WWE Extreme Rules Predictions
Written by TheWrestlingClassic on May 22, 2016
WWE Extreme Rules Predictions
WWE Extreme Rules Predictions
The most “Extreme” night in WWE takes place tonight at their annual Extreme Rules PPV. Every match is supposed to have a stipulation that is supposed to take the event to the extreme. However, in this era of no blood. head shots and trying to not injure any more talent, I wouldn’t consider this event extreme, but just a bit hardcore. Hardcore fans will easily argue that this event isn’t extreme, so to refrain that from happening the company needs to put on a show with quality in ring wrestling and story telling to make up for the lack on Extreme. I know they can do it.
Rumours have been spreading that Seth Rollins may be in the building. There are also rumours that Enzo may make an appearance. Fans continue on this roller coaster ride, wondering if AJ is a bad guy or good guy. Roman continues his reign as champion, but still isn’t over with the fans. The Women’s title is being contested in a submission match which is awesome because it’s involving two women who love telling a story in that ring by working a body part and locking in submissions. The IC Title fatal four way involves four workhorses that will do whatever it takes to put on a classic. Hopefully Ambrose gets to make up for his lacklustre street fight with Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania in the Ambrose Asylum match against the legendary Chris Jericho. Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon are still in charge and most likely will have some sort of involvement with the show. Will it be progressing a storyline? I don’t know.
Extreme Rules has the potential of being great or just being mediocre, but there is only one way to find out. I won’t be watching Extreme Rules live but here are my predictions really quickly. Let me know how I did.
WWE Extreme Rules
US Championship
Kalisto (C) vs. Rusev w/ Lana
Image via WWE.com
Correct me if I’m wrong but this is the only match besides the tag title match without a stipulation? Rusev earned the shot to face Kalisto for the US Title by winning a battle royal on Raw. I was strongly in favour of either Del Rio or Apollo Crews winning, but the win went to the Bulgarian Brute, and rightfully so. Rusev needs this minor push back into relevance after a botched feud with Ziggler involving Summer Rae and Lana, and being apart of the League of Nations. Im glad we’re back to the basics and what made Rusev a force to be reckoned with in the first place, which is being aggressive in the ring and having the lovely Lana in his corner for support.
Chalets on the other hand is still somehow the United States Champion after his feud with Ryback. Once again, I like Kalisto and he’s super talented but I don’t care for him being the US Champion. It brings nothing to the title. In fact its hurting his tag team partner in the process while he’s champion. Kalisto has been killing it as champion, putting on great matches and don’t get me wrong, but from a business standpoint, he’s a hella marketable for the company to sell merchandise to kids but he doesn’t need to be champion. Kalisto and Lucha Dragons should be chasing the tag titles. There is no need to try to recreate the Rey Mysterio magic in my mind as of right now.
It’s the exact same way I felt about Ryback, I feel about Rusev. Rusev needs this to rejuvenate his career, and thats why I predict Rusev to win this belt tonight. The only reason this wouldn’t happen is if they wanted to replay the Ryback storyline and have Kalisto get the upset victory to lead to another pre show kick off rematch between the two next month. I don’t want that, I want Rusev to crush.
Prediction – Rusev
Dolph Ziggler vs. Baron Corbin

Baron Corbin needs this win. Dolph Ziggler needs to do what he does best and make Barin Corbin look good. Thats is that. Unless they actually have big plans for Ziggler the ship has sailed with the fans being behind him 110%. We’re used to Ziggler being in the spot he’s in now and many people have slowly given up on hoping that Ziggler would get the push he truly deserves. Yes, I still think he deserves it, but is he going to get it? With this new uprising of stars from NXT the past few years, it looks like the stars from the previous era’s who suffered through Cena being the man, have less hope of getting that major push over these young or new stars who are coming from NXT. Its almost as if they’re getting skipped over by guys such as Zayn, Owens, Balor, Wyatt, Rusev and so on. For example, Barrett, Sandow and Rhodes are no longer with the company and they’re all from the same Ziggler era of new stars. Therefore, unless you have something planned for Ziggler, Corbin needs this more.
I have forgotten about this fued over and over again, and for Corbin to be new and forgotten about, isn’t a good thing. I was hoping they’d build Corbin strong but so far his main roster run has been lacklustre. Im not the biggest Corbin fan but he does impress me in the ring, and at this point he has more of future in the company than Ziggler. I choose Corbin for the win.
Prediction – Barin Corbin
Fatal Four Way Intercontinental Championship
The Miz (C) w/ Maryse vs. Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn

This match almost a throwback to what the IC title used to be symbolic for. Four of the company’s workhorses fighting for the workhorses title. These four always do their best to overcompensate with their matches regardless where they are on the show. They’re not there to just be on the show but to steal it. For those who love their indy wrestling stars, you get Claudio Castagnoli, Kevin Steen and El Generico all in one match. Plus, the most naturally easy to hate heel of the company, The Miz. That is fucking awesome. Now that leaves to question, who I think should walk away with the Intercontinental Title.
After some thinking about it for some time, I concluded that the best person to walk out of this match champion is either Cesaro or the Miz. As much as I would love to see Owens or Zayn walk out with the title, they don’t need it right now.
Zayn and Owens can easily continue their feud or briefly move on from the title in other feuds and still stay relevant. I can see Owens winning the Money in the Bank next month which would also feature Zayn in the match, and then having a match with Zayn at Battleground which Zayn would win. This somehow leading Owens to get angry at Shane McMahon, which would lead to Shane McMahon vs. Kevin Owens at Summerslam. Call me crazy but I think it could work. Zayn then could be back feuding for the IC Title or someone else around Summerslam.
The only reason I see the Miz regaining the title is because this way it would make Cesaro’s chase for the title last a little longer, going back to a singles match against The Miz on Raw or at Money in the Bank. Eventually, I expect Cesaro to win the title and yeah it could be tonight but then again it couldn’t, but we’ll have to watch and see. Regardless, I don’t see Owens or Zayn winning the title, although I wouldn’t mind if either of them did. If I had to really choose though, Cesaro would be winning it tonight.
Prediction – Cesaro
Tag Team Championship
The New Day (C) vs. The Vaudevillians

The New Day have found the formula to staying over, while still being tag team champions for a long time and they did it while changing from heels to babyfaces. The New Day have held the tag team titles under “Freebird Rules” for nearly 300 days. They have found ways to overcome all their opponents. However, with this new era bringing up all this new talent from NXT, I don’t think that New Day can say they ever met any opponents as unique as the Vaude Villains.
Simon Gotch and Aiden English bring a different style and sense of presence to the ring. It’s one thing for the New Day to joke around about their mentality of a bygone era with a time machine and another to wrestle the two old school styled grapplers who have been on an aggressive mean streak since their main roster debut.
Regardless I am gonna go out on a limb here and with my other predictions in mind, I’m going to say the New Day retain. I don’t think his feud between the two teams is over, but I don’t see the New Day dropping the titles tonight. Personally, I feel like they’re heading to become the longest reigning tag team champions of the modern era.
Prediction – The New Day
Texas Tornado Street Fight
The Usos vs. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson

I have had a really busy week, so I wasn’t even aware this match was on the card but I am glad it is. It would have been bad for Gallows and Anderson to not be wrestling at this PPV, as they’ve now already been wrestling weekly on Raw and Smackdown. I like the idea that it’s a Texas Tornado Street Fight, as it gives them freedom to get a little extreme and for the match to get a bit chaotic. I hope we get chairs, tables, kendo sticks and more. This match should be just as brutal as the main event.
It still blows min mind that “Machine Gun” Karl Anderson is in the WWE. When I first discovered who he was and watched a lot of his stuff back in 2014, I always thought he was a perfect fit for the WWE, and now here is working for the WWE. Yet, they haven’t shown most of those qualities he possesses yet since his debut. They haven’t even tapped into how great Anderson could be. I hope they show that tonight during this match. I want this to be competitive battle between the two teams to start off with but for Gallows and Anderson to be considered a serious threat in the WWE, they NEED to have this match end with them standing tall. They can’t afford having them lose to the Usos. The Usos don’t need this win but Gallows and Anderson do. They don’t have future plans for the Usos, but I am sure as hell they do for The Club. They need to be booked strong. It is as simple as that.
Prediction – Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson
Ambrose Asylum Match
Chris Jericho vs. Dean Ambrose

This feud has been build on talk shows, props and supposedly respect. Last months match at Payback was good but forgettable. However, this feud kicked into higher gear after Ambrose defeated Jericho last month, with Jericho becoming a lunatic himself obsessed in defeating the Lunatic Fringe Dean Ambrose. Where better to settle this battle between two insane people than at Extreme Rules. Well, how about at Extreme Rules but in a Ambrose Asylum match. It almost seems to gimmicky and right out of Vince Russo’s notebook, however it makes complete sense. They sell this whole Ambrose Asylum idea on merchandise, why not sell it with a match. Plus, an Asylum is a building lunatics are confined in. Therefore, it makes sense that they’d be in a cage and to spice things up a bit more, lets have weapons and Mitche’s son hanging up above the cage too. This way really specifying it’s Ambrose’s Asylum.
Jericho is a legend without a doubt, and I love the work he’s doing on the mic for this feud. Hell, Jericho is a gift to professional wrestling and we should all drink it in but he doesn’t need to win in the end of these feuds. Nobody, and I mean nobody needs a hot streak right now more than Ambrose. Ambrose needs to come back from that lacklustre match at Wrestlemania with Brock Lesnar here and get really hardcore with Jericho. Ambrose needs to grow and adapt during this match to really losing his mind. Let Jericho be the one to bring the Lunatic out of Ambrose tonight. Write Jericho off TV for a month or something after this. Let Ambrose destroy Jericho. Lets make this Summer be about Stephanie and Shane not being able to contain Ambrose. I don’t know, but all I do know is I see so much potential in Ambrose, but I feel like they never fully utilize it. Jericho could win this and the feud could continue, but I don’t see how it could in an interesting way, without getting personal. If this is the blow off to their feud, then Ambrose walks away victorious.
Prediction – Dean Ambrose
Women’s Championship Submission Match
Charlotte (C) vs. Natalya

Finally, for the first time during her entire championship reign, we’ll see Charlotte defend her Women’s Title without her father, the dirtiest player in the game, Ric Flair in her corner. To sweeten the deal, it’s the first Women’s match in ages to have legit match stipulation, being a submission match. Ive said it once and I’ll say it again, I love watching these two generational superstars wrestle each other. Their battles on NXT were great. Their matches on the main roster have been great too besides the screwy finishes involving the Nature Boy. These two always tell a great story in the ring, both love working a body part and both have submission finishers which makes this match even more entertaining. Personally, I’m expecting a classic.
My heart wants Natalya to win. Hell if this is a New Era, let it start with all these title changes. It’ll be a great moment for Natalya, which she deserves. Plus a moment of realization for Charlotte, to drop her father, because she starts believing that she needs to prove to the world that she can be Women’s Champion without her dad and that Extreme Rules was just not her night, Thus, continuing the feud between the two. I imagine Charlotte would be champion again around Summerslam, so there are two PPV’s in between for her to chase and regain the title. If thats the case, let Natalya be the champion during the period. Charlottes already proven her dominance and she’s a cowardly heel who needs her dad to help her win, so it doesn’t make a difference if she loses when he’s not there. To add a cherry on top, we’ll get another Charlotte vs. Natalya match down the road. My gut is saying Charlotte is going to retain because the WWE is behind her like crazy, but my heart is saying give Nattie a run with the Women’s Title because she deserves it.
Prediction – Natalya (Gut opinion – Charlotte)
Extreme Rules
WWE Championship Match
Roman Reigns (C) vs. AJ Styles

The Chemistry between these two in undoubtably strong, AJ Styles brings the best out of Roman and Roman struggles to keep Styles down. However, there are so many layers to this feud it feels like the only storyline the WWE creative is focusing on, yet still very confused on which way they want to go, They’re both on the brink of turning heel. They’re both tweeters right now. Styles is more of a babyface than Roman though and Roman is supposed to be over than Styles. Styles could at any moment turn and align with Gallows and Anderson with 100% commitment to doing things their way to turn heel or he could deny their way and stay babyface. Roman could continue being “the guy” and just get away with the title again due to overbooking or interference. It’s really hard to tell. Rollins could get involved if he’s really in the building, but there are no promises. It’s all very interesting to say the least.
If I was booking this, and I would have written this already if you I finished my blog on how I would book the club storyline, AJ Styles would be walking out of Extreme Rules the champion due to interference of Gallows and Anderson. Last month, I said it was too early for Reigns to drop the title, but it’s a month later now and I don’t think it would be a bad idea. Roman isn’t over and rumour has it, Vince is losing faith as well. I would book it further where Styles doesn’t agree with how he won the title, so he offers Roman a rematch at Money in the Bank. This however upsets Gallows and Anderson, but they continue to support their friend. Roman starts believing that AJ isn’t the guy he says he is and he really is with his buddies which would eventually lead to AJ Styles & Roman Reigns vs. Anderson & Gallows match on Raw, that ends with a questionable finish. There is this on and off tension created by Roman about if AJ Styles is with his heel buddies or fighting the good fight without them. Long story short, so I can save the rest of my fantasy storyline for my other blog, Reigns retains the title at Money in the Bank due to Gallows and Anderson finally turning on Styles. This also leads to Roman slowly turning heel heading towards Summerslam and as champion. Therefore, if I was booking this AJ Styles would be winning tonight.
However, this is the WWE and Roman Reigns is “the guy”, so instead of writing a captivating and intriguing storyline and giving Styles a short title run, Roman Reigns will retain. Unless, the WWE wants to surprise us, which they’re known to do time and time again.
Prediction – Roman Reigns
Those are my Extreme Rules predictions, and the official show has started but I’m not watching it live. I hope everyone enjoys the show. Dig It?!
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