Raw Review – 06/27/2016
By TheWrestlingClassic on June 28, 2016
Hey everybody, its The Wrestling Classic here. Due to personal circumstances Kareem (@homeofwwe) won’t be able to commit to the weekly Raw Review for the Summer. Therefore, while I’m looking for a new Raw Review…
King of the Ring 2002 Review
By Brian Leeman on June 27, 2016
I was doing a week by week review of each Raw/SD/PPV from the brand split and on. I stopped enjoying writing out things for every week so now I’m just doing PPVs and giving backstories…
WWE Superstars Review – 6/24/16
By Brian Leeman on June 25, 2016
Match #1 Golden Truth vs The Ascension Goldust and Truth come out with Truth rapping. Even at their ages these guys are still very over. Welcome back to the ring, Konnor! Goldust with a shoulder…
Smackdown Review 06/23/2016
By Wammys Universe on June 23, 2016
It’s been less than a week since Dean Ambrose won the WWE World Title on Money in the Bank. The Shield triple threat was announced for Battleground and Roman Reigns got suspended for 30 days…
RAW Review – 06/20/2016
By TheWrestlingClassic on June 22, 2016
Hey everybody, its The Wrestling Classic here. Due to personal circumstances Kareem (@homeofwwe) won’t be able to commit to the weekly Raw Review for the Summer. Therefore, while I’m looking for a new Raw Review…
TNA IMPACT! Review 6/21/16
By Josh Masterson on June 21, 2016
Hey guys, it is Josh Masterson, the internet’s resident TNA and EVOLVE freak. Today was my last day of school so now I can start doing Impact reviews somewhat regularly. I was pretty excited for…
Money in the Bank Review 06/19/16
By TheWrestlingClassic on June 19, 2016
Hello Misfits! It’s only been hours since Money in the Bank went off the air and damn was it ever an unforgettable event. I enjoyed the show top to bottom and the ending didnt have…
WWE Money in the Bank Predictions
By TheWrestlingClassic on June 19, 2016
It has been years ever since the match that was a staple to Wrestlemania for a handful of years became big enough to have it own PPV, yet the PPV continues to over deliver. That…
WWE Superstars Review – 6/17/16
By Brian Leeman on June 17, 2016
Match #1 Summer Rae vs Sasha Banks Yes! David Otunga is doing Superstars now too! However so is Dolph. And as much as I love Dolph, it feels like he couldn’t care less what’s going…