WWE Summerslam Predictions
It is less than a week away from the biggest show of the summer, WWE’s annual Summerslam. Its the 29th Annual Summerslam and looking at the card, looks as if it could be one of the most memorable Summerslam’s in its entire 29 year history. I went to Wrestlemania this year and to be honest this card almost seems to be better than the Wrestlemania 32 card. It is basically Wrestlemania with half the hype, no Triple H, no Undertaker and minus all the legends and hall of famers making appearances. I had a feeling this Summerslam would be huge but with the announcement of Lesnar vs Orton, Balor making his main roster PPV debut, Styles/Cena 2 and having Sasha vs. Charlotte on a PPV Card, it exceeded my expectations. I also expect the Wyatt’s to play a part in this event and there to be some interesting backstage skits. It’s actually going to be quite hard to make predictions for this event, because I’m going to have to battle with what I want to happen compared to what I think might actually happen. Nonetheless, here comes my Summerslam predictions.
WWE Summerslam
Carmella, Naomi & Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss, Natalya & Eva Marie

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I can only assume this match was thrown together last minute to showcase the Smackdown women’s division. I hope it is on the kick off show, only because the rest of the main card is stacked and I want these women to have more than 5 minutes to have a decent six woman tag match. I still think Smackdown is holding off until after Summerslam to introduce a new Women’s Title and Tag Team Titles so they can have the champions of those title be crowned on their Smackdown exclusive PPVs, so this may have been the best way to go about showcasing the Smackdown Women at Summerslam. Natalya and Becky recently just feuded. Carmella and Natalya have crossed paths on Smackdown and so has Alexa Bliss and Becky Lynch. However, the biggest story here is that Eva has been slated to debut for the last week, but unable to do so because of “injury”, wardrobe malfuctions and bad traffic. Eva has avoided wrestling Becky two weeks in a row and Naomi just this last Tuesday. The question here is, will Eva wrestle at Summerslam. I feel like she will be the reason the heel team doesn’t pick up the victory or she could be the reason they win. Eva does nothing the entire match but tags herself in and picks up a schoolboy victory. I think it would be more funny if she’s the reason they pick up the win and the babyface need to avenge their embarrassing loss. The finish is questionable now since Eva Marie has been the most recent victim of suspension due to the Wellness Policy, so maybe the babyfaces do go over now?
Prediction – Eva Marie, Natalya & Alexa Bliss
American Alpha, Hype Bros & The Usos vs. Vaude Villans, The Ascension & Breezango

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This is just another kick off match that I think is here just to showcase what the Smackdown Live tag team division has to offer. Im not a huge fan of giant 10-12 man tag team matches, but the talent involved in this match leaves me optimistic that they could put on a solid bout with whatever little time they have. I feel like they’re holding off introducing Smackdown’s tag titles until the build up to the Smackdown exclusive PPV’s, so this is just a showcase of the teams that may be involved in the tournament or whatever strategy they choose to crown the first ever Smackdown Live tag team champions. I believe the babyfaces picked up the victory in a similar match on the last Smackdown, so I’d choose the heels to pick up the victory here.
Prediction – Vaude Villians, Acension and Breezango
Sami Zayn & Neville vs. The Dudley Boyz

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In another kick off match, we get two of the WWE’s biggest underdogs against one of the most decorated and legendary tags teams in professional wrestling history. I feel like this match was thrown together last minute but I’m not disappointed because I think I would have been more displeased about Zayn being forgotten ever since ending his feud with Owens. I think this match has a ton of potential to be entertaining. Hell, when is Neville not entertaining? Neville has had issues with the Dudley’s in recent weeks and the Dudley’s have been showing some tension between each other therefore I’d be going with the babyface for this match.
Prediction – Neville & Sami Zayn
Cesaro vs. Sheamus
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Cesaro and Sheamus are two guys that got drafted to Raw that could have benefitted more being drafted to Smackdown. Now they really don’t have much to do on the Raw brand creatively so they are put in a best out of seven series against each other. Regardless, how much i don’t care for Sheamus, he’s a great wrestler. Cesaro in mind, is one of the greatest wrestlers in the world today and he doesn’t do any flippy shit. Cesaro had recently defeated Sheamus two times in the past four weeks. The past two weeks the two men distracted each other costing one another victories against other opponents. Which lead to Mick Foley set up this best out of seven series between the two competitors. I kind of wish they had something they were fighting for, instead of just pride. Anyway, considering that Cesaro beat Sheamus twice already before, my gut is telling me to go with Sheamus for the win here. Whether its by hook or crook, Sheamus is going to find a way to win.
Prediction – Sheamus
IC Championship
The Miz w/ Maryse (C) vs. Apollo Crews

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Remember when Darren Young won the opportunity to wrestle for the IC Title after winning that Battle Royal? I immediately said it should have been Apollo Crews. Well Smackdown Live did the same thing to crown a new number contender for the IC Title, and Apollo Crews won. I think wrestling and winning the IC Championship is what is going to elevate Apollo Crews career. However, I don’t think it needs to happen yet. Alberto Del Rio was recently suspended for 30 days and he’s the only other person I would book next in line for the US Title on the blue brand so therefore I see this feud dragging for another month. Let Miz find a way to get the sneaky victory and have the feud develop more on Smackdown the upcoming weeks going into Backlash or No Mercy Realistically there was not much build up between the two these fews weeks leading up to Summerslam, so the potential for this feud to grow and actually have more interactions between the two going into whatever the next PPV is works. Let Miz start gloating about being champion for so long and let Creed dethrone him.
Prediction – The Miz
Enzo Amore & Big Cass vs. Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens

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I’m a fan of Enzo and Cass. Enzo is one of the most charismatic and entertaining guys on the roster today. Big Cass is an ass kicker and his size creates a presence in that ring that many other can’t compare too. However, I’m an even bigger fan Jeri-KO. Jericho has been an all time favourite of mine since I was a kid and being a ROH fan for years now, I’ve always loved Kevin Owens. Plus they’re both Canadian. I’m not too sure if this feud is going to continue following Summerslam or even how long this Jericho/Owens alliance is going to last, so it is kind of hard to predict which way this match is going to go. Technically, in the long run Owens and Jericho aren’t going to be a tag team forever whereas Enzo and Big Cass may be tag team partners for a longer period of time following Summerslam. It only makes sense that if this rivalry is not going to continue that Enzo and Cass pick up the upset victory. Hell Enzo and Cass picking up the victory is the only way, I can see this rivalry continuing because Jericho and Owen’s would want retribution. Plus they are going to be in Brooklyn, the crowd is going to be hot for Enzo and Cass, therefore I’d even suggest opening the main show with this match to get the crowd going.
Prediction – Enzo and Cass
US Championship
Rusev w/ Lana vs. Roman Reigns

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Rusev has been the only singles champion on Raw up until this point and a dominant one at that. They’ve built Rusev up these past few months like they did when he first arrived on the scene, where he is nearly impossible to defeat. Once he gets that accolade locked in the crowd knows 95% of the time the match is over. Rusev has been going through opponents, week in and week out and making it look easy. Even when Rusev was a bit challenged, against the likes of someone like Cesaro, he would find a way to stay alive long enough to pick up the win. That was until….Roman Reigns. Reigns defeated Rusev cleanly this past Monday on Raw. Reigns recently lost cleanly to Finn Balor on Raw which cost him his opportunity to wrestle for the Universal Championship against Seth Rollins at Summerslam. Therefore, Roman set his eyes on another championship prize and that was the United States Championship. However, after he had a bit of downfall when losing the WWE Title, getting suspended and losing to Balor, he changed his focus from the top spot to the second top spot. The second top spot meaning to focus on the United States Title. A lot of the fans he lost during his mega push, seemed to be cheering him again. We’ll see how the Brooklyn crowd reacts to him this Sunday. The real thing to ponder about though, is the fact that Reigns just defeated Rusev cleanly Raw this past Monday. Whats stopping him from doing that again this Sunday at Summerslam? Thats one of the reasons I hate it when they giveaway PPV matches before the actual show on Raw or Smackdown. Anyway, I’m pretty sure the recently married Rusev and Lana want to go on a honeymoon and if thats the case, Roman takes the championship.
Prediction – Roman Reigns
Tag Team Championship
The New Day (C) vs. Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows

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Although this rivalry has been based around Big E’s testicles and playing doctor, I’ll still mark out if Anderson and Gallows walk out the tag team champions. The New Day have been the longest reigning tag team champions of the modern era and thats great. It’s time for a change. Anderson and Gallows symbolize that change. Plus, the team who defeats the New Day is going to have tremendous heel heat and that benefits Anderson and Gallows. I’m not tired of the New Day skit but at the same time I am. There is the possibility Big E returns and helps his comrades retain the titles but I’d save that for the next night of Raw to set up the rematch. I know The New Day is a cash cow for the WWE right now, but that shouldn’t be the only reason why they continue to retain their tag team titles.
Prediction – Anderson & Gallows
John Cena vs. AJ Styles

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Its John Cena vs. AJ Styles two and this time there will be no Club backing AJ Styles up. Instead, it’s going to be a one-on-one match between two of the biggest stars of the past 15 years. John Cena has been the face that runs the place for so many years now in the WWE. While AJ Styles has perfected his craft all around the world for over the last decade, including being the face of the TNA brand and becoming a multiple time IGWP World Champion. The first time these two met in the ring it was dubbeda dream match but was tarnished by interference by The Club. The fact that this time AJ Styles is not aligned with the Club (even though its a joint PPV and they are technically there) means this match wont have a screwy finish. This is the actual dream match we have been waiting for. Cena is the man, and will continue being the man regardless how many times he loses. Perfect example is when he got decimated by Brock Lesnar two years ago, and hes still the face of the company. AJ Styles needs this victory. Cena is already an established star in the WWE, Styles is not among the casual fans. AJ Styles being victorious over Cena at Summerslam. we’ll put him in that direction.
Prediction – AJ Styles
WWE Womens Championship
Sasha Banks (C) vs. Charlotte Flair

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From NXT Takeover’s, to Wrestlemania and now Summerslam, the Charlotte/Sasha Banks rivalry continue. From being two former members of the BFF’s and two of the popular Four Horsewomen of the WWE, these two create magic everytime they are in the ring together and given the time to put on an awesome match. Basically, these two women will try to steal the show and be the best match on the card at all cost and I expect no less at Summerslam. It was just on Raw weeks ago, that Sasha Banks defeated Charlotte to become the Women’s Champion in what I consider to be one of the top 10 matches on Raw this year thus far. Charlotte had been the champion since last year, October. Many people would like to try to discredit Charlotte’s long reign because she reatined the championship month after month because of the help she received from her father Ric Flair and Dana Brooke. However, Ric Flair is no longer managing his daughter and Dana Brooke is banned from ringside, so this time its Charlotte alone who has to regain her championship. I believe with given the right amount of time, these two will put on an epic and memorable match. I have no doubt in that. Hell last year in Brooklyn, Bayley and Sasha Banks put on my favourite women’s match of all time for NXT: Takeover. Also, as much as I love watching Sasha chase the title, its time for her to be the Women’s Champion. I’m not saying Charlotte’s time is over, but I think she needs to climb back to the top again while Sasha reigns on top. Hell they’ve both only been on the main roster for a little over year and both have a long career ahead of them .I believe that Sasha Banks retains her title at Summerslam.
Prediction – Sasha Banks
WWE Championship
Dean Ambrose (C) vs. Dolph Ziggler

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If you asked me a month ago, if this would be the WWE Championship match at Summerslam this year, I would have thought you were delusional. What surprises me more than that, is that amount of excitement I have for this match. The potential is there for this match to be really, really memorable. These two have wrestled each other before and had great matches. Dean Ambrose is the top babyface and man who brought the WWE Championship to Smackdown Live. Dolph Ziggler is looking to prove himself and finally become more than just that guy who is really good but couldn’t cut the mustard. Honestly, the last few weeks we’ve seen a different Ziggler. A Ziggler that is on a different level and more motivated than ever. However, I don’t think its time for Ambrose to lose the title yet. Ambrose may have overcome his former Shield brothers the past couple of months, but now he needs to continue proving to us jus why exactly he stood out above them. On the other hand, Smackdown is missing that top heel and I feel Ziggler could fill that void. Let Ziggler get angry because he couldn’t beat Ambrose. Let that anger build in Dolph because he has to fight to get another chance at the championship. In the end I ultimately see Ziggler being the champion somewhere down the road in the next year, but as for Summerslam, Ambrose is walking out champion. I expect one hell of a match though.
Prediction – Dean Ambrose
WWE Universal Championship
Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor

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Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor. The Architect vs. The Demon King. Tyler Black vs. Prince Devitt. Regardless how you look at this match, it’s a dream match for sure. Raw wasted no time setting this match up for the biggest event of the summer. Unsure of how their chemistry with each other is going to be like, I do know both guys are going to try to put on the best match of the night. Which is a running story about the matches on the top of the card which is one of the reasons this could be one of the greatest Summerslams ever. When the brand extension took place and Ambrose retained the WWE Championship at Battleground, Raw was left without a World Title. The night following Battleground Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon announced that Raw would be getting its top prize and it would be called the Universal Championship. Rollins was placed in the match immediately and that night Balor earned the right to face him. Both men are former NXT Champions and familiar with being on the top. Seth Rollins has a background of making history in the WWE since getting signed and adding the accolade of being the first ever Universal Champion would only add to his legacy. Finn Balor is no stranger to making history, as the founder of the Bullet Club has been one of the most anticipated and popular stars since signing with the WWE. I feel like this match is going to be a back and forth classic, where the winner only gets crowned the new and first ever Universal Champion by luck. I can’t imagine they would start Finn Balor as the Demon King lose all its lust in its first appearance on the main roster, therefore as much as my gut wants Rollins to win but mind is going with Finn Balor.
Prediction – Finn Balor
The Beast vs. The Viper
Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman vs. Randy Orton

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In a match I have been waiting to see since Brock Lesnar returned to the WWE in 2012, the Beast Brock Lesnar faces off against WWE’s Apex Predator Randy Orton. I’ve been pushing and hoping for this match since back then and if you follow me on Instagram, you know its true. Both men trained together in OVW and made their debut on the main roster in the same year in 2002. Lesnar was booked as an unstoppable force and the Next Big Thing whereas Orton bursted on the scene as a confident third generation rookie with a chip on his shoulder. They wrestled once on Smackdown in 2002 during that time, where Lesnar ultimately walked out victorious. By 2004, Brock Lesnar had dominated the WWE having already become a multiple time WWE Champion and headlning Wrestlemania before deciding to leave wrestling to pursue other goals. Randy Orton in 2004 was a member of the dominant Evolution, getting super over with his Legend Killer character and went on the become the youngest World Champion that Summer. The years following that, Lesnar became a star outside the WWE, while Orton built his legacy and became one of the most popular, decorated and iconic superstars of the WWE.
In 2012, Lesnar returned to the WWE and although they have had a couple of face and face encounters we haven’t seen the Viper and the Beast butt heads yet until now. Lesnar since defeating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 30, ending the undefeated streak, has nearly been impossible to defeat and unstoppable but could an RKO Outta Nowhere be the one that ends Lesnar’s dominance or will Lesnar be taking Randall on a unforgettable trip to suplex city? If it was up to me, Randy Orton would be walking out victorious getting the upset win on Lesnar. However, after being victorious in his UFC return last month, one has to question if Brock should lose in his first match back in the squared circle since Wrestlemania. Personally, I don’t it makes Lesnar became any less of a draw, but I know there are others who would argue otherwise. There is also the wild card that Bray Wyatt could be involved in the outcome of this match, causing Orton the match which would set up the feud between the two following Summerslam on the Smackdown brand. This way having a screwy finish to the match where both Orton and Lesnar leave looking good because neither one of them lost or won cleanly. I really, really, really want Randy Orton to beat Brock Lesnar but unfortunately I still see Lesnar picking up the W.
Prediction – Brock Lesnar
That is it for my WWE Summerslam predictions. Leave your opinions, thoughts and predictions down below in the comment section. Who’s hyped for the 29th Annual Summerslam? Dig It?!