PROGRESS: Orlando 3/31/2017 Review

PROGRESS: Orlando 3/31/2017 Review
During Wrestlemania weekend, there were a ton of independent promotions running shows. From Tueday night (ProWrestling 20) to Monday morning (PWRevolver/Wrestle Circus Wrestlemania after party show) we had a little bit for everyone. Either that be going to Ring of Honor Supercard of Honor, Wrestlecon Supershow, RevPro UK Live from Wrestlecon, GCW Presents Joey Janela’s Spring Break, CZW Best of the Best or even, PROGRESS’ first iPPV, with an attendance of 1,200. This was originally broadcasted for $15 on WWNLive and now has made its way to Demand-PROGRESS! This show was called by Lenny Leonard & Excalibur due to the PROGRESS staff being back overseas.
Jimmy Havoc vs Zack Sabre Jr
The show was kicked off by Jimmy Havoc. The crowd was red hot for Jimmy and had a LOUD “Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy fucking Havoc” chant. Zack’s music hit and it was quiet. However the moment “Zacky 3 Belts” came out they got pumped. Havoc got control of Zacks arm but he was able to control. Jimmy broke the hold by simply putting a foot on the ropes. Jimmy and Zack went back and forth for a little bit, Zack taking control once again with a straitjacket choke hold of sorts but Jimmy was able to shimmy his way out. Once again Zack took over, working over Jimmy’s arm before Jimmy was able to break free and roll him up for only a two, catching Zack by suprise. After a handshake, Jimmy right handed Zack, rolled him up only for a kick out. Jimmy threw him out and hit a suicide dive before getting Sabre back in and hitting a boot in the corner. Jimmy missed a dropkick, Zack hitting a northern lights suplex and locking in a front chancery but got a rope break. The two exchanged hits before Zack dropped down and locked in a standing single leg crab. before having a cloverleaf locked in before the ref managed to get a break. Havoc made it back to his feet and the two exchanged hits before Havoc hit a roaring elbow and death valley driver. Jimmy missed the dive and Zack caught him for a tiger-suplex which during so, Zack busted himself open on the side of his face in his eyebrow area. After a two count, Zack still held on and went for a crucifix. At their feet, Zack managed to get an Octopus Hold. Havoc turned things into a Go Home Driver for a two. Zack and Jimmy exchanged strikes, Jimmy going for forearms before Zack hit an European Uppercut. Back in the corner, Jimmy hit a bicycle knee before following up with a double foot stomp for only a two count again. Jimmy went for an Acid Rain Maker however Zack reversed it into an arm bar attempt. Jimmy managed a roll up two count but Zack was back working over the arm. Jimmy got ANOTHER roll up for a two, followed by a tiger suplex, elbow strike and an Acid Rain Maker attempt only for Zack to duck under and roll him up with a bridge for the three count. Solid way to start the show.
Rating: ** 1/2
Rockstar Spud vs James Drake:
Drake was out first, these last few shows being built as a beast after breaking Mosers jaw. He destroyed Sexsmith in an one sided match and now was probably going to kill Rockstar Spud. Drake got zero-no reaction from the crowd probably due to them not knowing who he is? I don’t know. However, they gave a reaction to Spud (who has a sweet white leather PROGRESS jacket and tights). He danced around the apron of the ring before facing Drake, having a brief moment of hesitation before continuing to dance. Now, the crowd sang along to his theme song (Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi). As announcements began, Drake got a reaction and it wasn’t a pretty one. Before Jim can finish announcing Spud, Drake began to maul Spud. Drake tossed Spud around at ringside, finally throwing him into the ring. This match is giving me Sexsmith/Drake vibes where it was a brutal, onesided beat down. Drake stomped on the back of Spud’s leg before hitting a back breaker over his knee. Drake crushed Spud’s fingers before kicking him straight in the spine. The fans began to rally behind Spud before Drake did another kick to the back. He began to slap around Spud, keeping control over Rockstar Spud. Another kick to the back happened, the fans booing James Drake. Spud was dropped from a slap to the face, the crowd once more rallying behind Spud. Drake slapped Spud but Spud got back up, this happening once again. Drake went for another slap but instead spit in Spud’s face. Spud got a comeback in but Drake kicked him into the back to which he no sold and did it himself yelling “Fuck you.” Drake rolled out and Spud dove out, almost going into the front row. Spud ducked under a forearm and hit an Ezugiri followed by a dropkick and five star spud splash. Spud got caught with a stalling belly to belly which Spud fell on his head. Spud was able to kick out to Drakes distaste. Slowly getting up to his feet, Spud fell back down. Drake yelled at Rockstar to “Stay dead.” He went for a forearm again possibly but Spud was able to get an All Around the World DDT. However James Drake was able to win with a Sit out DDT to stay undefeated. Drake walked out after his win, Spud getting a standing obvation before James Drake came back out and attacked Spud with a forearm to the back of the head. Spud was helped to the back by the ref of their match. Hard to watch match but they got it done.
Rating: **
Jinny vs Toni Storm:
Women’s action finally, both women having locked spots in the finals of the Natural Progression Series IV for a chance to be the FIRST PROGRESS Women’s champion. Jinny made her way out first to a sea of boos. However Toni Storm got a nice reaction out of the crowd. They started out with a simple lock-up, Jinny getting put in the corner. Jinny looked to get Toni in the corner but found herself in it. She shoved Toni only for Toni to return the favor and fall to a standing hurricarana. Jinny rained fists on her before Toni got the upperhand, chopping Jinny in two corners before ducking, putting Toni in the corner and slapping her. Toni used her ASSets on Jinny only to take a Japanese armdrag into the corner. Jinny hit a solid knee on Toni, Jinny controlling the match for a bit with kicks and knees. Jinny slid under and took down Storm into a stretch submission, Jinny kicking her in the head a few times. Toni Storm was able to break out only to get stomped in the head by Jinny. Jinny worked over Toni in the corner once again, chopping her before getting tossed in the corner having Toni hit a series of chops only to be thrown into the corner and take a knee strike. Thrown into the other corner, Jinny hit another knee strike before throwing Storm down. Jinny got a two count on Toni before taunting her. Jinny stomped between Tonis shoulder blades but only got another two count. Jinny pulled out a garbage bag and put it over Storm and began to forearm her a few times. Toni began to rise up to her feet, fighting back against Jinny. She ripped the garbage bag off and hit a releasing German Suplex followed by a high bridging fishermen suplex. Jinny broke free and hit a high boot, a round house and a knee before climbing up to the top. Storm caught her and hit a Muscle Buster with a bridge for a two count. Toni grabbed Jinny for a piledriver that was reversed. Jinny went for a Rain Maker only to take a head butt followed by an Air Raid Crash. Toni went up but Jinny caught her, throwing her down and went for a pin with her feet on the rope to get a three count. Decent match up, it picked up towards the middle. Nothing really special but built towards the finals.
Rating: ** 1/4
South Pacific Power Trip vs Just My Luck:
Dahlia Black came out with her boys per usual, sporting a cast. Supposedly last show against Toni Storm she broke her leg, get well soon! A staff member carried out Dahlia with her sitting on the mans shoulder. Just My Luck (Sami Callihan & Shane Strickland) made their way out, both rocking the rugged western look that Callihan rocks now. Strickland was resting on Callihan’s shoulders before jumping off letting them get the crowd PUMPED. Bell rung and bam, JML took control. Banks and Callihan exchanged waistlocks in the ring, Banks jumping over and tripping Callihan. Sami took a superkick and Strickland got Banks down to his feet. TK got back into the mix, hitting a back elbow before flipping over Strickland and driving him down with a boot. Sami dodged TK, sending him into the corner beginning to do his boot strikes. With a head of steam he drop kicked Cooper. Banks stopped Callihan only to get knocked down, take out Cooper and diving out into Banks. He returned the favor only for Strickland to hit a Flosberry Flop. Cooper climbed up, hitting a Cancun Tornado. The crowd began to chant, all four men fighting at ringside. Banks was sent into the third room as Cooper was busy with Strickland only to be tossed himself. Strickland dove off the barricade onto Cooper as Callihan ran around the world only to dive over into Banks. Cooper was tossed by over by Strickland, setting him up in a chair as they began to run around the world to stereo kick Cooper. TK fought back against JML by himself, setting Strickland in a tree of woe. Callihan saved Strickland before Cooper set Callihan on the top rope. Sami and TK exchanged headbutts before Strickland sat up and hit a suplex on Cooper/Strickland before Banks went coast to coast, hitting Strickland. Banks began kicking JML before hitting them with forearms and uppercuts, sweeping out Stricklands legs to have him cannonball into Callihan followed by one of Travis’ own. Banks and Callihan exchanged forearms before Banks began chopping him. Callihan cut Banks and hit an Air Raid Press, TK breaking up the pin. Strickland was caught with a mid-air flat liner as TK axe kicked Callihan. Strickland broke up the pin and took control before exchanging with TK. Strickland caught TK with a rolling ace crusher. All four exchanged big boots before TK & Shane got stuck going for superkicks, Travis & Sami hitting big boots before Bicycle kicking each other. All four men were in a bad way before TK & Banks took superkicks. Strickland hit an assisted dropkick before hitting a powerbomb assisted swervestomp. After a two count, Callihan rolled it over into a Stretch Muffler which Cooper broke after three attempts. Strickland went to work on both men but Banks caught him with a middle rope ezugiri before hitting their finisher to get the win. After the match both teams shook hands and hugged before raising their arms together. Great match, so far the best all night.
Rating: *** 3/4
Between matches, Jim got in the ring and mentioned Kris Travis died a few years ago and that this was a special moment. The crowd clapped and cheered before getting into the next match.
PROGRESS Atlas Title Match- Matt Riddle (c) vs Trent Seven:
As soon as the match was announced, the crowd was chanting for Riddle. Trent Seven came out first before Matt Riddle, the crowd erupting once Riddle had his music hit. Riddle went for a take down but Trent tried fighting. Riddle took him down, Seven rolling free as they got up to their feet. The two locked up, Riddle forcing Trent into the corner before the ref broke them apart. Once again they locked up, Trent getting Matt to the ropes before shoving and slapping each other. Riddle ducked under Trent and hit an exploder suplex. Seven got his knees up on Riddles Bro-ton (Senton) before chopping him in the chest in the corner. Trent tossed Matt into the opposite corner and looked for another chop before taking knees, tossed over and before kicked over the ropes. Riddle slid out and chopped Trent, the two walking around ring side. The two exchanged chops, Riddle ducking under causing Seven to chop the ring post. Seven was tossed back in but hit a heat seeking missile onto Riddle, tossing Matt back into the ring. Trent climbed up but Riddle hit a flying forearm, following him up hitting an Avalanche Fishermens Plex off the middle rope. Trent got back to his feet with the help of the ropes, the two exchanging chops once again before Riddle hit a double knees into the corner. Trent went to grab Riddle but the two exchanged German suplexs, popping back up to their feet before Riddle got the last one in. Riddle reversed two lariat attempts with his feet, giving a backhand chop before Riddle took over with a comeback of sorts, hitting another German Suplex. Riddle missed a springboard knee strike only to take a dragon suplex followed by a spinning Texas piledriver. Riddle was put in the corner, taking a chop before Trent climbed up and looked for a piledriver only to reverse it into a power bomb. Trent Seven kicked out by Matthew Riddle then hit a jumping tombstone piledriver only for a two. Riddle got a one count, Trent hitting lefts and rights before Riddle reversed it and took a back fist followed by a Seven Stars Lariat. Trent picked him back up for a powerbomb only to jump down, hit a knee followed by a jumping piledriver. Trent ended up kicking out at ONE only for Riddle to lock in the Bro-Mission for the tap out victory. Decent match, was good for its worth. Didn’t expect much out of it as it felt like it was a cool down match following that great tag team bout. Riddles last defense at Chapter 46 was way better.
Rating: ** 1/2
WWE UK Title Match- Tyler Bate (c) vs Mark Andrews:
This was only Tyler’s SECOND defense since winning the belt almost a hundred days ago, crazy, right? This was the first time a WWE belt has been defended in another promotion in a long, long, time specifically since 1994. The two locked up, Mark being put against the ropes before they switched. Bate took over, working over Marks ankle before he was able to get out of it. Mark looked to work over Bates waist but he was able to shimmy his way out and get a wrist lock. Mark was able to reverse it around, getting a roll up but it was broken due to Bates feet on the ropes. Tyler locked in a full nelson but Mark slipped out only to be locked back in, once again happening before Tyler snapmared him down and locked it back in on the mat. Andrews and Bate got back to their feet, Mark getting a wrist lock before getting through and putting Mark in one of his own. Mark used his agility, getting a drop toe hold and a front face lock down on the mat. However Bate used the headstand to escape, extending his hand to Andrews. With another lock up, Mark took over with another wrist lock but Bate climbed over, the two dodging each other to get into a stale mate. Bate and Mark were just going reverse for reverse before Bate hit a bicycle kick. He looked for a dive out but Mark dodged away only to flip over himself. Andrews springed over and hit two deep armdrags followed by an almost stopped third just to get into control of Bates shoulder. Bate looked to get out but Andrews held on, locking it deeper. Being backed into the corner, Tyler took a cheap hit at Mark. Tyler went for a pin attempt but only got a two. Bate had control, bending Marks arm in an unusual way before bending poor Mark in half. Bate hit a rolling senton. MAndrews got back into the match with offense but Bate took back over real quick, working over the high flyers leg. Bate looked for a pedigree but the crowd booed. Mark reversed into a bridging pin and got a two, getting back into the match. Bate got a two count off a roll up, Mark looking for a springboard but was met with a leaping uppercut. Bate flipped over the ropes and Mark hit a standing slice bread #2 on the apron. Mark hit a standing 630 for the two count. He went up top, Bate charging in but Mark leaped and hit a lariat followed by a deadlift brain buster only for a two count. The two slugged it out in the center of the ring on their knees, chopping and forearming each other as they got up to their feet. Andrews blocked a kick and hit a step up eziguiri followed by a hanging front chancery. However Bate planted Mark down and got another two count. Bate looked for a pedigree again possibly but forced Bate into the corner who went up but Mark caught him with a hurricarana. He caught Mark with a firemens carry followed by his spins and a squat to which Mark hit a hurricarna. Bate popped up and hit a standing shooting star to the back followed by a release german by Mark, a shooting star of his own and a Gringo Killer. Mark looked for another shooting star but Bate hit a superkick but was caught with a Stundog Millionare followed by a rolling kick and Tyler Drive. Boring match but in the closing five-ten minutes it got good. I feel like they were held down by the WWE UK title being on the line, almost like handcuffing the men.
Rating: ***
PROGRESS World Title Match- Pete Dunne (c) vs Mark Haskins:
Going into this, Mark Haskins NEVER lost the belt. He vacated it due to a neck injury a few months back, allowing Pete Dunne to win it in a seven man elimination match which included Jimmy Havoc, South Pacific Power Trip, Matthew Riddle, Trent Seven & Sebastian back in November. British Strong Style came out together with their belts, doing the Triple H apron spit together. Dunne got an advantage straight away, the ref pulling Dunne off. The two exchanged weight against the ropes before Dunne was put in the corner. Mark and Pete stared down as they circled around, Bate jumping up onto the apron to let Dunne take advantage. He got him down and held him in a headlock only for Pete to be pushed off and the two exchange jumps over the over. Mark hit a two counted power slam, Pete slid out. Mark went for a dive but caught himself and dove out into Bate & Seven before Pete hit a kick off the apron. He climbed up and hit a moonsault but Mark moved away and dove out himself, taking out all three men. Dunne was put against the apron, taking chops and kicks. Haskins walked up the ramp before using the momentum to jump up and hit Dunne with a knee. Once again Mark Haskins went up the ramp and ran down only to be caught with an elbow to the side of the head. Dunne climbed up and went for a double stomp to which Haskins moved away from. He managed to get a Scorpion Death Lock in but Trent Seven climbed onto the apron, allowing Mark to break the submission. The ref suddenly ejected Bate & Seven from ringside, Dunne hit a middle rope DDT. Moustache Mountain got their belts and left, Dunne stomping on the back of Marks knees. He hit a vicious forearm as Mark sat on his knees, knocking him down. Dunne stomped on the hand of Mark, wrenching back on his index finger. He drove his foot into Mark Haskins’ back keeping his dominance over Haskins as he forearmed him down again. Haskins was back to his feet but got knocked down by a right hand, only getting a two count. Dunne stomped on the back of Marks neck, holding him up before slapping him and kicking him down. Pete brutally attacked Mark with hard hits and kicks. Mark began to fight back to his feet, the two forearming each other before Mark took control with a slap and leg lariat sending Dunne into the corner. Mark hit a rope assisted drop kick, Pete looking to run but pulled back in with a back breaker and falcon arrow only to get a two count, which had Excalibur in disbelief. Mark hit a few forearms, sending him into the corner. Dunne didnt back down, giving Dunne free shots before taking a kick which didnt phase Haskins before Dunne hit a forearm that dropped Mark. He jumped back up and hit a flying forearm, having both men on the ground. Dunne caught Mark with a right hand mid air as Mark hit a half and half and a German, locking in a bridging arm bar out of no where. Pete Dunne was able to make it to the ropes and save his belt! Haskins and Dunne sat down, throwing forearms, slaps and a kick at each other before Dunne found himself in control but Mark was able to get a bit of offense in. Dunne caught Mark in a tombstone to which he hit followed by a jump tombstone just for a two count! Haskins was practically dead weight as Dunne picked him up for a Drop Dead but Haskins reversed it into a roll up for two count. Dunne then hit a pedigree to which he got another two count, so close to retain his belt. Dunne put Haskins on the top rope and forearmed him, climbing up and looked for an avalanche pedigree. Haskins broke free and looked for a sunset bomb but Dunne landed on his feet and Haskins hit a Canadian Destroyer, pulled through into a Death Valley Driver into the two just to roll into a bridging armbar once again. Dunne countered and bit on Haskins fingers but took a superkick. Dunne caught Mark with another Drop Dead but Mark Haskins kicked out at two, allowing Dunne to lock in a submission to which he wrenched back Haskins neck, forcing a submission to retain his belt. Good match, it felt a bit lack luster in the beginning but picked up towards the end. Solid main event for the first iPPV.
Rating: *** 1/2
Final Thoughts:
This was a solid show, it felt a little lack luster and drawn out at points. The atmosphere felt different and that didn’t sit well with me. However it was their first iPPV and it still was average really. Hopefully the next show they have is better.
Overall Rating: *** 1/2