WWE Battleground Predictions
By TheWrestlingClassic on July 24, 2016
Is it just me or has it felt like ages since the last PPV and like it took a long time to get to this event. Its possible I feel that way because so much…
The WWE Cruiserweight Classic: A breath of fresh air from a stale world
By The Savior Joseph Reds on July 24, 2016
By Joseph Rojas, also @WelpThatsAThing on Twitter It is now Week 2 of the WWE Cruiserweight Classic. It is important to note that we aren’t looking ahead as it is pretaped. If you don’t know what…
WWE Superstars Review – 7/22/16
By Brian Leeman on July 24, 2016
Match #1 Summer Rae vs Alicia Fox Summer and Alicia lock up and Summer shoves her away. They tie up again and Alicia works over Summer’s arm until Summer pulls her down by the…
Smackdown Review 07/19/2016
By Wammys Universe on July 21, 2016
Finally! We are here! The long awaited WWE Draft is here! After weeks and weeks of WWE and even us hyping this, we are finally getting a Brand Split and weekly Smckadown Live! Can WWE…
RAW Review – 07/18/2016
By TheWrestlingClassic on July 21, 2016
Hello Misfits, it’s The Wrestling Classic here with this weeks Raw Review. This weeks Raw was highly anticipated as it was the night Shane and Stephanie McMahon were going to announce who would be the…
ECCW Ballroom Brawl 6 Results & Review
By TheWrestlingClassic on July 19, 2016
A couple of nights ago I got to attend my first ever ECCW Ballroom Brawl event at the Commodore Ballroom, and boy, did it ever make me upset that I missed out on the previous…
The WWE 2016 Brand Split
By TheWrestlingClassic on July 18, 2016
Hello ladies, gentlemen and TWC Misfits from all around. Tomorrow the WWE shakes things up again with bringing back the brand extension. Thus, having two separate rosters for both Raw and Smackdown. It’s a formula…
ECCW Ballroom Brawl 6 Predictions
By TheWrestlingClassic on July 16, 2016
Elite Canadian Championship Wrestling’s biggest event of the Summer, Ballroom Brawl 6 takes place tonight in Vancouver, BC Canada. ECCW has been a staple in independent wrestling here in the Pacific North West for over…
Smackdown Review 07/14/16
By Wammys Universe on July 15, 2016
Finally! It’s finally here! The final episode of Smackdown being previously taped! Its a new era of Smackdown, where the results won’t be ruined by online spoilers! We are just 5 days away from the…