd says screw the politics and the bs and the drama cause at the end of the day they put on an awesome show. He tells that today is a dream come true and since being little he has dreamed of holding that trophy and being like the legends who came before him. He then says he couldn’t do this without the fans and he thanks them. DJ then tells of how far Lloyd has come and tells him if anyone deserves this it’s him. He says Lloyd deserves to be in this ring and deserves the praise. Lloyd once again thanks the crowd and tells them CZW is going to take over the world.
Winner: Jimmy Lloyd: TOD 17 Champion
My Opinion:
I think it’s so awesome that Jimmy Lloyd has won this tournament. I remember seeing Jimmy when he was just part of the crew and now to see him win this is crazy. He really puts everything he has into this and he truly does deserve it. All day people tried to take down RSP but no one could take it to that next level to do it but Lloyd did. Lloyd showed that he truly gets what this style is all about he showed heart like no other. I can’t give him a bigger congratulations and I bet this isn’t the last time we see him go all the way in this tournament. The sky’s the limit for Jimmy Lloyd.
Final Thoughts:
This year’s TOD was truly memorable. The CZW crew bust their butts to put this show on and threw much adversity they rose to the occasion to make the biggest day of the year for CZW fans continued on. I think the wrestlers gave everything they had today and they truly gave the fans memorable moments to last a lifetime. I thought it was an amazing mix of younger and veteran talent. One things for sure this style of wrestling isn’t dying and I can’t wait to see what some of these guys do next year. Another big congrats to Jimmy Lloyd on being the winner this year. Lloyd continues to prove to be one of the toughest men in CZW and I love that he even honored the past coming out Lobo’s theme. CZW may have had some bumps along the was but one thing’s for sure this company is about the fighting spirit and they stop at nothing to make sure the fans get all they deserve. It may be too early to think about TOD 18 but from the looks of it, it’s going to be something very special.
Overall: 8/10