WWE Super Showdown 2019 Predictions

Hello Misfits! This is “The Wrestling Classic” Justin here with my predictions for this Friday’s Super Showdown. Its another big event in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, although if you have been watching the weeks leading up to it, it just sounds like Jeddah is its own place outside of the country since they have made it a rule to not say the words “Saudi Arabia” to avoid controversy. The last show in Saudi Arabia was Crown Jewel and I think most of us have all done our best to block that event from our memory. These events in my mind are just glorified house shows or “special” network specials. Therefore, I do dislike how they allow the weekly programming get effected by these events as if it’s another PPV they need to build up on Raw and Smackdown. I understanding promoting the events and the special matches but to effect on-going weekly storylines for these shows makes everything else seem less important.
Speaking about special matches, Goldberg will be taking on Undertaker for the first time ever. It might be 15 years too late but the country is behind on a lot of things hence why there aren’t any women on the card. It will still be a spectacle and a fun match to see. Three championships are on the line during this show and Lesnar has threatened to cash-in his Money in the Bank briefcase at this event. There is a 50-Man Battle Royal but I’m gonna leave that out of my predictions. I’m leaving it out because I’m not sure who all the participants might be and there really isn’t any reward for winning so whatever. Let’s get to my quick and short predictions.
Lars Sullivan vs. The Lucha Party
Image via WWE.com
The Lucha House Party do have the advantage in this three against one handicap match against Lars Sullivan. However, the way the WWE has been building up Sullivan as this unstoppable monster, I see him overcoming the odds. The Lucha House Party don’t really lose anything by losing but Lars would definitely lose momentum by losing. It’ll be fun to see how he overcomes these three high-flying luchadors but I know he will.
Prediction – Lars Sullivan
WWE Intercontinental Champion
Finn Balor (C) vs. Andrade
Image via WWE.com
Finn Balor and Andrade fighting over the Intercontinental Champion is a match I am really looking forward too. Two workhorses fighting over the workhorse title. These two could steal the show if given the time. I don’t see Finn Balor losing the Intercontinental Championship yet. I also don’t see this feud any time too soon either but with this wildcard rule, who knows right? Although, with assuming that this feud does continue, Finn Balor wins at Super Showdown and Andrade gets another shot at Stomping Ground.
Prediction – Finn Balor
Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley
Image via WWE.com
How the mighty have fallen! Is it just me or has Braun Strowman officially lost all the momentum he had during 2016-2018. He’s like the monster who could never really get the job done. Speaking of guys who had a ton of hype but no longer doesn’t, Bobby Lashley is Brauns opponent for this show. Lashley returned after Wrestlemania 35 and since then he’s accomplished some stuff like becoming a multi-time Intercontinental Champion but nothing that really made him feel like a top star that could be a threat to Braun. I’ve also lost a ton of interest in Lashley since they had Lio Rush split as his hype man. It would be a huge deal for Lashley to beat Braun, but only if they have big plans for him afterwards. I don’t think that is the case though. Take the time Lashley beat Roman for example but did nothing after that. With that in mind, Braun Strowman picks up the win and we keep moving forward.
Prediction – Braun Strowman
Roman Reigns vs. Shane McMahon
Image via WWE.com
This is a match that will definitely be filled with interference and a couple of cool spots. I expect to see McIntyre and maybe even Elias get involved here. There is potential that the Usos come out to even the odds. Oddly enough, this isn’t under any stipulation that favours Shane McMahon’s style. This is billed as a regular match rather than a street fight or No DQ match which usually allows more freedom for Shane to get in some awesome cool spots that make his matches memorable. Regardless, I don’t think there is a single person who thinks Shane McMahon is going to beat the “Big Dog” Roman Reigns. Crazier things have happened, especially in Saudi Arabia, such as Shane McMahon winning a “Best in the World” tournament he wasn’t even involved in but still Roman Reigns must go over.
Prediction – Roman Reigns
Triple H vs. Randy Orton
Image via WWE.com
This is a call back to one of my favourite feuds of all-time. Every time I dissect Randy Orton’s character it goes back to his time in Evolution, his relationship with Triple H and how all of his trust issues started when his mentor gave him the thumbs down kicking him out of Evolution. These two have had their ups and downs and gone back and forth many times but this potentially could be their last time facing each other. Triple H went over his other former Evolution protege Dave Batista at Wrestlemania and I don’t want him mowing through both of his proteges in the same year. I understood that it was Batista’s requested last match and traditionally you lose your last match on your way out but this is not either guys last match here. Randy Orton is a lot more active than Triple H on a week-to-week basis as a in-ring competitor so it would make more sense for him to win here. Neither guy gains anything from winning realistically other than bragging rights because both of their legacies are cemented and this match is more for nostalgia reasons. However, Orton does lose some value as a character by losing to his boss in a random match in Jeddah.
Prediction – Randy Orton
WWE Championship
Kofi Kingston (C) vs. Dolph Ziggler
Image via WWE.com
Kofi Kingston literally went home to Ghana for the first time in years as the WWE Champion. flew into Loredo for Smackdown Live and jumped on a plane to head to Saudi Arabia all in one week. They are really making him put in his work to represent the company as the WWE Champion. The cinderella story for Kofi is still hot as the fans are still really behind him. Ziggler returned out of jealousy and envy of the Kofi Kingstons rise to the top. A spot and opportunity he feels like he deserves. These two have torn down the house in the past when they wrestled each other over the IC and US Championship. I don’t expect anything less here and I think these two could steal the show with the best match on the card if they’re given the opportunity. As much as it would be cool to see Ziggler win and it would give him a ton of heat beating the fan favourite Kingston, I don’t see that happening in Jeddah. Kingston retains and the reign continues on.
Prediction – Kofi Kingston
Universal Championship
Seth Rollins vs. Baron Corbin
Image via WWE.com
Seth Rollins has to be ready for the unpredictable here with the Beast in the Bank looming around threatening to cash in his Money in the Bank contract at Super Showdown. I think everyone expected the Universal Championship match to be a Wrestlemania rematch between Seth Rollins and Brock Lesnar. Instead of that, Baron Corbin won the opportunity to face Rollins in Jeddah for the championship. I don’t think anybody wants to see Boring Corbin as the Universal Champion, especially if he’s still dressing like an Applebees manager. The real story and attraction here is trying to predict what role Brock Lesnar will play in this match. Will he cash in? Will he tease a cash in allowing Corbin to pick up a shocking win? Will he cash in and win? Will he cash in and lose to Rollins again? We don’t know but we know he’s going to be there. Rollins defeats Corbin but Lesnar is the real wildcard here.
Prediction – Seth Rollins
Undertaker vs. Bill Goldberg
Image via WWE.com
Its two of professional wrestlings biggest stars facing off for the first time ever. These two were both on top as major players for the respective brands during the Monday Night Wars. During the early 00’s they were both in the WWE at the same time, but on separate brands and never really crossed paths. In 2017, we saw them cross paths a couple of times including during the Royal Rumble where Undertaker eliminated Goldberg from the match. There are many people who think this match is fifteen years too late and I understand that argument but the fact that we’re getting it at all, is pretty cool. It’s going to be a spectacle and something we thought we’d never witness. I’m not expecting a five star technical wrestling match but an experience and moment that we’ll never forget between two absolute legends. Both guys are recognized for their streaks in wrestling. Goldberg went undefeated for 173 matches. During that time he won the United States and World Championships. Undertaker went undefeated at Wrestlemania for 21 matches. Both of these streaks have been broken and dont matter anymore but it was just a cool tidbit. As for who I think is going over in this match, it has to be Undertaker. An explosive win for Goldberg would be shocking. However, considering that we’re overseas where Undertaker is looked at like a mythical god and that technically Goldberg could be considered a WCW guy who was never Vince McMahon’s creation, it’s really hard for me that Goldberg would go over Undertaker in this one-off match. It’s not like they have future plans for either guy that it make sense for Goldberg to maybe go over here. My prediction is that The Undertaker wins and they send the crowd home happy.
Prediction – Undertaker
What do you think about my predictions for the Super Showdown? What are your predictions? Do you agree or disagree with my thoughts and ideas of what might happen on the show? Leave your comments and opinions below.