TWC Fantasy Booking – HeavenMania – The Showcase of the Immortals
Booking “HeavenMania: The Showcase of the Immortals”

Imagine there was a big show in the sky featuring the greatest card put together of wrestlers that were no longer with us. Well here is my card and how I would have booked it.
HeavenMania: The Showcase of the Immortals
Commentators: Gorilla Monsoon & Lord Alfred Hayes
Backstage interviewer – Gordon Solie
Junkyard Dog vs. Doink the Clown
This would honestly just be a fun match to open the show. Mainly comedic and more focused on their characters rather than wrestling. I think we’d see Doink try to use his tricks and jokes to try to gain the victory but overall Junkyard Dog comes out victorious by turning one of Doink’s tricks on him. I think this would get the crowd in the right mood for the rest of the night.
Winner – Junkyard Dog
Kerry Von Erich vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
“The Texas Tornado” Kerry Von Erich faces off against the “Beast from the East” Bam Bam Bigelow. I think this would just be a fun match to watch. Kerry Von Erich would be super over and Bam Bam would be the heel in this match. I think it would be the typical test of strength at the beginning between the two guys. I would have Bigelow control most of the match with Von Erich coming back after he kicks out of a moonsault. I would have Von Erich win following his comeback.
Winner – Kerry Von Erich
Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. Gory Guerreo & El Santo
I think this tag match would be a great clash between the American wrestling styles against the Luchador Style. It’ll feature two of the three Fabulous Freebirds taking on two of Mexico’s greatest stars. I think this would just be another fun bout to watch. I think early on they catch Gordy and Roberts off guard with their highflying tactics. However, mid way through the match with the typical tag team match formula, Gordy and Roberts are in charge working on Gory until he makes a hot tag to El Santo. Santo clears house and eventually the luchador’s get the victory when Roberts is pinned after an all out brawl.
Winner- Gory Guerrero & El Santo
Eddie Graham vs. Ernie Ladd
I think this would just be your classic back and fourth wrestling match. A lot of chain wrestling and tests of strength. I would have these two get near falls on each other and eventually brawl outside for a double countout. Staff and referees have to come down to break them up.
Winner – Double Countout
Elimination Hardcore Invitational
Participants: Kanyon, Balls Mahoney, Axl Rotten, Crash Holly. Bad News Brown, Big Bossman, Mabel, Test, Crush, Blackjack Mulligan, Earthquake, David Von Erich, Maddog Vachon, Hercules, Trent Acid, “Dr. Death” Steve Williams & Bruiser Brody
I think this would be an all out brawl with weapons galore. The camera would most likely have to be split because some of the guys would end up fighting backstage and stuff. The rules are simples if you’re pinned for a three count you’re no longer involved in the match. The very last person standing wins. I think we’d see almost every women under the son used here. Chairs, trash cans, stop signs, chains, kitchen sinks, tables, guitars, replica belts, poles, more tables, fire extinguishers, kendo sticks, glass bottles and the list goes on. There would be a lot of spots and memorable moments. The big men Mabel and Earthquake would be teamed on to be taken out. I would have one of them gets dog piled on to be pinned. Balls and Axl would work together early in the match until turning on each other. Guys like Steve Williams would be taken out after going through a table. The final four would meet in the ring and it would be Big Bossman, Trent Acid, Test and Bruiser Brody. Test and Bossman work together on Brody. Acid is knocked out somewhere backstage but wasn’t pinned. Acid comes out while Bossman is trying to handcuff Brody to the turnbuckle connector. Acid has a fire extinguisher and this allows Brody to come back to take out Bossman and Test. It comes down to Brody and Acid. Brody big boots Acid and before he can pin him Test levels Brody with a boot. Acid brings in thumtacks as he thinks its the only way he can beat the massive Brody only to be slammed on them himself. A Bloody Brody wins.
Winner – Bruiser Brody
Lou Thesz & Ed “The Strangler” Lewis vs. “Nature Boy” Buddy Rogers & Gorgeous George
This match would be an old school grappling and body slam wrestling match. The Gorgeous George character would bring more comedy and character to the match. Buddy Rogers and Gorgeous George would both be worried about their appearances when they should be focusing on the match. The match breaks down into a bit of a brawl but Rogers and George win when Rogers pins Thez with his feet on the ropes for extra leverage.
Winner – Buddy Rogers & Gorgeous George
Women’s Champion
Chyna (C) vs. Luna Vachon vs. Sherri Martel vs. Fabulous Moolah
Chyna & Luna Vachon would be the babyface here and Martel & Moolah are the heels. However it would be a fatal four way. It would a pretty epic match with a ton of near falls, some double teaming and some awesome spots. Luna would be the one who has Chyna down and out but gets thrown out of the ring by Martel who steals the pin. Sherri Matel steals the victory and becomescthe new Women’s Champion.
Winner – Sherri Martel
Street Fight
“Road Warrior” Hawk vs. Umaga w/ Lou Albano
This would pretty much be a brawl between two tough motherfuckers. This would also involve various weapons and even blood. I think it would be a battle of toughness with both guys shocking each other because they won’t stay down. Albano would get involved when it seems like Hawk had Umaga knocked out, leading to Albano getting taken out by Hawk. In the end I think Hawk would pick up the victory after Umaga misses a splash on Hawk who is positioned on a table and goes crashing through the table.
Winner – Hawk
Jack Brisco vs. Nick Bockwinkel w/ Verne Gagne
I think this would be great old school technical match. It would be very back and fourth but in the end Nick Bockwinkel finds a way in the end to cheat with the help of Gagne to win. I think this match would be nice change in pace at this point of the card to let the crowd just relax before getting ready for the main events.
Winner – Nick Bockwinkel
Intercontinental Champion
Brian Pillman w/ Freddie Blassie (C) vs. The Ultimate Warrior
Brian Pillman would be the current champion, and continuing to find ways to win at any costs. The Loose Cannon paired himself with Freddie Blassie when he started believing he was becoming such a big star he needed someone to manage him. However, a battle royal to crown the new number one contender at the last show has brought him his hardest test yet, The Ultimate Warrior. However, I think Pillman’s unorthodox antics and character would throw Warrior off a little too. In the end though, I think Warrior overcome’s all the odds of Pillman and Blassie trying to secure Pillman as IC champion. Warrior finishes off Pillman with a gorilla press and the splash thus becoming the new Intercontinental Champion.
Winner – Ultimate Warrior
Tag Team Championship
2 out of 3 Falls
Owen Hart & British Bulldog (C) vs. Rick Rude & Mr. Perfect w/ Percy Pringle
This is one of those tag matches that definitely could steal the show. Owen Hart & British Bulldog would be your babyfaces and Rick Rude & Mr. Perfect are the heels. I can’t explain how I would book this match but I would let everyone showcase their special talents. Bulldog would showcase his strength, Owen would showcase his speed, Perfect would showcase his intelligence and Rude would showcase his showmanship. All four would showcase their incredible wrestling skills and ability to work the crowd. This would be some Revival/DIY type of wrestling. I would have Rude and Perfect gain the first fall due to inference by Pringle, who gets kicked out from ringside before the second fall. I would have Bulldog and Owen get the second fall. Rude and Perfect would get the win in the end to become the new tag team champions but not without some dirty tricks. I wouldn’t say this would be the end of their rivalry.
Winner – Rick Rude & Mr. Perfect
“Rowdy” Roddy Piper vs. Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji
This rivalry would have started when Piper had Yokozuna on Pipers Pit after losing a number one contenders match against Eddie Guerrero by DQ. Piper would have pushed Yokozuna’s buttons to the point wheere Yoko attacked him and destroyed his set. Piper would return to attack Yokozuna the following weeks and it led to this match. Yokozuna has not been pinned or submitted in almost two years. I think the crowd would really be behind Piper who would have bandaged up ribs and full of fire. Yokozuna would be playing the massive heel. I think Piper would get beat majority of the match but always trying to fight back and not staying down. In the end I would have Piper put Yokozuna in a sleeper hold and get the victory. Yokozuna wouldn’t tap but Piper was awarded the win because Yokozuna passed out and the referee called the match. Piper gets the win and Yokozuna has technically still not been pinned or submitted.
Winner – “Rowdy” Roddy Piper
World Championship
“Macho Man” Randy Savage w/ Miss Elizabeth (C) vs. Eddie Guerrero
This would be the match that steals the show without a doubt. Randy Savage would be coming in as your heel champion and Eddie Guerrero as your beloved babyface. I think the build up to this would be amazing. Savage as the champion claiming that Guerrero wasn’t in his league. Guerrero as the underdog opponent that the fans were behind. Guerrero would cut promos about how Savage used to be a role model to the people but now he’s an egomaniac who needs to be taught a lesson in being humble. In a tag match featuring both men, when Guerrero tried doing one of his cheating spots outside the ring to Savage he hit Elizabeth instead when Savage used her as a shield. This led to Savage accusing Guerrero as being a women beater and yet another reason why he shouldn’t be wrestling the likes of him. Guerrero went on defending himself and accusing Savage of trying to paint him as a person he really was not. The match would be incredible and back and fourth. There would be false finishes and near falls. Guerrero would even try his cheating behind the referee’s back trick but Savage would still kick out. The match would come to an end when Elizabeth would be on the apron as Guerrero irish whips Savage. Elizabeth would crash to the ground appearing to hurt her ankle. Eddie would hit the frog splash but realize the referee wasnt there to count three because he was checking on Elizabeth. Guerrero would go outside the ring to check on Elizabeth unaware that she fell before. Guerrero makes sure that Elizabeth is being taken out carefully by the referees and medical staff. Elizabeth’s purse is still left at ringside and Savage goes in it to grab it. Guerrero then goes back to the ring and Savage levels him with the purse and tosses it to the outside before the referee returns to the ring. Then we found out the purse had a brick in it after it fell out of the purse when it was thrown back outside the ring. Savage goes up for the flying elbow again for the victory. Savage would retain his title due to Elizabeth faking an injury and the brick in the purse but the rivalry continues. Savage may have won here but eventually Guerrero would get the better on him in a great series of matches.
Winner – “Macho Man” Randy Savage
Main Event
Dusty Rhodes vs. Andre the Giant w/ Freddie Blassie
This would be the main event. Dusty Rhodes would be you super over babyface and Andre The Giant would be your recently turned heel by aligning himself with Freddie Blassie. If you saw the build up and the Hulk Hogan/Andre the Giant match in 1987. This is pretty much the exact same thing, just with Dusty Rhodes in the role of Hulk Hogan. The only difference is people didn’t believe Dusty could do what Hogan did since he was a physical spectacle in muscle and strength like the Hulkster. Dusty would talk about having a bigger heart, will to fight and the power of the people as his strongest weapons against Andre. Andre would simply state he wanted to crush Dusty Rhodes because he was sick of him and how he never gave him a title shot when he was champion because he was afraid of him. Andre and Blassie would talk about how Andre was the giant that crushes of American Dreams. The match would be very similar to Hogan/Andre and Dusty would come out on top at the end sending the crowd home happy celebrating with The American Dream. Dusty cuts a promo after the match about dreams and continues to celebrate as the show goes off the air.
Winner – Dusty Rhodes
What did you guys think about my HeavenMania card and booking? Would you anticipate and watch this show? How would you book it? What would your custom card look like? Share your thoughts, ideas and opinions below.
Wow this is awesome. Love everything you do on here and your instagram page.