WWE 205 Live Review 01/24/2017
WWE 205 LIVE REVIEW 01/24/2017
Another week in the wonderful of the Cruiserweights! We have Neville vs. Cedric Alexander announced for tonight which promises to be awesome, and I’m just excited to see guys like Mustafa Ali, Ariya Daivari and…Where. Is. Gran. Metalik?
WWE brings 205 Live to you from the Huntington Center at Toledo, Ohio.
A video recaps briefly the feud between Neville and Rich Swann. Backstage, Tom Phillips interviews Neville. Neville says he made the mistake of thinking Swann learned his place, and he will not show mercy on Swann and 205 Live belongs to him.
1) TJ Perkins vs. Tony Nese.
In a really good match, TJP defeated Nese by pinfall with a crucifix rollup.
After the match, Nese attacked Perkins and then walked to the broadcast team and told them he won that match.
Opinion: Tony Nese is really freaking good and he needs some wins to be a believable force. Also, TJP is really good as well which is why it’s a shame he lost all momentum. Hopefully this leads to a feud between the two.
Yet another Akira Tozawa hype video is played.
2) Brian Kendrick vs. Tripp Bradshaw.
In a match with some insults from Kendrick beforehand, Kendrick defeated Bradshaw by submission with the Captain’s Hook.
Opinion: Even a 2 minute match Kendrick is able to make it look relevant. I’m hoping for Kendrick to receive a spot on the Rumble.
Backstage Rich Swann is telling Cedric Alexander, Neville is not unbeatable and to save some of Neville for Swann on Sunday.
3) Neville vs. Cedric Alexander.
In exactly the match I expected in quality terms, Neville defeated Cedric Alexander in 14 minutes by submission after some distraction from Noam Dar.
Opinion: Really strong main event and even with the interference, this is a good way to give Neville some last minute momentum before his title match that he better win on Sunday.
Final Thoughts:
That’s 205 Live! Good show, I expected a lot more but the main event was really good, Brian Kendrick is awesome and TJP and Tony Nese continue to impress. I just expected to see more guys and where is Gran Metalik?!
Final Rating: 8.2 out of 10.
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