WWE Backlash 2017 Predictions

Hello Misfits! Its The Wrestling Classic here with my WWE Backlash 2017 predictions. It is Smackdown Live’s first exclusive PPV following Wrestlemania. It has also shaped up to be quite an interesting card too. I mean from top to bottom we got fresh matches on the Smackdown card with fresh feuds. A lot of this freshness is due to the recent superstar shake up we had last month. There are also a lot of superstars getting unexpected opportunties which really makes this card feel special. For example, if you asked before Wrestlemania who I thought the number one contender for the WWE Championship would be at Backlash, I would have predicted Jinder Mahal. It makes things exciting and unpredictable. The same goes for Breezango who are number one contenders for the tag team titles. Smackdown Live really is the land of opportunity. Everyone gets the opportunity but its events like this that are make it or break it time. Also, on this card we get “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles against the “Face of America” Kevin Owens for the United States Championship and the debut of Shinsuke Nakamura when he faces off against a motivated Dolph Ziggler. I’m excited.
Luke Harper vs. Erick Rowen
Image via WWE.com
The family have fallen a part again and the leader has been separated from these two monsters. Luke Harper has been one of the most under-utilized big guys in the last couple of years, however he is a former Intercontinental and Tag Team Champion. Erick Rowen on the other hand hasn’t been able to catch a break yet. Anytime Rowen began to gain some steam, he was victim to injury. The biggest highlight of his career thus far was losing to The Rock in six seconds at Wrestlemania 33. I think this match will be more entertaining than we expect. I found myself really into their match a couple of weeks back on Smackdown. I also was really intrigued by the development of Rowen’s character that really shone when he appeared on Talking Smack with the multiple masks and signs of having multiple personalties and anger issues. I think Harper is already a fan favourite with a solid cult following, but Rowen needs to win over the fans. Keeping in mind that this feud could run for a couple of months and we’re just getting exposed to this new Rowen character, I don’t think it hurts Harper at all to let his old buddy go over here with the win.
Prediction – Erick Rowen
Tag Team Championship
The Usos (C) vs. Breezango
Image via WWE.com
As much as I miss American Alpha…I’m extremely happy for this match. This one is rough for me because I’m a huge fan of both teams right now. The Uso’s won be over again after dropping their stale babyface gimmick and turned heel with this new gangster gimmick. Honestly I don’t know if its gangster but I didnt know how else to describe it LOL, but I do really enjoy it. I’ve been a loyal Fandango fan since day one. The dude always gets that mid card near top card push in my WWE Universe’s in the video games. I think he’s an under-appreciated talent who got stuck with a gimmick which he still manages to always make work. The same goes to Tyler Breeze just excluding the fact that we don’t have much of a relationship when it comes to WWE video games LOL. They both made their gimmicks work and excelled it even more as a tag team. I fucking love the Fashion Files. I really want Breezango to win here but the Usos are hot right now and I would hate to see them drop the straps this soon. I hope this isn’t Breezango’s only shot at the title’s. I’d love to see a rematch maybe on Smackdown or the next PPV with them going over but as for Backlash, I predict the Usos go over. I just hope the rivalry doesn’t end here.
Prediction – Usos
Six-Woman Tag Team Match
Naomi, Charlotte & Becky Lynch vs. Natalya, Tamina & Carmella w/ James Ellsworth
Image via WWE.com
Charlotte making her debut on the Smackdown Live roster really changed the landscape of the Smackdown’s Women’s Division. A few girls weren’t too happy about her showing up on their show. They were so angry about it they joined together to make her life miserable and to ensure “The Queen” never stole their opportunties from them. I don’t think they expected her to find aid from Becky Lynch and Naomi who they assumed would side with them. It led us to this match at Backlash, a six woman tag match to put an end to the Welcoming Committee or make them stronger. Personally to me this is one of those cases where the babyface’s don’t gain anything from winning but the heels do. If Carmella manages to somehow pick up the victory here again than she has to be considered the next number one contender to face Naomi for the title because that would be the third consecutive time she’s pinned the champion, regardless if cheating was involved or not. Without a doubt I could be wrong about this and the babyfaces could go over but what does that do. Disband the Welcoming Committee the following week on Smackdown Live? I can see that happening too. Plus leading to this event the Welcoming Committee has basically had all the momentum. I think just to gamble on it, I’m going to say the babyfaces go over. I mean they do have Charlotte.
Prediction – Naomi, Charlotte and Becky Lynch
Tye Dillinger vs. Aiden English
Image via WWE.com
Call me stupid if I’m wrong but does anyone honestly believe that Aiden English is going over Tye Dillinger and this is going to be his first rivalry? Tye Dillinger has been winning 2-3 minutes matches since his debut and Aiden English was barley on TV before Simon Gotch asked for his release. I’m also pretty sure they have this gimmick going on where English breaks down after losing matches. All signs point to a Dillinger win here. I’m really going to regret how confident I was with this prediction if the WWE swerves us and give English the win. I guess Smackdown Live is the land of opportunity.
Prediction – Tye Dillinger
United States Championship
Kevin Owens (C) vs. AJ Styles
Image via WWE.com
Two of my favourite wrestlers of this “New Era” in the same match on a PPV for a championship. Yep, you definitely have my attention. Also the fact that they’ve been on different shows since the draft and this is their first encounter since pre draft days, I’m even more excited. I’m totally cool with either one of these superstars to win this match. I think there are creative possibilities either way. Styles could win and Kevin Owens could invoke his rematch clause and become obsessed with winning the title back. Although in the past month we’ve already seen Owens lose and win the championship back. I feel like it would be too soon to replay that scenario. Also, I’m absolutely behind this Kevin Owens “Face of America” character. I fucking love it. The only drawback to it in my mind is it only works if Owens is the champion or in a program for the championship. I would totally be down with Styles getting a United States title run. In my mind both of these guys are bigger than the US Title so having them feud over it just adds importance to the championship. The match is going to be litty..lit…or whatever it is this month. However, I think for Backlash Owens finds a way to overcome the Phenomenal One.
Prediction – Kevin Owens
Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin
Image via WWE.com
Once again its Sami Zayn trying to overcome the odds to beat the big bully. Although Sami Zayn is light years ahead when it comes to wrestling in my mind compared to Baron Corbin, we are still expected to look at him as the underdog here. Therefore, thats what I am going to do watching this match. There is a part of me saying Corbin could use this win to help elevate his career to the next step. Corbin defeats Sami and moves on to bigger things but if my other predictions go as planned than both champions would be heels and I don’t see Corbin turning face. Sami Zayn could really use a win here and proper program with someone other than Kevin Owens and Corbin could be that guy. Zayn’s first lengthy and proper program where ultimately both guys get over in the end. Sami Zayn could bring the best out of Corbin wrestling-wise. If that’s the case than I see Sami Zayn going over at Backlash so the rivalry continues because a loss to Zayn doesn’t seem like something the Lone Wolf would just get over easily.
Prediction – Sami Zayn
Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Dolph Ziggler
Image via WWE.com
Shinsuke Nakamura finally makes his in ring debut against the “Showoff” Dolph Ziggler this Sunday. It’s really treat for those who never watched him while he was in Japan, when he made appearances in ROH or for those who don’t really watch NXT. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, he’s the real mother effin’ deal. Nakamura brings his own flavour to the WWE. He’s unique and not everyone will understand him but it is damn sure when he’s on your screen he has your attention. If you haven’t seen him wrestle before and have just been judging him from his appearances on the main roster so far, than your opinion of him might change after this Sunday. Dolph Ziggler in his own right has done a great during the build of this rivalry. Its honestly the best work we have seen from Ziggler since his heel turn. A part of me really wants this match to be so good than even in loss, Ziggler is just as over at the end of this match as Nakamura. Nobody can deny Ziggler’s skills in the squared circle and his ability to make someone else look amazing in the ring is impeccable. Shinsuke doesn’t necessarily need someone to make him look good, so just putting on a wrestling clinic with Zigglers attributes playing factor as well, leaves you imagining that this could be one of the best matches of 2017. I know a lot of people are sour on Ziggler but I strong believe there is a lot of potential here if given time and the same level importance I think it had in my head. This match of a lot of people, is their first impression of “The King of Strong Style” and you’d want them to knock it out of the park. On NXT our first impression of Shinsuke was against Sami Zayn at NXT Takeover Dallas last year and I was there for that live. My review for that show is on the website. It was a MOTY candidate and possibly a winner for some people as per 2016. No two matches are the same but I hope this match can be as close to NXT Takeover Dallas in quality as it can be.
Prediction – Shinsuke Nakamura
WWE Championship
Randy Orton (C) vs. Jinder Mahal w/ The Singh Brothers
Image via WWE.com
This is the big one. “The Viper” Randall Keith Orton defends thew WWE Championship against “The Maharaja” Jinder Mahal. Of course Jinder Mahal won’t be alone but with the Singh Brothers by his side. The numbers are against Randall and the real question here is can he overcome the odds like he has many times before. It almost cliche now but true, that all it takes is one RKO outta nowhere and this match could be in the books. However, you can’t count out the fact that Mahal doesn’t just have one superstar supporting him outside the ring but two. Orton would have to make sure he’s taken care of both of them before hitting his final strike. This is Jinder’s big opportunity. A victory here would cement his legacy and forever change his position in the company, which for years he floundered from mid-card to jobber level. Now this new and improved Jinder Mahal shot himself to the top of the card. Not only did he shoot to the top of the card but a victory here wouldn’t mean he’s winning the WWE Championship from a “New Era” superstar but from a guy who’s already a guaranteed future first ballot Hall of Famer, in Randy Orton.
Also, WWE currently has had their sights on capitalizing on their massive Indian market and what better way to get your one of your biggest markets excited than having one of their own become the WWE Champion. Mahal would be first ever East Indian WWE Champion. (Great Khali won the World Championship not the WWE Championship) This is the WWE’s chance to make history while the frying pan is hot. Randall is at a point in his career where whether he is victorious or loses, it doesn’t do anything to hurt his legacy. He’s already a made man in this industry. Whether people love him or hate him, Randy Orton has done it all in the WWE. For Jinder this could change his entire career. Don’t get me wrong, Jinder Mahal could lose here but continue with this momentum and become one of the top heels on Smackdown Live, earning himself another title shot down the road but I don’t see any reason not to pull the trigger this Sunday. People will be infuriated if he wins. It’ll help create a new top heel, make the India market happy and make history. I posted a video on my Instagram page last week where Randy Orton was talking very highly about Jinder Mahal..it wouldn’t surprise me if he had some sort of suggestion to work with Jinder and less surprising to me if he wanted to be the one to put him over. I’d be stressed if I was actually betting money on this match, but my money’s on the Maharaja. Its fresh and something new, like this entire card itself.
Prediction – Jinder Mahal
What do you think about my predictions for the Backlash? What are your predictions? Do you agree or disagree with my thoughts and ideas of what might happen on the show? Leave your comments and opinions below.