WWE Superstars Review – 7/15/16
By Brian Leeman on July 15, 2016
Match #1 Summer Rae vs Becky Lynch Nattie on commentary for this. Becky with a bunch of different roll-up attempts early until Summer grabs the ropes and screams to get Becky away from her. Summer…
TNA IMPACT! Review 7/12/16
By Josh Masterson on July 12, 2016
Hey guys, it is the internet’s resident TNA and EVOLVE fanatic, back again with my what has become weekly Impact review. Since it was pretty late last week I decided to write the review as…
Raw Review – 07/11/2016
By TheWrestlingClassic on July 12, 2016
Hey everybody, its The Wrestling Classic here. Due to personal circumstances Kareem (@homeofwwe) won’t be able to commit to the weekly Raw Review for the Summer. Therefore, while I’m looking for a new Raw Review…
TWC Uncut & Uncensored w/ Gurv & Harv Sihra (The Bollywood Boyz) 7/10/16
By TheWrestlingClassic on July 10, 2016
I sit down with the Butterchicken Asskickin Bollywood Boyz as they talk about their wrestling career as individuals and as a tag team. They share with us stories about their journey and the sacrifices they…
TNA IMPACT! Review 7/5/16
By Josh Masterson on July 9, 2016
Impact opened up with some very entertaining build for Final Deletion. After that Maria introduces Mike Bennett and he comes out and cuts one of his typical promos. Dixie comes out and announces a match…
NJPW Kizuna Road 2016 Dual-Review (from Joe and Jordan)
By Jordan Bass on July 9, 2016
NJPW Kizuna Road 2016 (Day 6) Review David Finlay vs Chase Owens (Bullet Club, unfortunately) Joe: This was just about what I expected from these two. David Finlay continues to impress, I can’t wait for him to…
TWC Report #5 – 07/09/2016
By TheWrestlingClassic on July 9, 2016
Hello there, it’s The Wrestling Classic here, coming at you with a brand new TWC Report. Im back, and I apologize for not writing a TWC Report in almost over a month, but I have…
The Top Ten Matches of Randy Orton
By Brian Leeman on July 8, 2016
Disclaimer: These are merely my opinion and I’m willing to discuss with anyone that wants to talk about specific match. #10 Randy Orton vs Ric Flair – Taboo Tuesday 2004 (Steel Cage) This feud was…
WWE Superstars Review – 7/8/16
By Brian Leeman on July 8, 2016
Match #1 The Shining Stars vs Breezango And heel vs heel tag match? Primo and Epico come out with microphones and talk bad about the US and how greatly Puerto Rico is. Not a bad…