Wrestling Republic Weekly – May 18th, 2017
The Wrestling Republic Weekly
Welcome to The Wrestling Republic Weekly! You will see reviews, news, rumours, reports, predictions and more! Enjoy it!
Raw Review
Raw has a great start tonight with the GM Kurt coming out and revealing that at Extreme Rules there will be a Fatal Five Way match to see who will be the No.1 contender to vs Lesnar at the Great Balls Of Fire PPV. The superstars competing in the match will be Rollins vs Joe vs Wyatt vs Balor vs Reigns. As we all know the real reason this match is happening is because the original plans were for Braun to beat Roman at Extreme Rules making him the No.1 contender to vs Brock however now that Braun is injured they need a new No.1 contender. Also it’s worth noting that Braun won’t be out for 6 months like WWE are saying. According to The Wrestling Observer he will be back by Summerslam. So the most likely winner of the fatal 5 way match will be either Rollins or Balor because as I have said before WWE are keeping Reigns away from Lesnar until Mania. WWE will also want Lesnar to face a face not a heel because they want him to be the ‘big bad guy’ so that means Wyatt and Joe are also ruled out of winning the match. So I would imagine it will be Rollins or Balor to win the Fatal Five Way.
The IC title match was a fairly good match. It was obviously leading up to a rematch at Extreme Rules though. The current reports show that The Miz is set to win the title at Extreme Rules and then feud with Reigns leading up to Great Balls Of Fire and Summerslam.
Roman Reigns vs Finn Balor was a fairly entertaining match as well but I can not not believe that they let Reigns beat Balor! WWE are trying to make Roman the face of the company, so what do they do? They let him beat the fans favourite! Honesty some of the worst booking I have ever seen! Plus Reigns was meant to be injured still. So an injured Roman who is set to become the face of the company just got booked to beat an 100% Balor who is the fans favourite and has a WWE 24 documentary coming out for him later that night!
We saw two heel turns on the show. The first one being Goldberg turning on R Truth which I found a really weird move to make, but I am excited to see what will happen. The other being Apollo Crews. Crews kinda turned heel but it was a very confusing situation! So I guess we will have to wait and see
Rollins vs Wyatt was an alright match but unfortunately Joe interfered quite early in the match. I think it was the right decision for Joe to attack Rollins during the match but it should have happened a few minutes later.
Overall I enjoyed Raw this week and thought it was an alright episode.
SDLive Review
So SDLive started with Kevin Owens hosting what is normally Chris Jericho’s show ‘Highlight Reel’. I want to start off by saying when Jericho does return at the end of June he will almost definitely carry on his feud with Owens because of all this. So yes all of this is just building up to another KO vs Y2J match, and considering how good the other 2 PPV ones were I would love to see it one more time! So back on SDLive AJ Styles came out and thought he was the guest on the show but it turned out it was Jinder. This lead to AJ Styles vs Jinder Mahal. There is absolutely no other way I could say this, it was the crappest thing possible! The match was horrible and just to make things worse Jinder Mahal pinned AJ Styles! Yes it was KO’s fault I still can’t believe a small move like that could make Styles lose when he has been dominating for the whole match.
The main event was also very boring but still a better match than Styles vs Mahal with Orton beating Corbin fairly! Again a wrong booking decision. If you didn’t know yet WWE are about to seriously push Corbin to be a top heel in the company, with some saying he will win MITB next month. So want WWE should have done is had Jinder interrupt and cost Orton the match. Also I was pretty sure Rusev said he would turn up but he didn’t.
Overall I really didn’t enjoy SDLive this week! The Ziggler promo backstage was the only really good moment of the night. With Backlash on Sunday I was expecting a better show. Really hyped for Ziggler vs Nakamura and Owens vs Styles though. SDLive for the first time since it has been around has been really boring the last 2 weeks! Since the Superstar shakeup really. I hope it gets better soon!
Weekly News
One of the biggest news stories that shocked the world this week is that Marty Scurll has joined the bullet club. At a recent ROH PPV Adam Cole had his final match in ROH. After the match The Young Bucks came out and they all hugged in the middle of the ring. Perfect ending isn’t it? Nope not at all! The room went dark and Kenny Omega came on the screen saying that Adam can officially consider himself fired! Kenny then went on to say that in every story, there has to be a hero (Adam Cole) and a Villain. The lights then went back on and Marty Scurll was standing in the centre of the ring with an umbrella in his hand. Adam was so shocked and The Young Bucks were ‘acting’ shocked as well! Marty then pulled the umbrella and on it was the Bullet Club logo! The Young Bucks then superkicked Adam before Marty attacked him with the umbrella. The biggest odds at the minute of what’s next for Adam Cole is that he will go to WWE! Most reports show that he will show up at Takeover but some even say that he will interfere in Styles vs Owens at backlash! (Remember Cole replaced Owens in the trio with the Young Bucks and replaced Styles in bullet club)
This years Best Of Super Jr’s tournament in NJPW has kicked off this week! The opening day was great! One of the biggest matches of the night was Ospreay vs Marty. The match was fairly good but I expected better. Marty won the match and has to be one of the favourites going forward in this tournament!
This weekend not only is it the SDLive exclusive PPV Backlash but on Saturday we will have NXT Takeover Chicago! The main event is Roode vs Itami for the NXT title. The takeover also includes Bate vs Dunne for the UK Championship! The first time the UK title has been defended at a takeover. With Itami’s finisher being the GTS we can be sure to hear CM Punk chants all night long.
This week on the WWE Network we had the Finn Balor 24 documentary. It showed him on his road to recovery and he talked about his past as well. If you haven’t seen it yet I would recommend checking it out.
And finally onto the news that British wrestling promotion 5 Star Wrestling has offered CM Punk a $1 million deal to go on tour with the company next month. Punk will almost definitely reject the deal! But imagine if he said yes? He would become the most expensive superstar on the independence scene
That’s it for this Wrestling Republic weekly! I hope you all enjoyed! Any questions my social media’s are
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