WWE Elimination Chamber Review 02/25/2018

Hello Misfits! It’s the Wrestling Classic here with my Elimination Chamber review. Its Raw’s last stop before Wrestlemania and Raw’s contributions to the Wrestlemania card is really starting to shape up. There were two Elimination Chamber matches on this card. One was to crown the number one contender for the Universal Championship to face Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania. This event also featured the first ever Elimination Chamber to feature seven participants. The other Elimination Chamber match had Alexa Bliss defend her Women’s Championship against five other women. This was another historic moment for the women in the WWE as it is their first ever Elimination Chamber match. Ronda Rousey also made her first appearance since showing up for the first time at the Royal Rumble. Of course that didn’t go down without chaos. I was 100% correct with my Elimination Chamber predictions just like I was with my Royal Rumble predictions. I dont know what that says about WWE’s predictability or maybe I’m just smart. Anyways lets get to my quick Elimination Chamber review.
Elimination Chamber
Image via WWE.com
Royal Rumble 2018 comes to us from the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, NV.
– The kickoff featured The Club defeating The Miztourage. I didn’t catch the kickoff but I heard the match was decent and what you would expect.
– The opening video package aired. It hyped up the importance of the Chamber matches on the road to Wrestlemania.
– The announce team is a combination of the Raw and Smackdown Live team as its Michael Cole, Jonathan Coachman and Corey Graves.
Elimination Chamber
Women’s Championship
Alexa Bliss (C) def. Sasha Banks, Bayley, Mickie James, Sonya Deville & Mandy Rose
in 29:35 via pinfall
This was the first ever Women’s Elimination Chamber and these women surely delivered. I was curious to see how they incorporate the structure and if they were going to play it more safe than the men but instead they used it just as well as the men if not better. They told multiple different stories with the time they were given. They allowed Mandy and Sonya work together on Bayley. This lead to Sasha coming out next which allowed a cool two on two brawl. This two on two battle led to Bayley and Banks getting the upper hand which allowed The Boss to make Rose tap out to the Bank Statement. This was upsetting because Rose is great to have around but she is least experienced so it makes sense. Mickie James came in a cleaned house leading to Deville being eliminated. Mickie James ended up being left alone with Sasha Banks and Bayely and they got rid her after a backstabber and bayley-to-belly to the shock of Alexa Bliss.
It came down to Alexa Bliss, Sasha Banks and Bayley which gave them a lot of possible compelling outcomes. There was a moment where Sasha pretends to help Bayley up the side of the cage to join her on top of the pod but just kicked her down instead. Sasha stood there with a sinister smile after to the crowds happiness because everyone wants to see her be a heel again. It reminded me of a scene from one of my favourite movies, “The Lion King”. Sasha Banks played the role of Scar while Bayley played the role of the Mufasa and “LONG LIVE THE HUGGER.” If you follow my page or love Lion King as much as I do, you totally get this reference. Sasha even hit a splash off the pod onto Bayley to try to eliminate her but failed to do so. Bayley eventually hit a bayley-to-belly on Sasha but was too exhausted to pin her which allowed Alexa to roll Bayley up to eliminate her. When it came down to Sasha Banks and Alexa Bliss we got some cool stuff such as Alexa Bliss’s twisted bliss off the pod onto Sasha which then led to Sasha locking the Bank Statement on Alexa. It almost looked like Sasha was going to pick up the win here but Bliss fought out of it. Banks tried climbing back up to the top of the pod but got caught by Alexa and went head first into the pod. Bliss hit a draping DDT off the top rope and pinned Banks. This was an awesome match. I wanted Sasha Banks to win but predicted Bliss would overcome the odds. I’m glad it came down to the two of them as the final two. They did an amazing job for the first ever Women’s Elimination Chamber.
Rating – ***3/4
– Following the match Sasha sits on the steps by the chamber door just devastated as Renee Young enters the chamber to get a quick interview with Alexa Bliss about winning the first ever Women’s Elimination Chamber match. It was at this moment that I realized that besides the first ever Women’s MITB match, Sasha Banks has been involved in a lot of the “first ever” matches but has never walked out the winner. Alexa’s promo here was gold. I almost thought we were going to get a double turn here with Sasha and Alexa, with Alexa giving a heartfelt inspirational speech and having Sasha attack her and then rip on the crowd. Instead, Sasha remained sitting there while Alexa went full heel mid promo. Alexa getting the fans behind her only to insult them right after was great and the fans fell for it. Great stuff and awesome way to kick off the night.
Tag Team Championship
The Bar (C) def. Titus Worldwide
in 10:05 by pinfall
This match served its purpose and was solid match to bring us back down from the excitement of the chamber but still keep us entertained. This was your formulaic tag team match where the Apollo worked the heat and Titus got the hot tag. The Bar went over after a double team white noise. It made the champions look good and dominant which they should. The story here was that Apollo and O’ Neil got a couple of fluke wins over the tag champs in non-title matches but this just proved that when it matters, they couldnt get the job done. I also dont think the WWE has done enough to make the fans care or even believe that Apollo or Titus had a chance. It just felt like a competitive predictable match. There wasn’t a time in this match where you thought a title change could happen. Entertaining but definitely put in a tough spot. The Matt Hardy vs Bray Wyatt match here would have been better because the fans weren’t even into it when it happened, but thats for later. Anyway, this was a solid tag match on a card where the Chamber matches are the two matches people are going to remember this event for.
Rating – **1/2
Asuka def. Nia Jax
in 08:15 by pinfall
The video package prior to the match really highlighted the rise of Asuka and showing how dominant she’s been since debuting on NXT. This was a great effort from both ladies and they told a great story. Asuka actually made it look like Nia Jax was a challenge for her and a threat to her streak. I think we’re all supposed to forget about their battles on NXT but the casual fans wouldn’t know anything about that anyway. Jax was in control for the majority of the match until Asuka came back with some fire. They had a finish that was meant to protect both ladies. Asuka ended up victorious and kept her undefeated streak in tact but it wasn’t by making Nia tap but my catching her off guard with a roll-up of doom. This way it doesnt look like she defeated Jax but found a way to overcome the odds.
Rating – **
– Following the match they show Alexa watching on a TV from backstage. Asuka celebrated only to be attacked by Nia Jax. They went out of the ring with Jax shoving Asuka into the ring post. With Asuka standing up against the barricade, Jax charged in and tackled Asuka through the barricade.
“Woken” Matt Hardy def. Bray Wyatt
in 09:55 by pinfall
This rivalry has been a major letdown thus far. It started off great with the promos but at this point it’s really been lacklustre. The shenanigans at the beginning of the match were good with Hardy disappearing but it all went down from there. This was pretty whatever match for two guys who have been working against each other for weeks at live events. I just saw them face each other here in Vancouver the Friday before here at Rogers Arena and I felt the same way there too. The crowd wasn’t into this match at all and were silent. Corey Graves even tried to put over the silence which was kind of funny to me. There was even a “Rusev Day” chant even though Rusev isn’t even on this show. Matt Hardy picked up a victory with a Twist of Fate. I was expecting this match to have something happen whether it was some voodoo stuff or an introduction of a new character in their angle to keep it going but that didn’t happen. This makes me totally okay with this rivalry ending here because I have no idea where they could go from here. I also have no idea what they’d do if this rivalry ends here. What I do know is that this “Woken” Matt Hardy vs. Bray Wyatt rivalry just hasn’t worked thus far.
Rating – *
Ronda Rousey Official Contract Signing
Its finally time to find out what sort of impact Ronda Rousey in going to make in the WWE and get an idea of what plans they have for her when it comes to Wrestlemania. Kurt Angle, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon all make their way out to the ring. Stephanie talked about a history making moment. Triple H said they scour the world for talent and he can’t remember a talent like this coming to WWE since Kurt Angle. Triple H spoke about Rousey’s background in judo, in MMA they created entire divisions for her, women look up to her and she has earned the right to be called the baddest woman on the planet. Triple H introduced “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey. Ronda made her way out following that. Stephanie welcomed her and Rousey spoke about how she’s rarely speechless, but tonight she is. It’s very evident that she’s not fully comfortable on the mic yet but I’m sure she’ll get better over time. I mean if you threw me in there right now, I know I would have some nerves to get over too and would have to find my groove.
Anyway, Rousey said she’s not often speechless, but to be in the ring with these three especially Angle, nobody can appreciate his accomplishment as an Olympic Champion more than her. Fans chanted “Ronda Rousey” for her and it almost felt like it was out of sympathetic support because they could tell she was nervous in this new role. It was a pretty cool move from the fans. Rousey took a moment to soak in the cheers a bit. Rousey said that she wouldn’t be here at all without her hero “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, she said he was her inspiration for her MMA career and he wants to make him proud and the name he entrusted in her. Rousey said that she wants to earn our respect in this ring.
Triple H opened up the contract. Triple H said that to Rousey’s credit, she didn’t want anything special in this contract. Triple H talked about no special travel, no private cars and Rousey said she didn’t want anything different from anybody else. Triple H told Rousey she wants an invite to WrestleMania, but when she signs this contract she will be competing in a match at WrestleMania. Rousey said she appreciated the opportunity. Rousey was about to sign the contract while Triple H and Angle were having a conversation. Rousey asked Angle if he had anything to say. Angle said that Triple H and Stephanie wanted Rousey to manipulate Rousey ever since Rousey attacked them at WrestleMania 31 (Angle said WrestleMania 21 first by mistake) and Angle pointed out earlier that Hunter said that it was three years in the making and now they own “the bitch.” Hunter claimed Kurt wasn’t feeling well, so he wanted to get him out of there to get him to a doctor. Hunter and Kurt left the ring.
Stephanie told Ronda that she did embarrass them at WrestleMania, but they were also impressed by Ronda. Stephanie said let’s make this official and make Ronda a WWE superstar. Angle pointed out that Stephanie said that Ronda was a has been and that she thinks even she could take her. Rousey stared down Stephanie in the ring. Triple H went back into the ring to break it up. Rousey had a staredown with Triple H. Stephanie left the ring with Hunter. When Hunter walked towards Rousey, she picked him up and put Hunter through a table with a belly to belly suplex. Stephanie slapped Rousey in the face. Stephanie yelled at her, fans chanted “you fucked up” and Rousey just stared at Stephanie, who backed out of the ring. Rousey picked up the contract, signed it and the crowd cheered. Rousey put the contract onto the fallen Triple H. Rousey left to her theme song.
This had its flaws and all. I mean Ronda was still getting over the nerves and Angle botched a couple of things but overall it was good. It got the story they wanted to tell over and it looks as if we’re heading to Wrestlemania with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon facing off against Ronda Rousey and Kurt Angle. It looks like The Rock just couldn’t make it. Triple H taking the table bump and selling it just shows how dedicated he is to get over the companies most recent investment. Stephanie slapping Ronda and immediately knowing she fucked up was also great. Its like Triple H and Stephanie just realized they hired another uncontrollable monster. I wasn’t sure what made Angle randomly start snitch Triple H and Stephanie out but maybe it was his way to get revenge for Survivor Series where Triple H had him get eliminated by his own teammates. I’m actually looking forward to see how this plays out from here on.
Elimination Chamber
#1 Contender for the Universal Championship at Wrestlemania
Roman Reigns def. Braun Strowman, Seth Rollins, Finn Balor, Elias, John Cena & The Miz
in 40:15 via pinfall
I was really looking forward to this match and we’re here. The finish was predictable and it was received with a mix reaction by the fans. However the journey to get to that finish, which was the match itself, was fun. The Miz taunting all the participants already in pods during his entrance was funny. Rollins had some cool red tights which I dig because thats my favourite colour. As per Balor, he went full blue as if he was representing SD Live.
The match started with three guys which were Rollins, Balor and The Miz. John Cena came in as number 4 and there was a cool moment between Rollins and Cena. It was a throwback to their great rivalry from 2015. Roman Reigns entered next and dominated the match for a bit until Braun Strowman came in. Braun was clocking everyone besides The Miz who continuously ran away from Braun. At one point Miz tried getting away from him by climbing a pod only to have his head bashed into the glass on the side a bunch of times before getting tossed off the pod by Strowman onto a sea of wrestlers. This led to Miz being eliminated after a running powerslam. Elias was in next but wouldn’t leave his pod because he didn’t want to face off against Strowman. This led to Cena, Reigns, Rollins and Balor to team up against Strowman only to be taken down. They even did a Shield bomb on Strowman by all working together. Everyone hit their finishers on Strowman for two-counts and then they started to hit signature moves on each other. This led to Elias finally coming out to try to pick up a couple of easy eliminations on the down superstars but none of his attempts were successful. Strowman got back into the match and quickly eliminated Elias. The Drifter wasn’t in the match that long but contributed to the overall story.
Strowman then eliminated Cena after catching him with a running powerslam after Cena tried a top rope cross body. Balor was on fire for a bit until getting caught by Strowman to be eliminated after a running powerslam. It came down to Reigns, Rollins and Strowman.Reigns and Rollins worked together by sending Strowman into the cage repeatedly. Rollins sent Reigns into the cage. Rollins with a clothesline on Reigns. They each countered move and Rollins hit a Buckle Bomb into the corner, but Reigns came back with a Superman Punch, so both of them were in the ring with Strowman down on the mat outside the ring. Rollins hit a beautiful frog splash on Strowman from off a pod but only got a near fall. Strowman eventually caught Rollins with a running powerslam to eliminate him. Strowman eliminated 5 out of his 6 opponents.
It came down to Reigns and Strowman who had one of the most intense rivalries on 2017. They went back and forth and Strowman even went through the plexiglass of one of the pods. The finish came whentrowman went for a Powerslam, Reigns slipped out and hit a Superman Punch. Reigns hit a Spear and Strowman got back to his feet. Reigns hit another Spear and pinned Strowman to beat him and win the match.
It wasn’t a shocker that Roman Reigns was going to win but the match was entertaining with a lot of popular big names. Personally I would have loved Strowman to win because in my opinion Strowman should be the one to dethrone Lesnar. I think it would be even more perfect if he did so before Lesnar left for a while because this gives you a new unbeatable monster. I have zero interest in Reigns vs. Lesnar two but we can only wait and see if I have eat my own words. I appreciate the fact that they made Strowman look strong the entire match by having him eliminate everyone and even the beat down to Reigns after the match helped with keeping the Strowman momentum going. It’ll be interesting to see where everyone goes from here. This match was awesome though.
Rating – ****3/4
Final Thoughts
This event will always be remembered for the two chamber matches and rightfully so. Both matches were great and although the winners were very predictable the matches were memorable. Both Elimination Chamber matches had the right amount of storytelling and layers to make them fun to watch. The Ronda Rousey segment was pretty epic too even if there were some flaws and she seemed nervous on the mic. Once again, I suspect her to be great once she gets over her nerves and finds her groove. The three things that were made clear on this event were that Alexa Bliss would be walking into Wrestlemania as champion, Roman Reigns will be facing Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship at Wrestlemania and that Ronda Rousey will be competing in a match at Wrestlemania. As for everyone else, their Road to Wrestlemania is still up in the air and I’m looking forward to see how it all plays out from here, moving forward. DIG IT!
Final Rating – 6.5/10
What were your final thoughts on Elimination Chamber? What final grade would you give the event? Where would you rate it on a scale of ten? Do you agree with my review? Leave your comments, opinions and thoughts below in the comments section.