Raw Review 11/05/2018
RAW REVIEW 11/05/2018
Tonight is the Fall-Out Edition of Monday Night Raw following Crown Jewel this past Friday! Brock Lesnar defeated Braun Strowman and recaptured the Universal Championship but what will happen next now that The Beast is back on top? Plus, how will the Red Brand stack up for Survivor Series. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose won the Raw Tag Team Championships two weeks ago but are they going to keep the titles? Also, The Riott Squad has been running wild on Raw lately but will be next for them? Finally, will we ever see a clash between Nia Jax and Tamina?
Raw comes to us from the Manchester Arena in Manchester, England.
Raw kicks off with us being welcomed by Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Renee Young
In Ring Segment: Baron Corbin
Corbin welcomes everyone to Monday Night Raw. he says don’t be alarmed by the security when you have someone as high profile as him it’s normal. He then brings up Survivor Series and says it’s the one time of the year Raw and SmackDown go head to head. He tells how Brock Lesnar will face AJ Styles, Ronda Rousey will face Becky Lynch, and there will also be the traditional men and women’s five on five elimination match. He says everyone match is a chance to show they are are the dominant brand. He tells they have a score to settle after Shane McMahon stole the Best In The World trophy and that situation will be addressed next week by Stephanie. He says after this he’s gonna become the permanent GM. he says he chose himself and the captain but says he can not compete due to his contract. He announces Dolph Ziggler and Drew Mcintyre as the first two members of the team. He then announces the third number Braun Strowman. He says he knows Braun might be upset but he says he will see that it was a teaching lesson. He tells that Braun needs to learn to respect authority and when he gets that in his head he will be the team member they need. He then goes to the Women’s team and announces their captina Alexa Bliss. Out comes Bliss.
Bliss says he will pick the best team but will be in a managerial role instead of competing. She says being a five time champ there’s a lot to learn from her and she will lead them to victory. She says they will not lose ot the b show on her watch. She tells that she will be watching matches and it starts tonight with The Riott Squad vs Natalya, Sasha Banks, and Bayley. Corbin says he likes the way she thinks. Bliss goes to say the match will start now but out comes Kurt Angle.
Angle says compete in the World Cup light a fire in him. He says last year he lead Team Raw to victory and he wants to compete again this year. Corbin says he makes the decisions now and tells Angle to take a permanent vacation. Angle says when he was in charge they settled things in the ring and if it was him he would compete. He then challenges Corbin to a match where if he wins he will be on the team and be the leader. Angle questions Corbin as a leader and calls him an embarrassment to Raw. Corbin tells him if he wants the match he’s got it. Corbin tells him if he wins he can get what he wants but tells Angle he’s only going to Survivor Series if he buys a ticket. Angle tells Corbin he’s gonna be going on crutches. Corbin cuts angle’s music and says this is his show. Bliss then cuts in and is about to announce the match starting but out comes Braun Strowman.
Strowman takes out the security and goes after Corbin but Corbin runs away, Strowman hits Mahal and is in a brawl with the locker room on the stage. Braun breaks free but the brawl between the locker room continues. Braun goes backstage looking for Corbin. Braun says when he finds Corbin tonight he’s gonna get these hands.
My Opinion:
This was a good way to start Raw tonight, I’m excited to see angle competing. Survivor Series is always a fun time of year and brings out the best competition. I like Bliss being the captain of the women and either Corbin or Angle will make a good captain for the men. I can’t wait to see how the teams shape up!
Backstage Segment:
Charly asks Sasha, Bayley, and Natalya and asks if they think the outcome will be different from Evolution. Sasha says it will be different. Natalya says she is gonna wear her dad’s sunglasses to the ring cause they will bring her luck. She says tonight is for her dad.
Match 1: The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott & Liv Morgan & Sarah Logan) vs Bayley & Sasha Banks & Natalya
The Riott Squad goes after the three women as the match starts. Natalya locks in the sharpshooter on Riott but Logan breaks the hold. Riott tries a cover but Natalya kicks out. Natalya is thrown out of the ring as Logan gets the tag. Logan goes after Natalya on the outside and drives her into the barricade. Back in the ring, Logan tries a cover but Natalya kicks out. Logan stomps on Natalya and tags Morgan. They double team Natalya and Morgan then delivers a huge kick. Morgan tries a cover but Natalya kicks out. Natalya is thrown off the ring as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Morgan works the neck of Natalya. Morgan is able to land a big kick and then lands a series of them in the corner. Natalya tries to make it to her corner but Morgan stops her. Natalya fights her off and tags Banks. Banks takes down Morgana and the lands a big dropkick. Banks lands a big kick on the apron and then hits a Meteora to Logan on the floor. Banks flies and hits a Meteora on Morgan from the top rope. Banks gets the Banks Statement but Riott breaks it up. Riott then sends Bayley to the ring. Banks tries a backslide on Riott but she kicks out. Bayley gets the tag and lands big knees to Riott in the corner. Bayley hangs Riott up on the second rope and the files to the outside to take out Logan and Morgan. Riott goes to the outside and takes out Bayley with an STO. Riott tries a cover but Bayley kicks out. Bayley rolls up Riott but she kicks out. Riott tries a cover of her own but Bayley again kicks out. Riott ten goes to a chin lock working Bayley on the mat. Bayley gets to her feet and stuns Riott. Logan and Morgan take cheap shots and Logan gets the tag, Logan works Bayley on the mat with a modified chin lock. Logan sends Bayley off the second rope hard. Logan tries a cover but Bayley kicks out. Morgan gets the tag and plants Baley on the mat off the second rope. Bayley is sent crashing to the outside as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Logan tries a cover on Bayley but she kicks out. Logan kicks Bayley and works her on the ropes, Logan toys with her and pushes her to the mat. Bayley is able to bring down Logan but Logan still gets up to prevent the tag. Bayley fights away and tags Natalya. Natalya takes out the Riott Squad. She lands a big suplex to Logan. Logan hits her with an elbow but Nataly plants her face first. Riott breaks the cover. Morgan hits an enziguri but Natalya takes care of her. Logan goes for the sharpshooter butRiott distracts her by breaking her dad’s glasses. Natalya starts crying and the Riott Squad leaves.
Winners: No Contest
My Opinion:
The Riott Squad continues to be destructive on Raw. they’re running thru the competition and they don’t care who they hurt. Of course, they broke the glasses of Natalya’s dad but they made a statement. As wrong as it may be they’re not here to make friends, they’re here to be on top. I really think Ruby Riott could be a champion someday with Logan and morgan by her side. The future is bright for them if they stick together.
Backstage Segment:
Strowman continues to look for Corbin.
Match 2: Apollo Crews vs Jinder Mahal w/ Sunil Singh
Mahal backs Crews in the corner and hits him with big rights. Crews gets Mahal in the corner and taunts him. Crews hits a dropkick and tries a cover but Mahal kicks out. Crews stays on Mahal but Mahal fights back and hits him. Mahal drives his knee into the back of Crews and goes to a chin lock. Mahal hits him with big rights and then a kick and another to follow. Crews hits a step up enziguri and then presses Mahal. Crews hits the standing moonsault and gets the 1 2 3.
Winner: Apollo Crews
My Opinion:
Crews was very impressive tonight, especially with his strength. That was awesome to see him press slam Mahal because that is no easy task. Crews continues to be on a role and hopefully, now he will have a good singles run. Mahal tried to put up a fight but unfortunately, he’s not the same as he was and like Corey Graves said he needs to find his aggression again.
In Ring Segment: Seth Rollins
Rollins says he’s disappointed he didn’t win the World Cup. He then says Corbin helping Lesnar win the Universal Champion was a slap in the face to Roman, to him, to the locker room, and to everyone here tonight. He says he’d say it to Brock but shocker he isn’t here tonight. He says I know who is here, Dean Ambrose. He tells about last week and how Ambrose wouldn’t even get in the ring. He says he could call him out again but he doesn’t want to waste anyone’s time. He says he is out here to talk about the Raw Tag Team Championships. Rollins says as much as he would love to it’s probably impossible for him to defend both titles at once. Corbin comes on the titantron and says he thinks Rollins can do it and tells him he’s gonna defend them right now. Out comes the Authors Of Pain.
My Opinion:
I love this! Of course, Rollins can’t win this on his own but he doesn’t need the tag titles anyway since he has the IC title. I love this though because this is finally AOP’s moment. They have been ready for this for a while now and I hope they get the job done. They deserve it and this is a great way to give the titles to them.
Match 3: Seth Rollins (c) vs Authors Of Pain (Akam & Rezar w/ Drake Maverick): 2 on 1 Handicap Match for the Raw Tag Team Champions
Rollins gets around on Akam and gets away from him quickly. Akam backs him in the corner and in comes Rezar. Rollins fights out of the corner and looks for a DDT but instead he is taken down by a clothesline. Rollins is down as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, AOP double teams Rollins. Akam toys with Rollins and then slams him down to the mat. Akam works Rollins with a chin lock on the mat. Rollins hangs him up but is then thrown hard into the corner. Akam goes for the cover but Rollins kicks out. Rezar gets the tag and they double team Rollins again. Rezar works the neck of Rollins and keeps the pressure on him. Rollins fights out of more double team and drives Rezar ot the floor. Rollins takes it to Akam and then hits a suicide dive on Rezar. Akam is sent out of the ring and Rollins hits a double suicide dive. Rollins takes Akam down off the top rope. He then hits a sling blade on Rezar. He hits a blockbuster on Akam and goes for the cover but can’t get the 3. Rollins hits kick on Akam but Rezar gets involved. Rollins sends Rezar into the ropes and kicks Akam. he then lands a kick to Akam. Rollins goes to the top and hits a frog splash on Rezar. Rollins hits Akam and goes for the stomp on Rezar but is caught. Rezar then slams him. AOP double teams Rollins and Akam go for the cover. Akam gets the 1 2 3.
*** After the match Ambrose comes in and asks Rollins if he wants to know why he did what he did. Ambrose doesn’t tell him why and hits a Dirty Deeds on Rollins.
Winners: Authors Of Pain (Akam & Rezar w/ Drake Maverick): New Raw Tag Team Champions
My Opinion:
Finally!!! I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting for this and now AOP is finally on top! They are deserving of it and even though they didn’t win in the best kind of way since this was one on two it still is good for them. Rollins and Ambrose couldn’t’ keep the title so this was a perfect time to give it to AOP. I can’t wait to see their run with the titles. I hope they keep them for a while and they continue to dominate! As for Rollins he has the battle to fight with Ambrose, Ambrose ambushed him tonight but it won’t be long before Rollins gets him.
Backstage Segment:
Charly asks Baron if he is running because he is afraid. He says he didn’t run, he isn’t afraid of him. He says he’d wrestle him but he’s gonna let Braun destroy him. Charly then asks Corbin about his makeshift studio. Corbin says you just told the world here I am. Here comes Braun! Corbin though is able to get away.
In Ring Segment: Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler says despite how things ended Shane McMahon is not the best in the world because you are looking at the best in the world. Ziggler says it’s typical he outworks everyone and then the conspiracy kicks in. He says Mcintyre was sent to the back and then he was attacked from behind by Miz. He then says Shane bullied his way into the tournament. Ziggler is then interrupted by Elias.
Elias tells the crowd that is the respect he deserves. He tells Dolph he is a loser. He plays to the crowd bringing up the band Oasis. Dolph says it’ll be a miracle if anyone is awake after his dumb song. Elias tells him to shut his mouth and let him sing. Elias sings his song and Ziggler cuts him off and challenges him to comes down to the ring. Elias says all you had to do was ask and he heads for the ring.
My Opinion:
This was a great crowd reaction for Elias. He is getting so over and if this keeps up Elias could finally find himself on top. Ziggler is tough competition thought but if Elias could this off it could very well be the start to something big. Ziggler could use this victory as well since Friday didn’t go his way and now he has to live up to the hype being one of the first two members to the Raw Survivor Series team.
Match 4: Elias vs Dolph Ziggler
Elias locks up with Ziggler. Ziggler tries to wear him down and work a cover but Elias is able to get out. Ziggler wrestlers him down to the mat and works a side headlock. Elias fights out but is met with a dropkick. Ziggler grabs Elias but Elias reverses and is able to hit a back elbow. Elias takes down Ziggler and goes for the cover but Ziggler kicks out. Elias then goes to the mat and works a headlock. Zigler tries to work out but Elias doesn’t allow it and keeps it wrenched in. Ziggler hit a neckbreaker and tries a cover but Elias kicks out. Ziggler goes to a body lock and turns it into a pin but Elias kicks out. Ziggler goes to a chin lock and locks in body scissors. Ziggler continues to wrestle Elias down to the mat and continues with the chin lock. Ziggler lands a kick ns stays on Elias. Elias is able to come back with a mule kick and then goes to the top rope. Elias flies but Ziggler rolls out of the way as Raw goes to break.
As raw returns, Ziggler wrenches on the face of Elias. Ziggler goes to a chin lock and Elias fights out and gets a backslide. Zigler kicks out. Ziggler hits him with an uppercut and goes for a cover but Elias kicks out. Ziggler kicks Elias and doesn’t give him an advantage. Ziggler then brushes the face of Elias on the top rope. Elias hits him with a series of big rights. Ziggler, however, fights back with a big neckbreaker. Ziggler then connects with an elbow. Ziggler goes back to the chin lock. Elias hits him with a right but Ziggler comes back with ones of his own. Elias hits a shoulder tackle and then hammers on Ziggler in the corner. Elias then hits Ziggler in the neck and then lifts him on his shoulders. Ziggler fights off and lands a big kick. He tries a knee and then a cover but Elias kicks out. Elias connects with a big knee but it’s not enough to keep Ziggler down. Elias lands a huge powerbomb but it’s not enough to get the win. Elias hits Ziggler with big chops but Ziggler fights back. Ziggler tries a cover but it fails. Ziggler tries a Zig Zag but Elias fights it off for a moment until Ziggler connects with it. Ziggler goes for the cover but Elias kicks gets his foot on the rope. Elias catches him with a big shot and hits Drift Away. Elias gets the 1 2 3.
Winner: Elias
My Opinion:
Huge win for Elias tonight! The crowd was very much behind him and it looks like he’s doing good in this babyface role. We’ve all known that Elias can go but he was being held back. Now he has his time to shine and I hope they continue to give him opportunities. Beating Dolph Ziggler is huge and I hope this is a sign they’re gonna run with Elias. For Ziggler this is not what you want to happen, he needs to get back on track especially with Survivor Series coming up.
Backstage Segment:
Charly asks Angle if he has any concerns about facing Corbin. He says he is dangerous and does pose a threat but he knows his weaknesses and how to beat him. He says it’s time for him to go onto Survivor Series and be the Raw team captain.
In Ring Segment: Ronda Rousey
Rousey tells how Lynch said she is gonna rip her arm off. She says it’s cute and it’s easy to see why everyone loves Becky. She says there is no doubt Becky worked hard and persevered to be champion. She says she is the champ and the man. She tells that ay Evolution Becky put on a performance. She says she has her respect but don’t mistake it for weakness. Ronda goes over he accomplishments compared to Becky. she says she loves Becky’s new attitude but it will take a lot more than that to beat her. She says she is a natural born killer. Ronda says there are two weeks until Survivor Series and she wants Becky to bring everything that she’s got because she wants a challenge. She says Becky may say she is the man but she is The Baddest Bitch on the Planet.
Nia tells Ronda at Survivor series she is fighting for the entire Raw locker room and she knows she will not let them down. She tells Ronda after Survivor Series after she makes Becky Lynch tap out she’ll be waiting for her.
My Opinion:
I love the build-up between Becky and Ronda. They’re really selling this match so well and making it the most important match on the show as of right now. Rousey is right she is the baddest on the planet and even though Becky has been on a role I don’t see her stopping Ronda. Ronda will get the W for the Red Team and move on to Nia. but until then I can’t wait to see the build-up for this match, it’s truly entertaining with these two women who believe they are the best.
Match 5: Nia Jax vs Ember Moon
Nia throws Moon but Moon comes right back with big kicks. Nia quickly throws her to the outside. Moon lands a kick again and then a dropkick to follow. Moon flies and slams moon down. Nia throws moon and then crushes her in the corner. Nia then tosses Moon across the ring. Nia goes for the cover but Moon kicks out. Nia then wears down Moon working her neck. Moon tries to fight back with a series of elbows. Nia lifts Moon but Moon his her with big kicks. Nia hits her with a headbutt that drops her to the mat. Nia hits a huge clothesline that drops Moon. Moon is able to escape the wrath of the leg drop. Moon keeps up with the kicks. Moon goes for the crossbody lateral press and connects. Moon drops Nia and goes for the cover but Nia kicks out. Moon is pushed into the corner but is able to escape Nia. Nia throws Moon off he DDT attempt. Ember hits the enziguri but she gets caught and hits the Samoan Drop. Nia gets the 1 2 3.
*** after the match Tamina comes out to the ring. Tamina picks up Moon and hits a Samoan Drop. Tamina then runs moon over and locks in a Boston Crab. Nia then hits her with a series of elbows.
Winner: Nia Jax
My Opinion:
Big win for Nia tonight as Moon put up a good fight. Nia is dominated and I don’t think anyone can stop her, maybe not even Ronda. I was surprised by the alliance of Tamina and Nia but if they are a duo they are a very dynamic one at that. If they are together then really nobody can stop them.
Kaylay welcomes Balor and asks if he thinks tonight will be the same as last week. Baylor says Lashley is the most powerful and explosive man he’s been in the ring with. He said last week didn’t feel good but what will be good will be walking out into Manchester because they are Balor Club and Balor Club is for everyone.
Backstage Segment:
Charly tells Corbin it looks like his problems are getting worse. Corbin tells Charly everywhere she shows up he shows up. He tells Charly he has an appointment to go to so he won’t be facing Angle. He announces it’ll be Drew Mcintyre who will face Angle.
Match 6: Bobby Lashley vs Finn Balor
Lashley takes down Balor and then beats him down in the corner. Lashley lifts Balor and uses the ropes to further hurt Balor. Lashley lands a big kick and then hits a suplex. Lashley tries a cover but Balor kicks out. Balor hits him with a forearm but Lashley comes back with a big kick. Balor hits a dropkick and sends Lashley to the floor. Balor tries to fly but Rush stops him. Lashley unloads on Balor and tires a cover but he kicks out. Lashley works a chin lock and then hits a neckbreaker. Lashley uses the ropes to wrench on Balor with his boot. Balor tires to work the legs of Lashley he hits sunset flip and goes for the cover but Lashley kicks out. Balor lands a big knife edge chop in the corner. Balor gets caught but fights off and hits a sling blade. Balor goes to the apron but is hit with a huge elbow. Lashley then hits a vertical suplex. Lashley goes for the cover but Balor kicks out. Lashley lifts Balor but he fights off and rolls up Lashley. Lashley kicks out. Balor lands a big kick and goes up top but Rush distracts him. Balor tries again but Lashley moves. Balor takes out Rush on the outside. Balor tires to run at Rush but Lashley catches him in the air. Lashley slams Balor face first and gets the 1 2 3.
*** After the match Drew Mcintyre as a stare down with Lashey. He then lifts Balor and hits him with a Claymore.
Winner: Bobby Lashley
My Opinion:
Good win for Lashley here against a very game Finn Balor. It’ll interesting to see what happens next with Lashley as it is said he is wrestling with a shoulder injury. As for Mcintyre he came out and made a statement. He’s here to help no one and will take matters into his own hands. That’s the qualities of a future champion.
Match 7: Drew Mcintyre vs Kurt Angle
Angle goes right after Mcintyre before the bell. As the bell rings Angle continues to work Mcintyre. Mcintyre hits a huge headbutt and takes down Angle. Mcintyre lands big kicks in the corner and then hits a chop. He hits another and Angle falls to the mat. Mcintyre wrestles him down to the mat and locks in the armbar. Angle fights him off but is quickly hit with an elbow. Mcintyre goes back to the armbar on Angle. Angle moves out of the way of Mcintyre and hits the Angle Slam as Raw goes to break.
As Raw returns, Mcintyre hits a neckbreaker. Mcintyre then hits a huge suplex. Mcintyre then hits a huge clothesline. Mcintyre goes back to the armbar and keeps the pressure on Angle. Mcintyre then hits another huge suplex. Mcintyre then stomps on Angle in the corner. Mcintyre goes back to the armbar submission again. Angle creates space and then hits a German suplex followed by another and another. Angle looks for another Angle Slam but instead, he is hit with the Claymore. Angle tries a takedown but Mcintyre fights back Angle tries again to grab the leg of Mcintyre but again he is fought off. Angle is able to lock in the ankle lock but Mcintyre powers out. Mcintyre hits an Angle Slam taking down Angle. Mcintyre locks in the ankle lock and Angle taps.
Winner: Drew Mcintyre
My Opinion:
This was a huge win for Drew Mcintyre. To win in the main event of Raw against Kurt Angle is a huge accomplishment! Mcintyre is one of the best in the WWE today and for sure he is making his mark. To me, Mcintyre is a champion and it’s only a matter of time until he is champion.
Final Thoughts:
This was a very good Raw tonight. I liked the hype for Survivor series kicking off the show. This time of year is always fun and it makes everyone step up that much more to be the best for the Raw brand. I was so excited AOP finally won the tag titles. They deserve it and I hope they have a very successful run. I liked the way they’re keeping the rivalry with Rollins and Ambrose going, its best to have Ambrose keep everyone guessing and do what he wants on his own time. Big congrats to Elias tonight on his huge win, he’s so over and he had a huge win over Dolph Ziggler. I also really liked Ronda Rousey’s promo, her and Becky are really getting heated and making this match must see! Finally, the main event was really good tonight! I love seeing Angle in competition but also I love watching Drew Mcintyre. He is on top of his game right now and I hope they continue to push him because he should be at the top. With Survivor Series only two weeks away I cannot wait for next Monday!
Overall Rating: 6.8/10