Raw Review 03/19/2018

RAW REVIEW 03/19/2018
Tonight who will emerge victorious in the Final Deletion, can Bray Wyatt claim victory at the Hardy compound or will “Woken” Matt Hardy finally delete Wyatt? Roman Reigns was suspended last week after confronting Mr. McMahon due to Brock Lesnar’s absence but what will happen when Brock Lesnar finally appears on Raw tonight? Plus Asuka puts her undefeated streak on the line when she takes on Raw Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss. Finally, Braun Strowman shocked everyone when he entered the Tag Team Battle Royal and won but will Braun face The Bar alone at WrestleMania or will he be forced to find a partner?
Raw is live tonight from the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas.
Raw kicks off with us being welcomed to the show by Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and The Coach.
In Ring Segment: Kurt Angle
Kurt says he has to start off with bad news and tells that Roman Reigns suspension is still in effect and he won’t be making here tonight. He then tells that he was reassured by Mr. McMahon that Brock Lesnar will be here tonight. He then tells how Braun Strowman won the Tag Team Battle Royal last week without a partner and he has to come up with something to do about that. Out comes Roman Reigns from the crowd.
Angle asks Reigns what he’s doing here and tells him he’s trespassing. Reigns says who cares, he tells that someone has to be here to represent the main event at WrestleMania. Angle tells him that Brock will be here tonight. Reigns then asks where he’s at and Angle says he is running a little late. Angle tells him that he has to do this outside of the arena because he’s suspended. Reigns asks why he was suspended for telling the truth. Angle tells Reigns he will have Lesnar in three weeks he just has to wait. He tells Reigns he has to be patient and he will have Lesar. Reigns says he does understand but he doesn’t care. He says this is Dallas Texas and he’s made a lot of memories here and he wants to make another one tonight. He tells Angle to tell them in the back that he’s not leaving the ring until he gets Brock Lesnar. Out comes the U.S. Marshals.
They read Reigns his rights and start to handcuff him. Reigns then fights then off and starts beating them down. Reigns elbows one and stomps on another. Here comes Brock Lesnar. Reigns misses with the chair and Lesnar hits him with the suplex. Lesnar then hammers away with the chair. Lesnar then connects with another suplex and goes back to the chair for another cheap shot on the handcuffed Reigns. Lesnar hits one more suplex and then attacks with the chair once more. Lesnar goes to leave but gets back in the ring to hit Reigns with the chair again and hit him with another suplex. Lesnar then hits Reigns with the F5. Reigns is placed on a stretcher and Lesnar comes out again from the back and tips him over.
My Opinion:
I like this segment to start the show, finally, we get to see Lesnar and even though it was a cheap attack it does Reigns good because now he really has something to fight for. For Lesnar, this shows he doesn’t care and will do whatever he wants, plus we don’t have to hear the same thing from over again from Paul Heyman. A lot of times with Lesnar I think it’s better to just let him be destructive. Reigns will come back from this and it just adds to this rivalry.
Backstage Segment:
In the back, Reigns is being lifted into the ambulance.
In Ring Segment:
Alexa says she shouldn’t have said the things she did last week. She says they were just joking around and it was girl talk. She tells that there’s nothing else to say but I’m sorry. She says she sincerely apologizes that she didn’t speak the truth sooner. She says she doesn’t feel any remorse. She then says she used Nia. She says she feels better now and she feels like she just dropped 300 hundred pounds of a sad pathetic loser. She says now she can finally end Asuka’s undefeated streak.
Match 1: Alexa Bliss vs Asuka
As Raw returns, Alexa is in control. She keeps Asuka on the mat and then uses the ropes to choke her. Mickie takes a cheap shot and Alexa takes advantage. Alexa sends Asuka to the outside and Mickie lands another cheap shot. Alexa brings her back in the ring and tries for a cover but Asuka kicks out. Alexa stays on Asuka and hits a big dropkick. She goes for the pin but Asuka kicks out. Alexa locks in a chinlock but Asuka is able to fight her off. Asuka backs her to the ropes and hits with a knee to the back. Asuka hits a rear view on the corner and then catches Alexa with a knee. Asuka hits her with another knee but can’t get the 3 on the pin attempt. Mickie distracts Asuka and Alexa connects with a right hand. Alexa drives her out of the ring and Mickie hits another cheap shot. Alexa tries for a cover but Asuka kicks out at 2. Alexa wrenches on Asuka’s face but Asuka battles to a vertical base and knocks her to the mat. Alexa comes back and works Asuka to the mat but again Asuka kicks out of the pin. Alexa sends Asuka to the outside as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Asuka tries for a suplex but Alexa is able to knock her off the second rope. Alexa is able to flip Asuka and plant her but it’s not enough to get the three. Alexa hits a big neckbreaker and tries for a moonsault but Asuka is able to get the knees up and counter. Asuka goes for the cover but Alexa is able to kick out. Asuka grabs her leg and gets her in an ankle lock. Alexa finally is able to get to the ropes and break the hold. Alexa goes to the outside and stays out there and gets counted out.
*** After the match Nia Jax comes out and hits Mickie with a big clothesline. Alexa is able to escape and Mickie takes the brunt of the attack. Nia then chases her to the back
Winner: Asuka: Via DQ
My Opinion:
This was a pretty good match, I like how Bliss was able to really test Asuka but as always Asuka finds a way to get in control. Alexa did well but she also had a little help, I think with Asuka she doing well with expanding her arsenal and She definitely seems more ready for Charlotte. I like Nia coming out at the end because they really did a good job of creating that rivalry and doing it quickly. I think if Nia gets her shot she could very well become champion at WrestleMania.
Backstage Segment:
Alexa asks Kurt if he saw what Nia did and says she needs to be arrested. Angle says everyone saw what she said last week and tells her they need a role model not a bully as a champion. Kurt then informs her that she will defend her Women’s Championship at WrestleMania against Nia Jax.
In Ring Segment: Braun Strowman
Braun reminds everyone how he won the Tag Team Battle Royal by himself. He says he carved a path of destruction and now he is going to WrestleMania. He says he was informed that he has to have a partner. He tells he doesn’t think he needs a partner and says he could win the tag titles by himself because he is The Monster Among but is then cut off by The Bar. Sheamus tells Braun he is out of his mind if he thinks he can beat the two of them by himself. Sheamus says throwing opponents of the ropes is different than defeating the greatest tag team in the history of the WWE. Cesaro tells him becoming a good tag team doesn’t happen overnight, it takes years to develop that trust. Sheamus says he doesn’t care who Braun’s partner is cause they’ll still beat them. He says everyone knows they don’t just set the bar. Braun tells them to shut up. Sheamus says they have beaten every tag team on Raw and he says what Lesnar did to Reigns isn’t close to what they will do to Braun and his partner. Braun says he has two things to worry about, finding a partner and having a match against one of them right now.
Match 2: Braun Strowman vs Cesaro w/ Sheamus
Strowman launches Cesaro into the corner and throws him into another but this time crushes him with a splash. Braun tosses him into the corner again and Cesaro flips out of the ring as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Cesaro jumps on Strowman’s back. He is able to throw Strowman off and lands a big kick. Cesaro tries to roll him up but Strowman doesn’t allow it. Strowman is sent over the top rope and Cesaro hits him with a big boot. Cesaro then drives Strowman into the barricade. Strowman then counters Cesaro and sends him crashing to the floor. Strowman then drops Cesaro on the barricade. Back in the ring, Cesaro is able to sidestep him and Strowman goes shoulder first into the ring post. Cesaro then sends him into the ring post again. Cesaro gets countered and Strowman tosses him over the top rope. Cesaro is able to hit a corkscrew uppercut but it’s not enough for the win. Strowman is able to connect with a big right hand and then crushes Cesaro into the corner. Strowman goes to the outside and runs over Sheamus. Cesaro tries to pin Strowman but it doesn’t work. Cesaro hits an uppercut but is then caught and Strowman hits the power slam. Strowman goes for the cover and gets the 1 2 3.
Winner: Braun Strowman
My Opinion:
Cesaro put up a great fight tonight, I loved how Cesaro worked very smart and picked his spots. Cesaro just couldn’t get all of his moves in to finish off Braun. Braun eventually just wears out his opponents because it takes so much to take him down. I think it’ll be very interesting to see who Braun will pick because no matter who it is they have a great shot at winning the titles.
Match 3: The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder) vs Titus WorldWide (Titus O’Neil & Apollo)
Dash Wilder tees off on Titus and gets the advantage early. Dawson gets the tag and he continues to hammer on Titus. He backs Titus to the corner and tags in Wilder. Titus is able to get the tag and in comes Apollo. He fights off the double team and gets in control. Apollo hits the standing moonsault but Dawson is able to kick out of the pin. Apollo tries to roll up Dawson but he is able to kick out. Wilder takes out Titus on the outside and Apollo flies to take him out. Apollo goes to the top but Dawson to able to roll throw the cross body and gets the pin but Apollo kicks out. Wilder gets the tag and The Revival hit The Shatter Machine to get the win.
*** The Revival announces that they will be joining the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.
Winner: The Revival
My Opinion:
This was a quick match but The Revival showed again why they are a great tag team. It only takes them a second to shift the momentum and they’re very good with their in-ring psychology. Titus WorldWide has been a losing skid as of late but maybe they can get it back on track. I like The Revival joining the battle royal, I think they still need to get over but the more exposure they get the better off they will be.
Mark Henry will be inducted into the 2018 WWE Hall of Fame
In Ring Segment:
Sasha said she was taught when you have a problem with someone you confront them and tell them face to face. She tells Bayley she wants to fix what’s going on between them. She tells her she wasn’t trying to betray their friendship she was just trying to win the Women’s Championship. She tells Bayley the things she did had no purpose but she forgives her for it. Bayley tells her she didn’t cost them their tag team match and last week she helped her win. She says she took off last week because she can’t get over what she did at the Elimination Chamber. Bayley says she gets what Sasha did but the look she had when she did it ate at her core. She asks her why knocking her down was so easy. Out comes Absolution.
Paige tells them it’s time for their match and they’re gonna show them how real women settle the score.
Match 4: Bayley & Sasha Banks vs Absolution (Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville w/ Paige)
Sasha and Sonya start the match. Sasha takes it to Sonya early but Sonya is able to land a big shot to Sasha. Sonya sends Sahsa to the outside as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Mandy has Bayley in a chin lock. Bayley is able to fight out and bashes Mandy off the turnbuckle. Bayley once more sends her into the turnbuckle and tries for the cover but Mandy is able to kick out. Bayley hits an elbow and tries another pin but Mandy kicks out. Sasha makes the tag and tries a pin but Mandy kicks out. Mandy is able to plant Sasha on the mat and covers her but Sasha kicks out. Mandy and Sonya double team Sasha in the corner. Sonya hits a snapmare and follows with a knee to the back. Sonya goes to a chinlock and applies the body scissors to work Sasha on the mat. Sasha makes it to her feet but is slammed back down to the mat. Mandy gets the tag and hits a huge knee, Mandy goes for the pin but Sasha kicks out. Mandy is able to get an abdominal stretch locked in and continues to put the pressure on. Sasha escapes with a hip toss but is hit with a dropkick. Sonya gets the tag and once again they double team, Sasha. Mandy comes back in and Sasha is able to land a big kick to fight out of the corner. Sonya gets the tag but Bayley does as well. Bayley unloads in the corner and is able to hit a modified stunner. Bayley goes to the second rope and lands a big elbow. Mandy has to come in to break the cover. Sasha comes in and takes it to Mandy. Bayley rise of the cover but the ref is distracted and Sonya is able to kick out. Sonya then pushes Bayley into Sasha and lands a kick to the face. Sonya goes for the cover and gets the win for Absolution.
Winners: Absolution (Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville w/ Paige)
My Opinion:
Sasha and Bayley just couldn’t coexist tonight. Sonya and Mandy are doing so well right now because they truly work as a team and that’s what it takes to win. Bayley and Sasha have to get back on the same page because if not they need to stay out of each other’s way. It’ll be interesting to see where they go, but honestly, I see Sonya and Mandy making a good run on the battle royal at WrestleMania, they’re getting better every week and they’re definitely becoming key players.
In Ring Segment:
Cena says this isn’t your typical Monday Night Raw because everything is bigger in Texas. He tells how he issued his challenge to Undertaker and it’s a simple yes or no. He says it’s amazing to him that Undertaker has been in hiding. He tells that Taker doesn’t feel like he has a place anymore. He says as long as there is a WWE the name Undertaker has meaning. Cena then asks the crowd how they feel about the proposed match and the crowd goes crazy. Cena says Undertaker’s response to his challenge is nothing but silence. Cena says it’s the biggest mistake Undertaker has ever made. He says for that dude to not be able to give him a yes or no is damn disrespectful to him and to the WWE Universe. Cena says without the fans there is no streak, no rest in peace, and no Undertaker. Cena says with all of these people giving all they have why he can’t he find it to give them a yes or a no. he tells Taker if he’s retired to just say so.Cena says he is not the man they made you but the man he allowed himself to be. He then calls him a coward. He says again that Undertaker is a coward. He asks Taker to prove him wrong, he says he don’t need a yes or no just give him something. Cena says well there it is the exact moment Undertaker has let down everyone who believes in him. He says he is not a god and should barely be able to call himself a man. Out comes Kane.
Cena says you see Kane was sent by Undertaker himself to give all of us the response we deserve. He asks Kane if it’s yes or no. Kane then chokeslams Cena and leaves the ring.
My Opinion:
I loved how fired up Cena was tonight. This really feels genuine form him just wanting a match so bad. Obviously, he stepping over some boundaries with some of the things he’s said about Taker but he’s not wrong people do want answers. I like Kane coming out though, it just makes people have to keep waiting and for Undertaker he does stuff on his own time so we will see if he shows up. Either way, Cena is doing great with this and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Match 5: The Miztourage (Miz & Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel) vs Balor Club (Finn Balor & Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson)
As Raw returns, Gallows tries to pin Axel but he is able to kick out. Balor gets the tag and he and Gallows double team Axel. Balor lands a big shot in the corner but is then countered by a big boot from Axel. Dallas gets the tag but Balor hits with a few deep arm drags. Balor works his arm but Dallas is able to tag Miz and Miz takes control. Miz tees off on Balor on the mat and then works him in the corner. Axel gets the tag and knocks Balor to the mat. Axel goes for the cover but Balor kicks out. Axel goes to a chinlock on the mat. Balor woks to a vertical base but Axel prevents the tag. Balor is able to roll through Axel and hits a dropkick. Balor is able to fight off the newly tag Dallas but Dallas brings him back to the corner and stomps on him. Axel gets the tag but Balor is able to fight out of the corner. Axel drives him into the corner but Balor fights out and tags Anderson. Anderson lands a huge kick to Axel and then connects with a neckbreaker. Anderson hits a cross body but it’s not enough to put away Axel. Miz tags in and hits a DDT on Balor. Miz is in control as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Balor lands a double stomp on Dallas. Balor sends Axel over the rope and then launches himself to take out Dallas and Axel on the floor. Balor rolls threw Miz but he is able to kick out. Balor rolls up Miz again after he collides with Axel and gets the 1 2 3.
*** After the match The Miztourage beats down Balor and Balor Club. Rollins makes his way to the ring and goes after The Miztourage. Balor hits the stomp on Miz and Rollins stands tall.
Winners: Balor Club (Finn Balor & Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson)
My Opinion:
This was a pretty good match, I gotta say when The Miztourage is on they get the job done. I think Miz is in for a tough road at WrestleMania but if he has Dallas and Axel by his side he might be able to pull it off. Rollins definitely saved Balor tonight but at the same time he stood tall and if Rollins hits the stomp in 3 weeks he definitely could become champion.
Match 6: Matt Hardy vs Bray Wyatt:
Ultimate Deletion
Wyatt and Hardy lock up and Wyatt backs him off. Hardy works Wyatt to the mat and hammers on him with right hands. Wyatt is able to get Hardy to the ropes but is kicked by Hardy. Hardy looks for the Twist of Fate but its countered. Wyatt is the counter but is able to knock Hardy to the mat. Wyatt grabs a chair and looks to hit Hardy but Hardy sets off fireworks on the outside of the ring which distracts Wyatt. Hardy grabs the chair and hammers on Wyatt. Hardy hits him in the back and goes to the outside. The two fight into a field and trade right hands. Hardy brings Wyatt to a replication of Wyatt’s old home. That was burnt down by Randy Orton. Wyatt kicks Hardy and hits him with a kendo stick. Hardy hides from Wyatt and plays mind games with him. Hardy attacks Wyatt from the side but is sent into a tree. Wyatt takes a tree branch and breaks it over Hardy’s back. Wyatt goes for the cover but gets a two count. Wyatt then throws Hardy into a barn door. Wyatt stomps on Hardy and brings him into the Dome of Deletion. Hardy fights back with big right hands and then uses a ladder to take out Wyatt. Hardy gets on a lawn mower but is stopped in his tracks by Wyatt who rises up from the ground. Wyatt lands a big kick on the ring apron and sends Hardy to the concrete floor. Wyatt tries a cover but Hardy kicks out. Wyatt drags Hardy back to the woods and out to the Lake of Reincarnation. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail but is stopped by Vanguard 1. Wyatt is then thrown a globe by Senor Benjamin and Jeff Hardy appears behind him. Hardy takes advantage of the distraction and pins Wyatt for the victory. Hardy then sends Wyatt into the lake. Hardy declares the great war over and says Bray Wyatt has been Deleted.
Winner: Matt Hardy
My Opinion:
This was quite interesting for sure. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted because I really was hoping for more of a Network special that ran longer. It just felt like they tried to hard with this and I don’t know how people will like this. If anything I guess the rivalry is over but we will see what happens next week. Hopefully Hardy and Wyatt now can find their paths to WrestleMania but I really think this opportunity was wasted on something that was so hyped.
Final Thoughts:
This wasn’t a bad Raw but it wasn’t the greatest either. I liked how it started with getting Brock back into the mix and having him beat down Reigns. I think this adds fuel to the fire and Reigns will come back ready to go. I’m curious as to who Braun Strowman will pick for his partner, but he did hold his own tonight against Cesaro and I think whoever he chooses he has a great shot at winning the tag titles at Mania. I was excited that Nia vs Alexa was finally announced, I really feel like this may be Nia’s time and this rivalry is definitely getting intense. It’ll be interesting to see what happens next week when Cena takes on Kane. I think everyone wants to know what Undertaker has to say so hopefully we will get more insight. Finally, The Ultimate Deletion was cool but I do feel they missed an opportunity here. It was a weird way to end Raw but hopefully, more sense will be made next week.
Overall Rating: 6.5/10