Raw Review 09/18/2017

RAW REVIEW 09/18/2017
Tonight is the Go-Home Edition of Raw before this Sunday’s No mercy Pay Per View. Nia Jax gets a her request and will face Alexa Bliss. Will Nia knock “The Goddess” off her pedestal? Roman Reigns and John Cena have been in heated verbal battles over the last several weeks, will Reigns be able to get the final word before No Mercy. What extent will Braun Strowman go to prove he has No Mercy? Enzo Amore and The Miz went at last week on Raw. Miz got the upper hand, but will Enzo seek revenge? Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose have stood tall as the Raw Tag Team Champions, but will the brother’s in arm’s be able to keep standing triumphant?
Raw is live tonight from the SAP Center in San Jose, CA
Raw kicks off with us being welcomed to the show by Michael Cole, Corey Graves & Booker T.
In Ring Segment: Kurt Angle
Kurt says he couldn’t be any more excited for No Mercy. He goes over some of the matches including John Cena vs Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman vs Brock Lesnar. Out comes The Miz.
Kurt congratulates Miz on his baby announcement. Miz tells him to save it and says he is tired of being looked at as an afterthought. He tells how he won’t be defending the Intercontinental Championship at No Mercy. Kurt tells him that tonight Matt hardy, Jeff Hardy, Elias, and Jason Jordan will face off in a fatal Four Way to determine his opponent. Miz rejects the idea of Jordan and says there are more deserving superstars. Kurt tells Miz he is tired of his complaining. Miz tells Kurt that he will be a better father than him and is a better champion than he ever was. Miz tells Kurt that he should be his top priority. Miz says you can always count on Kurt being a deadbeat. Out comes Jason Jordan.
Jordan tells Miz if he says one more word he is gonna knock his pretty teeth down his throat. Jordan asks to make a suggestion and tells Kurt to put Axel and Dallas in the match tonight. Kurt says the match will now be a six pack challenge. Miz mentions that this gives Jordan less of a chance of winning. Jordan goes after Miz, but is taken off by The Miztourage. Jordan gets the upper hand and sends them out of the ring.
My Opinion:
I always enjoy Miz, but the whole complaining is getting old. I think they need to find more for Miz to do and get him back in an actual story line. I really love Jason Jordan’s wrestling ability, but he still needs to work on his promo skills. I think Jordan should win this match tonight though. It makes the most sense and they need to give Jordan the chance to step up. I have no doubt that Jordan and Miz could pull off a great match.
Backstage Segment:
Kurt tells Jordan to calm down and to focus on his opportunity. Jordan tells how Miz has been talking for weeks and how he isn’t the only one with the whispers and looks. He tells that when he wins against Miz that will all go away. Kurt asks what if they don’t, you can’t go and beat up everybody. Angle tells him that people are going to talk and he needs to go and win this match and go beat Miz and take care of business.
Match 1: Alexa Bliss vs Nia Jax
As the bell sounds Alexa quickly goes to the ropes. Alexa tries running from Nia and goes to the outside. Alexa tries to grab Nia, but Nia quickly tosses her off. Alexa retreats again out of the ring. Nia is able to grab Alexa and pick her up over her head. Alexa is able to slip away and tries to run. Nia grabs her, but Alexa slaps her and runs up the ramp. Out comes Sasha Banks. Alexa runs from her and runs right into Nia as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Nia is in control. Alexa is able to sidestep Nia and send her into the post. Alexa continues to fight and takes Nia to the ground. Alexa goes to the top and is caught by Nia. Nia hits a Samoan Drop and gets the three count.
*** after the match Sasha comes in the ring and jumps Nia. Nia throws Sasha to the mat. Out comes Bayley! Sasha, Alexa, and Bayley all work together to take out Nia. Sasha and Bayley then take out Alexa.
Winner: Nia Jax
My Opinion:
I really didn’t get this one. Last week they made this seem like such a big deal and then we pretty much saw nothing. Alexa ran for most of it and then it ended basically right away after the commercial break. I was super happy to see Bayley back. The one thing I didn’t like was that this match is supposed to feature Emma at No Mercy, yet tonight Bayley returns and it makes it look like she’s in the match. I just feel like they really had things out of place in this segment.
In Ring Segment:
Sheamus tells that everything is about nostalgia. Sheamus says everyone loves escaping their harsh realities and love getting the feelings of the good old days. Sheamus tells that they live in the present and destroy the past. Cesaro chimes in and says it’s the exact reason everyone loves Ambrose and Rollins together. Cesaro proclaims that something will go wrong with them this Sunday. Sheamus says the two are using each other for their own selfish needs. Cesaro says this works for them until the truth sets in which is that Ambrose and Rollins can’t stand each other. Sheamus says their friendship is fragile and about to crack and when it does they will be there to take back what is theirs. Sheamus says the truth is they trust each other and they are stronger than bothers. Out comes Rollins and Ambrose.
Rollins questions Sheamus and Cesaro on their statements. He tells that no matter what he and Ambrose are brothers. Out comes The Club.
Anderson tells how Sheamus and Cesaro walked out on them last week and that is not a good brother thing to do. They says the same or Rollins and Ambrose ad says they took advantage of their disadvantages. Anderson and Gallows call them nerds. Ambrose says no one calls me a nerd and goes at The Club. All three teams go at it. Rollins and Ambrose are left standing tall.
My Opinion:
As far as the tag teams go I just want to see more action. Their promo’s are getting so bland and all they do is talk until they reach their catch phrases. What I really want to see is action. I want to see more than just this. I feel like they have so much talent and they’re holding all these teams back. One thing I do like is that Ambrose and Rollins continue to stand tall and I’m glad there is no focus at least for now on breaking them up because these two should stay together in my opinion at least until there are actual plans for one of them to have a big singles push.
Match 2: Sheamus & Cesaro vs The Club (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) vs
Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose
Rollins and Sheamus start off. Sheamus works Rollins to the ground and gets him in a headlock. Rollins comes back and lands a big drop kick. Rollins gets Sheamus to his corner and tags in Ambrose. Sheamus and Ambrose battle, but Ambrose is back into the corner and Gallows tags himself in. Sheamus works Gallows to the corner, but Gallows battles back. The two trade blows, but Sheamus is able to back him into the corner. Cesaro gets the tag and takes it to Gallows Cesaro lands a big uppercut and tags in Sheamus. Sheamus continues to beat down Gallows and hammers away in the corner. Gallows comes back and hits Sheamus with a big boot. Rollins tags himself in and hits a crossbody on Sheamus. Ambrose comes in and he and Rollins double team Sheamus. Ambrose is able to land a bi drop kick, but can’t get the three. Sheamus runs into a knee and Rollins gets the tag. Rollins works the arm of Sheamus. Ambrose comes in and hits an elbow from the top rope. Sheamus doesn’t waste time and takes Ambrose to the mat. Ambrose is able to hang up Sheamus on the apron. Cesaro takes it to Ambrose and throws him into the barricade. Sheamus works Ambrose in the ring and tags in Cesaro. Cesaro keeps Ambrose grounded and keeps the pressure on his neck. Ambrose hangs him up and Anderson is able to tag in. Anderson unloads on Ambrose. Anderson works a chin-lock and tries to ground Ambrose. Ambrose fights back, but Anderson hits him with a spine-buster. Gallows gets the tag and hits a big suplex on Ambrose. Gallows follows up with a trio of elbows and misses on the fourth one. Cesaro and Rollins now the legal men go at it. Rollins is able to duck Cesaro and hit a sling blade. Rollins follows with the blockbuster, but it doesn’t keep Cesaro down. Cesaor is able to land an uppercut and and goes to the top with Rollins. Rollins is able to reverse and hit s buckle bomb. Sheamus saves the match. Rollins hits an enziguri on Sheamus. Gallows comes in and Rollins tries to fend off The Club. Rollins is hit with the magic killer, but Ambrose saves the match. Cesaro tries to take control as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns Sheamus works on Rollins. Cesaro gets the tag and sends Rollins to the floor. Cesaro goes out after him and brings him back in the ring. Cesaro and Sheamus double team Rollins. Cesaro works a chin-lock on Rollins and continues to wear him down. Rollins tries to fight out and does, but the ref doesn’t see the tag. Sheamus gets the tag and the two double team Rollins again. They go for the pin, but Anderson breaks it up. Rollins is able to get in control. Rollins hits a big ddt and is able to tag Ambrose. Anderson comes in and Ambrose knocks him down. Ambrose hits a big clothesline and hits Anderson with a neck-breaker. Ambrose works Anderson in the corner and connects with a suplex from the top. Ambrose goes to the top again and hits an elbow. Rollins and Ambrose work together and both hit a suicide dive taking out everyone. Ambrose and Anderson continue to battle. Anderson knocks Ambrose to the ropes and Sheamus tags himself in. Ambrose unaware continues to fight and hits dirty deeds, but Sheamus is the legal man and throws Ambrose to the floor. Sheamus pins Anderson and gets the win.
Winners: Sheamus & Cesaro
My Opinion:
Not a bad match. I think the match was a little too long, but other than that it was very exciting/ I think the one problem nowadays is these teams face off way too often and the tag team division needs some additions. One thing is for sure Ambrose and Rollins are awesome together. I was very impressed by how well they are working together and how they get the job done. I like the ending of the match as well. I think it makes it so Ambrose and Rollins got more to fight for and it shows that Sheamus and Cesaro will do whatever they have to in order to win.
Backstage Segment:
Miz tells Axel and Dallas that this is their chance to show what they can do. Miz goes on about Angle and Dallas interrupts and asks if the speech should be more about them. Axel agrees. Miz says they are right and this could be their breakthrough performance. Axel and Dallas talk about beating Miz and he tells them to not get ahead of themselves. Miz tells them to go prove that Jordan doesn’t deserve the opportunity.
Backstage Segment:
Kurt asks Goldust if he can help him. Goldust says he wants a second chance at Bray Wyatt. Kurt has mixed feelings. Goldust says he is asking him as the man behind the paint, he’s asking as a man. Goldust says he wants to show that he is not a pawn in Wyatt’s twisted games. Kurt tells him that he’s got the match.
Match 3: Curt Hawkins vs Apollo Crews
Crews and Hawkins lock up. Crews overpowers him and gets a side headlock. Crews knocks Hawkins to the mat. Hawkins tries to get into it, but is caught with a drop kick Hawkins comes back in an enziguri. Hawkins tries to beat Crews down. On the mat Hawkins stomps away and works a chin lock. Crews fights to his feet, but Hawkins comes back with a spine-buster. Crews comes back with a good kick. Hawkins fights out and tries to roll up Crews. Crews stays calm and hits the sit down power-bomb. Crews gets the 1 2 3.
Winner: Apollo Crews
My Opinion:
I was actually impressed with Hawkins. He looked really good tonight and actually looked like he was trying. I know these matches seem irrelevant, but I like seeing talent get opportunities. Obviously this was just to kill time, but I think Hawkins made the most of it tonight.
Michael Cole Interview:
Braun Strowman & Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman
Michael Cole starts with Lesnar and reiterates how many people consider him an underdog at No Mercy. Heyman steps in and says this isn’t the first time and like when Lesnar faced Undertaker he will victimize and conquers. Cole asks Braun how confident he is heading into Sunday. Braun goes over how he has laid out Lesnar and says he is the monster and the only man capable of putting Lesnar down for good. Cole ask Lesnar how he prepares for someone like Braun. Heyman says there is no preparing for someone like that. Heyman says Braun is the most cable man to ever cone after Lesnar’s title. Braun says he can survive suplex city and stomp it into the ground. Heyman tells Braun that he is awoken the beast. Heyman says Lesnar understand that he will have to beat down Braun and he has to lay waste to him because he knows Braun will win if he doesn’t. Braun says the ball is in his court and he is the one pulling the strings. Cole says there are many parallels to him and Lesnar. Heyman says he doesn’t get Cole asking so much about Braun. Heyman says the news maker is still Lesnar. Heyman says you should wonder what will happen to Lesnar if he losses. Lesnar thanks Braun for challenging him and says it’s when he is at his best. He tells Braun he will see him Sunday. Lesnar finishes with Suplex City Bitch.
My Opinion:
I enjoyed this segment. I love the story that has developed between Lesnar and Strowman. I think the time for talk is over and these two have to have an epic clash. They have built this up as much as they can and now it has to deliver. For Lesnar this is another match, but for Strowman this could be what takes him to that next level and he needs this Sunday, he needs to go in there and fight Lesnar and take his role as the new unstoppable force.
*** Breaking News: Bayley will be added to the Women’s match at No Mercy. Now we will see a Fatal Five Way Match.
In Ring Segment: Roman Reigns
Roman says that Cena can run his mouth, but sometimes he says stupid shit. Roman says he doesn’t act or look like Cena and if he did he wouldn’t have a career here. Roman says he lets his actions talk for him and he only says something when he needs to. Roman calls Cena the biggest hypocrite to ever step in a WWE ring. Roman asks the crowd if they should bring Cena out there, but then says that Cena is not there. Roman says everything Cena says is a lie and just talk. Roman says he will see the crowd next time and tells Cena that he will see him Sunday.
My Opinion:
I really enjoyed this tonight. I love Roman call Cena out on everything. Roman ended that perfect and it was killer. Roman definitely seemed nervous and the whole swearing felt forced to me, but other than that this wasn’t bad. No matter what I think Cena should’ve been there. They needed to build that hype and this is just another segment of tonight that just didn’t have as much impact as it should’ve. Roman was great, but he can’t hype the match all on his own. Nonetheless this match will kill it and this to me will be like a passing of the torch this Sunday.
Backstage Segment:
Renee asks Jeff and Matt what happens if it comes down. Jeff says he has to seize the moment. Matt says he has to get passed him. Jeff says may the best hardy win. Matt says they will my brotha.
Match 4: Bray Wyatt vs Dustin Rhodes
Rhodes goes right after Wyatt. Rhodes hits a huge clothesline and Wyatt goes to the outside. Wyatt gets the upper hand on the outside and takes it to Rhodes. Rhodes fights back and throws Wyatt into the barricade. Rhodes then throws Wyatt into the steps. Rhodes flies off the steps and hammers on Wyatt. Wyatt comes back and floors Rhodes. Wyatt and Rhodes makes it back in the ring and Rhodes continues to fight. Rhodes hits shatter dreams in the corner and gets Wyatt screaming in pain/ Wyatt catches Rhodes and hits Sister Abigail to pick up the win.
*** Balor comes on the titantron and tells a story about him. Balor asks Wyatt if the demon is a creation of the man which one is more dangerous. Balor tells him that at No Mercy you are going to find out.
Winner: Bray Wyatt
My Opinion:
I really loved seeing Goldust as himself and being Dustin Rhodes. I love the fight in Rhodes tonight and I wish we could see this more and more. I know this was one night only, but I loved this honestly. I like how things went though. I like that Wyatt won out of nowhere and it shows Wyatt can strike at anytime. Balor at the end added a good touch. Balor finished with an awesome question and I can’t wait to see these two clash again.
In Ring Segment:
Enzo starts his talking on the ramp. Out comes Braun Strowman. Braun takes him out on the ramp and brings him to the ring. Braun chokeslams him and finishes with a running powerslam. Out comes Neville.
Neville makes his way to the ring and hits a shooting star press from the top. Neville grabs a mic and asks how you doin.
My Opinion:
I love this. I think Enzo has made a lot of mistakes and there isn’t anything wrong with him being used in this way. If he wants to disrespect the company than he should face the same disrespect. I love Braun and he is just a monster, but Neville really shined to me. He went out and did what he had to do and made the point simple, he is better.
Backstage Segment:
Charly goes and gets Enzo’s thoughts. Enzo says he can compete with Neville and he is gonna take his title at No Mercy.
Match 5: Neville vs gran Metalik
Metalik takes it to Neville. Matelik is able to hit a big hurricanrana. Metalik comes back with a drop kick. Neville is able to take him to the apron and land a big kick. Neville brings him back in the ring and hits him with a big kick to the back. Neville kicks him out of the ring and takes it to him on the floor. Neville tears the mask of Metalik. Metalik comes back and hits a missile dropkick off the ropes. Metalik flies to the outside and takes out Neville. Metalik hits a cross-body, but Neville kicks out of the pin. Neville catches Metalik as he tries a moonsault. Neville is able to lock in the rings of Saturn and gets the win.
Winner: Neville
My Opinion:
Metalik is an amazing athlete. I was thoroughly impressed with how great he looked tonight. On the other hand Neville is still the perfect heel out there. I like that he had to scratch and claw to get the victory, but in the end showed that he is the king of the Cruiserweights.
Match 6: Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy vs Elias vs
Jason Jordan vs Curtis Axel vs Bo Dallas:
#1 Contender’s Match for the Intercontinental Championship
As the match begins everyone goes at it. Jeff and Matt go after Axel and Dallas. Jordan and Elias face off outside the ring. Jeff tries to pin Matt, but Matt kicks out. The Hardy’s stare each down as raw goes to break.
As Raw returns all six men continue to battle. Matt takes it to Dallas and tries for a cover, but Dallas kicks out. Axel takes it Jeff and Elias takes it to Jordan. Dallas goes to work on Jordan, but Elias take it to him. Axel then tries and Elias hits him with a clothesline. Elias hits Jordan with a chop on the top rope. Jordan fights him off, but Elias leaps to the top. Axel and dallas send Elias to the outside and try to double team Jordan. Jeff and Matt join and hit a huge suplex taking out Axel, Dallas, and Jordan. Jeff and Matt work together and hit poetry in motion on Elias. Matt hits the side effect on Jeff, but Axel breaks the pin. Axel and Dallas send Matt shoulder first into the post. Jordan comes to and sends Axel to the outside. Jordan hits a bell to belly on Dallas and drives him into the corner. Jordan hits another suplex and takes it to Axel in the corner. Jordan suplexes Axel, but the pin is broken up by Dallas. Miz on the outside takes out Jordan sending him into the barricade. Matt in the ring hits the twist of fate, but Eias breaks up the pin. Elias hits drift away, but Jeff breaks up the pin. Jeff hits a jawbreaker to Axel and then takes it to Elias. Jeff hits an inverted atomic drop and takes out Elias. Jeff goes to the top and hits the swanton on Axel. Miz comes in and breaks up the pin. Axel from behind goes after Jeff. Jordan comes in and hits a suplex, he pins Axel in gets the win. Jordan is going to No Mercy.
*** After the match Miz tries for a cheap shot. Jordan ducks and hits two suplexes on Miz. The Miztourage comes in and takes out Jordan. Miz directs traffic and sets up Jordan for the skull crushing finale. Miz hits it on him and tells him that after No Mercy he will still be the champ. He says Angle will still be a terrible father and Jordan will still be a bastard.
Winner: Jason Jordan:
New #1 Contender
My Opinion:
I like Jordan winning this one. I think that if they want Jordan to become one of the next guys then they have to give him the shot. This is his shot to go out there and prove what he can do. I personally would have Jordan win this Sunday. I think he deserves a chance to run with it and see what happens. He obviously can wrestle very well and I think he needs to keep this story line with Miz. I see it as if he wins he can continue this with Miz and let the story keep developing.
Final Thoughts:
Honestly I don’t think this was the best they could have done for tonight. First off you have two huge matches for this Sunday and neither kicked off the show. I really think that Cena and Lesnar should have both been there tonight in person. What was missing for me was impact. For example the women were out there and yet Emma didn’t come out even though she’s in the match on Sunday. I love Bayley and I’m glad she’s back, but then to throw her in the match like that it just didn’t make sense to me. I liked what Roman Reigns had to say, but again I think Cena should’ve been there. I think this would’ve been the week to have the big verbal confrontation between the two. Braun and Lesnar did well in their interview, but again I would’ve loved to see Lesnar there and have these two go at it. I liked the ending match though. I feel like Jordan winning is a great thing and he has his shot now. I believe he and Miz will have a great match and Jordan will be able to prove himself this Sunday. One thing is for sure this Sunday is gonna be action packed. I can’t wait to see how that all plays out.
Overall Rating: 6.5/10