Dream AEW Rivalries for CM Punk, Bryan Danielson and Adam Cole
Dream AEW Rivalries for CM Punk, Bryan Danielson and Adam Cole
Originally Written for ONE37PM Written in September 2021
Hey everyone! It’s “The Wrestling Classic” Justin here with another article for ONE37PM. All Elite Wrestling hit a home run with their All Out pay-per-view, which was filled with unforgettable moments and surprises. The fans are still trying to get over the big moments of the show. CM Punk returned to the ring after seven years. Adam Cole made his debut to join his old friends in The Elite. Bryan Danielson also made his shocking debut to AEW, ready to kick some heads in.
The week of AEW television that followed kept the buzz going. It also left us wondering who these new additions to the All Elite Wrestling roster may feud in the near future. Although I would love all three talents to work against each other or together (imagine Punk/Danielson versus the Young Bucks) at some point, I wanted to share rivalries I would like to see these gentlemen have against talent that was already on the roster. Trust me, I know I can name a handful for each guy, but I tried to narrow it down to four each to keep it simple. I also tried to pick four unique names for each wrestler rather than having any crossover between the lists. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!
Adam Cole
1. Jon Moxley
2. Hangman Page
3. Jungle Boy
4. Kenny Omega
Bryan Danielson (aka Daniel Bryan)
1. PAC
2. Darby Allin
3. Pentagon
4. Brian Cage
CM Punk
1. Sting
2. MJF
3. Malakai Black
4. Sammy Guevara
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