Raw Review 02/12/2018

RAW REVIEW 02/12/2018
Tonight on Raw we will see a second chance Fatal Four Way Match between Matt Hardy, Bray Wyatt, Finn Balor, and Apollo Crews, which of these four men ill qualify to be the final entrant in the Elimination Chamber? Braun Strowman came up short last week in the main event Triple Threat Match but Braun still left a path of destruction, what will be next for The Monster Among Men? Alexa Bliss saved Mickie James last week form Absolution, is this a form of an alliance or will Mickie have something else to say about this? Seth Rollins has no more chance at the Raw Tag-Team Championships so what will be next for The Kingslayer? Nia Jax has the opportunity to Headline WrestleMania if she can beat Asuka at the Elimination Chamber, but is Jax the finally the one who’s ready for Asuka?
Raw is live tonight from the SAP Center in San Jose, California
Raw kicks off with us being welcomed to the show by Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and The Coach.
In Ring Segment: John Cena
Cena says it’s all about being here right now and right now we are right here on The Road to WrestleMania. He says you can see the people jumping up and down because they know the importance of WrestleMania. He says that WrestleMania can make someone’s career, it can bring a legend back from the dead, and it can be the most important moment in the life of a WWE Superstar. He says we all here to see who will get the shot to make a moment. He says he’s out here tonight to face the truth and the truth is he has to win the Elimination Chamber Match. He says he has to survive the most unwinnable match in WWE to go on to beat the most unbeatable champion in WWE history. He tells that he loves making impossible absolutely possible. He says he will in the Elimination Chamber Match and he’ll go on to main event WrestleMania. Outcomes Miz.
Miz tells Cena that this isn’t 2013 it’s 2018 the year of The Miz. Miz tells Cena he’s the founding father of Suplex City. He says he is going on to main event WrestleMania because that’s where the Intercontinental Championship belongs. He then tells that he will be the first Intercontinental Champion and Universal Champion. Cena tells Miz if he faced Lesnar it’d most likely be his last match. Miz tells Cena the biggest mistake he made was try to beat Lesnar at his own game. He says he will play to his strengths and he will do whatever it takes. He says he wins because he does the things other people won’t do and cannot do, he crosses the lines no one else will cross and that why he beat Roman Reigns and that’s why he’ll beat Brock Lesnar. Cena reminds him he has to win the Elimination Chamber. Miz then reminds Cena when he beat him at WrestleMania. Cena then proposes a match to Miz and says the loser of the match enters the Elimination Chamber first. Miz asks Cena if he thinks he’s stupid and tells Cena that he knows the first person in the Elimination Chamber has the worst chance of winning. The Miztourage then attacks Cena. Miz says he’d take the chance because he’s smarter than him and accepts the challenge. Outcomes Kurt Angle.
Angle says this isn’t how we are starting off Raw. he says he likes Cena’s challenge and likes the stipulation so this match is on. Angle tells Axel and Dallas they are banned from ringside.
My Opinion:
This was a good way to start off Raw, Miz and Cena had a great rivalry before so it’s cool to see them back at it. These are two of the best on the mic and they delivered. I like the confidence of Miz and I like the fire in Cena. It’s interesting that they’re putting so much on the line but I love it. It’s awesome to see so many stipulation matches on Raw now, it definitely keeps it exciting. Miz and Cena probably won’t headline WrestleMania but I can’t wait to see what rivalries they’ll be in.
Match 1: The Miz vs John Cena:
Loser enters the Elimination Chamber 1st
As the match starts Miz goes right for the cover but Cena kicks out at 2 and a half. Miz goes for another cover but Cena kicks out again as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Miz is in control. Miz flies form the second rope and hits Cena with an ax handle. Miz keeps Cena grounded on the mat but Cena counters with a kick to the groin. Cena hits a dropkick and goes for the cover but Miz kicks out. Cena hits a fisherman’s suplex but it’s not enough to keep Miz down for the count. Miz gets back in control and lands stiff kicks to Cena. Miz goes for a cover but again Cena kicks out. Miz gets Cena in the corner and hammers away. Cena reverses and hits a tornado DDT but Miz won’t stay down. Miz gets a sleeper hold on Cena and works him to the mat. Cena works to his feet and Miz jumps on his back to apply more pressure. Cena goes back down to both knees and Miz keeps the hold. Miz is in control as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Miz looks for the Skull Crushing Finale but Cena counters. Cena looks for the AA but Miz counters and is able to lock in the Figure Four. Cena reverses the move and locks in the STF. Miz is able to drag himself to the ropes and force the break. Cena grabs Miz but Miz hangs him up on the ropes. Miz goes to the top rope and flies but Cena catches him and rolls threw getting Miz into the AA. Miz counters and hits a DDT. Miz goes for the cover but Cena kicks out again. Miz takes out Cena in the corner. Miz runs towards Cena but he gets caught and Cena hits the AA. Cena goes to the top but Miz is able to hit the ropes and drop Cena. Miz is able to lock in the Figure Four again. Cena gets out of the hold and locks in the STF. Miz finally makes it to the ropes and forces the break. Miz pushes Cena into the corner and hits the Skull Crushing Finale but Cena again kicks out. Miz puts Cena on the top rope and meets him up there. Miz looks for the Skull Crushing Finale, Cena counters and hits the AA form the top. Cena goes for the cover and gets the 1 2 3.
Winner: John Cena
Miz will be the first to enter the Elimination Chamber Match
My Opinion:
I loved this match, what a back and forth contest this was. Miz proved a lot tonight, he can do this and if people can’t see that ye I don’t know what it will take. I love that Cena won but I’m really ready to see who he will face at WrestleMania. Miz is at a disadvantage here but he’ll be fine in the chamber. I can’t wait to see how it will play out. One thing I really loved in this match was the use of all their moves, I thought this had an excellent flow and a great way to start the show.
Backstage Segment:
Matt Hardy says tonight he has a second chance to fulfill his destiny. He says the vessels in his way are Apollo Crews, Finn Balor, and Bray Wyatt. He says they are unaware that their second chance is already over. He says he will make them obsolete, obtain the victory, and turn the Elimination Chamber into the Deletion Chamber.
Backstage Segment:
Anderson and Gallows prepare for their match against The Revival. They question The Revival being tag team specialist and call them NERDS.
Match 2: The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder) vs
The Club (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)
*** Before the match Wilder and Dawson attack Gallows and Anderson from behind.
As the match begins Gallows tees off on Dawson with huge right hands. Gallows then takes out wilder. Gallows the launches Dawson across the ring. Gallow hits big left hands and brings Dawson to the mat. Gallows then takes out Wilder who tries to interfere. Anderson hammers on Wilder on the outside. Gallows sends Wilder over the ropes but Dawson goes back after the bad knee of Gallows. The Revival is in control as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Dawson hammers on the knee of Gallows. Wilder gets the tag and continues to work the knee of Gallows. Gallows tries to fight back with right hands as Dawson gets the tag. Gallow lands a kick and is able to tag Anderson. Anderson takes it to Wilder and lands a big kick to the face. Anderson lands the blockbuster and takes out Wilder. Gallows goes after Dawson but is dropped into the steps. Anderson in the ring hits a spinebuster on Wilder but Wilder kicks out of the pin. Anderson gets caught in a mix up of whos legal and The Revival is able to hit the Shatter Machine. 1 2 3 The Revival get the win.
Winners: The Revival (Dash Wilder & Scott Dawson)
My Opinion:
This was a big win for The Revival, I like that they got back to their dirty tactics and they showed they’ll do what they have to do to win. I like that they proved they could wrestle on their own as well. Wilder did great working without Dawson for a time. The Club was good but they seemed like they were unfocused. I think they wanted to get The Revival a little too much and it cost them. Next time they need to slow down and get more locked in together and don’t let their emotions get the best of them.
In Ring Segment:
Angle says he comes out here with mixed emotions. Angle tells that at the Elimination Chamber PPV Ronda Rousey will be signing her Raw contract. He then tells that last week he and Jason Jordan went to a local medical facility to check his neck. He tells that Jordan will need neck surgery and will miss WrestleMania. He tells the crowd he’s speaking as a father and if they get any joy out of seeing a wrestler get injured and miss WrestleMania then you should be ashamed of himself. He says Jordan is a human being and his son and he would like them to give him his best wishes. Angle says it’d be really respected if they did that. Outcomes Seth Rollins.
Rollins apologizes for being hard on Jordan. He says he feels bad and he’s been there. He tells how a few years ago he was WWE Champion and shocked the world and he was unstoppable but it all came crumbling down. Rollins says he learned that WrestleMania moments are special and asks Kurt what he’s gonna be doing. Kurt offers to give him another shot at the title. Rollins tells Angle that he was told he was supposed to be a big part of Raw and right now he doesn’t wanna be apart of Monday Night Raw, he wants to be Monday Night Raw. he says he wants to be the man one more time. He says he wants Lesnar, he wants the Universal Championship and he wants it at WrestleMania. He says the only way he can do that is if he wins the Elimination Chamber Match. Angle tells him he can’t just give him the opportunity. Rollins says he wants to earn it and suggest the Fatal Four tonight be turned into a Fatal Five Way. Angle says it wouldn’t be fair to the other wrestlers. Rollins says he comes out here every week and puts his body on the line, he says Jordan missing is WrestleMania moment sucks but that doesn’t mean he has to miss his. Angle then says it’s up to the crowd and asks them. The crowd goes wild and Angle makes it official that Rollins is in the match.
My Opinion:
I love this with Rollins! Rollins deserves this opportunity, he deserves the spotlight, he deserves to be champion. I can’t wait to see this explosive Fatal Five Way tonight! Also, that’s terrible news about Jason Jordan, I never wanna see anyone get hurt and I hope he comes back soon. The announcement about Ronda Rousey was awesome, I can’t wait to see her and get her into the thick of things!
Backstage Segment:
Wyatt says Rollins doesn’t deserve a second chance and neither does Balor, crews or Hardy. Wyatt says Hardy is just another sick disturbed man in need of help. He says he knows how to fix them. He says they’re blind to the fact they’re being followed by a shark and he is starving. He says he will win the Elimination Chamber for the second year and slay The Beast and when he does he will once again have the whole world in his hands.
Match 3: Sasha Banks vs Bayley
Bayley goes for a quick cover but Sasha kicks out. Bayley then tries a backslide but again Sasha kicks out. Sash gets in control but Bayley counters in the corner and hits a deep arm drag. Bayley then hits a dropkick and the two standoff. Sasha works Bayley to the mat using her arm but Bayley gets to her feet and gets a headlock. Sasha gets Bayley on the amt and tries again for a pin but Bayley kicks out. Sasha lands a hip toss and drops double knees. Bayley kicks out of the pin. Sasha lands a big forearm and dumps Bayley to the floor. Sasha hits a dropkick and sends Bayley to the floor. Bayley backs Sasha into the corner with a big shoulder. Sasha counters and works the bad shoulder of Bayley. Sasha is in control as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Sasha works the shoulders of Bayley stretching her arms across her body. Sasha drops to the mat and brings Bayley’s arm with her. Sasha gets Bayley in the corner and hits her with a big left. Sasha lands a kick and follows with double knees. Bayley flies out of the corner and drops Sasha to the mat with a huge clothesline. Bayley and Sasha then trade fists. Sasha lands a big slap but Bayley drips Sasha and unloads with rights. Sahsa catches her with a forearm but Bayley backs her in the corner and drives her shoulder into her midsection. Bayley hits a side suplex and follows by turning Sasha inside out on the ropes. Bayley lands a huge kick. Bayley tries for an elbow drop but Sasha moves and locks in the Banks Statement. Sasha uses the ropes for leverage but Bayley is able to force the break. Bayley sends Sasha off the second turnbuckle. Sasha lands a big kick and goes to the second rope. Bayley meets her up there and looks for a suplex but Sasha blocks and send Bayley back to the mat. Bayley gets back up there and hits the Bayley to Belly. Bayley goes for the over and gets the 1 2 3.
*** after the match Nia Jax attacks Bayley and Sasha and lays them out. Charly asks Nia why she did that. Nia tells that Bayley and Sasha brought Asuka to her limit and she just destroyed both of them in seconds. She says at the Elimination Chamber there’s only one woman in WWE that can break Asuka and you’re looking at her.
Winner: Bayley
My Opinion:
A huge win for Bayley tonight! Bayley and Sasha did battle but Bayley prevailed. Bayley has a lot of momentum now but who knows where they’ll go with it. Bayley proved she can win these big matches and I hope she has a good showing going forward. Sasha left it all in the ring but Bayley was able to hang on long enough. Nia made a statement tonight and I like what she said. She probably won’t win but they need to get as much hype as they can right now. The women are doing big things!
Backstage Segment:
Reigns tells Rollins he went out there and worked his magic. Rollins and Reigns are approached by The Bar who tell him not to be worried about his opportunity. Sheamus says it’ll be another failed opportunity. Cesaro makes fun of Jordan being Rollins partner. Reigns then asks Cesaro what happened to his mouth. He then tells Sheamus he must not have gotten the memo but he will tonight.
Backstage Segment:
Renee welcomes Titus WorldWide. Renee asks Apollo about his opportunity tonight. Titus takes over before he can answer. He asks Apollo if he wants to deleted and he says no. titus says he ain’t waiting in line for Balor club, he’s not gonna be burned down and he won’t fall to Wyatt. Apollo agrees and Dana adds that Crews can’t lose. Apollo says tonight he’s gonna make one small step for Apollo Crews and one giant step for Titus Worldwide.
Backstage Segment:
Alexa comes up to Mickie and Mickie asks why she saved her last week and why are they teaming up. Alexa says she had the match made and they need to teach these new women they don’t run Raw. Alexa brings up a couple months ago and Mickie says she remembers. Alexa says she was jealous of Mickie and so impressed how she can balance being a mother and a WWE Superstar. Mickie asks Alexa what she wants. Alexa says if Mandy and Sonya win the title they’ll just go back and forth. Mickie says she appreciated last week so tonight they can be a team but at Elimination Chamber she is coming for the title and she is buttering the wrong biscuit.
Match 4: Alexa Bliss & Mickie James vs Absolution (Sonya Deville & Mandy Rose) w/ Paige
Rose and James start the match. Rose quickly counter and gets James on the amt. James gets to her feet and works a headlock. James hits a shoulder tackle and goes for a cover but Rose kicks out. Rose comes back and lands a huge elbow. Deville gets the tag and works a go behind on James. James fights out and lands big shots. She then flies off the ropes bringing Deville to the mat. Bliss gets the tag and the two double team Deville. Bliss hits double knees twice and goes for the cover but Deville kicks out. Bliss bends Deville and drops her to the mat. James gets the tag and hits a big kick. She goes for the cover but Deville kicks out. Deville gets her in the corner and buries her shoulder into her. James comes back with a big takedown and hammers away with right hands. Deville gets back on top and hammers on James. Rose gets the tag and works James. James is able to counter and flips Rose. Jame lands a neckbreaker and looks for a tag. Bliss gets knocked off the apron and Rose takes advantage. Rose plants James face first and goes for the cover getting the 1 2 3. Deville and Rose then attack James. Bliss comes to he aid.
Winners: Absolution (Sonya Deville & Mandy Rose)
My Opinion:
I’m very impressed by Rose and Deville. They looked very good out there and are so great as a team. I love the way Deville works and I see big things coming her way. Bliss and James did their best but Absolution is quickly learning how to get the job done. It will be interesting to see what alliances stay and which ones go come the Elimination Chamber.
In Ring Segment: Elias
Elias tells the crowd the best thing about this city is it’s an hour away from a real city like San Francisco. He then says who is he kidding every city in California is a dump. He says he beat Braun Strowman and John Cena in the place which makes him the favorite to win the Elimination Chamber and headline WrestleMania. He then says everyone will know that WWE stands for Walk With Elias. Elias tells the crowd if they’re gonna boo he’s not gonna sing. As Elias sings his song he is interrupted and on the stage is Braun Strowman with a huge bass. Braun then sings a song for Elias. Braun then charges the ring with the bass guitar. Elias goe after Strowman and tries to grab his guitar but Strowman hits him with a huge shot bringing him to the mat. Strowman then hits a big powerslam. Elias crawls up the ramp but Strowman follows and cracks the huge bass guitar over his back.
My Opinion:
I love seeing Elias in the thick of everything. I love the presence and delivery that Elias has in the ring. This was a fun segment with getting to see Strowman be funny and not as serious as per usual. Strowman still left a path of destruction and looks ready for the Elimination Chamber.
Backstage Segment:
Balor says Matt Hardy wants to delete me, Bray Wyatt wants to eat me, Apollo wants to prove that Crews can lose, and Rollins wants to burn it down but he doesn’t care about them because he’s gonna win and get back what he never lost the Universal Championship.
Match 5: Sheamus w/ Cesaro vs Roman Reigns
The two lock up to start the match. Reigns backs him in the corner and is backed off by the ref. Seamus is able to work the arm of Reigns but Reigns reverses the move. Reigns is able to duck Sheamus but gets caught with a big elbow. Sheamus lands a headbutt but Reigns quick turns it around. Reigns explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Reigns hit Sheamus with a right hand and sends him to the outside. Seamus drags Reigns out of the ring and drives him off the apron. Reigns reverse Sheamus and sends him into the barricade. Sheamus gets Reigns off the distract by Cesaro and hits a rolling senton on the floor as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Sheamus is in control. Sheamus works the arm of Reigns and hits him with knee strikes. Reigns hits Sheamus with big right hands and follows with big clotheslines. Reigns explodes off the ropes and take out Sheamus. Sheamus hits him with a big boot and sends Reigns shoulder first into the ring post. hits the Irish Curse and goes for the cover but Reigns kicks out. Sheamus then locks in the Texas Cloverleaf on Reigns. Reigns creates separation and is able to hit the Samoan Drop. Reigns goes for the cover but Sheamus kicks out.Reigns looks for the Superman Punch but Sheamus counters with White Noise. Sheamus goes for the cover but Reigns kicks out. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick but Reigns counters with the Superman Punch. Reigns goes for the cover but Sheamus kicks out. Reigns looks for the spear but runs into a knee. Reigns then catches him and hits a sit down powerbomb but again Sheamus kicks out of the pin. Reigns gets rolled up off the distraction by Cesaro but Reigns kicks out. Sheamus hits him with a knee but again Reigns kicks out. Reigns on the outside sends Cesaro into the crowd and hits him with a Superman Punch. Sheamus goes after him but Reigns is able to send him into the ring post. Reigns gets caught by Sheamus and he goes to the top. Reigns is able to counter and hit Sheamus with a spear in mid-air. Reigns goes for the cover and gets the win.
Winner: Roman Reigns
My Opinion:
This was an awesome match. Reigns and Sheamus are hard-hitting superstars and they proved that tonight. Reigns had to work for this win but I liked it. I think we all know where Reigns is headed and he needs to keep getting these big wins. Sheamus didn’t need this but he showed he can still stand on his own. Reigns looks focused heading into the chamber and he has to be the favorite because he just doesn’t stay down.
*** Ivory will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.
Match 6: Seth Rollins vs Finn Balor vs Bray Wyatt vs Matt Hardy vs Apollo Crews:
Winner will be the final entrant in the Elimination Chamber
As Raw returns, the match is underway. Balor is able to hit crews with a big kick. Balor then takes it to Rollins. Wyatt goes after Balor and Hardy gets involved as well. Wyatt takes out and hardy goes after Balor but is hit with a superkick from Rollins. Balor comes back and hits the sling blade on Rollins. Rollins counters Balor with a big kick. Wyatt takes down Rollins with a huge collision. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail but Rollins slips out and goes for a cover but Wyatt kicks out. Rollins sends Balor to the outside and goes to the top rope. Crews gets involved and stops Rollins. Hardy then comes back in and he and Balor try to slam Crews and Rollins but Wyatt breaks it up. Wyatt hits Hardy with a big clothesline and then throws Crews to the mat. Wyatt then hits a throat breaker on Rollins. Wyatt hits the uranage on Crews but Crews kicks out at 2 as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Wyatt and Hardy square off. Hardy hits him with a big right hand and bounces him off the turnbuckle. Hardy hits a side effect on Wyatt and then one on Balor. Hardy comes off the second rope and hits an elbow to the back of the neck of Wyatt. Hardy looks for the Twist of Fate but Rollins breaks it up. Wyatt beats on Rollins in the corner but Rollins comes back and hits a double blockbuster on Wyatt and Crews. Rollins then hits a series of suicide dives. Rollins is able to hit the Falcon Arrow on Crews but Crews kicks out of the cover. Crews hits Rollins with an elbow but Rollins hits him with a knee and sends him to the outside. Wyatt is able to take down Rollins with a huge clothesline. Balor hits Wyatt with the sling blade and then dropkicks him into the corner. Balor goes to the top but Rollins meets him and tries for a suplex. Rollins tries for a Phoenix Splash but Wyatt gets out of the way. Hardy comes in and hits the Twist of fate on Wyatt. Balor breaks up the cover with a double stomp. Rollins hits the curb stomp but Crews breaks up the cover. Crews tees off on Rollins but Rollins fights back. Crews is able to catch Rollins and slam him. Crews hits the standing moonsault but Rollins kicks out of the cover. Crews hits s step-up enziguri on Rollins and follows with the standing shooting star. Crews goes for the cover but Rollins kicks out. Hardy blocks Crews on the top rope. Wyatt pulls down Hardy and hits Sister Abigail on the outside. Wyatt then grabs Crews and but Balor and Rollins gets involved and slams both men. Rollins and Balor cover Wyatt and the ref counts the 1 2 3. Rollins and Balor plead their cases to which one won the match as Raw goes off the air.
Winner: No Clear winner:
Balor and Rollins both pinned Wyatt
My Opinion:
This was a heck of a main event. I loved the fight all these men brought. Crews really impressed me, he put on quite the showing. I loved how everyone was involved all the way until the end. They’re doing a great job with hyping up the chamber and its importance. Rollins and Balor fought hard and both deserved the win. I like how this ended because we don’t see this a lot anymore. It’s exciting to keep you waiting to see how this will all turn out. Next week we will get more answers.
Final Thoughts:
This was a good Raw tonight we saw some great matches and I loved the use of the backstage segments. I loved the way it started off with Cena and Miz. Those two are some of the best to ever do it and they create magic together just like they did last year and many times before that. Their match was awesome as well, Cena gained a lot of momentum tonight but Miz now is at a big disadvantage. It was good to see The Revival get back on track, they went back to old tactics and it worked. They need to play to their strengths and prove they’re tag team specialist every single night. Sasha and Bayley tore it up tonight, those two know each other so well and it showed with how back and forth things went. This was a huge win for Bayley and I was very happy to see her go over. I loved the segment with Braun and Elias, it was good to see a different side of Braun and he got his revenge on Elias. A big congrats to Ivory on being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Sheamus and Reigns had a great battle tonight as well. Reigns pulled off the big win and showed once again he picks his spots and when he does he finishes the job. Going into the Elimination Chamber Reigns definitely has to the favorite. I loved the news that Ronda Rousey will be at Elimination Chamber to sign her contract, I think everyone is waiting to see what she can do. Finally, we had a good main event to close out the show. Even though we don’t have a clear winner it’s awesome to see them going off the air with confusion, it’s unique and we don’t see it a lot. Both Rollins and Balor deserve the win but hopefully, we will get a one on one match next week between these two.
Overall Rating: 7/10